My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 248 New School, Purple Passive

Chapter 248 New School, Purple Passive
After hearing Su Ze finish speaking, prefect Zhao was sweating all over his body.

The reason why he broke out in a cold sweat was precisely because what Su Ze said was so good!
Originally Su Ze said that he would give lectures in Taizhou, Zhao Zhifu only thought that he was young and energetic, since Su Ze helped him calm down, and he was the future son-in-law of Fang Wanghai, the same subject, he agreed to his request.

But when Su Ze finished speaking, Zhifu Zhao, as a scholar, was in full swing, and felt suddenly enlightened as if he would die soon after hearing the truth.

But as an official, Zhao Zhifu felt like he was sweating, because Su Ze's theory was too dangerous!
If farmers, woodcutters, craftsmen, and merchants all gather together, how can the government manage them?

Zhao Zhifu is very clear that if it is a single commoner, it is very easy for the government to control it.

But once the people gather together, it is a quite terrifying force.

If Su Ze's theory spreads widely in Taizhou, what will he, the prefect of Taizhou, face in the future?
Zhao Zhifu stood up bravely and said:
"Dare to ask Su Sheng, if someone uses gathering virtues as an excuse to gather Xiaoshan forests as a place of disaster, what should they do?"

The prefect Zhao also had to do so. If he didn't express his opinion, if something happened to the Taizhou government in the future, he, the prefect, would have to bear the responsibility.

Zhao Zhifu is very regretful now, why did he agree to Su Ze's request to give a lecture!
You are a juren, why are you so good at learning!
The prefect of Zhao is about to collapse. It is not uncommon for a 20-year-old Jinshi, but a 20-year-old Confucian is really rare.

The Ming Dynasty never lacked geniuses, but there were not many Confucian scholars in one dynasty. Wang Yangming was already over 40 years old when he became famous!

This is too unreasonable!
Prefect Zhao must find the loopholes in Su Ze's theory, otherwise his theory will spread in the future, and it will be supported by prefect Zhao.

Although Zhifu Zhao didn't think that Xie Yuan like Su Ze would rebel, if his knowledge led the people to rebel, he would be implicated too!

Su Ze smiled and said:

"My lord Futai is worrying too much! The morality I am talking about is exactly what Taizu promoted! The common people gather together to learn, and it is also advocated by the sages of the past dynasties."

Zhao Zhifu was stunned, when did Taizu say such a thing!
I just wanted to reprimand Su Ze for talking nonsense.

Su Ze said:

"Master Futai, have you ever heard of 'township covenant'?"

Zhao Zhifu was stunned.

Su Ze ignored him and continued:
"Lv Dafang, a Confucian in the Song Dynasty, once made the "Lv's Township Treaty", calling for "the villagers meet together and encourage them to do small goodness", and used the Lu's Township Treaty to encourage fellow villagers to be moral. Township Covenant, calling on villagers to gather together and do good deeds."

"During the Hongwu period, the Taizu also promoted the township covenant throughout the country, but at that time, all kinds of wastes were waiting to be done, and we couldn't give up."

"When Mr. Yangming was around, Mr. Yangming made the "Nangan Township Covenant" with his own hands, and implemented the township covenant in Nangan to educate the people. The imperial court also rewarded him."

Zhao Zhifu was stunned.

Everyone present was stunned.

Su Ze moved out Hongwu Emperor, Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming all at once, how can this be fought?
Zhao Zhifu can't say that the previous few are all wrong, can he?

Then the prefect of Zhao may not be able to get out of the Chongru Temple.

Zhao Zhifu was speechless, Su Ze continued:
"If everyone wants to practice 'public morality', you can make a township pact, where you meet regularly, and you can elect a pact to be the leader and convener of each township pact."

"Three more chapters of the agreement, discuss the agreement together, and then you can practice the Tao."

Everyone below nodded their heads one after another, and people like Zhu Shu almost immediately went to call on their colleagues.

In fact, after Wang Gen's theory was suppressed by the government, Zhu Shu did not choose to continue giving lectures like Wang Gen's disciple Yan Jun because he was a woodcutter.

As a lower-level commoner, Zhu Shu has already understood the situation of the Taizhou School and will never be accepted by the ruler.

With the death of Wang Gen, the master of the sect, most of the followers of Taizhou School returned to their own lives. The vigorous ideological enlightenment, like a dream of the past, disappeared when the government banned schools.

Zhu Shu hid in the mountains, and never talked about Wang Gen's academics with others. The saying that people's daily use is the way has become a taboo slogan in Taizhou City.

But after hearing Su Ze's lecture today, Zhu Shu suddenly understood a truth:
Mr. Shinsai's knowledge is correct!What is wrong is the way of practicing knowledge!

If you can gather your colleagues to study intensively, how can the government ban students from studying?

The woodcutter Zhu Shu's strength is naturally weak, but how can the government suppress the 1 woodcutters gathered together?

After figuring this out, Zhu Shu wished he could go back immediately, organize the woodcutters in the countryside to make a village pact, and learn Su Ze's "all morals" together!
Zhu Shu even thought that the "people are the foundation of the country" that Wang Gen said back then could be implemented in this way.

It is useless for an ordinary person to shout "The people are more important than the emperor", and it is useless. An ordinary person can be taken by a yamen servant, and can be beaten to death with a wooden board.

But what if thousands of people gather together?That is not something that a few yamen servants can take. On the contrary, the yamen servants are even more afraid when they see the people gathered together.

Zhu Shu thought about a lot of things at once, and he bowed respectfully to Su Ze.

Following Zhu Shu's worship, other people present also bowed to Su Ze, starting from the people around the Chongru Temple as the inner circle, and circle after circle of people respectfully bowed to Su Ze.

Su Ze stood up and bowed to everyone. At this time, only Zhao Zhifu was still standing in front of the entire Chongru Temple.

Zhao Zhifu's underwear was already soaked, and he also felt great pressure at this time.

If he doesn't worship today, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the prefect of Taizhou to do so in the future.

If he worshiped today, he might be impeached by the officials for this worship in the future.

Fang Wanghai, what kind of evil son-in-law did you find?

Zhifu Zhao still couldn't support his back, he also bowed to Su Ze, and then left in a hurry with his subordinates.

Li Zhi and the others looked at Su Ze, and their hearts were agitated.

What is this place?This is the Confucianism Temple where Mr. Xinzhai Wang Gen gave lectures!This is the prosperous place of Taizhou School!
There are people in this square who have heard Wang Gen's lectures, and many people have also heard Wang Gen's disciples give lectures.

The worship of this lecture means that a new great Confucianism has been born, and now under the Taizhou School, there is such a school of "all morals".

And Su Ze is the master of this school!

Start a sect!
Seeing a great Confucianism establish a sect with his own eyes gave Li Zhi and others the feeling of participating in the historical process!

Thinking about Su Ze's age, Xu Shixing felt even more horrified.

Su Ze is only in his 20s. As long as he is still alive, his knowledge can be passed on forever!
What is the concept of a 20-year-old Confucianism!
Xu Shixing didn't see Wang Yangming suppressing the world back then, and the era when learning of the mind flourished.

But now that Xu Shixing saw Su Ze in the crowd, it was as if he saw the rise of a new saint.

In this way, Su Ze was kept by the crowd again, asking questions about the morality of the cultivators, and Su Ze answered them one by one.

When the sun was setting, the people who were watching dispersed.

An old monk waited until the crowd dispersed before saying to Su Ze:

"In Xiajianyuan, the abbot of the Guangxiao Temple next door, it's getting late, if you don't give up, you can stay overnight in our temple to rest."

Su Ze looked at the ancient temple next to the Chongru Temple, thought for a while and said, "That's fine, please host it."

Li Zhi and the others naturally followed Su Ze into the Zen temple.

After entering the door, I saw that the temple had a very high standard, and there were many pagodas inside. At first glance, it was a big temple.

Li Zhi himself is also interested in Buddhism, he looked at the specifications of the palace and said:
"I didn't expect Taizhou to have such a big temple?"

Su Ze looked around and said, "This is the specification of a royal temple, but the construction style is not from this dynasty. May I ask Zen Master Jianyuan, am I right?"

Zen master Jianyuan immediately said: "Su Xianggong is worthy of being a great Confucian. He is really knowledgeable. Our temple was first built in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Later, in the Southern Song Dynasty Gaozong Zhao Gou was the soul of Chaoduhui and Emperor Qin. He ordered the temple to be set up. Guangxiao Temple is the Royal Forest of the Southern Song Dynasty."

"In order to obtain the imperial edict, we changed the word "repaying kindness" and changed it to "Guangxiao Temple."

Unexpectedly, this temple has such a long history, and everyone was surprised.

Zen Master Jianyuan said again: "Just now, after listening to Xiang Gong's words, the old monk suddenly had an epiphany, and I still have a few questions I want to ask the benefactor for advice."

Although Su Ze didn't have much affection for the monk, but when he saw that the old monk Jianyuan had a modest attitude and invited him to stay overnight, he nodded and said, "In that case, please ask the Zen master."

Zen Master Jianyuan asked several questions in succession, and Su Ze answered all of them. He suddenly said:

"Su Xianggong's theory, if you want to gather all the virtues, don't you also want to gather all the benefits, and if all the benefits come together, won't the world be in chaos?"

Su Ze looked at the old Zen master in surprise, did not expect this monk to be so sharp?
Su Ze made a haha ​​and said, "I didn't expect monks to have words of wisdom?"

Zen Master Jianyuan said with a smile: "Why don't you need words and interests? The fields under my temple have to be counted, the incense money has to be counted, and the monastery's repayment library has to be counted. Accountant."

Zen Master Jianyuan continued: "Buddhism is a quiet place. Once the benefits are counted, there will be a miasma. If everyone counts the benefits of the public, wouldn't the world be chaotic?"

Su Ze didn't expect the old monk to be so straightforward, and everyone turned their attention to Su Ze.

Su Ze said: "The benefits of the world, no matter what you say or don't say, can't be increased or lost. The world is ashamed to talk about benefits, but the benefits must be shared."

"The abbot actually said that the loan from the Repayment Treasury is more profitable for the noble temple, but less for the common people. If there are more temples in the world, the common people's profit will be even less. When the common people can no longer live without profit, then That's the chaos in the world."

Zen Master Jianyuan folded his palms together and said: "Our Guangxiao Temple's repayment treasury does not require interest, but Su Xianggong's statement is also correct. The benefits of the world are here. If there are too many big households, the small people will have no livelihood, and the world will be chaotic. "

Zen Master Jianyuan said: "After listening to Su Xianggong's knowledge, the old monk has decided to resign from the position of host and is going to travel around."

Su Ze looked at the monk, Zen Master Jianyuan untied the cassock directly, and said:

"After hearing Su Xianggong's words, this old man is ready to return to vulgarity! Go to the world of mortals to practice Su Xianggong's morality."

After saying this, Zen Master Jianyuan strode away. Su Ze and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

It all shows that there were many crazy monks in the ancient times. I did not expect that the abbot of such a large monastery would be so "willful" and would just take off his cassock and return to vulgarity.

Everyone stayed overnight in Guangxiao Temple, and the next day Su Ze went to give lectures in several places near Taizhou, but the result was empty, and the listeners even followed him all the way from Taizhou.

Su Ze simply set up a tent to treat diseases while giving lectures. The two skills took turns to brush up. When Su Ze gave lectures to Huai'an, his medical skills finally reached Lv10.

Only three purple lights flashed.

Su Ze felt that his luck was not bad.

In the game "Hundred Scenes", the passive skill of Lv10 guarantees blue, the passive skill of Lv15 guarantees purple, and the passive skill of Lv20 guarantees gold.

Sanzi is beyond the guarantee.

Looking at it, the three skills of medical skills are:

[Purple Passive—Wearing, Listening, Asking and Cutting: Medical skills +3 when diagnosing, and +3 when writing pulse judgments and prescriptions. 】

[Purple Passive—Prescribing the right medicine: +3 medical skills when prescribing prescriptions, +3 medical skills when writing pharmacopoeias and verses. 】

[Purple Passive—Preventive treatment of diseases: +3 medical skills in preventive health care, +3 medical skills in writing health soup recipes and fitness dramas. 】

Now Su Ze is also tangled.

These three medical skills are very useful, corresponding to the three directions of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Pulse Jue is the formula for pulse diagnosis. For example, Li Shizhen's other book "Binhu Pulse Science" is actually more respected by later generations of doctors, but because it is too professional, it is far less famous than "Compendium of Materia Medica".

The same is true for prescriptions, which are similar to medical books that record symptoms, and are books for diagnosis.

Pharmacopoeia is the ancient book of medicinal soup, and Gejue is the formula for recording prescriptions, which are generally recorded in the form of poem jingles for easy dissemination.

In fact, Chinese medicine has put a lot of effort into the dissemination. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the theory of Chinese medicine has also formed the germination of evidence-based medicine that prescribes the right medicine to the case. Unfortunately, in the era of great development of Western medicine, due to the seclusion of the country and the restrictions on technology in the Qing Dynasty, it gradually declined. It was later negated on a large scale during the spread of Western learning to the East in the late Qing Dynasty.

In this day and age, western medicine is also dominated by herbalism and bloodletting, and "well-trained" doctors have treated countless dead celebrities.

The last preventive science was first ruled out by Su Ze.

Su Ze looked at the two purple skills [Looking and Asking] and [Prescribing the Right Medicine] and hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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