My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 294 Skill: Natural History

Chapter 294 Skill: Natural History

As the weather enters autumn, this year's autumn grain has finally begun to be stored, and the high grain price in the capital has finally come down.

But all of this has nothing to do with Emperor Jiajing, who is lying high in the palace, and he is currently deciding on the list of people who will be executed after the fall.

The so-called "autumn" refers to the autumnal equinox.

Dong Zhongshu said: "The king matches the sky, which is called his way. The sky has four seasons, and the king has four states. If the four states are four seasons, they are of the same kind. Heaven and man have the same. Celebration is spring, reward is summer, and punishment is autumn. , the punishment is winter."

Looking at the row of names on the list, especially the name at the head, the emperor picked up a vermilion pen and decisively ticked off the list.

The right deputy capital censor, the governor of Datong, the right servant of the Jiabing Department, the acting governor of Jiliao, the father of the current Wenzong Wang Shizhen, and the veteran minister Wang Ying in the Jiajing year, are impressively on the first list for the hookup.

In the 38th year of Jiajing, Alda invaded the Panjiakou Great Wall, west of the Luan River, Zunhua, Qian'an, Jizhou, and Yutian were in a hurry.

The censors Wang Jian and Fang Ren under the command of the strict party impeached Wang Ying and others for the crime of dereliction of duty.

In fact, Wang Ying, Wang Shizhen and his son are not Qingliu people.

Even when Wang Shizhen first became an official, he was appreciated by Yan Shifan, who even recommended him to be an official.

But at the time of Yang Jisheng's death, Wang Shizhen and Yang Jisheng, who was also a scholar of literature, were good friends, and they collected the corpse for him, which offended Yan Shifan.

Wang Yan wrote a letter to plead guilty, but Fang Ren again impeached Wang Yan for three mistakes and four guilty ones, so the emperor ordered Wang Yan to be arrested and sent to prison.

After Wang Ying was imprisoned, his son Wang Shizhen resigned and rushed to the capital, where he and his younger brother Wang Shimao bowed down at the door of Yan Song's house every day, weeping and begging for mercy.

But Yan Song still went to the secret report, saying that Wang Ying could be executed. In the list of Qiuhou's beheading sent by the Ministry of Criminal Justice today, Wang Yan was impressively listed at the first place.

In addition to Wang Yan, the governor, the name of Ma Ningyuan, the former prefect of Hangzhou, is also on the list.

In order to promote the transformation of rice into mulberry in Zhejiang, Ma Ningyuan destroyed embankments and flooded the fields, and was arrested for witness and material evidence.

Later, Zhejiang became angry again. Although it had nothing to do with Ma Ningyuan, the people's grievances always needed an outlet.

Killing Ma Ningyuan was also a means for the court to ease the grievances of the people in Zhejiang.

No matter whether it was Gou Jue Wang Yan or Ma Ningyuan, the emperor didn't have the slightest expression on his face. Killing a few ministers every year was also the practice of Emperor Jiajing for so many years in power, in order to deter those ministers.

After finalizing the list of executions, Chen Hong, the newly appointed admiral of Dongchang affairs, came to the emperor with a secret report.

After Lu Bing's death, the leadership of Jinyiwei and Dongchang returned to the hands of eunuchs again. Chen Hong won this battle and successfully took charge of the factory guard.

"My lord, this is the list of officials Yan Shoufu and his son visited last month."

Emperor Jiajing just glanced at it and said: "You don't need to read the old Yange, just read the list of the 'Xiaoge old' secret meeting."

Chen Hong immediately picked up the roster and read out the records of Yan Shifan's secret meeting with the minister last month one by one.

When the long list was finished, Emperor Jiajing asked again: "Where is the one at Prince Yu's Mansion?"

Chen Hong hurriedly said: "Go back to the emperor, Jin Yiwei reported that, except for a few masters who gave lectures, Prince Yu did not meet with other ministers in secret."

The emperor was still expressionless, and he suddenly said, "Research ink."

The emperor picked up the brush, licked the ink and wrote on the paper: "Although the Yellow River is turbid, it can be irrigated; although the Yangtze River is clear, it sometimes floods."

Immediately afterwards, before the ink was dry, the emperor said to Chen Hong:
"Give this calligraphy to King Yu."

Several eunuchs hurried forward, carefully picked up the wet ink, and sent it to Prince Yu's mansion against the night.

At this time in Prince Yu's Mansion, Zhang Juzheng had just been recommended by Xu Jie to become the new attendant of Prince Yu's Mansion.

The lamps were lit in King Yu's mansion, and Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng were sitting upright. Of course, they were not giving lectures, but analyzing the situation in Zhejiang with King Yu.

Zhang Juzheng has the best memory. He told King Yu the news he got from the Six Departments: "Floods occurred in nine counties in Zhejiang Province, and this year's autumn grain was not harvested. Because rice was changed to mulberry, mulberry trees were planted, and winter grain It will definitely not grow any more, and the grain shortage in Zhejiang this year is at least 20 shi."

King Yu just listened quietly, and when Zhang Juzheng finished his introduction, King Yu frowned and said, "Don't the imperial court provide disaster relief? Doesn't changing rice into mulberry means replacing it with relief?"

Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng looked at each other, Gao Gong said:

"Where there is any reform for relief, the land of the disaster-stricken people in Zhejiang has been bought at a low price by wealthy and powerful families."

King Yu patted his chair and said, "This Gao Hanwen! That's not what he said when he wrote the letter! Master Gao, please write to Gao Hanwen, the prefect of Hangzhou, and ask him to find a way to suppress profiteers and resolutely implement it in exchange for relief!"

Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng looked at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

How could such a pale letter from King Yu make Gao Hanwen produce food? What would he do to stop these big households from annexing the land?

King Yu's political naivety can be seen, but the two did not remind King Yu.

Gao Gong continued:

"Now it's winter. If nothing happens this winter, Zhejiang's rice will be changed to mulberry."

Hearing that changing rice to mulberry will succeed, Yu Wang also showed a conflicted expression on his face.

As proposed by the strict party, if the national policy implemented by the strict party is successful in changing rice into mulberry, it will naturally be a huge blow to the Qingliu party headed by King Yu.

But if changing rice to mulberry is successful, the court can increase income, and King Yu is naturally happy.

If there is civil unrest in Zhejiang in winter, and the rice is converted into mulberry, King Yu, who is the opposite of the strict party, should be happy.

But this is tantamount to ruining the government of the court.

Just when King Yu was caught in a conflict, the eunuch in the palace sent the letter Jiajing just wrote to King Yu's mansion.

After accepting the letter and bribing the eunuch who gave it as usual, King Yu invited Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng out again.

"Two masters, what does the word "Father Emperor" mean?"

Although the Yellow River is turbid, it can also be irrigated; although the Yangtze River is clear, it sometimes floods.

Both Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng were the kings of the imperial examination. Zhang Juzheng said almost immediately:
"Your Majesty means that a treacherous party like the Yan Party is like the Yellow River. Although it is turbid, it is also beneficial to the court. A clear stream is like the Yangtze River, which sometimes floods."

After finishing speaking, both Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng knelt down, and King Yu quickly helped them up.

Looking at his two teachers, Yu Wang said: "The Gu Wang also understands what the father said, and the Gu Wang will definitely not let the two masters down."

Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng showed the expressions of "a scholar dies for his confidant", and after another speech of loyalty, they left Yuwang Mansion.

After the two left, King Yu looked at the picture and fell into deep thought.

The strict party needs to use it, and the clear flow also needs to be used. Is this the father's art of controlling people?

Whether it is the emperor and Yu Wang, or Yan Dang and Qingliu, they seem to have forgotten the dying people who were tossed by the flood in the clear water.

In October of the 40th year of Jiajing, the news that the former Hangzhou prefect Ma Ningyuan was executed spread to Hangzhou. Under the propaganda of the current Hangzhou prefect Gao Hanwen, he finally "borrowed Ma Ningyuan's head and used it" to temporarily calm the grievances of the people in Hangzhou.

Occasionally, there were a few sporadic civil uprisings, but Gao Hanwen led people to extinguish them all.

But even so, Gao Hanwen was still in a hurry to get angry, because the plan of changing rice to mulberry had only been implemented for a quarter, and those people who still had fields in their hands would not change to plant mulberry trees no matter what.

Gao Hanwen suddenly began to understand the difficulty of his ex who moved his head.

The boss, Zheng Michang, kept urging the progress of changing rice into mulberry, and must produce enough silk next year.

Yu Wang wrote a letter to himself, demanding that those wealthy and powerful households be suppressed, and there must be no civil uprising.

The rich and powerful households hold invitations from court ministers, all kinds of intricate relationships, and even the family of Princess Yu, who want to go out of their own way to annex the land of the affected people at a low price.

The people affected by the disaster huddled around the city of Hangzhou all day long to eat, and those who were forced to sell their land by the big households complained in the county government.

All these things made Gao Hanwen who was in it like a twist.

After Gao Hanwen served as the magistrate of Hangzhou for several months, he no longer had the scholarly spirit he had before.

He felt like a prisoner with a noose around his neck, ready to be hanged at any moment.

Once the Hangzhou government stirs up a popular uprising, then I, the person who proposed "reforms for relief", will bear the blame, and my fate will not be better than Ma Ningyuan.

Gao Hanwen wished he could go back to the past and slap himself a few big mouths on himself who proposed to use reforms in lieu of relief.

On Chuanshi Island in Fuzhou, all the trainees of the New Navy Army gathered on the pier at this time, looking at the huge monster that Wang Mao dragged back.

The body of the right whale is 15 meters long. You can see the keratinized head tumor and the huge back. Even people who have lived at sea for a long time rarely see its huge body.

Because most of the time right whales will only show their backs at sea, or spray out water columns like mist.

[Discover the Expo Hall, get the skill 'Natural History'. 】

[According to all kinds of knowledge, natural history positioning Lv3, 1/300]

Has a new skill been triggered?

Su Ze didn't expect to trigger a new skill just by looking at the whale?
However, this [Natural History] is quite a practical skill.

Natural history is also a well-known modern science, but it is gradually declining in modern society.

In fact, the so-called natural history is also an aristocratic knowledge that arose along with the great geographical discovery and the age of great navigation.

If it is classified into a branch of modern science, it is more similar to the category of biological taxonomy.

For example, Darwin, who proposed the famous theory of evolution, is such a naturalist.

Naturalists are passionate about discovering new species, documenting the characteristics of new species, and studying new animals and plants.

In this way, it is reasonable to trigger the [Natural History] skill when seeing a right whale.

Su Ze suddenly remembered and asked Lin Liangjun to get a pen and paper, and then he used the pen to outline the appearance of the right whale, and then recorded the living habits of the right whale that he had heard from Wang Mao. Tips for skill gain experience.

[Record species "Right Whale", natural history skill experience +20, Lv3, 21/300]

Sure enough, this skill is still very easy to improve, just need to constantly discover and record new species.

The next step was to deal with this huge right whale. Su Ze personally went into battle. First, he dissected the whole whale and separated all the whale's fat.

[Dissecting a Right Whale, natural history skill experience +30, Lv3, 51/300]

Can this also increase skills?Su Ze was delighted again. It seems that this skill can be easily upgraded to Lv5.

The next step is to refine the whale oil. This step is not difficult, but the right whale dragged back by Wang Mao is a little bit corrupt, and the smell is a bit unpleasant when it is refined.

After Su Ze tossed out the whale fat, the next step was to make soap.

In fact, the reaction to make soap is very simple, which is the reaction of oil and alkali.

The specific process is also very simple, that is, the potassium hydroxide of the oil and plant ash reacts, and then some salt is added for salting out, and soap can be obtained.

The production of soap, a chemical, is not complicated. The main reason why it appeared in modern times is its raw material-fat.

In ancient agricultural societies, fat was a very precious source of energy.

Even in the age when Su Ze was extremely rich in material before he traveled, in fact, he had only had enough to eat for a few years. When Su Ze was a child, the fat from pork would be left to cook lard.

It is a very luxurious thing to make soap from pig fat.

But the whaling industry uses whale fat, which is much better than pork fat.

Soap can be made by mixing some flavoring agents into the soap. After the students on the island have been busy for a few days, seeing the piles of thousands of pieces of soap, Su Ze asked people to drag these soaps to Fuzhou City sell.

Soap mixed with spices is packaged and sold for one tael of silver, while ordinary soap is sold for three taels of silver.

What Su Ze didn't expect was that he hardly did any publicity, and the scented soaps were sold out.

On the contrary, ordinary scented soaps are not sold well, and ordinary people are not so extravagant that they can spend three renminbi on a bar of soap.

The unexpected best-selling of soap can only be said to be a surprise for Su Ze.

At this moment, he looked at the two cylinders in front of him and rubbed his hands excitedly.

One of the tanks is whale brain oil extracted from whale brains, which is a very burnable fuel. Su Ze plans to make these into candles, so that the New Army Academy of the Navy can offer courses at night or self-study in the future.

Su Ze has already placed an order in Fuzhou, ordering a batch of oil lamps.

But what Su Ze regards as a treasure is another tank.

The saponification reaction can not only produce soap, but also produce another substance, which is glycerin.

This tank is the 15-meter right whale, and the glycerin is finally extracted.

Glycerin, reacting with mixed acids, is an invention that can change human history.

The improver of this invention will always be engraved in the history of human science. The science award named after him is the highest standard science award in the world before Su Ze traveled!

At this time, Su Ze was anxiously waiting for Eunuch Hu to come to Chuanshidao with his experimental equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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