My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 218 The spark of thought

Chapter 218 The spark of thought

Li Zhi looked at Su Ze, Su Ze's words overturned his three views once again.

The relationship between heaven and man originated from the theory of prophecy in the Han Dynasty, which was a shackle that Han Confucian Dong Zhongshu put on the imperial power.

Well, Su Ze not only overthrew the system of investigating things and extending knowledge since Zhu Xi came to Wang Yangming, but now he even has to dig out the roots of Confucianism.

Li Zhi was indeed arrogant, but he never thought that Su Ze could be so arrogant!
it is good!
Li Zhi liked these unorthodox and out-of-the-ordinary knowledge, he asked: "How do you count Ru Lin?"

Su Ze pointed to the sky and said, "Count the days."

"How many days?"

Li Zhi didn't expect Su Ze to give such an answer, but he soon understood that the sun is the largest star in the entire sky and the most important star to human beings.

Ancient Chinese Confucian scholars' understanding of the movement of the stars is actually better than that of Westerners at the same time.

Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, Chinese ancestors began to compile calendars to guide agricultural production. When Wang Chong wrote "Lunheng" in the Han Dynasty, he had already realized that the sun and the moon were just two stars hanging in the sky.

Su Ze said that he wanted to measure the date, but Li Zhi continued to ask, "How do we measure it?"

Su Ze pointed to a tree outside and said: "Measure the length of the sun's shadow, Mr. Zhuo Wu, Su can calculate the length of the sun's shadow at any moment."

Li Zhi was stunned again, measuring the length of the shadow?Can the length of the shadow of the sun be calculated at any moment?That's why li zhi sounds like metaphysics. Can this be calculated?
"What does this have to do with the movement of the stars?"

Su Ze asked Fang Aizhu to bring a pen and paper and said, "Of course it is related. Mr. Zhuo Wu, please see, this is the earth we live on."

Su Ze took a ball on the paper and continued: "This is the intersection angle of the ecliptic and the equator."

Li Zhi nodded. He was known for his erudition and knowledge. Although the Ming Dynasty prohibited the common people from studying astronomy privately, there were actually quite a few literati and bureaucrats secretly studying astronomy. The Nanjing Guozijian even had a collection of astronomy books.

The yellow-red angle is the angle of the earth's rotation deflection calculated by ancient astronomers.

Then Su Ze drew a bigger ball and said, "This is the sun."

Su Ze drew the orbit of the earth revolving around the sun and said:
"The earth revolves around the sun, because the earth revolves around the sun, the earth and the sun change, summer is near and winter is far away, so there are four seasons."

Li Zhi nodded, this was something he could understand.

"And the Earth's rotation produces a day-night shift."

Li Zhi nodded again. The ancient astronomical almanacs also contained such content. When the ancestors compiled the calendar, they had already studied and understood this truth.

At this time, Su Ze had already drawn the picture, and he drew a small picture in the corner of the picture.

"Shading the light is a shadow. Take the candlestick as an example. If you set up a candlestick and a pillar in the house, can you calculate the shadow length of the pillar as long as you know the positions of the candlestick and the pillar and the height of the pillar itself?"

Su Ze drew a picture, Li Zhi nodded and said, "This is asking for a few, I can understand that."

To find a few is to solve a geometry problem, which is not a complicated knowledge for Li Zhi.

Su Ze said: "The sun is a big candlestick, and the shadow of the sun is because the sun is blocked by things. Similarly, if I set up a pillar on the earth, I can calculate the length of the shadow by the method of finding a few. The only difficulty is The rotation of the earth has a deflection angle, and the length of the shadow of the sun also needs to know the position of the earth."

Su Ze drew the pillars on the earth, and also drew the schematic diagram of the sun shining into the shadow. Li Zhi exclaimed, "Can it really be counted? Can it be counted as the shadow of the sun, that is to say, can Ru Lin calculate the position of the sun?"

Li Zhi is a very smart person. He has already understood the importance of the length of the sun's shadow through the schematic diagram. If Su Ze can accurately calculate the length of the sun's shadow, it means that he can calculate the position of the sun in the sky at any time!
If the solar energy is counted, can’t the positions of other stars also be counted?If this is the case, the movement of the celestial bodies is just a complicated geometric problem, and it really has nothing to do with the human heart!
Li Zhi pointed to a tall dead tree outside the yard and said:

"Then please ask Ru Lin to calculate the length of the shadow of that dead tree after one hour!"

Su Ze nodded and said, "I need to calculate the length of the shadow and the height of the dead tree first."


Fang Aizhu took the ruler and measured the current length of the tree shadow and the height of the tree with Su Ze. After he told Su Ze all the data, Su Ze took out his own navigation manual. The latitude and longitude of Quanzhou.

Now this is already a difficult question for a high school geography exam. Given the altitude, latitude and longitude, and the current length of the shadow of the sun, find the length of the shadow of the sun in one hour.

Su Ze's mathematics has reached Lv7, 372/3000. In less than a stick of incense, Su Ze calculated the length of the shadow of the sun in one hour.

He said to Li Zhi, "Mr. Zhuo Wu, I've already made up my mind."

Li Zhi stood by and watched Su Ze's calculations. He watched Su Ze write down mathematical symbols and formulas he didn't understand, and then calculated the results step by step. Although he couldn't understand the process, he was shocked.

The room fell silent, and Li Zhi was completely confused.

If the movement of the stars can be measured, then it really has nothing to do with human will.

The worldview he had established for a long time collapsed. Is it true that in this world, as Su Ze said, there are two paths to holiness, namely, to study things and to gain knowledge?

Are Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming really both wrong?

Su Ze quietly waited for the time to verify his calculations. Seeing Li Zhi's brain explode, he couldn't help but secretly smiled.

After communicating with Wang Daokun last time, Su Ze found the ambition of "one morality" from "Jin Ping Mei", and has been thinking about the issue of ideological enlightenment.

Starting from studying things to gain knowledge, separating natural science and humanities is the first step of Su Ze's "one morality".

Since the Enlightenment, the rapid development of Western science has actually come from the "classification of arts and sciences", and the iconic book is "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy".

The influence of this book on the natural sciences is definitely not just a few simple formulas. The reason why Newton became the greatest physicist and mathematician in modern times is because the profession of physicist and mathematician started from him.

In the terms of Chinese civilization, Newton is the sage of numbers and the sage of things.

Before Newton, natural science and philosophy were one. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Aristotle were also scientists. They studied phenomena and put forward various hypotheses to explain these phenomena. At this time, natural science was still a speculative game. , can even be a political tool.

For example, in astrology, both in the East and the West, the movement of celestial bodies is considered a sign, endowed with a mystical meaning.

Beginning with Newton, mechanical materialism officially became the guiding principle of natural science, completely separated from metaphysical philosophical theories.

Mechanical materialism only studies phenomena, sums up mathematical laws from phenomena, and studies natural phenomena in a quantitative way. Starting from Newton, the western scientific community began a round of rapid development that lasted for hundreds of years.

Scientists do not need to think about the will and psychology that are difficult to observe and quantitatively study like philosophers, but only need to summarize the experimental results and calculate and deduce the experimental data.

During the peak period of the development of mechanical materialism, scientists predicted that as long as there is infinite computing power, a Laplace demon will appear in the universe, and he can know everything like a god.

The purpose of the "discipline of arts and sciences" is to separate the "natural sciences" and "social sciences" that have been mixed together for thousands of years in Chinese civilization. This is tantamount to loosening the "natural sciences" and allowing them to develop without any burden.

After being separated from "natural science", "social science" can also focus more on itself, instead of thinking about the meaning of natural science phenomena.

Chinese civilization never lacks geniuses. Dividing the "investigation of things and knowledge" into two is tantamount to dividing the group of Confucian scholars into two paths.

Another purpose of Su Ze is to separate the two paths of studying things and learning knowledge, so that a series of "miscellaneous studies" such as mathematics that were deprecated in the Ming Dynasty can also be raised to the height of Confucianism. Miscellaneous" position.

In fact, in this era, scholars like Li Zhi who do not seek to be an official have appeared. These people are obsessed with cultural activities such as poetry, calligraphy and painting, and concentrate on writing books and academics. Doctor of Medicine.

If the "investigation of things and knowledge" can really be separated, it is tantamount to bringing these studies, which were originally despised by the mainstream, to the same status as Confucianism.

Going further, natural science is a science of "seeking innovation".

To conduct any scientific research, you only need to read the most cutting-edge papers of this research, prepare the experimental tools and mathematical tools needed for the research, and then you can start researching immediately, without looking for arguments from the classics, and without studying complicated philosophical question.

This "innovative" way of thinking is also one of the driving forces that promoted the development of Enlightenment thought to the Renaissance, and then to the all-round development of the West for hundreds of years.

"Pursue newness and not follow the old", this is the slogan that Su Ze plans to put forward in the future. Of course, his influence is still very weak. Such a slogan will not be raised until Su Ze has a certain right to speak.

Having figured this out, an hour had come. Fang Aizhu took the pan ruler and measured the length of the tree shadow again, then went back to the house and told Su Ze and Li Zhi the result of the measurement.

Looking at the data that was almost exactly the same as Su Ze's, Li Zhi completely believed Su Ze's statement.

"Ru Lin is a great talent!"

Li Zhi said sincerely, "I believe it. Investigating things and gaining knowledge are indeed two paths to holiness!"

Li Zhi continued: "Ru Lin, can I learn from you about Gewu?"

Su Ze was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that what he said would cause Li Zhi, a famous thinker in the late Ming Dynasty, to be assigned to science?
Su Ze originally wanted to win over Li Zhi and ask him to help him perfect the theory of "one morality", but why did he push him to the side of natural science?
The development of any knowledge cannot be accomplished by one person.

The fact that Wang Yangming's mind-learning can become outstanding depends not only on him alone, but also on the continuous improvement and promotion of his disciples and grandchildren.

Su Ze told Li Zhi these things because Li Zhi was "one of his own people" and could win him over to join his own "one morality" system.

But I didn't expect to be pushed into the field of astronomy by a person who calculated the sun's shadow.

Su Ze panicked immediately, and he said, "Mr. Zhuowu, aren't you interested in Zhizhi?"

At this time, Li Zhi was immersed in the grand imagination of celestial calculations, and he immediately said: "People's hearts are unpredictable. Instead of studying the treacherous and changeable human hearts, it is better to study the invariable laws of heaven."


Su Ze regretted it very much at this time, why did he pretend to be an X to count as the length of the shadow, and just do a simple little physics experiment!
Now that li zhi has been fooled into the field of astronomy, wouldn't that mean that he has lost another help in "one morality".

Li Zhi whispered, "Ru Lin, do you want to revise the calendar?"

Su Ze glanced at Li Zhi, and sure enough, those who can leave their names in history are top talents. From the length of the shadow, Li Zhi understood the connection between astronomy and the calendar, so he asked such a question.

Li Zhi said: "Actually, the Ministry of Rites has been proposing to revise the calendar these years. The calendar at the beginning of the country has become more and more inaccurate. The calculations of solar and lunar eclipses in these years have been wrong. Because of this, the court has been in turmoil many times."

Su Ze understood what Li Zhi meant. The theory of interaction between heaven and man was a method used by Confucianism to suppress the imperial power. Every time there was a change in the celestial phenomena, the officials could use this to suppress the emperor.

Therefore, the calendar is very important to the imperial power. A Qin Tianjian who can accurately predict the celestial phenomena is equivalent to allowing the imperial power to have the right to interpret the celestial phenomena. This is also the reason why the Ming court has always prohibited private study of astronomy.

Li Zhi said again: "I was confused. Ru Lin's talents must be able to pass the high school. He should take the right way of the imperial examination. Astronomy and calendar are just the emperor's private ministers, not the right way."

Qin Tianjian and medical officials and ministers, these types of courtiers belong to the emperor's private ministers.

For example, the officials of the Qin Tianjian are almost all hereditary. These families have studied astronomy and calendar for generations and specially served the royal family.

Officials of this type, similar to Ci officials and alchemists around the emperor, are despised by officials with regular background in imperial examinations.

Even if there are a few who are rewarded and occupy high positions, they will be regarded by civil servants as villains who are lucky to advance.

Although Li Zhi is now open-minded, he has been educated under the imperial examination system for more than ten years, and the concept of the right way of the imperial examination is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It can also be seen from this that the concept of "right way" has great influence, and it is conceivable that it is difficult for Su Ze to get rid of the "theory of knowing things through investigation".

But thoughts are never achieved overnight. What Su Ze needs is to sort out his thoughts, and then gradually ignite the fires one by one, and then let these fires ignite more people.

The so-called:
A single spark can start a prairie fire.

 Difficult to write, hey

  Counting the shadows of the sun is the final contest between Tang Ruowang and Qin Tian, ​​the calendar inspector, in the calendar case in the early Qing Dynasty.

  The struggle between foreign missionaries and local calendar officials in Qintianjian in the early Qing Dynasty, if you are interested, you can watch it

  "Using the Mandate of Heaven: Astrology, Spells and Ancient Chinese Society" is a very interesting book.

(End of this chapter)

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