My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 286 [6 Sutras Annotate Me]!start up!

Chapter 286 [Six Classics Annotate Me]!start up!

Hearing this result, Hai Rui's face also darkened.

He knew that his boss, Ma Ningyuan, was eager for quick success, but he didn't expect his heart to be so dark.

Destroy dikes and flood fields?

Is this something people can do?

Hai Rui instinctively prepared to seal off the county government and block the news, but Su Ze suddenly said:
"Teacher, I think this matter should be told to the people of Chun'an."

Hai Rui looked at Su Ze in surprise and said, "'People can let them know, but they can't let them know'. How can we tell the people in Chun'an about this? What if it leads to civil disorder?"

Sure enough, the current Hai Rui is not the Hai Rui who will appear in "Public Security" in the future. At this time, Hai Rui still has illusions about the imperial court.

Even Hai Rui, who will appear in "Zhi An Shu" in the future, has illusions about the emperor, thinking that his memorial can wake up the emperor, and that as long as Jiajing can work hard like when he first succeeded to the throne, Daming will be better.

Su Ze would also think that Hai Rui was naive and foolish and loyal, but how many officials like Hai Rui really cared about the people in the Ming Dynasty?
Love for the people alone is enough to make Hai Rui rank among the moral models of the feudal society for thousands of years.

Su Ze said righteously: "Although not all the people have read books, they know the good and evil hearts the most. We are still helping to hide what Ma Zhifu has done. This does not mean that we have become his accomplices." ?”

"The Master said: 'The people can be taught, but they cannot be taught'. It is not that Confucius advocated the art of fooling the people! It is that the Master also lamented the difficulty of enlightening the wisdom of the people! It is difficult for the people to understand the way of sages."

"There is a saying in the mean, people's nature is good, so it can be used. People's nature is not all clear, there are people whose wisdom is below that of the middleman, so there are people who can't be taught."

[Six classics note me]!start up!

When it came to Su Ze's favorite part of debating scriptures, after Su Ze's passive skill was activated, even Hai Rui felt that his disciple's aura was different.

Su Ze said to Hai Rui: "In the era when Confucius traveled around the world, there were only a hundred people who could read and write, and education was monopolized in the hands of officials. That's why Confucius wanted to establish private schools and spread Confucianism. Make the people wise."

"But it's different now. The disciples are in the south of the Yangtze River, and the traffickers and pawns can read and write. Ordinary people can also buy books to read. In restaurants and tea shops, ordinary people discuss important court affairs."

"In the pre-Qin period, books had to be recorded on bamboo slips, and one who had learned a lot was already a top scholar."

"Today, books are all printed on white paper, and the newspapers run by disciples are even more popular among ordinary people."

"That's why I say that people's wisdom has been developed, and it can be known!"

"Not only to let the people know it, but also to let the people know it for themselves and be free!"

Su Ze said to Hai Rui: "Teacher, Ma Ningyuan destroyed the embankment and flooded the fields today, and tomorrow the court will have other people come to push for changing the rice into mulberry. Today you carry the magistrate, tomorrow the chief envoy, and the governor-general , how do you resist?"

"The magistrate's destruction of dikes and fields flooded the land, not just in Chun'an. What about the people in other counties in Hangzhou Prefecture? What will happen to the people in Zhejiang in the future?"

Speaking of the common people, Hai Rui immediately softened. He looked at Su Ze and said, "What do you think?"

Su Ze said lightly: "The people of Chun'an naturally have to protect their own fields."

Hai Rui was stunned after hearing Su Ze's words.

He has been in Chun'an County for two years, and has changed two bosses. He knows the officialdom in Zhejiang very well.

Soliciting bribes, making money, cronyism, these are already normal operations.

These officials climbed up for themselves, and never regarded ordinary people as human beings.

In order to implement the transformation of rice into mulberry, Ma Ningyuan was able to be so crazy.

Hai Rui was also a little confused. Is it really because the traitor party is in power that the court has become like this?

When Hai Rui was at a loss, Su Ze called to Qi University and asked him to tell Chun'an's team trainer the result of today's interrogation, and then whispered a few words in his ear.

Qi Da clasped his fists at Su Ze and nodded, and walked out of the county office against the light rain.

. . .

In the Hangzhou mansion, the rain today was a little less than yesterday. Ma Zhifu, who had just put on his official uniform and was about to go to work, heard the "good" news from the yamen servant.

Several dams under the Hangzhou Mansion burst one after another, flooding a lot of farmland!

Hearing this news, Ma Zhifu couldn't help being overjoyed, he immediately asked someone to carry the sedan chair, and went to inspect the submerged farmland.

But when Ma Zhifu left the gate of the government office, there was a commotion outside, Ma Ningyuan frowned and asked:
"What's the noise?"

The clerks on the left and right looked at me and I looked at you, and finally sent the yamen servants outside to inquire about the news.

After a while, a yamen servant ran in in panic and said to Ma Ningyuan:
"My lord! It's not good! It's not good!"

"Why panic?" Ma Ningyuan paid the most attention to rules in governing the government, and he was a little angry when he saw his subordinates like this.

The yamen servant breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "The people of Chun'an surrounded the yamen, saying that the magistrate allowed the murderers to destroy the dikes and flood the fields!"


Ma Ningyuan couldn't care less about his dignity now, he asked quickly: "How is it possible!"

The yamen servant continued:

"These gangsters are said to be instigated by your behind-the-scenes friend, Master Shao, and they have surrounded the government office now!"

"Hurry up and call Master Shao to protect him!"

Ma Ningyuan paced back and forth in the lobby, waving his arms and shouting: "Rebellion! These gangsters are rebellion!"

"Quickly call the servants in the mansion!"

Ma Ningyuan felt a sense of fear for no reason.

As an official, he has always regarded these ordinary people as worthless.

These common people, who were facing the loess and their backs were facing the sky, knelt together when they saw themselves.

In fact, Ma Ningyuan seldom sees the common people. What he sees are just the numbers on the household tax ledger, and the numbers of the number of people affected by the disaster.

Ma Ningyuan led the servants out of the gate of the government office. Only at this time did he see the huge crowd surrounding the government office.

These people all stared at Ma Ningyuan, all of them were unarmed, and looked at Ma Ningyuan with cold eyes.

At this time, I don't know who took the lead in shouting "Ma Ningyuan destroyed the embankment and flooded the fields", and these people also raised their hands and shouted.

The effect of one person's shouting is completely different from that of a hundred or a thousand people. When these people shouted "Ma Ningyuan destroyed the embankment and flooded the fields" in unison, the sound almost collapsed the government office.

The dignified prefect of Hangzhou finally felt the fear.

These ordinary people who he looked down upon in ordinary times, who were like worthless people, gathered together and turned into a terrible torrent, and now they have rushed in front of him.

Ma Ningyuan coughed twice, ready to use his official authority to drive back these people.

But before he could speak, he saw a familiar figure who was pushed out of the crowd by being tied up.

It's my close friend Master Shao!

Ma Ningyuan's head buzzed, and he couldn't say anything else.

Mr. Shao was tied up and his mouth was still stuffed with a cloth ball. He looked at Zhifu Ma with pleading eyes, like a fish dying of thirst.

He used to live in the magistrate's yamen's mansion, but suddenly a township party came to his door yesterday and invited him to drink flower wine in Hangzhou.

Master Shao didn't doubt that he was there, but who knew he was sacked as soon as he left the government office.

Immediately afterwards, those rascals who were hired by Master Shao to destroy embankments and flood fields in Chun'an County were also tied up and pushed in front of Ma Ningyuan.

Ma Ningyuan was completely panicked, only to hear a farmer in bunt walking out of the crowd, it was Qi Da that Ma Ningyuan had seen last time.

"Mazhifu destroyed the dikes and flooded the fields! We are going to seek an explanation!"

"Ask for an explanation!"

After saying this, this group of people actually gave up surrounding the government office, but headed towards the governor's office in Hangzhou City.

Ma Ningyuan slumped on the ground all of a sudden, he knew everything was over.

The people of Chun'an surrounded the Yamen of the governor of Zhejiang Province. Hu Zongxian, who was inspecting outside Hangzhou, received the news and rushed back to Hangzhou city overnight.

When he hurried back, the news that Ma Ningyuan, the magistrate of Hangzhou, ordered his subordinates to destroy the dikes and flood the fields had spread throughout the city of Hangzhou.

Hu Zongxian already knew something was wrong, and when he returned to the governor's office, he was even more surprised when he saw the crowd of people.

This year, the Japanese pirates were just flattened. If civil unrest broke out, then I, the governor of Zhejiang Province, would definitely be reprimanded by the court.

Hu Zongxian was also very decisive. He first sent people to the city of Hangzhou to invite the garrison, and let the army disperse the people who surrounded the governor's yamen of Zhejiang Province.

Then, with great fanfare, they sent people to the Yamen of the prefect of Hangzhou to arrest Ma Ningyuan.

After such an operation, the people gathered in front of the Governor's Yamen in Zhejiang Province dispersed.

Hu Zongxian did not return to the governor's office, but lived in the camp of the new army in Hangzhou.

Looking at Ma Ningyuan, Hu Zongxian didn't even have the strength to scold.

Ma Ningyuan was single-handedly picked up by him. He thought he was capable of doing things, but he didn't expect him to be so stupid!
Instigated his subordinates to destroy dikes and flood fields, and was arrested by the people for personal and physical evidence.

Hu Zongxian had a headache. As long as Qingliu got the news, he would definitely go crazy and impeach Ma Ningyuan.

Ma Ningyuan hugged Hu Zongxian's leg and said, "Hu Butang save me!"

Hu Zongxian kicked Ma Ningyuan away: "You come to beg me now? Why don't you ask Mr. Xiaoge to save you?"

"I have interviewed you many times to tell you not to rush to convert rice into mulberry. How did you do it? Destroy embankments and flood fields? Fortunately, only a few small river dams have burst their embankments,"

"If there is really a flood in Hangzhou, you and I will die and cannot absolve ourselves of the blame!"

Just as Hu Zongxian finished speaking, he heard a bang outside, and a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, lighting up the entire night sky.

Immediately afterwards, raindrops as big as beans fell from the sky, crackling and hitting the roof of the barracks.

Hu Zongxian hurriedly ran to the camp, watching the heavy rain pouring down, the rainwater flowing from his meticulously combed hair into his eyes, Hu Zongxian raised his head, and the rainwater fell from the corners of his eyes.

Listening to the sound of rain, Ma Ningyuan passed out directly.

In the 40th year of Jiajing, on March [-], there was a heavy rain in Hangzhou.

Su Ze braved the heavy rain and ran across the embankments of Hangzhou Mansion all night, organizing the people to fight the flood.

But these water conservancy facilities were either in disrepair for a long time, or were destroyed by people sent by Ma Ningyuan, and this time the torrential rain exceeded previous years.

Su Ze directed the flood control on the dams day and night, but still failed to prevent several dams from collapsing.

Su Ze didn't expect that it was just a natural disaster, but it turned into such a situation under the blessing of man-made disasters.

The dam broke in Lin'an County, and all [-] mu of fertile land were flooded.

However, in the counties under the Hangzhou Prefecture, except for Chun'an County under Hai Rui's rule, under the leadership of Hai Rui, the embankments were strengthened and the people were transferred to organize flood discharge. The magistrates of the other counties simply lay flat and did nothing.

After the torrential rain passed, the three counties under the jurisdiction of Hangzhou Prefecture were flooded, and as many as [-] mu of land were affected.

When the rain was over and the sky cleared, Su Ze looked at the originally wealthy people of Hangzhou Mansion lying on the muddy land, crying bitterly holding the seedlings washed away by the flood, Hai Rui and Su Ze stood by the field, also Couldn't help crying.

"Teacher, how many shortfalls are there in the relief food in the Chun'an treasury?"

Su Ze asked Hai Rui.

Hai Rui shook his head and said, "It's not about the lack of food for disaster relief. This year's spring plowing has already run out of replanting, and this year's autumn grain harvesting will definitely not be available."

Su Ze also sighed and said: "The imperial court will not give up so easily to change rice into mulberry."

Hai Rui looked at the people affected by the disaster and said, "Now we can only take one step at a time. If Ru Lin can get food, let's bring more food to Zhejiang."

Su Ze nodded heavily and said, "This is naturally obligatory!"

On March [-]th, news spread in Hangzhou that Hu Zongxian had imprisoned Ma Ningyuan, the former prefect of Hangzhou, and removed all of Ma Ningyuan's positions with the governor's authority, and sent him to the capital for punishment.

What Ma Ningyuan did spread to Nanjing, and the official circles were excited. The officials of the six departments in Nanjing wrote to impeach Hu Zongxian and Ma Ningyuan, and a political struggle was once again set off in the southeast.

Hu Zongxian did not spare the people of Chun'an who surrounded the government. He sent soldiers to arrest Qi Da and others who took the lead in besieging the government.

It's just that by the time these soldiers arrived, Qi Daquan's family had already disappeared, and the people who took the lead in making troubles were all "disappeared".

On March [-], Zhao Zhenji, a famous Qingliu scholar who had finished Ding You, took office as the right servant of the Nanjing Household Department, and took over from Fang Wanghai the two powers of the Nanjing Household Department's management of granary and water transportation.

Since Fang Du, the Ministry of Household Affairs in Nanjing not only did not set up a minister, but also did not set up a right servant.

Zhao Zhenji was originally a well-known Confucianist who studied the mind. When he was an official, he surpassed Yan Song and was very prestigious in the court.

He was a Jinshi in the imperial examination earlier than Fang Wanghai, and he was Fang Wanghai's senior in the imperial examination. He rushed to Nanjing's household department and soon took over the power from Fang Wanghai.

Hu Zongxian wrote to the imperial court, requesting Nanzhili to allocate grain for disaster relief. After Zhao Zhenji took office as the right servant of the Nanjing household department, the first thing he did was to refuse to allocate grain to Zhejiang. north.

Hu Zongxian knew that he could not get food in Nanzhili, so he directly wrote to the court to explain the flood in Hangzhou, and asked to suspend the promotion of rice to mulberry in Zhejiang.

(End of this chapter)

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