My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 201 Homecoming

Chapter 201 Homecoming
Su Ze went to Changningwei again, and under the leadership of his old grandfather, he worshiped the ancestors in the ancestral hall.

In this world, Su Ze is the nephew of the Ninth Aunt. After worshiping the ancestors in the ancestral hall, the Changning Guard held a three-day banquet.

This is the rural examination solution!
This is Juren!
Not to mention juren, Changningwei has not even produced a single scholar since its establishment!
What is the identity of Xie Yuan in the township examination?That is, you don't have to bow down when you see the county magistrate, and he is the number one person in Nanping County!

Back then when Su Ze was just a scholar, several surrounding villages recognized Chang Ningwei as his younger brother, and now several surrounding villages even beat gongs and drums and sent congratulatory gifts one after another.

The Beishan Chen family, who once fought with Changning Wei, was also beaming. The Chen family and his son did not expect that last year's investment would pay off so quickly.

After Jianxi was dredged, Beishan Village never suffered from water shortages. Later, the Chen family tied themselves firmly to Changningwei, and the grandson of the patriarch Chen was also sent to study in Changningwei's health school.

Now the teacher of the grandson of Chen's parents has become the Jieyuan of the township examination!What a blessing!The Chen family father and son hurriedly brought presents and sent them to Changning Wei to congratulate them.

"Brother Aze! This is what my brother gave you!"

The little carrot head Lin Liangjun brought a small wooden box, and Su Ze opened it to see that it was a model of a small wooden boat.

The model of this small wooden boat is very exquisite, and the details are also very delicate. Su Ze quickly recognized that it was a Carrick sailing boat.

This is a Spanish ship used for ocean voyages, and it is not known where Lin Mojun got the model ship.

Su Ze couldn't put it down when he saw this model ship. Lin Liangjun couldn't help stretching out his claws like a bear who saw a hand-made model, and was slapped off by Su Ze.

Lin Liangjun covered her paws and said, "Stingy! My brother won't let me touch it, and Brother Aze won't let me touch it either!"

Lin Liangjun looked at the model boat and said, "Brother Aze, why did my brother give you this toy when you got into Juren?"

Su Ze picked up the model boat and said, "What do you know, this is not a toy."

"what is this?"

"This is the future."

Su Ze put the model ship back into the box. Sure enough, in this world, only Lin Mojun knew her aspirations best.

After three days of feasting, Su Ze finally experienced the joy of Han Gaozu returning home, but he still had a lot of things to do. Su Ze bid farewell to his hometown elders and hurried to Nanping City.

Many people in Nanping City knew Su Ze. As soon as Su Ze entered the city, everyone shouted: "Duke Xie Yuan is back!"

Compared with the street parade in Fuzhou Prefecture, Nanping County is more enthusiastic. This is the first Jieyuan in Nanping County since the opening of the National Dynasty in Nanping County!
In any case, it's good to rub Su Ze's joy!

Fang Aizhu hurried forward and stood in front with the villagers of Changningwei, allowing Su Ze to squeeze out from the crowd.

Su Ze finally arrived at the gate of the county government office, and Bai Zhixian was already standing in front of the gate to greet him.

"Xie Yuangong!"

Baizhi County saluted Su Ze with the etiquette of the same generation, and Su Ze quickly performed the etiquette for the elders:

"The teacher is here, Su Ze dare not call Xie Yuangong."

The magistrate of Bai County is quite happy, Juren can already be an official, and Su Ze can be a school official as long as he is willing to go to the Ministry of Officials in the capital now.

As long as there are no problems with the school officer, he can be promoted to the county magistrate in a remote area after one or two terms, and Su Ze is still Jie Yuan, and the future is limitless.

Baizhi County has already looked at Su Ze with the eyes of his peers.

There are not many scholars in Nanping County with Juren diplomas, and the attitude of Baizhi County is normal.

But Su Ze was not arrogant, but treated himself like a teacher, and Baizhi County felt very useful.

Hit the road!This son is really on the road!

The magistrate of Bai County was more enthusiastic, and he dragged Su Ze into the county government office.

"Brother Su Xian, Juren already has an official status. Your teacher is Haijiaoyu, and your room teacher is Inspector Wang. Remember it."

"Thank you for your teaching, Master!"

Seeing that Su Ze is so up-to-date, Baizhi County is still a good brother, but he didn't correct Su Ze to call him the old man.

The subordinate officials around are carefully serving them. The provincial examination is a carp jumping over the dragon's gate, and ordinary scholar county officials can still bully them with their power. Juren is different. Juren is an official, and he can write letters to other officials, and even Play the imperial court.

Juren entered the county government for trial and did not need to be punished, and he did not need to go to prison unless it was a serious crime.

And this one is even more heavyweight, the close and virtuous younger brother of the magistrate of Baizhi County, the son-in-law of Chenglong Kuai who was the former magistrate of Fangfu, and the favorite student of the county Xuehai Bijia, how dare an ordinary county official offend him.

Bai Zhixian led Su Ze into the back house, and the accompanying county officials had already retreated, so Bai Zhixian asked:
"Have you ever gone to the county school to meet your mentor?"

"The student has just returned to the county seat, so he first came to pay his respects to the elder."

The magistrate of Bai County was very happy, and said: "Respect the teacher, the teacher should be the first, but I also want to tell you a good news, your teacher is going to be promoted!"

Su Ze was shocked. Hai Rui had only been in Nanping for a year, so it stands to reason that it would be difficult to be promoted so quickly if he didn't serve as an academic officer for three to five years.

Bai Zhixian said: "It turns out that your father-in-law didn't tell you. After Mr. Fang arrived in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, he recommended Hai Gangfeng to the imperial court. I heard that the imperial court appointed him as the county magistrate of Chun'an, Zhejiang. The appointment document is already on the way."

Su Ze looked at Baizhi County in surprise, feeling the change of the historical timeline and the ability to converge.

Hai Rui was promoted to the county magistrate of Chun'an from Nanping Jiaoyu, but he was recommended by Xu Jie, the second assistant of the cabinet, in the 37th year of Jiajing.

As for why Xu Jie was able to recommend Hai Rui, it was naturally because Xu Jie had been an official in Yanping Mansion, and Yanping Mansion also had Xu Jie's former students and former officials.

Being a student or old official, this is a very powerful political influence, and it is also an official's subordinate.

Yan Song was able to firmly control the power of the cabinet, and Xu Jie was unable to stand up because of his protégés and old officials.

And Xu Jie was able to fight Yan Song for so many years because of his own disciples and old officials.

It was only 34 years since Jiajing, and Hai Rui was recommended by his future father-in-law, and he went to Chun'an as the magistrate, Su Ze felt very strange.

Bai Zhixian said: "Zhejiang is in chaos now, but it is also in chaos. Hai Gangfeng will be able to make a career when he takes office. I haven't told him the news yet. I will talk to him later when you go to visit. Speak."

Knowing that this was the news that Baizhi County had received in advance, Su Ze asked himself to announce the good news to Hai Rui. He quickly thanked Baizhi County.

Baizhi County said again: "There is one more thing, the county has also gone south after waiting for a few months."

Su Ze said quickly: "Congratulations, sir!"

Thinking about it, Baizhi County was already in Nanping County when the previous magistrate was there. Now that he has gone through two magistrates, it is his turn to be promoted.

Baizhixian said with a smile: "We still have to wait until Xinzhi County arrives and hand over the seal of Guanfang before going south."

Normal promotions can only be left after the handover. Fang Zhifu is a special promotion, so he left so quickly. Baizhi County has to continue the affairs of the county and wait until the new Nanping County magistrate arrives.

"Going south?"

The magistrate of Baixian said with a smile: "I am going to be the magistrate of Guangfu in Guangdong next."

Guangfu?Isn't it Guangzhou Prefecture?

Su Ze's eyes lit up, Guangzhou is the largest port in the south of Ming Dynasty!

Moreover, Macau, the only port in Ming Dynasty that has connections with the West, is also under the rule of the Guangzhou government!

Su Ze said quickly: "Guangfu is the most important town in the south, congratulations to Governor Bai!"

Gao Sheng's Bai Zhifu was in a very happy mood, accepted Su Ze's congratulations, and finally said:
"Ru Lin, you should study hard. Next year is the examination year. You are Jieyuan in the provincial examination. You should be able to pass the Jinshi. But you can study for a few more years and participate in the examination in four years."

The magistrate Bai said earnestly: "I took the provincial examination for many years, and I was busy going to the examination as soon as I passed the Juren examination. In the end, although I won the Jinshi, the grade was too low, so I was finally awarded the county magistrate."

This is not Versailles in Baizhi County. The first time the imperial examination has a great impact on the future. If you are a first-class and second-class, and the grade is young, you can participate in the selection of the hall, which is the examination of the Hanlin Academy. Once you enter the Hanlin, you will be the reserve of the country. Prime Minister, that is, the future prime minister of the country.

And the rest can act as speech officers. The Sixth Division gives Shizhong and the Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate extremely heavy responsibilities, and it will be the turn of Yan Maoqing to go out to do errands. If he does well, he can be promoted when he returns.

As for the low-ranking Jinshi in Baizhi County, they can only slowly suffer from the county magistrate.

Baizhi County also has a backstage relationship, so it has operated to the fat position of Guangzhou prefect.

Therefore, many people who performed well in the local examinations in the Ming Dynasty would wait a few years before taking the general examinations.

Su Ze is young anyway, and he will take the exam every three years, even if he participates in the meeting after four years.

However, Prefect Bai didn't know Su Ze's thoughts of rebellion, so Su Ze just cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, sir."

Bai Zhixian said again: "After the new year, Ru Lin will go to the Guozijian to be imprisoned, and we in Fujian can enter the Nanjing Guozijian."

Su Ze nodded and said, "I'm also planning to enter the Nanjing Imperial College first."

"Entrance to prison is just a formality, but these years, the examinations of inmates have been strict. Ru Lin will see when the time comes, whether to study in Nanzhili or at home."

Juren with local household registration in Nanping is basically not in Nanping now.

According to Master Hongwu's design, if you pass the exam, you will go to the Imperial College to study. Only those who are in the Imperial College can participate in the examination.

But in fact, due to the increasingly stretched hips of the Guozijian, most of the Juren are unwilling to take classes in the Guozijian, and they will choose to study abroad or stay at home.

This is also the reason why Nanping County doesn't have any young people with crowns and belts, apart from official officials.

Baizhi County has also been in prison, and he taught some experience on how to catch fish in Guozijian. Su Ze is naturally grateful again.

Prefect Bai was in a good mood, and he said again: "Eunuch Tao is making a lot of trouble. I heard that you have many contacts with Eunuch Tao? This is not good for the reputation of us scholars, Ru Lin be careful."

Su Ze said: "Eunuch Tao really wants to do things for Fujian. If I oppose him because he is a eunuch, wouldn't that mean putting a little bit of my reputation above the common people? I won't do it!"

"This time I came to the county government office to present to the Grand Master Tao Gonggong's plan for governing the Minjiang River."

Su Ze took out the hydrological map, pointed to the Minjiang River and said:

"The Minjiang River converges in Nanping. To govern Minjiang, the Minjiang River is governed first, and the Minjiang River is governed in Nanping!"

In fact, Baizhi County is about to step down, and he didn't want to get involved in such a troublesome matter of water control.

But looking at Su Ze's face, he still said: "That's true, but Ru Lin, what suggestion do you have?"

Su Ze said: "Water storage is used as a dam behind Jiufeng Mountain. This is where the three rivers converge. It only needs to dig through these few places to store water."

"If there is water from the upstream, the dam can store water for flood control, and if the water is dry, the water in the dam can be slowly released for disaster relief."

Baizhi County carefully looked at Su Ze's plan. The construction volume was indeed not large, and the design was also very ingenious. He sighed, "Ru Lin is a great talent!"

Su Ze struck again while the iron was hot and said, "Eunuch Tao paid the money this time, and the manpower has already been recruited. We only need to recruit workers to complete the water storage project before the typhoon. To build a stele, there must be the name of the Grand Master."

Hearing this, Baizhi county was moved.

Can that scholar refuse the honor recorded by the monument?
There is also Su Causeway and Bai Causeway in Hangzhou, which is the status of famous ministers through the ages.

The Minjiang River was severely flooded. The Minjiang River flooded twice in the four years since Baizhi County arrived in Nanping.

Su Ze's project looks reliable, and Eunuch Tao paid for the money, so it's not an abuse of people's power.

Ordinary people are definitely willing to do it if they have money, and they can lie down and receive credit for it.

Bai Zhixian said now: "Then start work as soon as possible, then please Ru Lin to take care, don't cause any civil uprising."

Su Ze said on the spot: "Naturally!"

After Su Ze came out of the government office, he finally realized the benefits of being a Juren.

The benefits of raising people are not only the privilege of not kneeling before officials, nor the benefits of tax exemption.

In the Jiajing year, the control of preferential exemption was still very strict. The official land tax was unavoidable, and only the servants were exempted.

That is to say, people who donate under Su Ze's name can be exempted from the imperial court's corvee service.

There are only two people who are exempted from military service. In fact, this is the most basic welfare, which is similar to the monthly food allowance of two taels of silver for county students.

The biggest benefit of juren is status.

After being admitted to Juren, one has the status of an official, and the relationship with those officials is the relationship between officials and officials, not the relationship between officials and the people before.

This is the bureaucracy's own people.

And as one of his own, he has influence. For example, Su Ze can influence the decision-making of Baizhi County, and as long as Su Ze speaks, the county can give Changning Wei some benefits at will.

This is also the source of power for many juren disasters in the countryside. The masters of the county government often change, and they have to maintain a good relationship with the local juren when they come. These juren living at home can influence local officials and form the so-called gentry.

Su Ze sighed with emotion, it's no wonder that the local power of Daming is so strong.

Immediately afterwards, Su Ze went to visit Hai Rui again, and told Hai Rui the news that he was recommended by Fang Zhifu and was promoted to be the magistrate of Chun'an County.

As a scholar, Hai Rui naturally wanted to serve as an official to benefit one party, and he was naturally very happy to be in charge of the party.

Next, Su Ze changed into coarse clothes, led Fang Aizhu and Changning Wei to protect his Xiangyong, and plunged into the farm near Jiufeng Mountain.

This is Su Ze's second fieldwork in the villages near Nanping.

(End of this chapter)

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