My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 268 Literature Skill Lv10

Chapter 268 Literature Skill Lv10
Su Ze pulled Lin Mojun to enter the mansion, Lin Mojun shook her head and said, "Let's talk somewhere outside the mansion."

Su Ze thought for a while, and finally brought Lin Mojun to a tea shop he often visited.

This tea shop has a separate room for talking about things. After Su Ze took Lin Mojun in and waited for Dr. Cha to leave, he asked:
"What happened to Yu Shibo?"

Lin Mojun lowered her head and said, "I was arrested by Jin Yiwei, and I should have left Zhejiang by now."

Su Ze calmed down and asked, "Didn't Yu Shibo just win the battle of Pinghu?"

Lin Mojun told the news she inquired about:
"Yu Shibo defeated the Japanese pirates in Pinghu, and chased the remnants of the Japanese pirates all the way to Shenjiakou, Zhoushan. Because he led the Zhejiang soldiers, Yu Shibo did not continue to chase, which led to the Japanese pirates entering Fujian."

"The new governor of Zhejiang, Li Hu, is also from Fujian. Because the Japanese pirates ravaged Fujian, he impeached Yu Shibo, saying that he deliberately allowed the Japanese pirates to enter Fujian, and delayed the opportunity to pursue them in order to support the pirates."

Su Ze calmed down, and then he remembered that Yu Dayou seemed to have encountered setbacks in Zhejiang.

It's just that Yu Dayou seemed to have escaped successfully later, and during this time, Su Ze was also busy with giving birth to a son, so he forgot about it.

It wasn't until Lin Mojun spoke up that Su Ze realized how serious the matter was.

"It was Yu Shibo's son Yu Zigao who came to Changningwei to ask me for help. He also came with me, but he also has a military post and has not been dismissed by the court for the time being, so I stayed in the Shanghai camp."

Su Ze nodded. Lin Mojun was very cautious. If Yu Zigao was found out and left the barracks at this time, there might be another problem. Lin Mojun was very cautious.

Su Ze thought for a while and said, "What's Hu Zongxian's attitude?"

Now Hu Zongxian has been promoted to the governor of Southern Zhejiang, and this is Li Hu who succeeded the governor of Zhejiang.

However, Hu Zongxian didn't like to see Li Hu very much. Li Hu was originally from Fujian, a neighboring province. According to the Three Protectors, he was not allowed to be an official in Zhejiang.

It is said that he was able to come to Zhejiang as an official because he was recommended by King Yu.

The background of this naturally made Hu Zongxian vigilant, but this was also Emperor Jiajing's art of controlling people.

"Governor Hu did not protect Yu Dayou, but wrote a letter to play Yu Shibo."

Lin Mojun looked at Su Ze and said, "Brother A Ze, you have friendship with Hu Zongxian, why don't you ask him to withdraw the memorial and protect Yu Shibo?"

Su Ze shook his head and said, "It's useless to find Hu Zongxian."

Lin Mojun still didn't know much about officialdom, so she asked, "Why?"

Su Ze said: "Yu Shibo was involved in the struggle between the strict party and Qingliu. Now Hu Zongxian is busy cutting himself to protect himself. How could he save Yu Shibo?"

Lin Mojun was silent, she looked at Su Ze: "Then what should I do?"

Su Ze stood up and said, "Go to Beijing!"

Lin Mojun was stunned for a moment, and Su Ze said: "Going to Beijing, the root of this case lies in the court, and there is no way to do it in Nanjing."

Although in the history of the Ming Dynasty, Yu Dayou finally turned the corner, but Su Ze has changed the fate of many people since he traveled.

Who knows if this butterfly effect will affect Yu Dayou's fate?

These days, Su Ze and Yu Dayou corresponded. This Yu Shibo is indeed a loyal man who serves the country with all his might.

Yu Dayou loves soldiers like a son, can share joys and sorrows with soldiers, can also strictly restrain military discipline, and try not to harass the common people.

Moreover, he has no secrets about the knowledge passed down from his family. He writes military books while leading soldiers, just to promote new methods of training soldiers in the army, so that future generations can also lead soldiers well.

Such a general who does not eat soldiers' blood, does not kill good men and takes meritorious deeds, and wholeheartedly resists the Japanese and saves the country, was arrested by Jin Yiwei and sent to prison.

Su Ze also understood that Yu Dayou was affected by the party struggle between the strict party and Qingliu. Since he wanted to rescue Yu Dayou, he could only find a way in the capital.

Su Ze said to Lin Mojun: "You take Yu Zigao to Yangzhou, and I will meet you in two days and go to the capital together."

Lin Mojun rekindled hope. Su Ze was the most capable person she had ever met. All along, he said that if he had a way, he really had a way.

Now that Su Ze is willing to go to the capital, it means there is still hope.

Su Ze returned home, told Fang Ruolan the whole thing, and then immediately went to Fang Wanghai and explained the whole thing.

Fang Wanghai asked, "Should I ask Hu Ruzhen first?"

Su Ze shook his head and said, "It's useless to ask him. I'm afraid the Nanjing Sixth Division Procuratorate has impeached him a lot these days, right?"

Fang Wanghai fell silent. He had obviously won the victory in Pinghu, but the impeachment of Hu Zongxian increased strangely.

Even Fang Wanghai was affected, and the case of Zhejiang Chaoguan Office was also found out, saying that Fang Wanghai and Hu Zongxian joined forces to exploit big households in Zhejiang.

But what Hu Zongxian was attacked the most was the fact that he recruited Wang Zhi.

The condition of Wang Zhi's submission to the Ming court was to allow the Wa Kingdom to pay tribute again, and the Ming Dynasty named Wang Zhi the Shibo Shishi envoy in charge of the Wa Kingdom's tribute.

Under Wang Zhi's mediation, this part of the Japanese pirates of the Merchant Faction surrendered, headed by the Japanese daimyo Oyoujia, Mao Haifeng under Wang Zhi's command, Xie He all served as Japanese envoys, and drove a ship to pay tribute to Ningbo.

However, the Ming court ordered Wang Zhi to lead the old troops to attack the fleet. As a result, Wang Zhi led the troops to fight, but many of the troops betrayed him. Mao Haifeng occupied Zhoushan, fought with the Ming army for a month, and finally broke through.

Later, this group of Japanese pirates invaded Pinghu again and was defeated by Yu Dayou. Then Yu Dayou chased them to the border of Zhejiang and Fujian, and watched them go to Fujian.

After this battle, Wang Zhi expressed his loyalty to Daming, but he still did not gain the trust of Daming.

Hu Zongxian also persuaded Wang Zhi to go to Hangzhou to meet Hangzhou Governor Wang Bengu, but Wang Bengu suddenly arrested Wang Zhi, and Wang Zhi went to prison and shouted: "What is my crime? What is my crime?"

After being imprisoned, Wang Zhi also submitted the "Self-Mingshu" to the emperor, suggesting that the establishment of a Shibo Department like Fujian, and reopening the tribute trade of the Japanese country, would solve the Japanese invasion.

From Su Ze's point of view, it was a foolish move for the Ming court to renege on its promises, order Wang Zhi to be safe and then arrest Wang Zhi.

Wang Zhi was not necessarily sincere when he surrendered, but after he surrendered, he still helped the Ming court attack the old subordinates.

In this battle, the subordinates of Wang Zhi's lineage either died in battle, or followed Mao Haifeng to become Japanese pirates again.

But even so, this made those Japanese pirates who wanted to surrender completely give up. After Wang Zhi was arrested, Mao Haifeng took his place and led the Japanese pirates to wreak havoc in the southeast again.

But this time the imperial court cut off its own arm again. The arrest of good generals like Yu Dayou because of party disputes also chilled the hearts of more anti-Japanese patriots.

Su Ze said to Fang Wanghai: "Father-in-law, I'll go to the capital to see if I can find someone to rescue Yu Shibo."

Fang Wanghai originally wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak even when he opened his mouth.

In the past six months, he, the servant of the Nanjing household department, has also been trembling. He has no backer in the cabinet, and he got up purely by doing things, and it doesn't matter if he is in the capital.

More importantly, Fang Wanghai didn't join any faction, but was just doing his own thing.

Thinking about it now, he had no one in the capital who could talk to him.

Instead, Su Ze said: "Father-in-law, don't worry. I also know some people in the capital. My son-in-law and Mr. Tao from Fujian Shipyard are good friends. Mr. Tao's godfather is Li Fang and Li Dadang. As the father-in-law of Dongchang, it shouldn't be difficult to inquire about the situation."

Fang Wanghai thought for a while and said, "I still have a few fellow students in the capital. I'll write you a few letters to see if I can help you."

"Then I would like to thank my father-in-law."

"Family, where is it? After you go to Beijing, let Lan'er take the child home and live there. There will also be a care."

"This is the most appropriate."

If we leave now, we won't be able to celebrate the New Year in Nanjing. Although Fang Ruolan is a bit reluctant, she still prepares a bag for Su Ze.

The capital's office is closed before the Lantern Festival, which means that Yu Dayou has not been tried so soon, which provides Su Ze with a buffer time.

In Yangzhou, he met Lin Mojun and Yu Dayou's son Yu Zigao, and then took Fang Wanghai's warrant and took a water transport ship to the north to the capital.


Zhang Juzheng came back from the Imperial Academy, and before he reached the door of his house, he met Gao Gong who had just come out of Prince Yu's Mansion.

"Brother Uncle!"

When Zhang Juzheng saw Gao Gong, he knew that this guy was here for dinner again.

Since Zhang Juzheng returned to the capital last year, Gao Gong has been very fond of this junior. Although the age difference between the two is 12 years, Gao Gong regards Zhang Juzheng as a like-minded friend and often discusses current affairs with Zhang Juzheng in his free time.

Zhang Juzheng read the documents for a day today, but he pulled Gao Gong into the house with his energy.

Zhang Juzheng's wife had long been surprised by Gao Gong's visit, she smiled and took the maid to prepare dinner.

Zhang Juzheng's wife had already lit the stove in the study, Gao Gong said jealously:

"Sure enough, marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous man, how can the fierce wife in my family have such thoughts!"

After complaining about his wife, Gao Gong got down to business: "Yu Dayou has been escorted to Beijing."

Zhang Juzheng frowned and said, "So fast?"

Gao Gong nodded and said, "It was Jin Yiwei who drove the water transport."

Gao Gong looked at Zhang Juzheng and said, "The uncle's teacher Xu Ge should be the most clear about this matter."

When Zhang Juzheng was a good scholar, Xu Jie was the teacher of the Hanlin Academy, so Xu Jie and Zhang Juzheng had a teacher-student friendship.

The relationship between Gao Gong and Xu Jie is a bit less familiar, and they can only be regarded as political allies who both support King Yu.

In the matter of Yu Dayou's imprisonment this time, Qingliu obviously played a huge role.

Among the officials participating in Yu Dayou's speech, Qingliu is also the main one. As the leader of Qingliu, it is impossible for Xu Jie to be ignorant.

Sure enough, Zhang Juzheng fell silent. Since this year, he has gained Xu Jie's trust, and Xu Jie often takes him by his side to do things and attend gatherings related to Qingliu.

In contrast, Gao Gong with an upright temper, although he can be regarded as Qingliu, is still the lecturer of King Yu, but he cannot enter Qingliu's inner circle.

Official culture is this kind of circle culture. If you are a member of the circle, even if your official position is not high, you will still have a chance to make a fortune in the future.

And like the former Minister of the Ministry of Households, Fang Du, even if he has a position and rank, but he can't get into the circle, he can only enclose himself, and once he loses power, he will be uprooted.

Zhang Juzheng's position is not as good as Gao Gong's, but he is closer to the core of the Qingliu circle, so Gao Gong came to Zhang Juzheng to inquire about news.

Seeing that Zhang Juzheng was silent, Gao Gong said again: "Yu Dayou has made contributions to Daming. From Fujian to Zhejiang, he suffered repeated defeats and suffered many injuries for the country. Such a person should not be harmed. This will make the generals in the world cold." heart."

Zhang Juzheng remained silent.

Gao Gong said in a high tone: "If it is for party struggle, a good general like Yu Dayou will be harmed, so what is the difference between Qingliu and Yan Dang? What is the difference between Xu Ge and Yan Ge?"

Speaking of his teacher, Zhang Juzheng could no longer remain silent, he said:

"Su Qing! Be careful!"

Gao Gong still said: "I also know about Yu Dayou's participation in the performance. All the gains in the Battle of Pinghu were surveyed and cooperated by the Ministry of War. They were all real Japanese pirates. Yu Dayou himself was injured. The reason why Yu Dayou didn't pursue the Japanese pirates was because Yu Dayou didn't get a military order." , This is an expression of maturity and prudence, how come you have become a self-respect?"

"Since the beginning of this year, Yu Dayou has won the first place. If he is said to be self-respecting, what are the others?"

Seeing that Zhang Juzheng was still silent, Gao Gong said again:

"I know that now that the Japanese Rebellion is calming down, you are worried that Hu Zongxian will get the credit for the suppression of the Japanese and strengthen the momentum of the strict party. But fighting against the Japanese is fighting against the Japanese, and party disputes are party disputes. How can party disputes delay the country's major affairs?"

Zhang Juzheng is still young after all, he finally couldn't help but said:
"Brother Suqing! Yan Shifan goes in and out of King Jing's mansion day and night. King Jing has no country until now, and the foundation of the country is still undecided. Let the strict party make contributions to the eradication of the Japanese. Do you want to let the country go?"

This sentence made Gao Dao stop.

King Jing, younger brother of King Yu.

According to the tradition of Ming Dynasty, the eldest son of the emperor is the crown prince, and there was no objection to this.

However, since the prince's sudden death, Emperor Jiajing has always been superstitious that "the two dragons will not meet", and has never established a prince.

King Yu is old and should have been crowned prince, but now his position is vacant.

However, King Jing was young, and according to the etiquette and law, he should go to the fiefdom, but he was left in the capital by the emperor.

Over the past year, as Yan Song got older, the power was in Yan Shifan's hands.

But now the struggle between Qingliu and the Yan Party, in addition to the original political stance and power struggle, there is also the country's foundation, that is, the struggle for the heir to the throne.

Gao Gong was Yu Wang's lecturer, and he was bound together with Yu Wang. Qingliu supported Yu Wang, and Zhang Juzheng mentioned Guoben, so Gao Gong couldn't go on talking.

This topic was completely embarrassing, Zhang Juzheng didn't want to have a estrangement with Gao Gong because of this matter, so he changed the topic and said:

"Brother Su Qing, have you watched Su Rulin's new play?"

"I haven't seen it yet."

"I have already finished reading "Dream of Handan". Life is really like a dream. Su Rulin's opera has reached perfection. I have read it three times and still can't stop."

Gao Gong also likes opera, so he immediately became interested and took over the script from Zhang Juzheng.

"Piracy?" Gao Gong asked with a frown.

"According to Jiangnan, this is a bound edition. It was serialized in "Tongyan" last month. It was spliced ​​and published by Jiangnan booksellers themselves. It will take some time until the genuine edition is printed."

At this time, Su Ze, who was on the tank boat, received a reminder.

["Handan Dream" is very popular, literature skill experience +500, literature has been upgraded to Lv10]

(End of this chapter)

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