My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 254 Big Wedding

Chapter 254 Big Wedding (Ask for a Monthly Pass!)
Wedding, dusk, is a ceremony held at dusk.

But it was time to get busy early in the morning. Fang Ruolan got up early, followed her father Fang Wanghai to visit the ancestors of the Fang family, and after she got married, Fang Ruolan, as Su Ze's wife, could only worship the ancestors of the Su family.

After finishing the sacrificial ceremony, Fang Ruolan greeted her parents again, and Mrs. Li also showed a rare expression of sadness and joy.

Naturally, the joy is that her daughter got such a good match as Su Ze, and she was able to run the family directly in the past. Such a marriage is naturally quite good.

The sad thing is that the daughter has been married since then, and there are not many days when she can return to her natal family in the future.

Fang Wanghai was also a little melancholy, but soon someone came to congratulate him, and Fang Wanghai was busy welcoming guests, which also diluted some of his sadness.

After completing these ceremonial ceremonies, Fang Ruolan began to comb her hair and dress, preparing for Su Ze to come to welcome her.

While Su Ze was at home, his relatives and friends were also decorating the new house. Fang Aizhu had already come to him early and brought the groom's auspicious clothes.

The person in charge of presiding over the wedding is naturally Han Li, born of Yin and Yang. He looked at Su Ze's auspicious clothes and said:
"Tsk tsk tsk, this is an auspicious costume changed from a nine-rank official robe. It is worthy of being Fang Shilang marrying his daughter."

Most of Su Ze's relatives and friends are married, only Lin Xianyang is still unmarried.

Seeing that Han Li praised the auspicious clothes, Lin Xianyang asked: "Brother Han, is there anything special about this auspicious clothes?"

Han Li said: "At the beginning of the country, there was a custom for the wedding of common people. Only officials and later officials can wear official robes at weddings."

"However, it has been released a long time ago. A man from an ordinary family can wear an official robe once in his life, that is, on his wedding day."

Both Chen Chaoyuan and Lin Qingcai nodded. The official robes they wore on the day of their wedding can be regarded as a kind of beautiful meaning. Scholars will spend a lot of money to buy an official robe to wear on their wedding day.

Han Li added: "However, where can ordinary people buy official robes, so the auspicious clothes are just auspicious clothes similar to official robes, but Brother Su's is a serious nine-rank official robe."

Everyone looked at Su Ze enviously.

Lin Xianyang said: "My Aze brother is Xie Yuan, and a mere ninth-rank official is also worthy."

Everyone nodded and said: "This is not against the law, ahaha."

The auspicious costume changed from this official robe is quite complicated to wear. After Su Ze finally put it on, he had to comb his hair and shave his face.

Here, Fang Ruolan finally put on the Xiapei, and the dough-kneading woman invited by the Fang family stepped forward again, pinching Fang Ruolan's face.

Those who can make dough for others are the most blessed women in the city. They must be "perfect" women whose parents are still alive, their husband and son are present, and their family has not had a funeral for three years.

Fang Ruolan originally had an oval face, but this woman squeezed her into a bun face.

Fang Ruolan cried out in pain, and her younger brother watched her sister suffer with a smile.

After finally pinching the face, and then putting on the phoenix crown, this is considered to be the auspicious costume.

The nanny who kneaded the noodles looked at Fang Ruolan, who brought the reward money from Mrs. Li, and couldn't help admiring:

"The old woman has finally opened her eyes, this is the first time she has seen the real Fengguan Xiapei!"

Mrs. Li said with a hint of pride on her face: "This is the imperial court's imperial dress just after my husband was promoted to the third rank. First, I will change it into a wedding dress for Lan'er. But my Lan'er will definitely be awarded by the imperial court in the future." .”

The nanny's waist bowed even lower. Ordinary people would prepare Hongxia wedding dresses when they married their daughters, and wealthy families in Nanping County would also prepare Fengguan Xiapei.

However, like men's auspicious clothes, the wedding dresses prepared by ordinary people are also "knockoffs".

The Fengguanxiapei was originally not a wedding dress, but the dress of a married woman awarded by the imperial court, which is the so-called imperial dress.

The imperial concubine is the emperor's concubine and the royal family who are rewarded by the royal family.

The wives are the wives of ministers, and they must be rewarded by imperial order to be eligible to receive Fengguanxiapei.

Fang Wanghai was also promoted to be the third-rank servant of the household department, Mrs. Li was rewarded by imperial order, so she got this set of Fengguanxiapei.

This set of jewelry and clothes were rewards from the palace, so they are naturally much more exquisite than the "knockoffs" outside.

The nurse who kneaded the dough repeatedly praised her as worthy of Fang Shilang's family marrying a daughter, and she married Xie Yuan, who was a bachelor's degree. This lady of the Fang family is really blessed.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the wedding of scholars and concubines was relatively simple, but by this time, the wedding ceremony was quite complicated.

All kinds of ceremonies have a specified time, if it wasn't for the Han Li to organize it here, Su Ze would have specially invited Yin Yang students to organize it.

Even so, Su Ze didn't eat anything at noon, and when the sun was about to set, he hurriedly rode on his horse and headed towards the Town God's Temple where the Fang family lived temporarily.

But Fang Ruolan was even worse, she didn't eat anything at noon, and now she is worshiping the God of Joy under the leadership of her mother.

After worshiping the god of joy, firecrackers sounded at the door, and the bridegroom came.

Mrs. Li looked at her daughter, held her hand and said:
"From today onwards, you will be a married woman, and you will be the one to decide what will happen in the future."

Fang Ruolan was a little sad, but more joyful.

Mrs. Li looked at her daughter and said with a smile: "Sure enough, it's a girl who doesn't want to stay in college. Mother can feel at ease seeing you like this. Your father is not very capable, but he is very good at judging people. He said that you are married to Su Ze." Mother also believes in those who go to enjoy themselves.”

Fang Ruolan couldn't help but roll her eyes, and the servant of the third-rank household department still said that she was not very capable?

There was a noise at the door, it was relatives and friends of the Fang family begging for red envelopes around Su Ze.

If the customs of ordinary people's weddings are even more vulgar, but the Fang family is a member of the imperial court, Su Ze will let it go after paying a few red envelopes.

The biggest red envelope was naturally for her own brother-in-law. Fang Ruolan's younger brother took the red envelope and entered the back house happily, saying, "Mother! Brother-in-law is so generous!"

Mrs. Li snatched the red seal, saw a few golden leaves inside, and said to her son, "Save it for you to marry a wife!"

Fang Ruolan's younger brother was about to burst into tears, and Mrs. Li became even more angry when she saw this son who couldn't understand his studies:

"Your father, your uncle, and your brother-in-law have all passed the Juren exam. Look at how incompetent you are! When you go to Nanjing after the wedding, you should study hard at home!"

Fang Ruolan looked at her stupid younger brother with a smile, and the worry of getting married was a little less.

Then came the final wedding ceremony.

Mrs. Li went to the front and met Su Ze with Fang Wanghai. After watching tea, surrounded by the dowry, Fang Ruolan, who was wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, was invited to the front hall.

Seeing Fang Ruolan in red makeup, Su Ze was also amazed by her wedding dress, but it was a pity that Fang Ruolan was holding a fan to cover her face, so she couldn't see her face clearly.

Handing her daughter into Su Ze's hands, Fang Wanghai's eyes were a little moist.

Su Ze took Fang Ruolan's luggage with Fang Wanghai and his wife, and then said goodbye to the two, took Fang Ruolan into a sedan chair, and headed for his new house.

After her daughter went out, Mrs. Li shed tears. Fang Wanghai also said in a low voice:

"I'm finally married. I used to be upset at home, but getting married is even more annoying."

Mrs. Li glared at him and said: "The son-in-law you picked, if Lan'er is wronged in the future, I will never end with you!"

"Bah, bah, bah! What are you talking about on such a happy day! Lan'er will be fine if she gets married, and my daughter is blessed!"

Sitting in the sedan chair, Fang Ruolan was also a little nervous. Although she had met Su Ze many times, she still had no idea about the life after marriage. Fang Ruolan blushed even more when she thought of the brochure her mother gave her.

Su Ze was riding a horse. Naturally, there were servants handing out wedding candies along the way. The streets in Nanping City were crowded with people. Su Ze was Duke Xie Yuan of Fujian, and everyone went to the streets to get some joy.

After the Changning Guard's soldiers cleared the way, they finally reached the new house, and Han Li was already waiting at the door.

"Hurry up! The auspicious time has come, hurry up and step over the brazier!"

Su Ze hurriedly helped Fang Ruolan down from the sedan chair, and the two stepped over the brazier together, and walked to the main hall of the new house amidst the blessings of relatives and friends.

Su Ze's parents are no longer in this world, but he is not willing to set up a tablet for his parents, but he just set up a tablet for the ancestors of the Su family.

Su Ze invited the old grandfather and nine aunts to attend the wedding as elders.

Fang Ruolan was held by Su Ze, and the two walked towards the main hall step by step. Fang Ruolan lowered her head, wishing she could cover her face with a fan.

When they arrived at the main hall, another "Shiquan" woman from Changningwei came up. She cut off Su Ze's and Fang Ruolan's hair, mixed them together and lit them in front of the ancestral tablet. In front of the ancestral memorial tablet, this can be regarded as telling the ancestor that the Su family has a new mistress.

In the main hall, there are all Su Ze's solid relatives and friends in this world. The corners of the mouths of the old grandpa and the ninth aunt couldn't close, and Lin Cainiang also looked at Su Ze's wedding with envy.

Only in the corner of the main hall, Lin Liangjun didn't have a smile on his face. He looked at Su Ze's bride and compared it with his own sister.

She is not as tall as my sister.

She's about the same size as my sister.

This is too weak, but my sister is still pretty.

Lin Cainiang saw Lin Liangjun hiding in the corner, pulled him aside and said:

"Today is Brother Aze's happy day, please be happy."

Now Lin Cainiang is not the same as the little radish head at the beginning. The long-opened girl already has the bright and beautiful style of a girl.

However, Lin Liangjun was still a head taller than Lin Cainiang, and the two still bickered as often as before, but now Lin Liangjun knew that he would let Lin Cainiang, and he had lost a lot of bickering during this time.

"You should also learn!"

Lin Cainiang pinched Lin Liangjun, and just as Lin Liangjun was about to protest, the girl stared back.

Here, Su Ze's wedding also entered the final stage. After paying homage to the ancestors and meeting the elders, amidst the clamor of the guests, the newlyweds were sent into the bridal chamber.

In the bridal chamber, Fang Ruolan was still holding the round fan, and Su Ze grabbed her hand and said:

"Don't cover it up!"

Slowly moving the round fan away, Su Ze couldn't help laughing when he saw Fang Ruolan's face pinched into a bun.

Fang Ruolan hurriedly rubbed her face, managed to get it back to normal, and said angrily, "You're still laughing! I haven't eaten all day!"

Su Ze's stomach also growled, he hugged Fang Ruolan and said, "What does the lady want to eat?"

Fang Ruolan was shy and irritable, she quickly pushed Su Ze away and said:

"My mother said to drink Hebei wine first!"

"Get married and obey your husband. Once you get married, you have to listen to me. Fill your stomach first!"

Su Ze took out a paper bag, revealed a delicious roast chicken and said:
"Eat first, drinking on an empty stomach is not good for your health."

After finishing speaking, Su Ze tore off a chicken leg and handed it to Fang Ruolan, then picked up the other chicken leg and gnawed on it.

Fang Ruolan took the chicken leg. She was a lady, she had never eaten like this before, but she couldn't bear the smell, so she followed Su Ze's example and gnawed.

After a chicken leg was eaten, Su Ze looked up and saw Fang Ruolan's glistening mouth, and couldn't help laughing again.

Fang Ruolan quickly wiped her face with a handkerchief, and Su Ze pulled down the chicken wings and handed them to her. Fang Ruolan instinctively took the chicken wings, only to realize that Su Ze laughed again.

"Hey, don't eat it!"

Fang Ruolan watched Su Ze finish eating the chicken wings, and said to her, "Madam, you really don't want to eat?"

"Don't eat!"

"Since we're done eating, let's eat something else."

"Is there anything to eat?"

Fang Ruolan looked at the new house, except for things like peanuts and red dates, there was only a pot of Hejiu wine.

Su Ze picked her up and said, "Of course I'll eat you!"

Su Ze's strength also has 11 points, Fang Ruolan is naturally no match, she said quickly: "Drink Hebei wine first!"

Sure enough, women in ancient and modern times value the sense of ritual the most. Su Ze put Fang Ruolan down, and the two picked up a ladle each.

卺, is a gourd, a gourd is cut into two gourds, and the bride and groom each take one to drink.

Su Ze poured wine for Fang Ruolan, and Fang Ruolan also poured wine for Su Ze. The two bowed to each other and drank the wine in the cup lightly.

After drinking, looking at Fang Ruolan's bright face illuminated by the red candle, Su Ze directly hugged her and said:

"Marry and obey your husband, now it's your turn to listen to me!"

Fang Ruolan felt so ashamed that she was about to faint. She had imagined countless wedding scenes, but she never thought that Su Ze would treat her like this.

But being hugged by Su Ze, Fang Ruolan vaguely looked forward to it, which made her face even hotter.

"Extinguish the candles!"

Fang Ruolan made a sound like a mosquito.

"On the wedding night, this candle is meant to be lit all night!"

 Ask for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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