My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 260 Gao Gong Zhang Juzheng

Chapter 260 Gao Gong Zhang Juzheng (End of this volume, new volume tomorrow)
Sea Duck Island is not far from Dongao Island. When the two took a small boat, Su Ze saw a large number of sea ducks nesting on the cliff.

This kind of gregarious seabirds are not afraid of people at all. When they saw the small boats of Su Ze and Lin Mojun, they flew over overwhelmingly.

Lin Mojun immediately raised the bamboo hat in her hand to cover her head, only to see bird droppings falling from the sky. Lin Mojun, a female general who never blinked in sea battles, was frightened into such a state by bird droppings.

Seeing Su Ze smiling, Lin Mojun was furious and wanted to leave with the bamboo hat.

Looking at the "Bombing Duck" hovering over the top of the mountain, Su Ze quickly hid in Lin Mojun's bamboo hat.

After finally landing on Sea Duck Island, the sea ducks hovering above their heads dispersed.

"There are a lot of sea ducks on this island. When Japanese pirates were on Dongao Island, people would often sneak up on this island to steal sea duck eggs, so sea ducks are very wary of people."

So, Su Ze looked at the island, only to see bird droppings piled up in many places on the island. He picked up a piece of dried bird droppings on the ground, and Lin Mojun said with a look of disgust:

"Why are you picking this up?"

Su Ze looked at the layers of bird droppings on the island, and said excitedly, "This island is a treasure!"

treasure?Bird poo-smelling treasure?

Lin Mojun looked at Su Ze. Could it be that he was dumbfounded by the bombing of bird droppings just now?

After the investigation, Su Ze immediately arranged for someone to dig the bird droppings mine in Yadao, Shanghai. This kind of bird droppings is a natural phosphate fertilizer, which is a good thing that can greatly increase agricultural production.

Hearing that this is a fertilizer that can increase food production, Lin Mojun believed it a little. Anyway, there are still many pirate prisoners idle on the island, so let them go to Sea Duck Island to dig for struvite.

By the time Su Ze finished his work and returned to Nanping City, it was already the end of November, and he and Fang Ruolan were naturally newly married.

In addition to being "busy", Fang Ruolan managed to arrange the New Year's gift with great difficulty, for Su Ze's relatives and friends.

Here, Su Ze enjoys the "hot" days of throwing away the shopkeeper after being newly married, but the capital of the Ming Dynasty is particularly cold this year.

The 35th year of Jiajing does not seem to be a stable year.

The Great Guanzhong Earthquake, the Japanese pirates invaded, and Ida invaded the frontier. A while ago, there was news from Guangdong Province that Chen Yimin, a salt household, launched a rebellion and almost captured the city of Guangzhou.

The prefect of Baizhou in Guangzhou spent money to hire Frangji bird gunners to assist the government and the army to suppress the rebellion together, so it did not become a major problem.

Although the Bai Zhifu, who just took office this year, was wronged. These Yan Dings were forced to rebel by the previous prefect and the supervisor of the salt field, but he still assumed the responsibility of controlling the disadvantages of the people.

It is very cold in the north this November, and there have been several heavy snowfalls in November.

Zhang Juzheng, who returned to the house from the Imperial Academy, took off his snow-covered cloak, and took the hot soup from his wife.

The imperial court was about to close the Yamen in the first month. In fact, the Imperial Academy had begun to work flexibly a few years ago, and some veterans of the Imperial Academy began to arrive late and leave early.

After all, the Imperial Academy is a noble yamen, needless to say expensive, the Imperial Academy is a place to reserve talent for the country.

But talent is something that is appreciated by some people. If no one appreciates it, then they can only live in poverty in the Imperial Academy.

For example, the old Yan Ge back then, didn't he just stay in poverty in the Hanlin Academy for more than ten years?

Later, if it wasn't for a coincidence, he wouldn't be as brilliant as he is now.

Zhang Juzheng's family is a big family in Hubei, and they can survive on the family's subsidies. For example, this house in the east of the capital city was bought by Zhang Juzheng's father in the capital immediately after Zhang Juzheng joined the Imperial Academy.

The houses in the capital, with the Forbidden City as the center, are rich in the east and rich in the west, poor in the south and humble in the north.

To be able to buy a house in the east of the city right after joining the Hanlin Academy, the strength of the Zhang family is extraordinary.

However, Zhang Juzheng's house is still very small, and there are only two courtyards at the front and back.

Zhang Juzheng's family only has his wife and four handymen. After all, life in the capital is still very stressful. Zhang Juzheng has already married, so he is embarrassed to always ask his family for money.

Zhang Juzheng had a very good relationship with his first wife Gu Shi, but Gu Shi fell ill and died shortly after marriage, and he and his current wife Wang Shi can only be said to respect each other as guests.

Mrs. Wang also came from a family of officials and eunuchs. After Zhang Juzheng finished drinking the warming soup, Mrs. Wang only talked about family affairs.

"Gao Jiangxuan's wife brought bacon, saying it was from Prince Yu's Mansion, and gave some to our family for the New Year."

Gao Jiangxuan is Gao Gong. Gao Gong is older than Zhang Juzheng and is also a senior in the imperial examination. When Zhang Juzheng entered the Imperial Academy, Gao Gong had been selected as a lecturer in Yuwangfu, and now he is a lecturer in Yuwangfu.

In the eyes of the people at the time, this position was actually very embarrassing.

Among the normal promotion paths for Hanlin officials, lecturing in the East Palace is also a very good path.

Give lectures to the prince of the East Palace today, and when the prince succeeds to the throne, he will be automatically promoted to be an imperial teacher. In the past, this was a position that officials in the Hanlin had to fight for.

But Gao Gong is not giving lectures in the East Palace, but Yuwangfu.

Only a few words are missing, but the meaning is completely different.

Since the former prince died, because of the prophecy that "the second dragon does not want to see", the emperor refused to appoint a prince again, and also refused to meet the prince.

Among the remaining princes of Emperor Jiajing, besides King Yu and King Jing.

And compared to King Yu, King Jing is more loved by Emperor Jiajing.

Gao Gong, the prospect of giving lectures in Yu Wang's mansion, also became unclear along with Yu Wang's status.

In recent years, as Qingliu began to support King Yu, Yan Shifan, the son of Yan Song, also began to get close to King Jing.

The officials didn't know if this was Yan Song's position, but after Yan Shifan got close to King Jing, it was a huge blow to King Yu's future.

Gao Gong's character is straightforward, and his current position is sensitive, so he rarely interacts with the officials.

But Gao Gong admired Zhang Juzheng very much. Since Zhang Juzheng returned to the Hanlin Academy, Gao Gong often took Zhang Juzheng together to discuss his own ambitions and future governance plans.

Zhang Juzheng's character is more restrained than Gao Gong's, so Gao Gong always talks, and Zhang Juzheng listens, the two get along quite well, they often get together when they are resting, and the hostesses of the two families are also very familiar.

Zhang Juzheng ordered: "Send a copy of the special products from my hometown to Gao Suqing."

Before Zhang Juzheng finished speaking, he heard a hearty voice. Zhang Juzheng hurriedly opened the yard door, and saw Gao Gong standing in the snow.

"Brother Suqing, come in!"

Zhang Juzheng immediately welcomed Gao Gong into the courtyard, and Wang immediately asked the maid to bring hot soup.

Zhang Juzheng pulled Gao Gong into the study, and when the charcoal stove started to burn, a smile appeared on Gao Gong's wrinkled face:
"The price of charcoal in the capital has increased so many times, can Uncle still afford charcoal?"

Zhang Juzheng also said with a smile: "Carbon is poisonous. I'm from Jingzhou and I'm afraid of the cold. This little money should be spent. This year is really tough."

Gao Gong also sighed and said: "Old Yan Ge took the lead to donate half of his salary to help the great work, and the officials of the six departments of the Jiuqing Yamen also donated, forcing the officials below to follow suit. I am afraid they don't know that the Beijing officials How difficult is life, I heard that there is already a Lang Zhong of the Ministry of War who uses his clothes as firewood to keep warm."

Dagong is the palace project. The fire in the three halls occurred this year. After the fire, Emperor Jiajing ordered the Ministry of Industry to rebuild.

However, the Ministry of Industry estimates that at least 30 taels of silver will be needed to rebuild the three major halls. With such a huge deficit, the clan members of Lao Zhu's family donated a total of 1 taels of silver to the emperor generously.

I heard that on the day when the order was received, Emperor Jiajing had run out of copper. There were so many royal families and vassals in the Ming Dynasty, and they finally managed to scrape together 1 taels of silver!

If it weren't for Jinyiwei and Dongchang's excellent house raids in Nanjing, and Fang Wanghai's payment of customs duties, it is estimated that even the money for the construction of the three halls would not be enough!

Under such circumstances, Yan Song, the chief assistant of the cabinet, took the lead and donated half of his salary to fund Dagong.

The first assistant took the lead in donating, and the cabinet scholars naturally followed suit, and the second assistant Xu Jie and other ministers naturally followed suit.

The cabinet all donated, and the servants of the six ministers also began to donate. In the end, the salaries of officials in the entire capital were halved to fund the great work.

Even Zhang Juzheng, a Qingliu official of the Hanlin Academy, was forced to donate half of his salary.

Gao Gong said dissatisfiedly: "Of course the senior members of the cabinet don't care about this little salary! But those low-rank officials in the capital and their families all count on their salary to cook! This year, the price of rice and charcoal in the capital has skyrocketed. If this continues, people will freeze to death!" "

Regarding Gao Gong's dissatisfaction, Zhang Juzheng just listened quietly.

Gao Gong's family was also not poor. His father was a Jinshi, and he was once an official to the Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple.

Gao Gong's house is bigger than Zhang Juzheng's house, and it was bought by his father when he was an official in the capital.

Moreover, he gave lectures in Yuwang Mansion, and Yuwang Mansion also rewarded him every now and then. He was just indignant on behalf of the officials of the entire capital.

We can't talk anymore if this goes on, Zhang Juzheng hastily said: "Brother Suqing, be careful with your words!"

Gao Gong also understood that he had made a slip of the tongue, the matter of donating money is really not good to discuss, you said that the house of Junfu's house was burned down, and it is also the duty of a courtier to donate money to Junfu to relieve his worries.

Gao Gong was only dissatisfied with the behavior of forcing donations by the Six Departments and Jiuqing Yamen.

Gao Gong is 12 years older than Zhang Juzheng, but his personality is not as stable as Zhang Juzheng.

He finished complaining and said:

"Hu Zongxian wrote a letter to the Ministry of Households to use Zhejiang banknotes as collateral to issue anti-Japanese donations. This matter has been debated in the Ministry of Households for several days. I heard that Mr. Yan Ge and the Minister of the Ministry of Households have reported this matter to His Majesty. That's what passed."

Gao Gong was lectured by King Yu, so he was naturally better informed than Zhang Juzheng.

Gao Gong knew that Zhang Juzheng was concerned about the Banknote Tariff Law, so he came over to tell Zhang Juzheng the news when he heard the news:
"I heard that Fang Shilang from the Nanjing household department also agreed to pass it so quickly. Didn't you say that Fang Shilang was the number one financial minister in the Manchu Dynasty? He would actually agree with Hu Zongxian?"

Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng are both Hanlin officials, that is, future ministers.

After all, the prime minister is not a prime minister. They are lecturers in the Yuwangfu and editors in the Imperial Academy, so they are naturally not qualified to govern.

Talking and talking has become what they often do.

Zhang Juzheng strongly praised Fang Wanghai, thinking that his banknote tariff law was "the best law in the world", and he also said that Fang Wanghai was the "No. [-] Minister of Finance" of Ming Dynasty.

Zhang Juzheng is also extremely smart, he quickly understood Gao Gong's meaning, before Fang Wanghai was promoted too fast, so he didn't have the brand of faction.

Now he has given up the interests of the Chaoguan Office to help Hu Zongxian fight against the Japanese in Zhejiang. Gao Gong is worried that Fang Wanghai and Hu Zongxian will join forces, that is, they will join the strict party.

This is what Gao Gong is most worried about. Now Hu Zongxian, who has the imprint of the strict party, is fighting against the Japanese in Zhejiang. If he has the help of Fang Wanghai, a "financial expert", the strict party will become even stronger.

As a Qingliu party, Gao Gong was naturally worried about this matter.

"Brother Suqing, I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry, can you tell me in detail about the debt issuance of mortgage notes and tariffs?"

Gao Gong sat down and told Zhang Juzheng all the contents of Hu Zongxian's letter in detail.

After listening, Zhang Juzheng said: "Wonderful!"

Gao Gong was anxious again, Zhang Juzheng said:
"In my opinion, this move is actually Fang Wanghai taking advantage of Hu Zongxian's influence, so that the customs tax law in Zhejiang will come true!"

Gao Gong was still puzzled, Zhang Juzheng explained:
"From the experience of Jiangnan this time, if it weren't for the Japanese invasion this time, let the Chaoguan Office run a group training, the banknote tariff would have gone bankrupt!"

"Tax collection can't be done without a knife in hand!"

"Nowadays, the debts are issued as collateral with banknote tariffs. The Zhejiang soldiers in Hu Zongxian's hands are tantamount to Fang Wanghai's knife, and they will definitely be able to cut flesh from Zhejiang merchants!"

"Brother Suqing, who do you think helped whom?"

Gao Gong still said: "But what if the Zhejiang Governor's Yamen doesn't pay back the money next year?"

Zhang Juzheng said: "The debt issued is the big seal of the Chaoguan Office. If the governor of Zhejiang does not pay the money, then the Chaoguan Office can issue the debt for the next year and make up for the customs duties?"

Gao Gong suddenly realized, Zhang Juzheng said again:
"And this debt is also very wonderful. Whoever can issue the debt can raise money. The treasure banknotes at the beginning of the country did not have any banknotes, and they were still used for two dynasties. Now there are banknote tariffs as collateral. The right to issue bonds is equivalent to mastering a gold mine!"

After listening to Zhang Juzheng's explanation, Gao Gong suddenly understood and said:
"Brother Uncle, does Fang Wanghai take advantage of it?"

"It's not considered an advantage, but it's not a disadvantage. This Fang Shilang is really a strange person!"

Gao Gong suddenly said in a low voice: "I heard that Fang Shilang was not the one who proposed this tax law."

In fact, Zhang Juzheng had already received Wang Daokun's letter before, and he knew that Su Ze proposed the banknote tariff law.

But he still didn't believe it at the time. At that time, Su Ze was not even a Juren, and his reputation was not very big.

Gao Gong said mysteriously: "It was Fang Shilang's son-in-law, Su Ze Su Rulin, who is now Jieyuan of Fujian Province, who proposed it. When he was in Jiangnan, it was Su Rulin who helped Fang Shilang to make suggestions, and finally brought down the people of Yuezhou."

Zhang Juzheng thought for a while, pretending not to know, and said: "Wait, this Su Rulin, is Su Ze who wrote "The Peony Pavilion" and "Nanke Meng"?"

"It's him!"

Zhang Juzheng changed his previous flat tone, and said with some expectation: "If you can win the Yuan Dynasty in Fujian, you will be able to win the Jinshi in the future. When you are an official in the same dynasty in the future, you should get closer!"

Gao Gong also nodded repeatedly. If such a capable minister who is proficient in financial management can be used by King Yu, it will definitely greatly increase King Yu's strength.

(End of this chapter)

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