My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 277 One Book Startled the Waves

Chapter 277 A Book Startled a Thousand Waves
There are a total of 200 students in the first batch of Tiangong Academy.

The 150 people are all children of small and medium-sized workshop owners. They were persuaded by Peng An to learn new spinning and weaving techniques.

The remaining 50 people were selected by Xiong Wu. These were weavers from several large workshops in Suzhou City.

These weavers are all young people who can take the lead among the weavers and have some influence.

In addition, it is best to be able to read and write, or to know some basic arithmetic.

According to the standard, Xiong Wu managed to gather the people Su Ze needed with great difficulty.

Xiong Wu couldn't understand why Su Ze had to pay the weavers to study in Nanjing Academy.

Yes, Su Ze not only paid travel expenses, but also promised these weavers to receive two taels of silver every month during their study in Nanjing, which is already as high as the wages of dock workers.

In addition, the accommodation of these weaver students is also arranged in Tiangong Academy. Their study time is longer than that of the children of the workshop masters. The first period is half a year.

With such favorable conditions, even Xiong Wu himself wanted to go.

But when he thought of studying in closed mode in the academy, Xiong Wu gave up this idea again.

The opening ceremony of Tiangong Academy was very simple. Su Ze didn't even bother to hold a literary meeting. He held an unveiling ceremony on April 21st. After hanging up the plaque of Tiangong Academy, he announced that the academy would start teaching. .

For this strange academy, it also attracted the attention of Nanjing city.

But the entire circle of scholars in Jiangnan looked at Su Ze's academy with cold eyes.

Some scholars even protested, thinking that a place where craftsmanship is taught, how can it be called an academy, isn't this humiliating the gentleness of scholars?

Su Ze is a dignified Jie Yuan, isn't it a disgrace to do this thing?
However, due to Su Ze's reputation, no one was willing to stand up and protest. Everyone was watching coldly, waiting for the day when Su Ze Academy could not continue.

In addition to Xu Shixing, Xu Guo and Wang Xijue also wrote to Su Ze to express their dissatisfaction, thinking that Su Ze's running this academy was a waste of time and a pure waste of his bright future.

But Su Ze naturally didn't care about their opinions, and soon these scholars were attracted by other things.

"Tiangong Kaiwu" is sold.

Lu Erye, who sells pork on Hubu Street, did not open the door today.

After returning from Suzhou last time, after Su Ze returned to Nanjing, he frequently traveled between his own house and Tiangong Academy.

Lu Er simply lay flat, and didn't even bother to follow Su Ze. He just wrote the itinerary on the daily report, and then sold meat at home.

Lu Er even felt that selling meat would be a good business if he didn't want to be a Jinyiwei anymore?

These days, the neighbors in the neighborhood are looking for him to sell meat every day, so that Lu Er dare not open the door casually.

"Second Master, the book is back."

Lu Er was also literate, otherwise he would not have been entrusted with such a task.

Created by nature?A few days ago, the bookstore in Nanjing City was advertising that Su Ze had a new book to be released, and Lu Er kept people staring at him, making his subordinates line up overnight to buy a book and come back.

Not drama?Not a novel either?

What the hell is Heavenly Creation?
Lu Er opened the book in doubt, what is this?A new copy of "How Shameful Can It Be?"
Wait, it seems different?

Lu Er opened "Tiangong Kaiwu", the first chapter is "making sweets".

Zhigan, what is this?
After Lu Er looked at it, it turned out to be a secret recipe for making sugar.

The more Lu Er watched, the more surprised he became.

Su Ze started from sugarcane planting and described the process of sugar production in detail.

It is full of pictures and texts, starting from the types of sugarcane, and also draws the most suitable sugarcane varieties for making sucrose.

How to plant, how to take care of the sugarcane fields, how to protect and treat common insect pests, when to pick and harvest, Su Ze wrote very detailed, and also included pictures in key places, all in vernacular, Lu Er did not Jin Yiwei who had planted the land could understand it.

Immediately afterwards, Su Ze drew a machine for squeezing sugar, and wrote in detail the method of making the squeezer.

Next, is how to refine sucrose.

Su Ze gave a simple concentrated black cane sugar and a detailed method of using egg whites to make sugar crystals, so simple that even Lu Er thought he could make sugar crystals in his own kitchen.

Lu Er is completely stupid, can this be said?Can this be written directly on the book?
Isn't the making of sugar crystals a secret from generation to generation, and should it be passed on from male to female?
How could it be written so grandly?
However, Lu Er knew the price of Fuqing white sugar in the capital. According to the detailed method in the book, Su Ze even wrote down the theoretical amount of sugar produced by an acre of sugarcane land. What Lu Er saw was a lot of money. ah!

What is this for, Jin Yiwei?Go directly to the south and buy a few acres of sugar cane to make sugar. Isn't this more profitable than Jin Yiwei?

calm down!

This production method is written in the book, isn't it true that everyone knows how to make sugar, and by the time they buy land and grow sugar cane to make white sugar, they will no longer be able to make money!

Lu Er forced himself to calm down and opened it again. What is the title of the next article?Song Tiller?

Although Lu Er has read the book, he still doesn't know the second word, but the book has pictures anyway, which doesn't prevent him from continuing to read.

After reading it, Lu Er quickly understood that this article was about wine making.

Su Ze described in detail various wine-making methods, even reaching more than a dozen types.

This includes the fermentation and production methods of various liquors brewed from whole grains, as well as the production methods of wine, fruit wine and other alcoholic beverages.

From household low-alcohol rice liqueurs to more complex distilled high-alcohol wines, Su Ze gave detailed diagrams and explanations.

Lu Er's eyes lit up. One of his hobbies in life was drinking.

When he was a Jinyiwei in the capital, Lu Er drank all kinds of fine wine in the capital, and called himself Jiuxian in front of his subordinates.

But seeing the wines listed by Su Ze, there are still less than half of the wines that Lu Er has never drunk.

Just looking at Su Ze's pictures and descriptions of various wines, the wine worm in Lu Er's stomach moved.

Especially those few kinds of simple household alcohol, Lu Er immediately said: "These utensils can be bought in Nanjing City, right? Go buy some rice and come back?"

The subordinate immediately understood Lu Er's thoughts, but the subordinate said in a difficult way: "This wine song?"

Although Daming did not discuss wine, but wine is not something that ordinary people can manage.

The Ming Dynasty also collected taxes on wine and vinegar, but unlike the Song Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty did not collect taxes on the distribution link, but collected taxes on the wine koji link.

If people want to make wine, they need to buy koji from the government. By controlling koji, taxes can be collected from all winemakers.

Of course, it is also possible for the common people to keep the wine koji privately, but once they are found out, they will be severely punished.

As a staunch supporter of the small-scale peasant economy, Zhu Yuanzhang was very opposed to the use of grain to make wine, so from the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the price of the government's distiller's yeast was very high.

In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, with the intensification of corruption at all levels of government, the price of distiller's yeast was ridiculously high.

If Lu Er wants to experiment with brewing at home, he needs to buy koji.

Seeing his subordinate reaching out his hand, Lu Er immediately said, "Want money? Take my badge and ask for it!"

The subordinates are like enlightenment, yes, I am Jin Yiwei, what money do I have to pay for "taking" some wine music!

Seeing his subordinates go out, Lu Er scratched his head, feeling that Jin Yiwei was not as good as the previous generation.

If you continue to look at it, Lu Er is completely numb.

This "Tiangong Kaiwu" includes all aspects of basic necessities of life.

What is written includes:

The sewing and cutting methods of various clothing materials, as well as the weaving methods of cotton and linen.

The food that the common people use daily includes the methods of making oil, sauce, vinegar, sugar, and wine.

Manufacturing methods and blueprints for houses, carriages, and boats.

It can be said that the daily necessities of the common people are all-encompassing.

In addition, there are metallurgy, agricultural irrigation, ceramics, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, kitchen utensils, and farm tools, which can be said to be all-encompassing.

so horrible!

Lu Er thought about the city of Nanjing and said before that Su Ze has economic talents, and his business is like the God of Wealth descending to earth.

Now it seems that Su Ze is really the God of Wealth!His book is equivalent to writing all these sources of wealth in the book. Lu Er has already thought of how many workshops will mainly curse Su Ze, and how many people will enshrine Su Ze on the altar.

When his subordinate got back the wine song, Lu Er hurriedly asked him to go to the bookstore and buy another copy of "Heavenly Craftsmanship". This book must be played in the imperial court!

Lu Er didn't know that among all the people who cursed Su Ze, the one who cursed the loudest was Xu Kun, the second son of Brother Xu's hometown.

"Is the spinning machine in this book really workable?"

Xu Kun spread "Heavenly Craftsmanship" on the desk, and he looked at the old butler opposite with red eyes, showing a ferocious expression of choosing someone to devour.

The old housekeeper trembled all over. He knew that his second son had a bad temper, but he never thought that a book by Su Ze could make his son so angry.

Xu Kun is just not talented in the imperial examination, but he is not a fool.

He tried his best to calm down and asked:
"The loom at home has been built and will be sent to the island soon."

"It's not that the young master said that these looms should be finished as soon as possible, so as not to delay the important matter of winter clothes for the Liaodong frontier army."

Xu Kun continued to suppress his anger and said: "In Su Ze's book, it is said that the spinning speed of his new spinning machine is dozens of times that of the old one. Do you know what it means if what he said is true? ?”

The old butler shook his head blankly. He was commendable for his loyalty to the Xu family, but with the expansion of the Xu family's property, he was becoming more and more powerless.

But for a big family like the Xu family, loyalty is always more important than ability.

Seeing the old housekeeper's bewildered look, Xu Kun said angrily:

"If what Su Ze says in this book is true! It means that only one weaver can do what dozens of people could do before!"

The old butler gasped and said, "Is this impossible!?"

Xu Kun held back his anger and said, "Hurry up and find the best loom maker in the city, and make cotton gins and spinning machines according to Su Ze's drawings!"

"The old servant will do it now!"

The Xu family just spent a lot of money to build so many spinning wheels. If Su Ze's spinning machine can really hold dozens of machines, it means that the Xu family's batch of looms are all in vain.

Xu Kun didn't want to believe it, but Su Ze gave detailed drawings in the book, and Xu Kun didn't know anything about spinning wheels. After reading Su Ze's drawings, he felt that Su Ze's mule machine was really feasible!
Xu Kun got angry, not because Su Ze's spinning machine was more advanced than his.

Instead, Su Ze printed such advanced things in the book and announced it directly!

Such an important machine, isn't it because of strict secrecy?
Take a look at this "Heavenly Creation", which is priced at three taels of silver.

Sell ​​such an important technology for three taels of silver?
Are you, Su Ze, out of your mind?
If Su Ze's spinning machine is really as he said, it can support dozens of old spinning wheels, then the Xu family is willing to spend thousands of taels of silver to buy the blueprint!
But now Su Ze has printed such an important technology clearly and unreservedly in the book, and sold it to the whole world at a price of three taels of silver!

Cursing Su Ze again, Xu Kun felt a crisis.

It is said that Su Ze's Tiangong Academy will teach a more efficient spinning machine and loom.

If it is really popularized, the advantages of Xu's cotton textile workshop will disappear.

A medium-sized workshop with 3000 people can use new machines to equal the output of a large-scale workshop with [-] people.

Thinking of this, Xu Kun felt even more shuddering!

He carefully opened the "Heavenly Creation" on the desk. In the whole book, the cotton textile part only took up a small part of the whole book.

And what kind of impact the whole book will have on the whole Jiangnan, Xu Kun even dare not think about it.

He called the servant outside the study again and said:

"Hurry up! Go to the bookstore and buy another copy of "Heavenly Craftsmanship" and come back, and send it to the capital by fast boat! Send it to my father!"

After the servants of the Xu Mansion went to three bookstores and bought the last copy of "Tiangong Kaiwu", the first batch of [-] copies of "Tiangong Kaiwu" were sold out. I also bought a few copies and sent them across the country at high speed.

Su Ze ignored the storm he caused in the south of the Yangtze River. He stood in the lecture hall, looked at the [-] students below, coughed and said:
"Today we don't talk about the way of a sage, but this loom."

Su Ze opened the blackboard, and an enlarged drawing of the hydraulic spinning machine written on the blackboard appeared in front of all the students. Su Ze pointed to the complicated hydraulic spinning machine and said:

"This is a hydraulic spinning machine that is three times more efficient than the mule machine in Tiangong Kaiwu. Now I will talk about the principle of this machine."

Following Su Ze's eloquent talk, all the two hundred students present listened attentively.

At the beginning of the lecture, Su Ze only talked about the concept of "force", which can be understood by both the children of the workshop and the weavers.

But with Su Ze's in-depth explanation of "force", everyone's face showed the expression of listening to the scriptures?
This is force?Why is power so complicated?

Why is power still related to arithmetic?

But even if they don't understand, everyone is trying to memorize it, because the smart students among them have discovered that Su Ze's complex machine is made step by step through these "principles" and "formulas".

[Public lectures, lecture skills +18, Lv7, 187/3000]

Sure enough, it was still too deep. Out of 200 people, only 18 could keep up with Su Ze's train of thought.

But it doesn't matter, Su Ze put down the chalk and said:

"In the following time, in the morning we will talk about the principles of the hydraulic spinning machine, in the afternoon we will talk about the daily use of the people, and in the evening we will learn literacy and arithmetic."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand today. I will explain it repeatedly. When you leave Tiangong Academy, you will be able to make your own hydraulic spinning machine."

(End of this chapter)

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