My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 222 Double Golden Passive

Chapter 222 Double Golden Passive

After bidding farewell to County Magistrate Li, the group continued to go up the mountain, but everyone's mood dropped a lot.

Even Zhao Bingzhong, who is the most active on weekdays, seemed to have a big stone stuck in his heart at this moment.

The old Orion in charge of the guide walked up to Su Ze and said, "Sir, there is the Yuliang Post in front of you. It was the first post in Fujian, but unfortunately it has been destroyed by Japanese pirates."

At this time, he had already walked up the mountain road, and Su Ze also dismounted and led the horse. There is actually a post station in such a mountain.

Su Ze nodded and said to Lin Deyang beside him, "We've entered the mountain, please keep everyone on guard."

Lin Deyang immediately sent an order, ordering everyone to untie the cloth bags wrapped around the blunderbuss, prepare gun ammunition and tinder, and be ready to fight at any time.

A group of people continued to move forward, and they saw a small post station that was destroyed.

The old Orion said: "This is also the sin of the Japanese pirates last year. Those Japanese pirates couldn't take down the Jianning Mansion, so they wanted to enter Zhejiang through the Xianxia Mountain Road, and burned down this post along the way."

Everyone regretted that if the station was still there, they could still ask for some food, and now they could only move on.

The old Orion said again: "In front is the Mazu Temple. After we worship Mazu, we can go to Fengling Pass. Today we can sleep near Fengling Pass."

Zhao Bingzhong asked suspiciously: "Is there a Mazu Temple in front?"

The old Orion nodded and said: "Go back to Mr. Zhao, and you will enter Zhejiang after crossing Xianxia Mountain. Qinghu Ancient Town under Xianxia Mountain is the southernmost wharf of the Grand Canal. From Qinghu Wharf, you can take a boat to the north. Businessmen will worship Mazu in front."

So that's the case, everyone nodded, it's no wonder that Xianxia Pass is dangerous, it is like a fortress where land and water meet.

Su Ze unfolded the map, only to find that the entire map was only part of Fujian, and the ancient town of Qinghu was not marked.

But I didn't expect that the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal was excavated to Xianxia Mountain.

Zhao Bingzhong said with emotion: "Although Emperor Sui Yang had no way, the Grand Canal is indeed a merit of all ages."

Su Ze said: "Zhejiang has a well-developed water system, and the construction of canals began in the era of Fujian and Yue ancestors. Didn't it mean that the Japanese invasion broke Zhejiang's canals?"

The old Orion shook his head and said, "I don't know. I only know that there are fewer merchants in Qinghu Ancient Town, but there are still goods being loaded there."

Su Ze nodded. Sure enough, reading thousands of books requires traveling thousands of miles. If he rebels in the future, in addition to controlling Xianxiaguan, he must also control the ancient town of Qinghu on the other side of the mountain.

Zhejiang has a well-developed water network. If the ancient canal in Qinghu Ancient Town is unimpeded, you can go all the way north to Hangzhou from here.

It really is a battleground for military strategists!
Sure enough, after walking for an hour, I saw a Fujian-style Matsu Temple. The eaves of the temple are colored glazed tiles. It is a small temple in the mountains, but it looks very gorgeous. The most rare thing is that this temple is intact.

Zhao Bingzhong said suspiciously: "The post station just now is not far from the Mazu Temple. Why is there nothing going on in the Mazu Temple?"

The old Orion also hesitated, but Su Ze said, "Maybe it's because the 'Japanese pirates' also worshiped Mazu."

The honest Zhao Bingzhong immediately said: "How could Japanese pirates worship Mazu!"

He quickly realized that what Su Ze meant was that among the pirates who besieged Jianning Mansion back then, there were probably not many real pirates, and most of them were bandits who robbed under the guise of Japanese pirates.

In fact, this was indeed the case. At that time, there were only a few dozen real Japanese who attacked Jianning Mansion, and most of them were local maritime merchants and bandits who followed the looting.

However, although the temple was not damaged, Miaozhu had already left. After Su Ze and others worshiped Mazu, they continued to walk up the mountain road paved with granite.

There are many bamboos on the mountains of Fujian, and the bamboo forests are very dense.

A group of people stretched the line and finally arrived at Fengling Pass before nightfall.

It was too dangerous to walk the mountain road at night, so everyone decided to camp at Fengling Pass and continue climbing Xianxia Mountain the next day.

After a day of mountain roads, even Su Ze, whose strength attribute has reached 11 points, is a little tired.

Huang Maochong and Zhao Bingzhong, who were weaker, were carried by Yunnan horses for the second half of the journey.

On the contrary, Li Zhi kept up with Su Ze's pace and was in good health.

Recalling this bumpy mountain road, Su Ze said with emotion: "Xianxia Mountain is indeed the key to the two Zhejiang provinces and the throat to enter Fujian. As long as a few elite soldiers are stationed here, Fujian and Zhejiang can be controlled."

Li Zhi also lamented the precipitousness of Xianxia Mountain: "I took the Wuyi Mountain Road when I went to Nanzhili twice. I didn't expect Xianxia Mountain to be so difficult to walk."

Li Zhi continued: "I read that Xianxia Pass was built by soldiers when Huang Chao was leaving Fujian. Huang Chao's army crossed Xianxia Mountain and captured Zhejiang in one fell swoop."

Zhao Bingzhong said: "Didn't the history books say that Huang Chao's bandit soldiers are useless? They can build such a steep mountain road."

Su Ze knew that this was another historian's spring and autumn writing style. Huang Chao's uprising failed, and after he entered the two capitals, he massacred scholars. Naturally, he must be discredited in the history books.

Li Zhi also said: "Yes, I thought Huang Chao's army was just a mob, but I didn't expect to be able to build such a mountain road."

Su Ze shook his head and said, "If Huang Chao's army is a mob, what is the Jiedushi at the end of the Tang Dynasty who fought against Huang Chao's army for many years? What is the official army of the Tang Dynasty? It's just that Huang Chao was defeated."

Huang Maochong thought of the spring and autumn style of writing in history books, and felt a little disgusted again.

Su Ze continued: "Isn't my dynasty Taizu also started in the insignificant, if Huang Chao can take over the world, it's not how to write it in the book."

Zhao Bingzhong still said: "Emperor Hongwu expelled the Tartars and had the merit of rebuilding China. What is his yellow nest? How can he be compared with Emperor Hongwu?"

Su Ze said with a smile: "At the end of the dynasty, everyone rose up. There were yellow scarves in the Han Dynasty and yellow nests in the Tang Dynasty. The emperor had no way and the people rebelled. It is a reasonable thing to rebel."

Along the way, when Su Ze camped, he would debate the scriptures with the three of them.

The guards would also sit with the group to attend lectures, and Su Ze found that as long as he was debating classics, he would also increase his "teaching" skills.

Su Ze asked the guards to come and listen to the lectures in his spare time, so he was also happy to learn the experience of the "Lecture" skill.

"Rebellion is justified?"

Both Zhao Bingzhong and Li Zhi looked at Su Ze, surprised that he could say such a thing.

Huang Maochong squinted his eyes, thinking about Su Ze's words.

[Camp Lecture, Lecture Skill +5, Lv5, 3/1000]

[Lecture skills breakthrough Lv5, please choose passive skills]

A card with two golds and one blue appeared in front of Su Ze. This time it turned out to be a double yolk egg?Out of two gold all at once?

Su Ze quickly opened the skills, only to see:
[Blue Passive - Be a teacher: Charm +1 when lecturing. 】

[Golden Passive—Eloquence: Eloquent talk and eloquence amazes the four feasts. When debating during lectures, temporarily gain lecture skills +5, intelligence +3, and charm +6. 】

[Golden Passive——Teach students according to their aptitude: don't be angry, don't be angry, don't be angry.If you take one corner and don't use three corners to reverse it, you will not be able to do it again.When teaching students to teach students according to their aptitude, it can cause students to think, and temporarily gain teaching skills +5, charisma +3, intelligence +6]

[Get free attribute points: 1]

Seeing the two golden passive skills, Su Ze became entangled.

These two skills have their own emphasis. [Eloquence] focuses on the debate part of the lectures. The scholar-bureaucrats in the Ming Dynasty basically had a debate session when they gave lectures in the academies. If they can’t convince others, how can they improve their own theories?

Wang Yangming has accumulated more and more followers through constant debates, thus perfecting the theory of mind.

The second skill is also good. Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is the way Confucius educated his children. There were 72 sages in the Confucian school. Confucianism can have full vitality in Chinese history, and it is also related to Confucius being good at teaching disciples.

[Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude] is equal to gaining a higher intelligence bonus when lecturing to the students, which can make the students learn faster.

It is precisely because both are miracles that Su Ze is even more entangled.

Look at your properties panel again:
Su Ze, male, 25 years old.

Intelligence: 13
Power: 11
Agility: 7
Charisma: 7
His IQ was already 13 points. Thinking that he still had to travel to academies in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Su Ze chose the passive of [Eloquent].

The attribute of freedom is also added to the charm. After all, leading the army also needs the attribute of charm.

【Charm: 7->8】

Su Ze cleared his throat and said, "The world is not ruled by one person, but by the people of the world. Those who share the benefits of the world will win the world; those who are good at the benefits of the world will lose the world."

"It was the same at the end of the Han Dynasty and the end of the Tang Dynasty. When the emperor lost his way, he lost the world. Huang Chao raised the pole and the world gathered to respond. Isn't this a sign that the Tang Dynasty lost its way and was exhausted? It was only because Huang Chao failed to seize the world that he was regarded as a thief. .”

The lecture skill has reached Lv5, and with the golden passive bonus, Su Ze's lecture skill has been raised to Lv10 during the debate.

This is already at the level of a typical local great Confucianist. Now Li Zhi's knowledge is still in the accumulation stage, and Huang Maochong and Zhao Bingzhong are only new imperial examination candidates, and Su Ze suddenly opened up the gap.

And with the addition of the golden passive skill, Su Ze's Charm attribute also reached 13 points. When he talked eloquently, everyone was attracted, and they listened to Su Ze's words unconsciously.

Huang Maochong murmured: "The world is not the world of one person, but the world of the people in the world."

Everyone present was in a state of mind shock, and Li Zhi quickly applauded, but Zhao Bingzhong, who had followed the rules since childhood and had a deep sense of loyalty to the emperor, frowned, but he had nothing to refute Su Ze.

Huang Maocong suddenly thought of something and said: "Ru Lin! Be careful! You can't say 'this world is not a world for one person'."

Su Ze said indifferently: "This is what the Grandfather said in "Six Secret Teachings", and I didn't say it first."

It turned out to be Jiang Taigong who said it first?That's fine.

Li Zhi made a note in his mind that he must find a copy of "Six Secret Teachings" when he arrives in Nanjing.

The Orion father and son looked at each other, their eyes sparkling.

Li Zhi and the other three couldn't argue with Su Ze, the camp was quiet again, everyone set up camp and prepared to rest, and there will be a long mountain road tomorrow.

Just when Su Ze was about to rest, Orion and his son came to his tent and said:
"Duke Xie Yuan, we are subordinates of the mine thief Liu Heiqi, and we joined the team as internal support. After hearing what Duke Yuan said today, my father and son want to abandon the dark and turn to the bright."

Su Ze has long seen the abnormality of the father and son. Even if they are hunters in the mountains, their range of activities is only a part of the mountains, and they don't know the whole Xianxia Mountain so well.

Moreover, the conversation between the father and son did not look like people from the mountains, but rather like someone who had read some books.

Su Ze had already ordered Lin Deyang to keep an eye on the father and son, but he didn't expect them to come and surrender after listening to his lecture.

Su Ze asked calmly: "You are a thief, do you have someone's life in your hands?"

The son of the Orion said: "Of course there are people killed in the battle, but there is no indiscriminate killing."

The old Orion said: "My surname is Lu. My ancestors followed Zongliugong to revolt. Later, Zongliugong was defeated. We hid in the mountains and were coerced by Liu Heiqi to join the gang."

"But the mine chaos left by Deng Maoqi and Ye Zong in the orthodox year?"

The father and son nodded repeatedly. Su Ze didn't expect that the Orion father and son were the descendants of Deng Mao Qiye Zongliu, but according to the history books, Ye Zongliu lost to Xianxia Mountain in the end, which is justified.

Su Ze suddenly thought of something, and he asked, "How many people like you are there?"

The old Orion said: "Our village was originally near Xianxiaguan, but was forced into it by Liu Heiqi. There are about [-] households in the village, and there are nearly [-] males."

"Then what is Liu Heiqi's background?"

"Liu Heiqi was originally from Zhejiang. He hid in Xianxia Mountain because of a murder by accident, and gathered villagers to steal an abandoned mine. Because of his cruelty, he quickly took in all the mine robbers around him, and he gained his current momentum. "

"Since he became an adult, Liu Heiqi is not satisfied with stealing, and often goes down the mountain to plunder the people."

"Then how strong is Liu Heiqi?"

"It claims to have thousands of people under its command, but the ones who are really willing to fight desperately are only Liu Heiqi's township party, and the total number is only a hundred."

Su Ze nodded. This strength is not as good as that of the black mountain bandit at that time. Su Ze said to Lu's father and son:

"Tell your son to report to Liu Heiqi tonight, saying that we are carrying property and let him come to rob tomorrow morning."

The old Orion immediately said: "Let the grass people go, and let my son stay with Duke Xie Yuan. If I die, please take him with him."

After finishing speaking, the old Orion kowtowed to Su Ze, and Su Ze helped him up and said, "After you report the news, if Liu Heiqi takes you to rob the camp, run out as much as possible, and come to me after the war is over."

The old Orion nodded heavily, and he said worriedly: "Can people like Xie Yuangong deal with Liu Heiqi?"

Su Ze smiled and said, "Go and lure him over, I will naturally have a way to defeat the enemy."

Seeing the strong soldiers and horses around Su Ze, the old Orion gained some confidence. He said goodbye to Su Ze and stepped into the night.

Su Ze called Lin Deyang, told him about Liu Heiqi, and ordered him to set up an formation and wait for the enemy.

Sure enough, when the sky was getting dark, the scouts in ambush in front returned to report that a mine thief with a pickaxe appeared from the mountain.

Liu Heiqi led the crowd out, but bumped into the blunderbuss shooters. The blunderbussmen in ambush in the mountains specially picked the tall bosses to shoot, and the unorganized mine robbers collapsed at the first touch.

The descendants of Ye Zongliu, including the Lu family, also returned quickly, causing chaos among the mine robbers, and Liu Hei's Seventh Army was defeated again.

Just when Liu Heiqi was about to be defeated, Xiaolu Orion standing next to Su Ze saw him with sharp eyes, immediately drew his bow and shot an arrow, and shot Liu Heiqi's neck from a hundred steps away.

Seeing Liu Heiqi fell to the ground, Su Ze asked the soldiers to shout "Liu Heiqi is dead", the mine thief completely collapsed, and surrendered to Su Ze on his knees.

 Fat Bird has never been to Xianxia Mountain. This is all written according to the literature. Book friends who have been there can comment on it in the chapter review.

  Please lightly spray...please let go...

(End of this chapter)

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