My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 229 Tax Contract Theory

Chapter 229 Tax Contract Theory

Xu Shixing, in the historical time and space before time travel, he was the champion of high school in the 41st year of Jiajing. He is the adopted son of Xu Shangzhen, the prefect of Suzhou today. After he won the champion, he changed back to his original surname "Shen".

Shen Shixing was the chief assistant of the Wanli Dynasty following Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Siwei, and had been in charge of the government for eight years.

Xu Guo was a Jinshi in the 44th year of Jiajing. Later, he joined the cabinet with Shen Shixing and served as the second assistant of the cabinet.

Wang Xijue, like Shen Shixing, was the Huiyuan in the 41st year of Jiajing. He was slightly inferior to Shen Shixing in the palace examination, and was the second place in that subject. He also served as a cabinet minister in Shen Shixing's cabinet.

Because the ministers of this cabinet are relatively long-lived and have influence in the political arena in the Longqing Wanli year, it is also called the "Cabinet of Longevity".

Su Ze didn't expect that he just came out for a meal and met three future elders.

But at this time, Xu Shixing, Xu Guo and Wang Xijue had the same status as Su Ze, and they were all supervisors of Nanjing Guozijian.

Su Ze showed the identity card of the Imperial College. Since they are all students of the Imperial College, they are also classmates. Xu Shixing stood up and said:
"Su Ze, Su Rulin, isn't it Su Rulin who wrote "The Peony Pavilion"?"

Everyone looked at Su Ze, and after seeing Su Ze nodding, Wang Xijue and Xu Guo became more enthusiastic.

As soon as Su Ze's "Peony Pavilion" was spread to Suzhou Mansion, it immediately caused a sensation in the whole city. The whole troupe in Suzhou Mansion were rehearsing "Peony Pavilion", which became a big hit.

Nowadays, at family banquets in Suzhou, almost all those who have opera to add to the fun will perform "The Peony Pavilion".

Su Zeliang revealed his identity and was quickly recognized by the three of them. This is the benefit of popularity.

Su Ze cupped his hands and said, "Su just heard that the three brothers are discussing the banknote tariff law?"

Among them, the Taicang Wang family of Wang Xijue's family is the same prominent Su Song family as the Songjiang Xu family, and has the most violent views on banknote tariffs.

Wang Xijue said: "Brother Su doesn't know that this banknote customs law is an evil law that competes with the people for profit just like Wang Anshi's Yifa! Ever since it was announced that the tariffs on banknotes will be re-collected, all the officials and people in my Suzhou government have denounced Fang Wanghai for deceiving the country!"

Xu Guo gave Wang Xijue a push. Su Ze came from Yanping Mansion, Fujian, and Fang Wanghai was also transferred from Yanping Mansion, Fujian. The cautious Xu Guo had guessed that Su Ze might have something to do with Fang Wanghai.

Xu Shixing didn't express his opinion either. Just now when they denounced the Qianguan Law, Su Ze came over to talk. Obviously Su Ze wanted to participate in the discussion on this topic.

Xu Shixing was deeply taught by Xu Shangzhen, and at such times he always listened to what others had to say before expressing his opinion.

Su Ze said: "The tariff on this note has some relationship with Su."

Everyone was surprised, and Su Ze said again: "When Su took part in the government examination, he wrote this bill tariff law. Later, after discussing it with the Fang Zhifu, the Fang Zhifu submitted the "Seven Books of Pingwa" to the court."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Xijue's face turned pale, Xu Guo lowered his head, and Xu Shixing looked at Su Ze.

Su Ze looked directly at Wang Xijue and said:
"Brother Wang, I don't agree with this. The imperial court already has a commercial tax. The banknote tariff is just a tax that should have been paid by merchants and merchants. It becomes a tax that should be paid when passing through the banknote customs. The banknote customs law is not an additional levy. How can we talk about competing with the people?"

Wang Xijue was at a loss for words. He couldn't say that because wealthy businessmen could evade taxes before, strict taxation on banknotes is an evil policy. After all, he is only in his 20s now, and he hasn't cultivated a thick skin in the officialdom.

Seeing his friend's embarrassed expression, Xu Guo still said:

"Brother Su's words are wrong. Mr. Fang set up checkpoints at Huguan. Even though the customs law is good, there are bound to be subordinate officials who will take advantage of it. Wang Anshi's intention to use the law of market exchange is also good, but it cannot prevent the officials and subordinate officials below from carrying out the evil policy of exploiting businessmen!"

Su Ze glanced at Xu Guo, and sure enough, the scholars of this era should not be underestimated in the matter of talk.

This Xu Guo will be able to become the second assistant of the cabinet in the future, and his brain is also quite good. It really makes sense to compare it with the market exchange method.

The so-called Market Change Law is one of the new laws proposed by Wang Anshi, the content is:

Set up a city Yisi in Bianjing, and set up a Shiyisi or Shiyiwu in border and important cities to buy unsalable goods in the market at a low price and sell them when the market is in short supply.And allow merchants to loan or credit goods, and charge interest according to regulations.

This limits the control of big merchants on the market, which is conducive to stabilizing prices and commodity exchanges, and also increases the government's fiscal revenue.

However, in the process of implementation, this set of market exchange laws, which were originally used to calm price fluctuations and crack down on merchants monopolizing the market, has become an evil law for the government to monopolize the market.

Even if you want to do a small business, you have to go through the hurdles of government officials first.As a result, large, medium and small businessmen all struggled together, causing the city's industry and commerce to begin to wither.

Xu Guo compared the banknote customs law with the market transaction law, which is actually a kind of "punishment" theory.

Not to mention how well your banknote customs law is being implemented, and the label of "competing with the people for profit" has been removed. First, assuming that the banknote tariff law will be exploited by subordinates, it negates the significance of the banknote tariff law.

Su Ze sneered slightly in his heart, the fighting power of scholars in the Ming Dynasty was really amazing.

However, he did not panic, and did not continue to debate the similarities and differences between the Market Exchange Act and the Banknote Tariff Act.

Su Ze directly pushed away the topic and said, "I don't think it's right to compete with the people for profit."

"The reason why the court wants to collect taxes is naturally because there are more places to spend money."

"The matter of taxation is naturally taken from the people and used by the people."

"There is Anda in the north, the earthquake in Guanzhong, and Japanese pirates in the south. There are places where money is spent everywhere. The court doesn't have enough money to spend, and this money can't be changed out of thin air. It needs to raise soldiers and disaster relief. Where does the money come from? Isn't it to increase exorbitant taxes?"

"If the imperial court does not implement the tariff law, the money will be collected from ordinary people. If the tariff law can receive money, then ordinary people will receive less money. How can this be said to be competing with the people for profit? You can't say that merchants are people, and farmers are not people."

When the banner of "respecting farmers" was raised, Xu Guo immediately retreated. In Ming Dynasty's political outlook, the status of farmers was definitely higher than that of merchants.

It is the political correctness of feudal society to nourish farmers with the wealth of merchants, and there is no room for refutation.

But in fact, Su Ze also knows that he is also a sophistry.

How much of the money collected by the Banknote Customs Law can be used for disaster relief and war fighting is something that no one present knows.

It can be seen from the fact that the Taoist emperor had no money to provide disaster relief after the Guanzhong earthquake and refused to stop repairing temples. It is estimated that the banknote customs law will still become a tool for the emperor to collect money.

However, this must not be said. If it is taken from the people and is for the people, it will point out the regulatory tax attribute of banknote tariffs, robbing the rich and helping the poor. Everyone also feels that it is impossible to say that businessmen should be reduced in taxes.

Both Wang Xijue and Xu Guo were defeated.

Su Ze said: "Scholars, farmers, businessmen, why do farmers never want to pay less land tax when farming, but merchants always want to pay less tax?"

"Everyone in the world thinks that there is no business without fraud, and that business is at the bottom of the four peoples. It is for this reason that Emperor Hongwu suppressed business!"

Su Ze carried out Emperor Hongwu, and everyone stopped talking.

According to Zhu Yuanzhang's design, merchants had the lowest status. He stipulated that merchants were not allowed to wear silk and satin, and were not allowed to live in big houses.

However, no one has followed this group training for a long time. Now, the businessmen in Suzhou Prefecture only wear linen belts on their silk coats to show that they are still obeying the group training of Emperor Hongwu.

"If you want me to say, paying taxes is something that benefits the country and the people! Paying taxes is the most glorious thing!"

"Taxes can be used for disaster relief, for raising soldiers, and for improving people's livelihood."

"More importantly, taxes are a contract."

"Contract?" Xu Shixing asked.

Su Ze nodded and said, "In the time of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, although there was no customs duty, everyone had to hunt together, and the gifts they got were shared by the entire tribe, so there was no tax at that time, only selflessness!"

The three of them are not ordinary scholars, one is the son of a magistrate, one is a son of a prominent family, and Xu Guo also has a contiguous piece of fertile land in Huizhou Prefecture, and he is a proper big landlord. Naturally, they have read history books.

"In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there was a rich minister like Guan Zhong, who took the wealth of the Qi State to strengthen the army, and then there was the hegemony of the Qi State."

The three nodded again. Although Guan Zhong was not considered a Confucian sage, the Confucian sages all spoke positively of him.

"I agree with Wang Jinggong's words: 'Because of the power of the world, the wealth of the world is born, and the wealth of the world is taken to provide for the expenses of the world.'"

The three of them frowned, Wang Jinggong was Wang Anshi, and the Ming Dynasty did not think highly of Wang Anshi.

But Wang Anshi's words are not a problem. The wealth of the world is indeed taken from the people and used by the people.

But what does this have to do with the contract Su Ze mentioned?
Su Ze said: "In ancient times, there was no tax, and all taxes were paid. The ancestors contributed all their income to the tribe, and used it for war and development."

"During the Spring and Autumn Period, the people paid taxes to the monarch, and the monarch trained soldiers to protect the people."

"Without the support of the people, how can there be ministers in the court, and how can there be generals who command battles?"

"If you want me to say that there is a country with the support of all people, the people pay taxes, that is, they sign a contract with the country, and use the taxes they pay in exchange for the security of the army and the tranquility under the government."

"The reason why businessmen are cast aside is because they have already enjoyed the benefits of the government, but they are always unwilling to bear this contract and pay taxes honestly."

"The reason why literati hate merchants is because they have accumulated more wealth than peasants, but they always find ways to pay less than peasants. Their contracts are always unequal. This is why people all over the world say that merchants are cunning."

The three were stunned.

Xu Shixing couldn't find a reason to refute Su Ze.

However, comparing tax payment to a contract made Xu Shixing vaguely feel that there was something wrong.

Since it is a contract, isn't it two-way?

The common people pay taxes and sign contracts with the imperial court. What if the imperial court cannot pay its own responsibilities?

For example, the catastrophe in Guanzhong and the turmoil in the north and south, what should the court do?What should the people who have signed the contract do?
Xu Shixing immediately stopped himself from continuing to think, because if he continued to think, it would be too rebellious!

It was Su Ze who interrupted Xu Shixing's in-depth thinking. He said to the three of them:

"Su is planning to run a newspaper in Suzhou Prefecture."

"run the newspaper?"

Wang Xijue's family also has business in Fujian, and he has also seen "Surprise" brought by the caravan from Fujian. He asked:
"Is it a newspaper like "Surprise?"

Su Ze nodded and said: "Suzhou Mansion is a place where literary styles gather, and Su is also afraid that he is powerless, so he will be generous. Can the three brothers serve as the editor-in-chief of the newspaper and help Su to review manuscripts?"

Wang Xijue knew that Su Ze's "The Peony Pavilion" was first serialized in "Surprise", he immediately asked: "Brother Su has a new work?"

Su Ze nodded and said, "Except for my new play, the rest of the pages are handed over to Jiangnan scholars to contribute. Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to have a place to meet friends through writing?"

Now Xu Shixing, who didn't like the limelight the most, was moved.

Su Ze's "The Peony Pavilion" is popular all over the south of the Yangtze River. If he can have a new work on the same level as "The Peony Pavilion", then the new newspaper will definitely sell well.

Being able to serve as the editor-in-chief of such a newspaper is also of great benefit to improving one's reputation, not to mention that with the platform of the newspaper, you can also increase your knowledge through literary friends.

Sure enough, as Su Ze expected, running a newspaper was too tempting for scholars, Xu Shixing, who was the most prudent, was dragged into the water, and Xu Guo and Wang Xijue naturally agreed.

Xu Shixing cupped his hands and asked, "Brother Ru Lin, does this newspaper also want "Surprise"?"

Su Ze shook his head and said, "No, the new newspaper is called "Warning the World", how about it?"

Xu Shixing murmured: "Warning the world with literature, good name, brother Rulin's newspaper is to educate all living beings."

Su Ze said with a smile: "The ambition to educate all living beings is too great. Su just hopes that this newspaper can wake up a few people in the world!"

Xu Shixing thought of Su Ze's tax contract theory again, and felt his brain was buzzing and about to explode.

Su Ze has already brought Lin Deyang and Fang Aizhu downstairs: "When the preparations are completed, Su will go to the Suzhou government office to pay a visit to Brother Xu, Brother Xu and Brother Wang, and I will also send a letter of employment."

Waiting until Su Ze left, the three of them felt like a dream.

Xu Guo regretted why he didn't reject Su Ze's invitation to run a newspaper just now.

Xu Shixing was silent for a long time, and said to Wang Xijue: "Su Rulin is a talent for managing the world, Mr. Fang has this person to help, brother Yuan Yu should persuade the family to pay the customs duty honestly."

Wang Xijue nodded and said: "I think so too, I will go home today and clarify the pros and cons."

Xu Shixing said again: "Su Rulin's running a newspaper is a blessing for me in the literary world of Suzhou Prefecture, and we should naturally participate in it."

Xu Guo understood what Xu Shixing meant. If Su Ze wanted to run a newspaper, as long as he could write articles like "The Peony Pavilion", he would definitely be popular. Instead of worrying about Su Ze's purpose, he might as well participate in his newspaper.

Looking at the suddenly gloomy sky, Xu Shixing said, "The rainy season is coming."

(End of this chapter)

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