My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 203 Surrounding 3 Missing 1

Chapter 203
Huang Shixing looked at Su Ze with resentful eyes and shouted: "The dignified Xin Ke Jie Yuan! He even colluded with eunuchs! Su Ze, you have lost all the faces of scholars!"

Su Ze ignored Huang Shixing, but his words offended Eunuch Tao.

When he left the palace, he was scolded as a eunuch, and he was also labeled as an eunuch and a power eunuch. Eunuch Tao was often looked down upon by scholars along the way.

When he arrived in Nanping, he plunged into the mint to mint coins without resting for a moment.

Eunuch Tao has also seen all of Su Ze's water control plans. The land of Jiufeng Mountain was originally occupied by these big families, digging rivers to open up wasteland, causing floods downstream, and now they are blaming themselves for power?
Eunuch Tao angrily patted the sedan chair and said:
"The miscellaneous family was ordered by the emperor to mint coins, and today they are also ordered to redeem your family's mansion. What are you talking about occupying the people's land!"

Su Ze complained secretly. Sure enough, his father-in-law's political consciousness is not high. These words gave Huang Shixing an excuse.

Sure enough, Huang Shixing immediately said:
"Emperor's order? Your Majesty only asked you to mint coins. When did you let you rule the river? You, a power eunuch, took the opportunity to occupy the people's fields! I, Huang Shixing, will fight to the end with my life!"

No wonder the eunuchs bickered but couldn't compete with scholars. Huang Shixing, who couldn't even pass the exam, had such fighting power. The only eunuch who could suppress hundreds of officials in the Ming Dynasty was an illiterate eunuch.

Eunuchs should make good use of their professional advantages, and bickering with scholars is really not the scope of your eunuch's business.

Su Ze could only stand up and say: "The imperial court ordered Mr. Tao to supervise the minting of coins. The purpose of repairing the Minjiang River this time is to issue new coins, which is part of the dredging of money laws."

"I came here to control the Minjiang River, not for the family's private plans."

Then Su Ze took out the document sent by the Huang family to the county government: "This is the number of acres of fields filed by the Huang family in the Bijia Pavilion of the county government. Mr. Tao bought your field at the highest price for the highest-grade paddy fields in Nanping, so what? Can it be regarded as fighting for the interests of the people?"

When Huang Shixing saw the document, his eyes turned green.

Reclaiming wasteland can only be exempted from tax for three years. Only a small part of Huang’s land in Jiufeng Mountain was reclaimed by himself, some were reclaimed by merging refugees fleeing from famine, and some were forced to sell by small landlords.

Regardless of whether it is the land reclaimed by the victims or the land sold, the area reported by the county government is far less than the actual area.

The price of high-quality paddy fields is indeed not low, but if the purchase is based on the number of acres, the Huang family will suffer a lot.

"This is the land of my Huang family! Don't sell it!"

Su Ze pointed to Huang Shixing and said, "Your family invaded the embankment, and the upper reaches of the Minjiang River were unable to store water, causing flooding in the lower reaches. These lands must be cleared."

Huang Shixing knew that he couldn't quarrel with Su Ze. The imperial court had established a system to buy land for water conservancy and road projects, and Su Ze used the name of river control again.

Huang Shixing said to the family behind him: "Go, mobilize the tenant farmers, and say that the government will take back the land, so that they have no land to grow!"

The servant left immediately, and immediately went to the manor to mobilize the tenants.

Sure enough, when they heard that the government was going to occupy their fields, these tenant farmers rushed over with their farm tools.

Seeing the black tenant farmers, Eunuch Tao is also scared now.

You can't be cowardly, he, Eunuch Tao, can use the name of the emperor to bully the squire, and the squire also has a counter weapon, which is to threaten him in the name of the people.

If there was a civil uprising, with the personality of the man in the palace, he would not hesitate to use Tao Gonggong's head to appease the local people.

Eunuch Tao was scared, but Su Ze naturally couldn't. He stood in front of him, and the tenant farmers who rushed up with farm tools saw Su Ze's appearance clearly and stopped immediately.

A few days ago, Su Ze came to the village to treat these people. The old man who was the leader was the shirtless She citizen. The tenant farmers who had just shouted "Down with the dog" fell silent.

Su Ze said loudly: "Folks, the government wants to control the water and build a reservoir in Jiufeng Mountain, and the Huang family's fields will be bought with money."

"Eunuch Tao has also thought of you. He will pay you to build the dam. The construction period will be half a year. The wages will be the same as those of the young men who built the dam. A new money of [-] yuan will be given every month, which will be converted into [-] yuan!"

Su Ze then said it again in She people's language, and then yelled at Jiangxi old cousin in Jiangxi dialect.

The last time Su Ze treated people in the village, he had already accumulated some reputation. When he called out like this, everyone was moved.

Farming for the Huang family earns some rations throughout the year, and sometimes they don't even earn rations.

According to Su Ze's conditions, half a year's construction period is enough for them to earn money for several years.

Su Ze said:
"I am trying to solve Yuan Suze in Fuxiang, Fujian this year. I will guarantee you to Baizhi County and register you as a householder."

Now many people put down the farm tools in their hands, fell to their knees and wept bitterly.

Family household Qimin, in the Ming Dynasty, without a household registration, it was difficult to move an inch. If it weren't for the war in his hometown, who would leave his hometown and become a black household.

The same is true for these She people in the mountains. They have been looking forward to it for a long time.

Seeing that his tenants were betrayed by Su Ze's two words, Huang Shixing was so angry that he was about to faint.

Eunuch Tao happily sat on the sedan chair.

Sure enough, it would be great to have scholars to help!Eunuch Tao once again realized the importance of knowledge.

Su Ze made these tenants quit with a few words, leaving Huang Shixing speechless.

Eunuch Tao has never been so happy since he left the palace. Facing the impeachment and abuse of these scholars, he had no way to retaliate before.

I suffered from being uneducated!
It seems that everything has been recovered today, and I am very proud.

Eunuch Tao simply asked someone to bring out a box of three immortal coins, and paid half a month's salary in advance in person.

Anyway, the project is also for the purpose of spreading coins, and what the miscellaneous players are playing is a tyrannical one!
After doing this, even the eyes of the four servants around Huang Shixing became straight.

This eunuch is really throwing money away!

Huang Shixing also realized that something was wrong, and he immediately said to the four servants:
"Let's go, let's go down the mountain to the county seat!"

Huang Shixing went down the mountain quickly. Eunuch Tao looked at Su Ze and asked, "Duke Xie Yuan, can we start work?"

Su Ze shook his head and said, "Eunuch Tao, have you forgotten what we are here for?"

Eunuch Tao has been brought into the position of a righteous eunuch and an eunuch who has managed the floods of the Minjiang River through the ages. He said righteously:

"Of course it is for the people of Fujian to control the water!"

Who doesn't want to stand up and do good things for the people? Even eunuchs like Tao Gonggong, who don't study, have courage and pride when they control the water.

The young eunuchs and civilian husbands around looked sideways, and looked at Eunuch Tao with respect in their eyes.

While Eunuch Tao was enjoying this look, Su Ze reminded: "Eunuch, we are here for the Song money in the hands of those big households."

Eunuch Tao immediately came to his senses. His mission was to mint and distribute coins, and he also wanted to make money.

Why did I forget my original intention of making money? Eunuch Tao looked at Su Ze and said:

"Will the Huang family spit out the old money in their hands without this Zhuangzi?"

Su Ze shook his head and said, "The Huang family has a big business, what is a village? Anyone who can build a farm on Jiufeng Mountain will not be hurt by this little land."

Eunuch Tao became anxious all of a sudden, he was too involved in the drama just now, and now he realized that he was doing it to make money!

The Zhuangzi of the Huang family is flat, and his father-in-law Tao can't get the money!
I'm not afraid to offend these squires, but it's terrible to offend these squires and not get any money!

Su Ze smiled and said, "Such a farm won't hurt the Huang family, but a lawsuit is indeed possible. Father-in-law, let's set up camp to survey the hydrology first, and wait for the Huang family to come to the lawsuit. The bigger the lawsuit, the better!"

Eunuch Tao looked at Su Ze blankly, but out of his trust in Su Ze, he asked the peasant husband to build a shed on a high ground, and he actually took people down on the mountain.

Su Ze didn't expect Eunuch Tao to be able to endure hardships so much. Eunuch Tao said:

"What's the matter, when the Zajia first entered the palace, it was much more difficult to wash the pail in Yeting than now, Xie Yuangong, the wealth of the Zajia is all on your shoulders!"

Su Ze looked at the old eunuch's face, nodded and said, "Don't worry, father-in-law, the Huang family must spit out the hoarded old money!"

Huang Shixing ran back to Nanping County in a hurry, and while sending his cronies to report to the family, he found Zhang Sijing.

"It's unreasonable! You said that this stray dog ​​wants to seize the people's land!"

Zhang Sijing slapped the handrail angrily, he stood up and walked around the hall and said:
"No! We must not let the dog succeed!"

Zhang Sijing walked around the hall three times before saying:

"Have you filed a complaint at the county government?"

Huang Shixing said blankly, "Sue? Who?"

Eunuch Tao was sent by the emperor to redeem the fields of Huang's family in the name of building a reservoir. Is it possible that he has to go to the county government to sue Eunuch Tao?
Zhang Sijing said with a smile: "Who told you to sue Eunuch Tao, you contact those who have farms in Wufeng Mountain, and you sue each other for the land!"

"As long as you sue, I, as the pusher of the Yanping government, can stop the project on Wufeng Mountain in the name of the government."

Huang Shixing's eyes lit up, yes!As long as the lawsuit starts and the lawsuit is dragged until Eunuch Tao returns to the capital, won't the farm on Wufeng Mountain be saved?

Zhang Sijing said again: "As a prefectural official, the government office cannot directly accept the lawsuit. You should go to the Nanping county government office to sue first!"

Huang Shixing came out of Zhang Sijing's house in a hurry, and he immediately joined forces in Nanping County. These big families with land on Wufeng Mountain immediately joined forces and sued the county government under the pretext of the other party's encroachment on their own land.

Huang Shixing was running around in Nanping City these days, and he had to get through the relationship with the county government. He was very busy, while Tao Gonggong and Su Ze were stationed on Wufeng Mountain, and they didn't have the slightest intention of making a move.

As a scholar, Baizhi County naturally understands the calculations of these big households. According to the agreement with Su Ze, he temporarily suppressed the lawsuits against the big households. The big households in the city have another activity and sent a lot of money to the county government.

Huang Shixing soon discovered that he had miscalculated one thing, and that was the cost of going to court.

After all, Huang Shixing was young, so he asked someone to write a pleading paper and sent it to the county government to sue. He spent a lot of effort, but Sun Dianshi of the county government rejected the lawsuit.

Sun Dianshi of the punishment room had already been ordered by Su Ze. As a veteran official of the county government, he first blocked these big lawsuits with the precepts of Hongwu ancestors.

According to Lord Hongwu's rules, in order to prevent civil disputes, civil lawsuits must first be mediated at the Shenming Pavilion at the gate of the county government.

Since ancient times, the yamen opened to the south, and no one could come in without money.

The criminal house of the county government procrastinated and failed to file a case, and it was heard from the mountain that Eunuch Tao wanted to forcibly redeem the money again. Huang Shixing lost his mind and sent a large amount of money to the county government again.

Huang Shixing originally wanted to give away old money, but Sun Dianshi refused to accept it. This forced the Huang family, which was short of money, to pawn some antiques to make up money.

Finally, they bypassed the mediation of the punishment room, and the case was delivered to Baizhi County, where another tugging began.

It was supplementary information again, and the county government sent people to the mountain Zhangtian again, so it dragged on for a few days.

And Eunuch Tao is already preparing to dig the embankment, which is about to submerge the newly opened paddy fields of Huang's family.

Huang Shixing's heart was broken, and he listed the printing workshop he bought at a high price.

Huang Shixing spent hundreds of taels of silver in this printing shop, but before he could negotiate the price, the printing shop was closed by the county government again.

An exasperated Huang Shixing inquired, and it was Chen Chaoyuan from the editorial department of Pai Fan Jing who filed a complaint with the county government, saying that Huang's printing workshop had pirated "Guwen Guanzhi".

Huang Shixing's anger was immediately vented. If he was in another county, this lawsuit could still be fought a dozen times.

In Nanping, this lawsuit cannot be fought at all.

There are two editors of "Guwen Guanzhi", one is Xie Yuan Suze for this Fujian township test!One is Hai Rui, the county education instructor who was transferred to the magistrate of Zhejiang Province!
Without much effort, the yamen servants in the punishment room found the engravings of Gu Wen Guan Zhi privately engraved in the printing workshop of Huang's family.

Now there is no need to quibble, the county government directly sealed off the printing workshop, and no one in the entire Nanping City came to inquire about the price.

Huang Shixing vomited blood in anger, but the lawsuit had reached this point, and it was obvious that it could no longer be stopped.

The Tuiguan Zhang Sijing is in charge of the criminal proceedings in Yifu, but the government office is the higher-level yamen of the county government, which means that Zhang Tuiguan is an intermediate court.

When the county government, the primary court, has not completed its judgment, Zhang Tuiguan cannot bypass the county government and directly intervene in the case.

As long as the party concerned refuses to accept the judgment of the county government, then he can appeal to the government government, and Zhang Sijing will have a chance to intervene.

Baizhi County dragged on, and Eunuch Tao proposed to buy it again, so the Huang family could only continue to pawn the property and send the money to the county government, and finally waited for the county government's judgment.

When Zhang Sijing heard the news, Huang Shixing immediately refused to accept the verdict and sued the government office again.

Zhang Sijing issued a verdict on the spot, and all the households in Wufeng Mountain were fighting for property. Before the investigation was clear, the yamen servants of the government government seized all the farms!

The yamen servants of the government office went up the mountain and finally stopped to build the Wufengshan dam.

After tossing and tossing for seven days, the Huang family led these big households to spend nearly a thousand taels of silver before they could be considered to have obtained a government judgment that "the land in dispute is pending investigation, and the redemption is suspended".

The Huang family finally realized that the fields on this mountain are not worth so much money?
At this time, a rumor spread in Nanping City.

Eunuch Tao is willing to pay three times the price of the paddy fields to buy back the land on Wufeng Mountain, but he needs the government to verify the area and there is no land in dispute.

The big families who had followed the Huang family to sue secretly made another move.

 For the story of lawsuits in the Ming Dynasty, if you are interested, you can read "Da Ming under the Microscope".

  Of course, the real power struggle is Maozi rebelling after drinking too much. The most real business war is the unlimited fight between Musk and Zuckerberg. Hahaha, the world is more magical than fiction, happy
  Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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