Chapter 284
Xu Jie looked at this disciple, Zhang Juzheng said:

"The Nanjing household department is in charge of money and food in Southern Zhili."

Zhang Juzheng didn't say a word, the person in charge of Nanjing's household department is Fang Wanghai who doesn't deal with Qingliu.

Moreover, Fang Wanghai also has a "conviction" for cooperating with Hu Zongxian.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie was silent for a moment, then he raised the old flower's eyes and said:
"Is Zhao Zhenji still at home, Ding You?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and an official from the official department stood up and said:
"Old Xu Ge, Master Zhao Zhenji hasn't recovered yet."

Xu Jie thought for a while and said;
"Nanjing household department still lacks a right servant. Tomorrow, I will recommend Zhao Zhenji as the right servant of Nanjing household department. I will take the storage, money and food matters out of Fang Wanghai's hands."

Everyone looked at Xu Jie with admiration. Zhao Zhenji, who had been persecuted and relegated by Yan Song many times, was also a disciple of Xinxue and Xu Jie's student.

Zhao Zhenji had a grudge against Yan Dang, and he kept his filial piety at home because of his father's death, but it was time to recover.

Zhao Zhenji's qualifications and education are enough to be the servant of the Nanjing household department, and the normal Nanjing household department has one minister and two servants.

For example, Lu Dayou, the servant of the Nanjing household department who was arrested before, was the right servant of the household department who was in charge of storage and money.

In fact, the Game of Thrones is a game like playing cards. Whoever has more "own people" in their hands will have an advantage at the poker table.

Zhang Juzheng stroked his beard and said, "Wonderful!"

It's no wonder that Xu Jie can be the leader of Qingliu. The roster in his mind is his most powerful weapon.

Among the people present, only Gao Gong frowned and kept silent.

After everyone left, Gao Gong said to King Yu:
"Zhao Zhenji went to Nanzhili, I'm afraid it's not a good thing for the people in the southeast."

King Yu was silent, no matter how low his political level was, he understood the meaning of Qingliu's discussion just now.

That is to take advantage of the Yan Party's mistake in "changing rice into mulberry", and wait until Zhejiang has a civil uprising due to lack of food, and use this to trip the Yan Party.

But the bargaining chip in this political struggle is the life and death of the people in Zhejiang.

King Yu was stunned for a moment and hesitated, but he was also speechless.

Gao Gong said with some disappointment: "If so, Su Rulin is right, how is Qingliu different from Yandang?"

Gao Gong didn't wait for King Yu to speak, and directly bid farewell to King Yu and went out.

Since the last Yu Dayou incident, there has been a gap between Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng.

Gao Gong no longer went to drink with Zhang Juzheng alone to discuss the current situation, and interacted less with Qingliu.

Back in the mansion, Gao Gong couldn't help but went into the study, he thought about it, wrote today's events in a letter, and found out the greeting card that Su Ze handed him back then.

Then he called the servant and said:

"Pass this letter to Su Rulin at the address on the post in Nanzhili, do you understand?"

The servant immediately responded, Gao Gong sat on the chair after writing the letter, his eyes were full of doubts.

Is it right or wrong to do it yourself?
But Gao Gong also urgently wanted to ask Su Ze, how can he save Daming?

In the 40th year of Jiajing, in March, there was heavy rain throughout Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

In the yamen of the prefect of Hangzhou, the officials of all sizes looked solemn, and Ma Ningyuan, the prefect of Hangzhou, who was sitting in the upper seat, had an ugly expression on his face.

The magistrates, judges, and officials of the prefect of Hangzhou sat at the bottom respectively. In addition, Ma Ningyuan also issued an official document, asking the county magistrates in the prefecture of Hangzhou to also come to the magistrate's office for a meeting.

Hai Rui was dressed in a whitish official uniform, which stood out among all the officials, and also looked very different.

Ma Ningyuan looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Hai Rui.

He said sharply, "Why is it so slow to change rice to mulberry in Chun'an County? Only a few dozen acres of land have been changed so far? Hai Rui, the magistrate of Chun'an County! Is your order as a magistrate a joke?"

Everyone's eyes were on Hai Rui, but Hai Rui's expression didn't change because of his boss' anger.

However, Hai Rui is no longer a rookie in the officialdom, so he didn't give up directly, but said:

"These days it's been raining heavily in Chun'an, and the lower officials are inspecting the dikes and dams. They haven't asked about changing the rice to mulberry. It's all left to the county magistrate Tian."

"You!" Ma Ningyuan patted the table and said:

"Since you don't manage politics, why do you block the people sent by the prefect?"

Hai Rui still said in a nonchalant manner:

"It's just that I haven't seen the prefect's personal warrant, and the officials suspect that these people are bluffing and deceiving."

Ma Ningyuan couldn't say the rest.

No matter how well a thing is done, people will always need to do it in the end.

Although Hai Rui is only a county magistrate, changing rice to mulberry will always fall on his head.

As long as he has this attitude, it will be difficult for Ma Ningyuan to force him to do anything.

Ma Ningyuan sent his men to Chun'an to forcibly change the rice into mulberry, but was expelled by the Yamen servants led by Hai Rui.

But Ma Ningyuan's method is to destroy the fields and promote the transformation of rice into mulberry, and it is impossible to fall into black and white.

Just when the discussion reached a stalemate, suddenly a yamen servant from the magistrate's yamen came in and shouted:
"Masters, the people of Chun'an have changed!"

Ma Ningyuan slapped the table and stood up, but his face was filled with joy. He gave Hai Rui a vicious look.

As if the civil uprising was a happy event, he immediately stood up and said to the yamen servant beside him:
"Hurry up and ask the Hangzhou New Army to dispatch! This government will personally suppress these troublemakers!"

Hai Rui and a group of officials also stood up and hurriedly followed the magistrate into the rain.

Hai Rui's face was full of worry. This civil uprising gave Ma Ningyuan a breakthrough. He had an excuse to violently intervene and change rice into mulberry.

Sure enough, when the group arrived in Chun'an, the rain was still going on, and they only saw the so-called civil uprising, which was nothing more than a village of people standing by the field and pulling seedlings in the field in front of the government servants.

Ma Ningyuan was completely dazed in order to promote the transformation of rice into mulberry. He ordered the servants of the government and county government to prevent the people from spring plowing.

Ma Ningyuan understands very well that if the people want to change rice into mulberry, it is not enough to rely on calls.

Therefore, Ma Ningyuan simply drew his salary from the bottom of the pot. As long as the people can't grow this season's grain and delay the spring plowing, they can only plant mulberry trees and change rice to mulberry according to the government's requirements.

Ma Ningyuan's calculations are good, but the people are not fools.

There is no food to grow in spring, and you will be hungry in autumn and winter. Your court only said to change rice into mulberry, but you didn't pay a penny of subsidies.

If there is no food, people will starve to death. In autumn, the people who have no food can only sell their fields to survive.

Moreover, the county also forcibly allocated the mulberry seedlings that were converted from rice to mulberry, which made the people of Hangzhou resist.

This is a small village on the edge of Chun'an County. Seeing this situation, Ma Ningyuan doesn't look like a civil uprising?
He frowned and called to the little official who tipped off the news:
"What about the civil uprising?"

"These unruly people refused to let the yamen servants go down to pull out the seedlings, and there was a conflict, my lord, this is rebellion!"

Ma Ningyuan was about to be laughed at, but when he saw the villagers holding farm tools, Hai Rui had already stepped forward to negotiate against the rain.

No, we can't let Hai Rui succeed in negotiating, let him procrastinate like this!

At this time, Yu Zongyuan, in armor, came to this small village on horseback with a general banner of the Hangzhou New Army.

After seeing Yu Zongyuan coming, Ma Ningyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately stepped forward and said:
"General Yu, you are finally here! Please give orders to expel these unscrupulous people, the government will implement the government's orders!"

"Who dares to destroy our fields!"

In the crowd, a strong man saw the officers and soldiers coming, but he shouted without retreating at all.

Ma Ningyuan looked at the person in the crowd and said, "Where did this troublemaker come from?"

A clever man came out of the scribes and yamen servants surrounding the field, and leaned beside Ma Ningyuan and said:

"This guy's name is Qi Da, he is a farmer in the village, and he also does some work of killing pigs. He is the leader of these troublemakers."

"Come on! Take this Qi Da!"

Ma Ningyuan yelled loudly, and the Yamen servants looked at him again, as if they were asking what crime they were charged with.

Ma Ningyuan said directly: "Tong Wo!"

The servants under him became motivated, and at this moment Hai Rui stood up again and said:
"Your Majesty, this University of Qi is a citizen of Chun'an County, so we, Chun'an County, should arrest and judge first."

"It's a matter of communication! This government will personally try it!"

Hai Rui still refused to budge and said, "There is no regulation in the Daming Law that the government go beyond the county to directly pursue lawsuits."


Seeing that Hai Rui brought out "Law of the Ming Dynasty" again, Ma Ningyuan became even more furious. At this time, a short and fat little official with a mustache rushed to the scene with his people.

Ma Ningyuan knew that this was Tian Xiancheng from Chun'an County, and he said to Tian Xiancheng:
"Haizhi County said that changing rice to mulberry is entrusted to you?"

The magistrate of Tian County rolled his eyes, and he also knew that the magistrate was not kind.

He hurriedly said: "It is a national policy to change rice into mulberry. Naturally, the county magistrate is in charge. Tian is just a errand."

Ma Ningyuan pointed to the people in the village and said:

"Civil riots in this village are caused by your dereliction of duty? That Qi University knows him, right? Our government thinks he is a Japanese, so let someone take him down quickly, and then send him to the magistrate's yamen for our own trial!"

Hai Rui paused, and he also looked at Tian Xiancheng.

Ma Ningyuan was able to become a magistrate from Juren, so he was naturally capable.

It was like Hai Rui resisting his orders, as long as Tian Xiancheng took Qi Da and handed it over to the magistrate's yamen according to the procedure, Hai Rui couldn't intervene.

Since Hai Rui took office, the Tian County Prime Minister had had many disputes with him. Seeing Ma Ningyuan's appearance, he gritted his teeth and ordered, "Take down Qi University who is in charge of the Japanese!"

Ma Ningyuan said to Yu Zongyuan again:
"General Yu! Please lead the team to drive away the rioters, the government has to perform official duties!"

Yu Zongyuan asked his adjutant to order that all the riders of the Hangzhou New Army mount their horses and prepare to rush towards the people who surrounded the fields.

The rain is falling and the people are crying.

Yamen servants rushed to seize Qi Da, and the Hangzhou New Army was ready to go.

Hai Rui also stood in the way of the Hangzhou New Army's charge, and the whole scene was in chaos.


A voice sounded like thunder, and everyone looked over, only to see a scholar in a blue Confucian shirt standing in the rain.

The person who came was naturally Su Ze. He walked quickly to Hai Rui and said to Hai Rui:


When Hai Rui saw Su Ze, he was a little surprised why he came to Zhejiang suddenly, but he was relieved when Su Ze came.

My disciple can always think of a way.

Sure enough, Su Ze stood up and said to Yu Zongyuan:
"Brother Yu, Hu Butang only asked you to guard Hangzhou, but he didn't ask you to help Ma Zhifu destroy the land."

When Su Ze stood up, the cavalry of the Hangzhou recruits who were present reined in one after another.

Since the establishment of the Hangzhou New Army, Su Ze has come to Hangzhou to give lectures on martial arts many times. The entire Hangzhou New Army, from deputy generals to grassroots soldiers, will call "Mr." when they see Su Ze.

Su Ze told them the principles of being a general, the sense of honor of being a soldier, and often condolences to the Hangzhou New Army. When he spoke at this time, everyone looked at Yu Zongyuan.

Yu Zongyuan saw Su Ze coming, so he took off his helmet and walked to him and said:
"Brother Aze, why are you here?"

Su Ze said, "Brother Yu, do you still remember what I told you?"

Yu Zongyuan shook his head, and Su Ze said: "The mission of the Hangzhou New Army is to fight against the Japanese. The affairs in the officialdom are too deep for you to grasp. Let the brothers disperse."

Yu Zongyuan looked at Ma Ningyuan and said:
"The magistrate?"

"Is there any Governor Hu in Ma Zhifu? If Brother Yu doesn't believe it, Governor Hu's order will arrive immediately."

Su Ze said coldly, as expected, a messenger officer rushed into the village soon, and the officer found Yu Zongyuan and said:

"Hu Butang's military order, let the Hangzhou new army return to the camp to prepare for the Japanese!"

Yu Zongyuan glanced at Su Ze, his brother is really good at predicting things!

He hurriedly said to the adjutant: "Let the soldiers go back to camp!"

Then Yu Zongyuan pulled Su Ze and said: "Brother Aze will come back to Hangzhou later, you must come to my camp for a while!"

After saying this, Yu Zongyuan immediately led the soldiers and left the village without looking back.

Seeing that the new army in Hangzhou had withdrawn, Ma Ningyuan also knew that the general situation was over. With his servants, he couldn't defeat the united villagers.

He looked at Su Ze and asked, "Who are you?"

Su Ze cupped his hands and said, "Imperial Supervisor, Su Ze."

Hearing Su Ze's name, Ma Ningyuan was stunned for a moment. Su Ze is well-known in Zhejiang, especially the rescue of Yu Dayou in the capital last year, which made Su Ze very famous among the people.

The common people naturally have a steelyard. Yu Dayou was in Zhejiang, and the soldiers he trained did not commit any crimes in Zhejiang.
Su Ze, a first-year commoner, went to Beijing alone, and saved Yu Dayou with a copy of "The Complete Biography of Shuo Yue", which made him even more legendary.

Su Ze said to Tian Xiancheng again: "Master Futai said that Qi Datong is a fool, and we have to wait for the county to have a trial first before reporting to the government."

Tian Xiancheng quickly said: "Yes, yes."

Fang Wanghai has a Chaoguan Office in Zhejiang, and now the Chaoguan Office is the God of Wealth in every county.

Su Ze's identity, Tian Xiancheng naturally knew, the son-in-law of Nanjing Household Minister Fang Wanghai, with him on Hai Rui's side, Tian Xiancheng was unwilling to continue flattering Ma Zhifu, and quickly turned back to his own head The boss, Hai Rui.

Ma Ningyuan knew that he had no breakthrough, so he had no choice but to leave with his officials and servants in resentment.

The people in the village cheered, but Su Ze looked worried when he saw the gloomy sky and the continuous spring rain.

(End of this chapter)

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