Chapter 281

Zhang Biao looked at Huang Maoguan who had been beaten to death, and he also knew that things were out of control.

The army of Zhenwu Battalion was in the nature of a local regiment training rural soldiers from the time of recruitment. Most of the soldiers in the battalion and Zhang Biao were from the township party, and some were even relatives.

Knowing that the situation was getting out of hand, Zhang Biao decided to make up his mind, waved his arms and said, "It's all Huang Yuguan who stole the army's salary to fill his own pockets! Let's go to the Fifth Army Commander's Office to ask for an explanation!"

Zhang Biao understood that the matter had reached this stage, if he obediently returned to the camp, he would surely die.

We can only make things worse, so that the court may still recruit peace.

Zhang Biao also knew that the situation was like this, and there was no way to end it peacefully, so he simply took the soldiers and went further to the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, and continued to start the road of asking for salary.

As expected of being a spy of Jinyiwei, Lu Er has outstanding professional ability. He quickly found out the situation, and then returned to Hubu Street to report to Su Ze.

"You said that the Zhenwu camp had a mutiny and killed Huang Maoguan, the servant of the military department who was organizing the rations. Now the soldiers of the Zhenwu camp have gone to the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion?"

Su Ze heard the news of Lu Er's reply, and Fang Wanghai was shocked when he heard the news.

The Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies is nominally the highest commander's office and the direct superior of the Zhenwu Battalion.

Now the chief governor of the five armies' governor's mansion is Li Tingzhu, Marquis of Linhuai.

The few families around Fang Wanghai were also officials working in the Six Departments of the Jiuqing Yamen in Nanjing, and they all changed their colors when they heard the news of the Zhenwu Camp mutiny.

Mutiny happened frequently in border towns, and it was not uncommon.

However, Nanjing was the deputy capital of the Ming Dynasty, and even killed a servant of the dynasty, so this matter is not so easy to suppress.

Although this matter has little to do with the Ministry of Household Affairs, Fang Wanghai still said anxiously: "This matter has become a big deal! No, we must convene the six ministries for discussion as soon as possible!"

Just as Fang Wanghai finished speaking, he saw a young eunuch rushing to Hubu Street, and he shouted at Fang Wanghai:
"Fang Shilang! Fang Shilang is well!"

Su Ze asked someone to bring the little eunuch, and the little eunuch knelt down to Fang Wanghai and said:
"Fang Shilang, the servants are servants under the command of Eunuch He, the guardian of the government. Eunuch He asks all the ministers to withdraw to the imperial city immediately!"

The Nanjing Imperial City was later the Ming Palace.

Although the capital was moved, the imperial city was still preserved as the emperor's palace.

And the palaces outside the imperial city are the six yamen of Nanjing, which is where Fang Wanghai usually works.

The Guarding Mansion is the mansion of the guarding eunuch in Nanjing. The guarding eunuch, the governor of the Five Armies, and the Minister of the Ministry of War of Nanjing are the three giants of the Nanjing military. The guarding eunuch also has soldiers. Well deserved.

The imperial city originally had a city wall, and the guarding eunuchs also had soldiers in their hands, so all the officials present looked at Fang Wanghai.

Fang Wanghai calmed down and asked:
"What about the family?"

"Eunuch He said that there is a vacant house in the inner city, where you can house your family."

Hearing this, Fang Wanghai was naturally relieved. If the Zhenwu Battalion really mutinied, the fortified imperial city would definitely be safer.

Fang Wanghai said to Su Ze: "Ru Lin, please organize the servants of each government to escort everyone to the imperial city."


Su Ze tied up the Confucian shirt and tied a turban on his forehead.

Among the guards he carried with him were the soldiers of Changning Guard, and Su Ze quickly promoted them to be small banners leading the army.

"The family members of all the prefectures are gathered here, and all the family members of each prefecture are wearing headscarves, and they are called immediately to gather."

Su Ze's Art of War skill also has Lv8, and his current charm is as high as 13 points.

Although his fifth-level passive skill of Art of War has no bonus, Su Ze still has the passive skill [Eloquence].

[Purple Passive——Zhang Liangzhi's Conspiracy: When formulating a strategic plan, Art of War skill +2, intelligence +5. 】

After the servants from various prefectures gathered at the entrance of the alley, Su Ze immediately gave a short speech.

After the speech is over, the [Eloquent] skill takes effect.

[Purple Passive—Incitement: After completing a short inciting lecture, Charisma +5, Art of War skill +3 within a day]

Su Ze's charm has reached 13 o'clock of 5+18. These servants looked at Su Ze with reverence in their eyes.

Su Ze immediately said: "After escorting to the imperial city, each person will be rewarded with one tael of silver!"

Hearing that there was a reward, the morale of all the servants was even higher, and Su Ze's military skills had reached Lv8+3. He quickly ranked the stronger servants in the forefront, letting the honest and dutiful guard the female relatives, and then dispersed the clever ones. Scouts, hand over these people to Lu Er and let them investigate the situation.

Under the leadership of Su Ze, the family of ministers gradually joined the team. By the time Su Ze brought people to the imperial city, the team had reached 600 people.

On the other side, Zhang Biao led the soldiers of the Zhenwu Battalion to the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion.

Li Tingzhu, Marquis of Linhuai, was also restored to his title in the Jiajing year. Among all the nobles in Nanjing, he is considered the most reliable.

Poor Marquis of Linhuai, who lives in the Mansion of the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies day and night, dare not slack off in the slightest, but he did not expect such a thing to happen.

The soldiers of the Dudu Mansion of the Five Armies wore armor and guarded the gate firmly.

When Li Tingzhu got the news, he quickly got up in the Ming Hall and summoned all the generals under his command, but when he saw the few generals under his command, he looked around and asked:
"Where is Wei Guogong? Where is Wei Guogong?"

The nominal head coach of the Zhenwu Battalion is Wei Guogong Xu Pengju, but Xu Pengju was not there after such a big incident happened.

The more Li Tingzhu thought about it, the more frightened he became. If something happened to Wei Guogong, he, the governor of the five armies' governor's mansion, would do it too.

At this time, one of the generals whispered: "Great Governor, the general knows where Wei Guogong might be."

Li Tingzhu was overjoyed, and quickly asked: "Where?"

"Qin Huai... the last general will look for him right here!"

All the generals present were holding back their laughter, Li Tingzhu said with a dark face, "Go and find it quickly!"

The general came out quickly from the back door of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion, and Li Tingzhu let out a long sigh.

As the vice-capital of the empire, it is impossible for Nanjing to be guarded by only a few thousand people from the Zhenwu Camp.

In addition to the Zhenwu Camp in Nanjing, there are also Nanjing Left Guards and Right Guards, and there are also battalion guards under the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies.

However, the Zhenwu camp mutinied, and Li Tingzhu ordered his subordinates to take the Tiger Talisman tokens and send troops into the town to suppress them, but they couldn't even mobilize a single army.

The reason is naturally very simple. The fact that the Ming army owed wages did not only happen in Zhenwu Camp.

The bloodshed in these armies is even more serious, and the soldiers are naturally unwilling to send troops to suppress the Zhenwu camp for the sake of the officials.

Moreover, the Zhenwu Battalion itself is the most capable unit near Nanjing, and the combat effectiveness of the other battalions and guards is similar to that of the Yanping Guards, so they dare not send troops at all, okay?

Today, those guarding the Dudu's Mansion of the Five Armies and the Imperial City of Nanjing are all nobles and servants of the ministers' homes, and these are much more powerful than the Nanjing guards.

Although the combat power is not bad, but the number of people is not many after all, it is good that this number of people can hold on, Li Tingzhu is suffering from a headache now.

"Great Governor!"

Sure enough, misfortunes never come singly, a soldier rushed into the Mingtanghui and reported:
"Great Governor! The Zhenwu Battalion killed Huang Shilang of the Ministry of War! He has come to the Governor's Mansion!"

Everyone present was frightened to death, and one of the lieutenants said: "Great governor! The five-army governor's mansion can't be defended! Let's evacuate the imperial city!"

Li Tingzhu hesitated, but soon he didn't hesitate, because he soon saw the embarrassed Wei Guogong Xu Pengju rushing into the bright hall of the Dudu Mansion.

Seeing that Xu Pengju's hair was disheveled and bloodstained on his face, everyone quickly surrounded him.

The Great Ming Wei Guogong said with tears:

"This gang of rebels! I asked them to go back to the camp to take their crimes, but those thieves actually knocked down my jade crown! If it weren't for the men who gave their lives to save me, I would have been beaten to death by these rebels!"

Li Tingzhu looked at the Duke of Wei, who was still wearing colorful silk clothes, and he didn't know which boat he just got off from.

With the smell of rouge and wine on his body, he actually walked up to the mutinous soldiers of Zhenwu Camp in such a drunken way, and ordered them to return to the camp and wait for death.

You were only knocked down by the jade crown, you are already very lucky, okay?
Didn't see that the unlucky Huang Shilang of the Ministry of War had already been beaten to death!

Seeing this, Li Tingzhu also knew that negotiating with the rebels on his own would not work, so he immediately said:

"Go! Go to the imperial city!"

A group of people rushed out from the back door in a hurry, and rushed to the imperial city with the escort of the Duke Hou Ye who was the governor of the Five Armies.

By the time we arrived at the imperial city, the sky was already dark.

At this time, Li Tingzhu finally saw He Huan, the eunuch on defense in Nanjing. The two of them looked at each other speechlessly, and sighed heavily.

Then looking around, all the nobles and officials in the city of Nanjing gathered in the imperial city.

Eunuch He, the Nanjing garrison eunuch, looked around and finally saw Fang Wanghai among the crowd.

He walked over and pulled Fang Wanghai, squeezed the drake's throat and said:

"The suppression of the rebellion this time depends on Master Fang, the God of Wealth."

Everyone looked at Fang Wanghai, and Fang Wanghai gave a wry smile.

The reason for the mutiny was that the Ministry of War did not have enough food and money, so it would naturally cost money to resolve the mutiny.

Now the only one who can mobilize money is him, the servant in charge of the Nanjing household department.

Su Ze stood behind Fang Wanghai, quietly observing everyone present.

Fang Wanghai said with a mournful face:
"Nanjing Household Department has no money, only the Chaoguan Hall in Xuguan, Suzhou has a sum of money, less than 3 taels."

He Xu sighed heavily. He turned to Fang Wanghai. He knew that the capital was also short of money. The money received by the Nanjing household department was sent to the capital immediately. Fang Wanghaiken promised the 3 taels of silver. It is already the largest sum of money that can be used within his purview.

This time the Zhenwu Battalion mutiny, the guard eunuch himself was also to blame, He Huan sighed and said:

"With these 3 taels of silver, the situation can be calmed down a bit, but someone needs to talk to these Qiu Ba."

Eunuch He looked around, whether it was Li Tingzhu, the governor of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion, or Xu Pengju, the commander of the Zhenwu Battalion, they all took a step back.

However, Wen Yiwu still stood up.

The civil servant is Li Sui, the servant of the Ministry of War, and the general is Liu Shiyan, an honorable man who has always been at odds with Wei Guogong's family.

"He Dajian, I am willing to negotiate with Zhenwuying!"

Li Sui and Liu Shiyan glanced at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Eunuch He was overjoyed. With these two people negotiating with the people from Zhenwu Camp, maybe they could really be suppressed. He quickly said to the two:

"Please have a good talk with these soldiers. The original military salary and regular silver will be made up. The imperial court is willing to give 3 taels of silver as long as the Zhenwu camp returns to the barracks!"

Li Sui and Liu Shiyan each sat on their baskets, lowered them from the walls of the imperial city, and began peace talks with the soldiers from the Zhenwu Camp.

Su Ze watched coldly from the sidelines, only to hear Li Sui first yell out the slogan of consolation, and then Liu Shiyan yelled:
"The imperial court is willing to pay 10 taels of silver to appease the silver, as long as everyone goes back to the barracks!"

Su Ze glanced at Fang Wanghai, Fang Wanghai just sighed, this sincere uncle was also eager to make meritorious service, and wrote a bad check for 10 taels of silver, and nine out of ten he would renege on his debt after the matter was over.

Su Ze whispered to Fang Wanghai and said, "Father-in-law, the matter is very important. I should go to Huguan to escort the silver to Nanjing and send it to the barracks."

Fang Wanghai also nodded and said: "Yes, yes, Ru Lin, you must deliver the silver to the soldiers yourself, and you must not give it to others."


"Father-in-law, the other thing?"

"I'll mention it to them."

Sure enough, after Liu Shiyan called out 10 taels of silver, the soldiers of the Zhenwu Camp also hesitated.

Zhenwu Camp has a total of 3000 people, and if 10 taels of silver is distributed to one person, it is more than 30 taels of silver.

For ordinary soldiers, this is already a considerable amount of money.

Moreover, Li Sui shouted the words of pardoning the whole army, and those soldiers who were not firm in their will began to leave the imperial city one after another.

Although Zhang Biao and these general banners were unwilling, they did not have weapons to attack the city, and they could not take down the imperial city with bare hands, so they had to retreat with the soldiers.

Everyone in the imperial city finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But the Zhenwu Camp was not a fool, they returned to the camp outside the city and insisted on sticking to the camp.

Five days later, Su Ze escorted 3 taels of silver from Xuguan in Suzhou, together with a vehicle transporting military rations, into the Zhenwu Camp.

The soldiers opened the gate of the camp, and Bo Chengyi Liu Shiyan immediately led his troops to take over the entire Zhenwu camp.

After Liu Shiyan entered the barracks, he immediately broke the contract and began to search for the low-level officers who led the mutiny with his cronies.

It's just that they searched the barracks, but they couldn't find a group of people like Zhang Biao. When they asked the soldiers, they said they didn't know where they were going.

Liu Shiyan left bitterly.

The next day, Fang Wang, the servant of the household department, looked at the inscription on the sea. Because of the mutiny of the Zhenwu camp, he asked the imperial court to set up a lecture hall in Nanjing and send lectures to teach soldiers morality.

In June, the decree of the imperial court of the capital was finally delivered to the city of Nanjing.

Xu Pengju, Duke of the State of Wei, was dismissed from his position as the commander of the Zhenwu Battalion and ordered him to go home and live idle.

Li Tingzhu, Marquis of Linhuai, and He Sui, the guarding eunuch, were each fined for one year.

The Zhenwu camp was dismantled, half of them were transferred to Liaodong to guard the border, and half went south to Guangfu to fight against the Japanese.

He also ordered the establishment of a martial arts lecture hall in Nanjing, where professors from Nanjing Guozijian would serve as lecturers to teach soldiers the morality of being a soldier.

Because they had to deal with Qiu Ba, the professors of Nanjing Guozijian were reluctant to give lectures in the military camp.

Only Li Zhi from the Guozijian often went to and from the military camp, and Su Ze, a supervisor, also "assisted" Li Zhi in giving lectures.

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(End of this chapter)

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