Chapter 251
Hu Zongxian looked at Su Ze, and Xu Wei also looked at Su Ze.

What Su Ze did in Jiangbei has not yet spread to Zhejiang. What Xu Wei thought of was Su Ze's lecture at Quzhou Academy.

Now under the propaganda of Hu Zongxian, Yidi Huaxia theory has a great market in the hearts of young scholars in Zhejiang. Restoring the spirit of Zhuxia has become the slogan of many scholars.

Su Ze's influence on Zhejiang is other than newspapers.

Hu Zongxian personally contributed funds, with Xu Wei as the editor-in-chief, and published the newspaper in Hangzhou.

The name of this newspaper is "Beiwa Tubao", which mainly publishes the latest news about the anti-Japanese war in Zhejiang. Japanese.

Everyone looked at Su Ze, Su Ze said unhurriedly:

"Governor Hu, the imperial court has appointed Fang Shibo as the envoy of Chaoguan, in charge of the affairs of Chaoguan in Nanzhili and Zhejiang. This Chaoguan cannot be entrusted to you for construction."

Su Ze made the case clear, first pointing out the attribution of the power of Chaoguan, and Hu Zongxian could not interfere in the preparation of Zhejiang Chaoguan.

Fang Wanghai straightened his waist, this was obviously something he couldn't budge.

To put it bluntly, this is a question of responsibility.

Hu Zongxian wanted to build his own Chaoguan in Zhejiang to raise funds to fight against the Japanese. If civil unrest was caused, Fang Wanghai, the envoy of the Chaoguan, would be the one to be questioned by the court.

The authority is clearly defined, this is the truth that every scholar who has just entered the officialdom understands, and it is impossible for Fang Wanghai to blame Hu Zongxian.

Hearing what Su Ze said, both Hu Zongxian and Xu Wei felt a little depressed.

I only heard Su Ze say again: "However, the Chaoguan cannot be built by Governor Hu. There is another workaround."


Su Ze said, "Issue money."

Both Hu Zongxian and Xu Wei looked at Su Ze in surprise, issued money?What kind of solution is this?
Banknotes are precious banknotes. This thing has completely bankrupted its credit in the middle of the Kingdom, and it is basically no different from waste paper.

Su Ze actually said that he would issue banknotes to raise funds to fight against the Japanese?Then it would be better to let Hu Zongxian rob the big family in Zhejiang directly!
Su Ze said: "Why did Guochao's treasure banknote fail?"

Xu Wei said: "Spending without restraint."

Anyone who knows a little about finance can give this answer. Everyone present knows finance and nodded along with him.

Su Ze said: "The excessive issuance of precious banknotes is the result. The reason is that the imperial court did not set up banknote books."

"The so-called banknotes are the deposits for the issuance of precious banknotes. Because there is no banknote, and the imperial court does not allow the exchange of precious banknotes for copper coins and silver. Every time a treasure banknote is issued, it only needs to print money. Naturally, the treasure banknotes will be indiscriminate. Hairless."

"Businessmen and common people are not fools either. They know that the treasure banknotes are a no-cost transaction by the court, so naturally they are unwilling to use them, and the value of the treasure banknotes plummets."

Su Ze continued: "Issuing treasured banknotes is a matter for the court, and Governor Hu is not qualified to do so. What I mean is to issue a paper coupon called 'Anti-Japanese Bond' similar to treasured banknotes to raise funds for fighting against Japanese. "

Xu Wei said bluntly: "Since the issuance of treasure banknotes has failed, the anti-Japanese vouchers issued by the Southern Zhejiang Governor's Mansion can be used? Brother Ru Lin means to issue anti-Japanese vouchers directly to big households and force them to apportion the anti-Japanese expenses ? Isn’t that the same as pledging donations?”

In fact, Hu Zongxian has already pledged donations in Zhejiang, but it is a pity that the big households in Zhejiang did not buy it, and the forced pledge is too much movement, and the officials from Zhejiang are not small in the court. Naturally, he didn't dare to force him too much.

Su Ze said: "I just said that the reason for the depreciation of the treasure banknotes is that there is no banknote. If the anti-Japanese coupons have a banknote, wouldn't they be sold?"

"If there are banknotes, how much effort is there to issue anti-Japanese coupons?" Xu Wei only felt that there was something wrong with Su Ze's words. If he could have capital, he could just use silver. Why did he print anti-Japanese coupons?

Through the failure of Jiaozi in the Song Dynasty and Baochao in the early Ming Dynasty, scholars in the Ming Dynasty already had a lot of understanding of credit currency. In order to save Baochao, the Ming Dynasty carried out money-saving campaigns in the three dynasties respectively, and they all failed in the end.

Su Ze said with a smile: "Who said banknotes must be in silver?"

Su Ze said: "You can use the banknote tariff as the banknote, and businessmen can use the anti-Japanese coupons to offset the banknote tariff."

Hu Zongxian and Xu Wei looked at each other, and Su Ze said:

"Anti-Japanese coupons are linked to the income of banknote tariffs. The period is one year, and the circulation is the estimated banknote tariff in Zhejiang for one year."

"Businessmen can use the anti-Japanese coupons to offset banknote tariffs. At the end of the year, the Chaoguan Office will take the anti-Japanese coupons received from Zhejiang, and then go to the governor's office in Zhejiang to exchange the anti-Japanese coupons into silver money and hand them over to the court."

"After one year, if there is no anti-Japanese coupon for tax deduction, it will be redeemed by the governor's office."

Both Hu Zongxian and Xu Wei are extremely smart people, and they immediately began to think about Su Ze's method.

Hu Zongxian thought for a while, then directly clapped his hands and said, "It's wonderful! It's really wonderful!"

Su Ze's plan can be said to have scruples on the interests of both Fang Wanghai and Hu Zongxian.

The Chaoguan Office is Fang Wanghai's authority. If there is a problem with the Chaoguan Office, the court will definitely ask Fang Wanghai to blame.

However, through the method of issuing "anti-Japanese coupons", the Chaoguan Office is still in the hands of Fang Wanghai, but Hu Zongxian can also achieve his own goals, borrowing money from the Chaoguan Office to fight against the Japanese.

For Fang Wanghai, his duty is to send banknotes and customs taxes to the capital every year.

The banknotes and tax silver collected on weekdays are also piled up in the warehouse. If the method of "anti-Japanese coupons" is used, as long as the anti-Japanese coupons are exchanged into silver money from the governor's office in Zhejiang next year, Fang Wanghai will I can make a mission to the imperial court.

What Xu Wei thought of was to go one step further.

He said: "Wait until the next year, when new anti-Japanese coupons are issued, the governor's office in Zhejiang will be able to collect money?"

Su Ze showed a childish expression.

Fang Wanghai also nodded immediately, as long as there is no problem with the issuance of the Anti-Japanese Coupons in the first year, they can also be issued in the second year.

In other words, this method can ensure that the Bank of China can get the money every year.

This method is wonderful!

Fang Wanghai also nodded, he was naturally willing to help Hu Zongxian fight against the Japanese within his ability, otherwise he would not even meet this time.

If Su Ze's plan can be implemented, it can be said to be a win-win situation for Hu Zongxian and Fang Wanghai.

Xu Wei was the one who knew the most about finances among the people present. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Su Ze's method was really wonderful!

The governor's yamen issued anti-Japanese coupons, which were used to offset taxes at the Chaoguan Office, and were re-exchanged into silver coins by the Chaoguan Office the next year.

And the governor's office can issue a new year's anti-Japanese coupons again. As long as this cycle can continue, it is equivalent to an extra year of banknotes and tariffs for the governor's office to control.

For businessmen, as long as they can be used for tax deduction, the resistance to buying anti-Japanese coupons is not so great.

Anyway, if you have to pay taxes, it is better to buy anti-Japanese coupons first, so as to gain a good reputation for supporting the anti-Japanese.

And Xu Wei thought of a deeper level.

In this way, the Chaoguan Office is actually bound to the Zhejiang governor's office. Hu Zongxian must support Fang Wanghai's promotion of the Chaoguan Office in Zhejiang, because whether the Chaoguan Office can collect taxes will naturally determine the anti-corruption The total amount of bonds that can be issued.

Su Ze's move is tantamount to asking Hu Zongxian to fully support Fang Wanghai's career of the Chaoguan Office.

It's just too subtle.

Su Ze continued with a smile and said, "Actually, there is another way to play this game."

Both Hu Zongxian and Xu Wei sat upright, listening to Su Ze say:
"In addition to the one-year period, we can also issue two-year and three-year anti-Japanese coupons in the future."

Xu Wei frowned and said, "How can the merchant be willing to buy it?"

Su Ze said with a smile: "As long as the government pays interest, people will naturally be willing to buy it."

Hu Zongxian frowned and said, "Give interest?"

Su Ze said: "The value of money today is different from that of money two years later."

"Governor Hu should know how high the interest rate of private loans is now. Because there are banknote tariffs and government credit guarantees, the government's interest rate can be lower, but as long as there is profit, there will naturally be big families to buy."

Hu Zongxian looked at Xu Wei, and Xu Wei said in admiration: "It's really wonderful!"

Xu Wei stood up and bowed to Su Ze: "Brother Rulin is a talented country!"

Su Ze received Xu Wei's full gift, and he offered advice to Hu Zongxian, naturally to fight against the Japanese.

A rebellion is a rebellion, but Su Ze will never disturb the Anti-Japanese War because of the rebellion.

It is difficult to comment on Hu Zongxian in history, but after getting in touch with him today, Su Ze only felt that he was really dedicated to fighting the Japanese.

Some people will say that the pirates in the southeast are mainly the pirates of the Ming Dynasty, and they deny the national character of resisting the Japanese.

But in Su Ze's view, Hu Zongxian, Qi Jiguang, and Yu Dayou who protected the people against the Japanese pirates who harassed the people are national heroes!

From Hu Zongxian, Xu Wei, and Yu Dayou, Su Ze really saw the brilliance of their humanity, and they were determined to resist the Japanese.

Of course Su Ze is willing to support them.

As for the Anti-Japanese Coupons and Banknote Tariff Law, will it strengthen the financial capacity of the Ming Dynasty and create obstacles for its own rebellion in the future?

Su Ze sneered in his heart. Now that the banknote tariff law and anti-Japanese coupons are in the hands of people like Fang Wanghai and Hu Zongxian, it is naturally beneficial to the country.

But as long as they take office, this set of good laws that benefit the country and the people will inevitably degenerate into evil laws that accelerate the collapse of the Ming Dynasty.

There is never a shortage of good methods in history, what is really lacking is people who can implement good methods.

Wang Anshi's reform can also be regarded as a good law that benefits the country and the people, but when Wang Anshi fell, some of the reformers died and the government died, and some of the reforms became the evil law of the Song Dynasty to exploit the people.

At least for now, Su Ze believes that under the auspices of Hu Zongxian and Xu Wei, the anti-Japanese vouchers will become a good strategy to help Zhejiang fight against the Japanese.

As for the future, believe, believe in the wisdom of future generations, and it will be over.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Wei asked Su Ze about the details of issuing "Anti-Japanese Coupons" at the table.

Including how to prevent counterfeiting and how to call on big customers to buy these details.

But Hu Zongxian and Fang Wanghai began to chat with each other, as if they hit it off, the more they talked, the more speculative they became.

Su Ze was also quietly observing Hu Zongxian, and he quickly came to a conclusion that the evaluation of Hu Zongxian in the history books was very accurate.

He is a person who understands "contingency" very well. The so-called contingency, to put it mildly, means flexible means and not pedantic in doing things.

To put it bluntly, he is good at using intrigues and tricks, and has many ways of doing things.

As long as he can lead the anti-Japanese war, he can frame Zhang Jing together with Zhao Wenhua.

With the support of the Anti-Japanese War, he can cling to Yan Song.

Today, for the anti-Japanese funds, he can visit Fang Wanghai regardless of everything.

But on the other hand, in order to be able to fight against the Japanese, he can promote fierce generals like Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang.

In order to be able to fight against the Japanese, he can recruit talented people like Xu Wei and Wen Zhengming.

In order to be able to fight against the Japanese, he can fight himself out. It is also said in the history of the Ming Dynasty that when Hu Zongxian's family property was seized, his family had no money left, and he was indeed an upright official.

It is also his character that can end the Japanese Invasion in Jiajing Dynasty, and it is also his character that can not end well in the end.

But in other words, if it weren't for Hu Zongxian, would the Japanese riots have been resolved?
There is no if in this world, Su Ze naturally does not want to be someone like Hu Zongxian, but this does not prevent him from being willing to help Hu Zongxian fight against the Japanese.

The conversation between the two senior officials is naturally indispensable to the court.

The biggest thing in the court today is that Li Mo, the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was dismissed from office and sent to prison, and the latest news is that a senior official like Li Mo died in prison.

There was a lot of discussion in the court, and everyone began to attack Yan Song who persecuted Li Mo to death.

Immediately afterwards, according to Yan Song's recommendation, Li Ben, a university scholar, was in charge of the official affairs, and began to inspect the officials of the capital, which is the so-called "Jingcha".

This time, during the Beijing inspection, a large number of officials in the six departments of the Jiuqing yamen were relegated, and many officials were even dismissed from office, ordered to resign from office, transferred to foreign appointments, and 38 censor officials were dismissed at once.

This time, the "Jingcha" can be said to be a complete victory for the strict party. The ministers and speech officials who criticized Yan Song in the past were all cleared out, and the Qingliu faction headed by Xu Jie was hit hard.

Fang Wanghai knew that Hu Zongxian was Yan Song's disciple, but he was still a little aggrieved when talking about the court situation.

Hu Zongxian did not defend Yan Song, but sighed and said: "Such a fierce handwriting does not seem to be done by Enxiang."

Fang Wanghai understood what Hu Zongxian meant, Yan Song was old, and with his wily and calculating character, his methods shouldn't be so domineering.

Li Mo is politically dead, there is no need to kill him.

The commotion in Jingcha was so big that although a group of people were expelled, it also made Qingliu more united.

The situation in the court has never been a one-time dispute, and this time the action is too big. Everyone is in danger, and even the emperor will be vigilant because of the strict party.

This doesn't seem to be done by the scheming Yan Song, and the only one who can do this is Yan Song's son Yan Shifan.

Hu Zongxian said: "Old Xiaoge is too tough in his actions."

Fang Wanghai sighed. Fortunately, he is the servant of the household department in Nanjing. If he is at this level in the capital, he may not be able to be a day.

In this banquet, the two officials reached an agreement.

Hu Zongxian fully supported Fang Wanghai's preparation for building Chaoguan in Zhejiang, and Fang Wanghai also supported Hu Zongxian's issuance of anti-Japanese coupons.

After bidding farewell to Hu Zongxian, Fang Wanghai went south again, but this time he had to take a detour to visit an old friend.

 Finally finished writing, this paragraph is so difficult to write.

  I don't know what everyone thinks about this kind of financial plot, because I haven't read much in other books.

(End of this chapter)

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