My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 207 Sailing Macau

Chapter 207 Sailing Macau
Sitting on the modified New World, Su Ze closed the book in his hand, stood up and looked at the waves in the distance.

Lin Mojun walked up to him and said, "If you stay in Nanping, if you insist on coming together, isn't it just a trip to Macau?"

It is now late October, the sea storm has gradually dissipated, and it has entered the busy navigation season.

This is the first sea voyage of the New World after the repair, and the destination is Macau, the stronghold of the Portuguese in East Asia.

For this voyage, Changningwei can be said to have made sufficient preparations.

Several ships were dismantled, and the bottom artillery deck was replaced with the finest wood so that it could bear the recoil of the artillery fire.

After Su Ze's design and modification, the New Century has 8 cannons on both sides of the ship, and one cannon at the bow and stern. This kind of firepower is top-notch in the entire East Asia.

In addition to the artillery, a team of 50 gunners was the biggest combat force on this trip. In order to carry so many people, Su Ze even pulled a lot less cargo.

Alfonso, the former captain of the New World, and Pierre, the ship's priest, were also brought on board by Su Ze.

Maritime trade is getting more and more busy, and there is no "deer king" to maintain order in the sea area of ​​Fujian, and it has degenerated more quickly into the dark forest period of the law of the jungle.

An armed merchant ship becomes a merchant ship when it enters the port, and a pirate ship when it reaches the sea. All this reminds Su Ze of the game of big fish eating small fish on the mobile phone before crossing.

The small fish needs to carefully avoid the big fish to avoid being swallowed by the big fish, and the small fish has to chase and kill the smaller fish.

The only good news is that the New World is currently the largest "fish" in the South China Sea. All ships will move away from the New World and dare not approach it.

"If you want to trade, you can go to Yuegang directly. Why do you want to go to Macau?"

"Some places have to be seen with your own eyes, and some deals have to be negotiated in person."

Lin Mojun didn't understand why Su Ze went all the way south to Macau to find some kind of shop of Francine.

However, it is not a long distance. With the sailing speed of the New World, it only takes seven days to travel from Changningwei to Macau. The sea route is much faster than the land route.

Su Ze also lamented the efficiency of the age of great voyages. Although it can't be compared with the later generations who can circle the earth in more than ten hours by plane, sea navigation has indeed greatly shortened the travel time.

It only takes thirteen days to go from Macau to Malacca with a downwind, and it only takes a few months to sail across the ocean. However, the death rate of the routes across the oceans is still high, and most routes still travel along the coastline.

For Lin Mojun, this is also the first time she has sailed to such a distant destination.

The main task of the coastal guards is to patrol the sea area. In the past, the lucky boats of Changning Guards rarely left Changning Guards too far.

Lin Mojun is very new to maneuvering this sailboat, and she has a strong learning ability. After studying with Captain Alfonso for a period of time, she has mastered the manipulation method of this sailboat.

Lin Mojun enjoyed the feeling of galloping on the sea, the only thing that made her feel an eyesore was Su Ze who insisted on following.

From Lin Mojun's point of view, the son of a daughter can't sit still, and Su Zeyuan, a majestic Fujianese, doesn't need to go on a sea adventure with her at all.

From Lin Mojun's point of view, going to sea is something rough people like them do. Every time they go to sea, there is a great risk. Even a large ship with sufficient firepower like the New World is helpless in the face of wind and waves at sea.

Fortunately, according to Captain Alfonso's chart, he will be approaching Macau soon, and the voyage is finally coming to an end.

Everything else is fine, except that every night when the stars rise, Su Ze drags Lin Mojun to look at the star map, and then calculates the latitude and longitude, which is too annoying. I don't know how Su Ze's brain grows.

Lin Mojun glanced at Su Ze again, and tentatively asked him a few days ago if he wanted to dock at Quanzhou Port. Su Ze said that he was going to Macau for business, which made Lin Mojun feel better.

The firepower of the New World was the highest in the entire South China Sea, and there were only other ships to let her along the way. Lin Mojun also began to enjoy the voyage.

"The last time you said that the Japanese pirates who fought in Zhejiang belonged to the Bungo daimyo Otomo's family. Are these daimyos of the Wa country the princes entrusted by the Wa king?"

Su Ze shook his head and said, "It's not so much a prince, it's better to say it's a Jiedu envoy. The war in Japan is endless, and all kinds of ambitious people are on stage to sing. This Bungo Otomo's family is just a powerful name in northern Kyushu."

Lin Mojun asked: "That is to say, the one who cooperated with Xu Feng is Bungou Otomo's family?"

Su Ze nodded and said: "The reason why the Japanese pirates have been repeatedly raided is that their lairs are all overseas."

"The collaborator behind Wang Zhi, the owner of Wufeng, is the Shimadzu family of the Satsuma domain. This is a daimyo entrenched in southern Kyushu. Kagoshima is also the sphere of influence of the Satsuma family."

"You scholars, do you really know some spells? How do you know everything that is thousands of miles away?"

Lin Mojun always feels deeply frustrated at times like this. Although Su Ze has never been out at sea, he can analyze the affairs at sea well, even the situation in Wa country is clear.

I'm afraid that the general manager of Fujian was not as good as Su Ze in his understanding of the country.

Su Ze raised the book in his hand and said, "I read it all from this book."

Lin Mojun looked over and saw that the book was full of letters like ghostly symbols. She had seen these characters from Captain Alfonso's logbook, and she couldn't help asking: "Isn't this the French language?"

Su Ze nodded and said: "This is a book written by a famous adventurer, Pinto, called "Pinto". disease, he was honored as a guest by Dayou Yijian, and he published this book after he returned from Wa Kingdom, which I found in the book I bought in Yuegang."

A book written by Frangji and published in Flangji language that introduces the situation in Japan.

Lin Mojun felt even more bizarre that Su Ze learned about the situation of the Wa country thousands of miles away.

"What else is in the book?"

Su Ze opened the page and said:

"Bungo Daimyo was very interested in the bird gun, and asked Pinto to buy the bird gun, but the chamber exploded during the test firing, and almost killed Otomo Yoshijin, the successor of Otomo Yoshikan, and Pinto was almost executed by the Japanese. .”

"and then?"

"Pinto found that Otomo Yoshijin's injury was not as serious as it seemed, but his thumb was blown off. He used egg liquid to save Otomo Yoshijin's thumb and his own life."

"After that, Otomo's family bought bird guns from Pinto and formed a team of bird guns."

Lin Mojun was silent. She didn't expect that the Japanese country would start to get in touch with bird guns so early, and these Japanese masters also realized the importance of bird guns, and began to purchase bird guns from Frang Robot.

Su Ze closed the book and said: ""Long Journey" happened more than ten years ago, and now Dayou's family has changed its name. Five years ago, Dayou Yijian wanted to make his youngest son his heir in his later years, and was suppressed by Dayou Yijian. It was discovered that Otomo's vassal Irita Mosei who supported the youngest son was killed, and Otomo Yoshikam also died in the mansion on the second day of his son's rebellion."

Lin Mojun covered her mouth and said, "Kill your father?"

Su Ze nodded and said: "This kind of thing is not uncommon in the Wa country. The governor of Dayou's family should be Dayou Yizhen now. He has more contacts with Frangji and even converted to Catholicism."

"A Jiedu Envoy of the Japanese Kingdom converted to the sect of Flangji?"

Lin Mojun felt very incredible, she was not interested in Father Pierre's theory at all, and these missionaries could persuade a Japanese daimyo to convert.

Su Ze did not underestimate the missionary enthusiasm of the Jesuits in this era.

In the next few decades, the missionary work of the Jesuits in Japan has achieved great development, and even developed 10,000+ believers in Nagasaki, and Nagasaki has become the most important port of Japan's foreign trade.

The Portuguese managed trade in East Asia, and it was the "big shipowner" and the leader of the Jesuits elected by the Portuguese in Macau.

The Portuguese stayed in Macau and refused to leave, just to trade with Japan.

From Captain Alfonso, Su Ze knew that the upper class of the Wa Kingdom had a great demand for silk from Daming, and almost all the upper classes of the Wa Kingdom were proud of wearing silk.

If you transport the silk from Daming to the country of Wa, you can earn nearly ten times the profit!

And with the mining of the Iwami Silver Mine, there is also a lot of silver on the Japanese market. Whether this silver is in Daming or transported back to the mainland, it can make a lot of money.

Now Macau has established routes to Nagasaki and other Japanese cities.

"Boat! Big ship!"

The watchman shouted, and Su Ze immediately took out the binoculars, only to see a huge merchant ship docked on the sea not far from the shore.

Lin Mojun also picked up the binoculars. The displacement of the New World has reached [-] tons, but it is still insignificant compared with the big ship in front of me. This huge merchant ship is still under construction, but judging from the size of the deck , the displacement of this ship must exceed five hundred tons.

Lin Mojun was completely shocked.

Captain Alfonso pointed to the distance and said, "Langbai'ao is here!"

"Langbai'ao? Aren't we going to Macau?" Lin Mojun asked.

Su Ze said: "At present, the Guangdong Haidao Yamen only allows Frangji people to dry goods in Macau, and they are not allowed to spend the night on the island at night. Flangji people basically live on Langbai'ao Island in the outer sea."

Su Ze knew that after a few years, the Portuguese provided Guangdong Haidao Yamen with an annual rent of 500 taels. This rent was not handed over, and it was called "Haidao Bribery". Only then did Guangdong Haidao Yamen loosen their control , allowing them to land overnight in Macau.

"Then what is this big ship?" Lin Mojun asked.

Captain Alfonso said proudly: "This is the 'Far East' built in Langbai'ao by the Governor of Goa recruiting all the shipbuilders in the Far East. Once this ship is completed, it will be the merchant ship with the largest load capacity in the entire Far East. A merchant ship specially used by the shipowner for trade with Japan!"

"Who is the big ship owner?"

Su Ze explained: "All the businessmen in Macau who go to Japan to do business will elect a general contractor in charge of the business by voting. Provide dividends to other merchants, and other Frangji merchants are not allowed to trade privately with the Japanese country under the prohibition of the big ship owner."

Lin Mojun asked suspiciously: "Is this useful?"

Captain Alfonso lowered his head, and Su Ze smiled and said, "Of course it's useless. The Ming Dynasty banned the sea. The big ship owner just monopolized several ports in Langbaisha and Wa Kingdom, but this is enough to make huge profits."

Lin Mojun nodded, looking at the "Far East" under construction, she really couldn't understand that the Guangdong Haidao Yamen allowed Frangji to build such a large ship in Langbai'ao.

You must know that although Langbai'ao is an island in the outer sea, it is actually not far from the mouth of the Pearl River. Fishermen in Zhongshan County can drive to Langbai'ao with small fishing boats and trade directly with Frangji.

If smuggling in Fujian still has the meaning of deception, the merchant ships of Yuegang in Zhangzhou will also sail into the river from Haikou for trading.

When it comes to Guangdong, the maritime smuggling trade is already blatant.

Before getting close to Langbai'ao, Su Ze saw ships with various flags calling at the port for trading.

Su Ze even saw some small sampans and canoes paddling to Langbai'ao, bringing food and various handmade products to the island.

Lin Mojun also asked in shock: "Doesn't the Haidao Yamen in Guangdong care?"

Su Ze lowered his head and said, "Don't worry, didn't you see that those Guangzhou ships are here to collect taxes?"

Lin Mojun raised her head, and sure enough, she saw several Cantonese ships of the Ming Dynasty Navy approaching the New World.

"Let Captain Alfonso negotiate with them, let's go down to the cabin first."

Although it was normal for Da Ming's face to appear on the ship of Frangji, Su Ze still followed the principle of caution and pulled Lin Mojun out of the cabin.

Seeing such a huge merchant ship as the New World, the Guangzhou Ship of the Daming Navy did not get too close, but a small flag slowly approached in a small boat.

Seeing the black hole in the muzzle of the New World, this Xiaoqi was also very careful. After he boarded the New World, he didn't count the cargo, but only collected a symbolic ship tax, and asked his men to row away immediately.

"Guangdong's coastal defense is so lax?"

Su Ze smiled wryly and said: "The great victory at sea in Guangdong a few months ago was the pirates who were repelled by the Guangdong Haidao Yamen hired by Fu Langji, let alone the Guangdong Haidao Yamen, didn't we in Fujian also be suppressed by you and dare not go to sea? "

Thinking of her colleague's performance of stretching the hips, Lin Mojun also nodded. After communicating with Captain Alfonso, Lin Mojun also understood the vastness of the entire sea world.

Langbai'ao cannot even be regarded as the center of Frangji in East Asia. It is said that Frangji has a larger port in Malacca, not to mention the city of Goa where the Governor of Frangji's Far East is stationed.

"Did you come here in person to buy guns from Frang Robot?"

Su Ze shook his head and said, "Buying guns is one aspect. I am here this time for a bigger deal."

"What business?"

"Buy ambergris."

 new volume

  Checked a lot of information here
  I couldn't find a Chinese version of Pinto's "A Long Journey", so I only read a part of the abstract.

  For the new volume, ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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