My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 292 Attacking the Japanese pirates together, upgrading the art of war

Chapter 292 Attacking the Japanese pirates together, upgrading the art of war

Yu Zigao looked at Qi Jiguang. This famous anti-Japanese general is only 35 years old now, which is when a general is at his prime.

When they were fighting against the Japanese in Zhejiang, Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou were very bright for a while, how high-spirited they were.

There were also difficult times at that time, but at that time his father and Qi Jiguang met in Hu Zongxian's Governor's Mansion, and they were all in high spirits when they talked about the situation. Qi Jiguang always pulled Yu Dayou when he was drunk and said that he would definitely be able to pacify the Japanese in three years.

But after entering Fujian for half a year, Qi Jiguang no longer had the high spirits he had before.

Qi Jiguang carefully maintained the relationship with the local.

For the olive branch that Qingliu extended, Qi Jiguang also took this line through Tan Lun.

Qi Jiguang is also maintaining his relationship with his old boss Hu Zongxian, and he will be given gifts every festival.

Qi Jiguang will also try his best to get some money. This is not because he wants to eat the blood of soldiers, but to use it to manage the officialdom.

The high-spirited Qi Jiguang, who talked freely about military affairs, disappeared, and was replaced by a Qi Jiguang who was cautious, carefully maintained various relationships, and did not seek meritorious deeds.

Yu Zigao understood the reason for all this. Yu Dayou's imprisonment caused a huge shock to Qi Jiguang's soul.

He understands that no matter how good he is in training and fighting, and how much contribution he has made, as long as there is no support from the court officials, just a memorandum from the officials can put you in prison.

Yu Dayou was not necessarily lucky to be rescued by Su Ze and protected by Lu Bing.

In order to fight against the Japanese and for the sake of his brothers, Qi Jiguang also had to be tactful and sophisticated.

"Does Mr. Su have any requirements?"

Seeing Yu Zigao in a daze, Qi Jiguang asked.

Yu Zigao quickly said: "Mr. Su wants to take a joint operation with Uncle Shi to wipe out the Japanese pirates off the coast of Xinghua Mansion before the autumn harvest."

That's it?

Qi Jiguang was also planning to crack down on the Japanese pirates near Xinghua Mansion before the autumn harvest, and Su Ze's proposal was exactly what he wanted.

So Qi Jiguang agreed: "What kind of request is this? Su Rulin gave up going to Beijing for the test, gave up his own future to fight against the Japanese, he is a real national scholar!"

The news that Su Ze gave up next year's spring in order to fight against the Japanese has spread throughout Fujian. Both scholars and common people are full of respect for him. Even generals like Qi Jiguang are moved by Su Ze's behavior after hearing this.

With his dignified Fujian Jieyuan status, it can be said that he is sure to take part in the examination.

The sooner you become a Jinshi, the sooner you can be awarded an official, and the next one will be three years later.

Moreover, Su Ze is a scholar, and it is not his job to fight the Japanese. If he can sacrifice his life to fight the Japanese, how can he not be respected by Qi Jiguang, who is determined to fight the Japanese.

Yu Zigao said: "Mr. Su said that all the troops on the road will be handed over to Uncle Shi, and all the sea ships of our Qi family army will be handed over to the new navy army."

"The gains and military achievements of this operation are divided equally, and the food and grass are also provided by the new navy army. What do you think?"

Of course, Qi Jiguang agreed without hesitation. The condition was so tempting that Qi Jiguang had no way to refuse it.

On September [-]th, Qi Jiguang, who once fought against the Japanese in Shandong, had no time to recall the Shandong brothers, and the joint combat team sent by Su Ze came.

Su Ze sent a total of four small banners of hundreds of people, a total of 400 people.

When Qi Jiguang saw this group of soldiers, he praised again and again: "Su Rulin trained well! He was able to train such an elite soldier in just a few months!"

In addition to the four small flags leading the army this time, Lin Liangjun, as the officer leading the team, also reported to Qi Jiguang.

"General Qi! Commander Su is already in Putian County and invites you to attend the pre-war meeting!"

Putian County is Yiguo County of Xinghua Prefecture, which is the prefectural city where the government office is located.

For a long time, the Qi family army has been stationed in a military camp not far from Putian County.

Since it is a joint operation, there is nothing wrong with holding a meeting to discuss the battle plan before the battle.

Qi Jiguang immediately agreed, and he was going to hand over the affairs of the general camp to Vice General Huang, when Yu Zigao suddenly said:
"General, the battle between the two departments is of great importance. Leave the matter of the barracks to me. Are you and General Huang Shen going to Putian?"

After thinking about it, Qi Jiguang felt that what Yu Zigao said was correct. Although Yu Zigao was young, he did things in a strict manner, and there would be no trouble if he stayed behind, so he nodded and took Vice General Huang to Putian County together.

After Qi Jiguang left the camp, Yu Zigao blinked at Lin Liangjun, and then said to the battalion officers of the Qi family army:

"It's better to let the new navy brothers who came from afar get used to the camp first. I think they are broken up and assigned to each barracks to get used to it. It can also cultivate friendship and cooperate better on the battlefield?"

The battalion officers glanced at each other and felt that there was nothing wrong with Yu Zigao's statement.

The Qi family army transferred to Fujian has about 5000 soldiers.

These 5000 people are basically the children of Zhejiang miners recruited by Qi Jiguang in Jinhua.

In addition to these army soldiers, Qi Jiguang also recruited [-] fishermen in Xinghua Prefecture and built some ships, but these were basically sea-going ships for transportation. Qi Jiguang was still an army-based force as a whole.

It is such a force that first followed Qi Jiguang to fight against the Japanese in Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong, and made great contributions.

After the successful anti-Japanese war, Qi Jiguang guarded the north again, fighting against the internal crimes of the Mongolian tribes and ensuring the safety of the northern border.

This army went south and north, but the final result was not very good.

In Su Ze's original historical timeline, Qi Jiguang was liquidated after Zhang Juzheng's fall because he was attached to Zhang Juzheng.

After Qi Jiguang's death, the Qi family army was transferred to North Korea to fight against Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion, and suffered heavy losses. The Qi family army also made great achievements in Liaodong.

But the final result was that the Southern Army asked for rewards because of the long-term arrears of payment by the Ming court.

When the South Pyongyang soldiers withdrew, they clamored at Shimenzhai with the king's reward.Wang Bao, the commander-in-chief, had a small quarrel with the southern soldiers, so he confuses the army with a sudden change. Thousands and three hundred soldiers were killed to lure and kill them. "

There are a few simple words in Wang Bao's biography, "Bao lures orders to go to the martial arts field, strikes them, kills hundreds of people, and hears back."

Since then, the Qi family army has completely disappeared in the long river of history.

Feng Shuo, an officer in the Navy's new army, was also selected by Su Ze himself. As soon as he entered the Qi's army camp, he quickly fought fiercely with the soldiers in the camp.

Feng Shuo was also a miner from Fujian, so he naturally had common topics with Qi Jiajun, who was also a miner. In addition, Feng Shuo could sing some minor tunes in northern Fujian, and the Qi Jiajun in the camp chatted around him.

The commander of this camp, surnamed Sun, was originally an ordinary miner who made contributions in the Zhejiang Anti-Japanese War, and was promoted to a hundred households by Qi Jiguang's meritorious service.

Sun Ba is always a rough man, and he thinks Feng Shuo is very appetizing, and the two are about to swear off a chicken head.

"Brother, how is sister-in-law doing in Zhejiang?"

As they talked, they naturally talked about family matters, and Feng Shuo asked.

Mr. Sun sighed and said: "Last time I brought a letter, saying that the food at home is not enough, I am working hard outside, and the family is still hungry, this is a villain!"

The military order in the Qi family's barracks was strict and alcohol was not allowed. Mr. Sun complained, spit out a mouthful of phlegm and said:

"The price of food in Zhejiang has increased by [-]%. If Marshal Qi hadn't treated us kindly and never withheld money, the family would have starved to death."

Feng Shuo asked again: "Brother, the family still needs to buy some land."

Mr. Sun spat again and said, "Why don't you buy it? I remitted all the rewards I gave my life in Zhejiang to my home, and bought a few acres of paddy fields in Hangzhou. The floods have been flooded this time, so what is the government doing forcibly?" Changing rice into mulberry and forcing my family to plant mulberry trees, how can my stupid woman know how to raise silkworms?"

"What about the field?"

General Sun's face darkened, and he said: "Sell it, if you don't sell it, you have to change the rice into mulberry. Now the price of mulberry seedlings in Zhejiang has skyrocketed. If you can't grow mulberry seedlings, the government will forcibly buy them at a low price." , it’s better to sell it for some food.”

Mr. Sun Ba said in a low voice: "I heard that the person who bought my land is also very well-connected. He is a high-ranking official in the capital."

"When this place settles down, it's better to take over the mother-in-law and the child, and don't bother buying fields in the future."

Feng Shuo looked around and asked: "Mr. Sun's family has worked so hard, what about ordinary brothers?"

He brought up the subject, and all the soldiers began to complain.

"My family has starved to death this year."

"The fields on the mountain in my house have to be changed from rice to mulberry, and the mulberry seedlings must be bought at a place designated by the government. Ten mulberry seedlings cost one tael of silver!"

"My family's field was robbed, and the government will not accept the complaint."

Everyone complained every word and every word, and their hearts were full of dissatisfaction with the court.

Feng Shuo sighed and said, "I heard from Mr. Su in the camp that it is an honor to serve as a soldier. On a big scale, we are protecting the environment and the people. On a small scale, we are also selling a lot of courage to our family. Earn some money."

Everyone nodded one after another. The military order of the Qi family army is strict, but rewards and punishments are clear.

What makes the soldiers work so hard, apart from the collective sense of honor, is the small amount of military pay and rewards for serving as soldiers.

Otherwise, who wants to be a soldier.

"But after listening to what you guys said, I don't know who we saved, and I don't know whose pocket the money I exchanged for my life went into."

After Feng Shuo finished speaking, all the soldiers fell silent.

Feng Shuo sang the chant song when he was working in the mine. The Hokkien dialect itself is very close to the Zhejiang dialect. The soldiers in the camp also sang along. Everyone missed their relatives in Zhejiang.

In Putian City, Su Ze finally met Qi Jiguang.

The famous anti-Japanese general of the Ming Dynasty was also looking at Su Ze. Su Ze grabbed Qi Jiguang and enthusiastically pulled him towards the temporary camp.

"General Qi! I've heard about you for a long time, and I finally see you today!"

Su Ze's enthusiasm made Qi Jiguang a little overwhelmed.

Although Qi Jiguang had a high official position, his status as a general during the Jiajing period was far inferior to that of a civil official.

Su Ze was already well-known all over the world before he entered an official position. Even Qi Jiguang's old superiors, Hu Zongxian and Tan Lun, praised Su Ze, saying that he was a talented prime minister.

More importantly, the last time Yu Dayou was imprisoned, it was Su Zeyuan who went to the capital to rescue him, which made Qi Jiguang very fond of Su Ze.

Seeing them today, the two hit it off.

As we talked, we still talked about Xinghua Mansion's anti-corruption.

Qi Jiguang said: "Now that it's autumn, the large number of Japanese pirates will not come. The Japanese pirates entrenched in Xinghua Mansion are a group of fake Japanese pirates. In fact, they were pirates near Xinghua Mansion. The leader is Liu Mazi, and there are large and small ships. There are [-] ships, and the total number of people is about [-]."

"In a frontal fight, Liu Mazi is definitely not our opponent, but he is familiar with the terrain of Xinghua Prefecture, and he comes and goes like the wind."

Su Ze spread out a map and said, "Qi Jiguang, please mark the place where Mazi Liu landed."

Qi Jiguang was indeed a famous general of his generation, he used his memory to standardize eight places on the map, all of which were areas where Liu Mazi had landed.

"What about the time? General Qi still remembers, does Liu Mazi usually land in the morning or in the afternoon?"

"Basically in the morning."

Su Ze looked at the chart and said, "That's right. The Japanese pirates' ships are of different sizes, so they must not be able to sail fast. The landing points chosen by Liu Mazi are all in Xinghua Bay, and they are all in the morning. Landing means that they must have a temporary lair near Xinghua Bay."

Qi Jiguang nodded and said: "I also guessed so, so the ship was built in Xinghua Prefecture, but there are many islands near Xinghua Bay, and I also sent people to search, but they did not find Liu Mazi's lair."

Su Ze said: "Affected by the monsoon, the northern waters of Xinghua Bay are gentle and the southern seas are rough, and there are few hidden reefs in the northern coastal area of ​​Xinghua Bay. If I were a Japanese pirate, I would definitely land in the gentle northern seas with few hidden reefs. "

"But General Qi, look, Liu Mazi landed eight times, and six times he landed from the south."

Qi Jiguang looked at the map and thought about it. He was born in Jining, Shandong, and he has been fighting on land for a long time, so he never noticed these problems.

Hearing what Su Ze said, Qi Jiguang suddenly said: "What does Mr. Su mean, the Japanese pirates' lair is in the south of Xinghua Bay?"

"General Qi, at the southernmost end of Xinghua Bay, there is a [-]-household office called Wan'an Office. If Japanese pirates enter the bay from the south bay of Xinghua Bay, Wan'an Office cannot fail to monitor them. Have you sent a military message?"

Qi Jiguang shook his head, and Su Ze said: "Since this Liu Mazi is a pirate who has been entrenched here for a long time, it can be said that he was lucky to bypass the Wan'an office once or twice. If he can bypass it every time, that is all the problems of Wan'an. "

Qi Jiguang thought about Su Ze's inference, and it was not unusual for the coastal guards to collude with Japanese pirates.

"Then does Rulin have any plans?"

Su Ze smiled slightly and said, "That's simple. The general sent out news from the Wan'an Office that he was about to go south to Zhangzhou to encircle and suppress Zhang Lian's rebels. If the Wan'an Office really colluded with the Japanese bandits, Liu Mazi couldn't help but want to join the bandits." , when the time comes, our new navy army will ambush in the south of Xinghua Bay, and we will definitely be able to wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop."

On September [-]th, Liu Mazi, who received the news, landed in Xinghua Bay, was defeated on land by Qi's army in ambush, and suffered more than half of the casualties.

Liu Mazi led the rest of the Japanese pirates to board the ship and retreat, and was ambushed by Su Ze's new naval army in the sea off Xinghua Bay. Liu Mazi was captured and the Japanese pirates were wiped out.

After the battle, Su Ze received a system prompt.

[Eliminate Japanese pirate Liu Mazi, Art of War skill experience +500, Lv10, 56/10000]

[The Art of War skill has been upgraded to Lv10, please choose a passive skill. 】

(End of this chapter)

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