Chapter 297

The situation in the imperial court was treacherous. Seeing the strict party gaining power, the reform of rice for mulberry was carried out.

Qingliu provoked the attack on the Fuzhou Shipping Department, but the initiative of the investigation fell on Yan Dang's head.

On the anti-Japanese battlefield in the entire coastal area, only Hu Zongxian of the strict party took the initiative, and the Japanese invasion in Zhejiang has gradually subsided.

Yan Shifan, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, used the name of building the three halls to help, and all of them made a lot of money.

In such a good situation, an order from the palace poured cold water on the strict party.

In the 40th year of Jiajing, in the winter, the emperor ordered King Jing to become a vassal.

When the news reached Fujian, Su Ze was playing chess with his teacher Wang Daokun in Fuzhou city.

"Ru Lin, if you want me to say that this black tea tastes pretty good, especially in this cold winter, it will make you feel comfortable all over your body."

Su Ze smiled and said: "A few days ago, Miracle Doctor Li wrote a letter and analyzed it with his disciples. Green tea is cold in nature, while black tea is warm in nature. Drinking black tea in winter can warm the stomach. If it is mixed with sugar, it can drive away the cold."

Wang Daokun said in surprise: "I didn't expect this black tea to have such an effect. It's no wonder that my stomach feels better recently."

Su Ze said again: "Teacher, there was news from the printing workshop a few days ago that "Jin Ping Mei" was banned by the capital's yamen."

Hearing that his book was banned, Wang Daokun was not angry at all. He said with a smile, "Why did it get banned today? The efficiency of the capital's yamen is too low!"

Su Ze said with a smile: "It's not that the capital's yamen banned the book because it was indecent. It said that Ximen Qing married several concubines, and Mr. Xiao Ge also married nine concubines. It was said that his teacher alluded to Yan Shifan in the book. Ximen Qing, this is why "Jin Ping Mei" is banned."

Both of them laughed out loud.

There were many banned books in the Ming Dynasty, but the government was unable to stop the spread of books.

Often the imperial court has just begun to ban books, and immediately the book becomes a bestseller.

Banning books is tantamount to advertising books.

Moreover, the profit from selling banned books is higher. Su Ze only needs to keep the printing workshop secret and move it outside the capital city.

The two teachers and students finally talked about the court situation.

"The country of King Jing, my uncle wrote me a letter, saying that the arrogance of the strict party in the capital has disappeared, and the panic is like the end of the world, ahaha!"

Wang Daokun and Zhang Juzheng are good friends, he is a man of literature, and he naturally tends to Qingliu.

According to the ancestral system of the Ming Dynasty, all adult vassal kings would go to feud the country, leaving only the crown prince in the capital.

However, Emperor Jiajing listened to the prophecy that "the two dragons will not meet each other". He did not establish a crown prince, and his two sons, King Yu and King Jing, were not canonized as feudal states.

The struggle between Qingliu and Yan Dang also included the struggle between King Yu and King Jing for the heir apparent.

Qingliu naturally supports Yu Wang, who is more legal and more Confucian.

Among the strict party, Yan Song did not express his position, while Yan Shifan supported King Jing. Now the Yan Party of the young and strong faction followed Yan Shifan to support King Jing.

The reason is also very simple, the current emperor has been in power for 40 years.

Although Emperor Jiajing looked healthy, but at this age, perhaps a sudden illness could kill the emperor.

So for the Yan Party, although they currently have the upper hand, if King Yu succeeds to the throne, one can imagine what will happen to the Yan Party.

And how will King Yu treat these ministers who supported his younger brother?
It is a very important signal that King Jing is a vassal.

Su Ze shook his head and said: "Although King Jing is a vassal, King Jing's fief is De'an, which is only one step away from the land of Longxing. If there is no crown prince, the battle for heir apparent will continue forever."

De'an is Anlu, Hubei Province.

From the perspective of modern people, it is normal to entrust the vassal princes to Hubei, and there seems to be nothing strange about it.

However, when Jiajing entered the Datong as a vassal king, before he became emperor, he was very close to De'an when he enshrined the country and prospered the country.

King Jing's fief has great symbolic significance.

Su Ze couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this assorted-haired Daojun Emperor is really good at checks and balances.

Even his two sons are his pawns, and he understands the situation in the court.

King Yu has legitimacy, but Qingliu is weaker than Yandang, which belongs to the future.

King Jing is not orthodox, but the strict party controls the government, which belongs to the present.

Winning in the future and winning in the present will naturally not be in peace. The court ministers are fighting to the death, so that the emperor has the chance to make a ruling. ".

Su Ze has always disliked the emperor technique, but Su Ze also admitted that Emperor Jiajing is considered a top player in the profession of emperor in terms of power technique.

If it weren't for the 40th year of Jiajing, and the Emperor Jiajing's life span would be five years away, the emperor would definitely be a tough opponent.

"Master, I won."

Su Ze dropped a sunspot and cut off Wang Daokun's dragon.

After thinking for a long time, he could only throw a piece and admit defeat: "Ru Lin's chess skills are getting more and more exquisite."

[Win the game, Go skill experience +20, Lv6, 230/2000]

[The temporary effect of vulgar hands disappears, and intelligence returns to normal. 】

Relying on the purple passive skill [Common hand: Common hand only strives for the first, no old score in mind, temporarily gains intelligence +6 when playing chess], Su Ze often pulls others to play chess while thinking.

Today Wang Daokun talked about the court situation, and Su Ze also pulled him to play chess.

Wang Daokun's chess skills can only be regarded as mediocre, not the opponent of Su Ze who is Lv6 and has an intelligence +6 buff.

"By the way, this is a letter from my uncle."

Wang Daokun took out a letter and said: "Uncle knew that you had returned to your hometown to fight against the Japanese, so he sent the letter to me."

Zhang Juzheng, whose name is Shuda, Zhang Juzheng wrote to himself?

Su Ze opened the letter and saw that at the beginning, Su Ze was surprised. Zhang Juzheng actually sent himself his reform program?

I only saw him write straight to the point:

"Brother Ru Lin judged that a certain government has been watching politics for six years, and there are many abuses in the country. If you want to enrich the country and strengthen the army, there are six things to say, that is, provincial discussions; The name and reality; one is called the solid foundation of the state; the other is called order and military preparation."

Su Ze looked at it, Zhang Juzheng scribbled thousands of words, Su Ze quickly scanned it, isn't this the "Chen Liu Shi Shu" that he published in later generations?

This is Zhang Juzheng's memorial to Emperor Longqing after he entered the cabinet and became the second assistant during the Longqing period.

This is also regarded as a programmatic document for Zhang Juzheng to preside over the reform during the Wanli period.

Does Zhang Juzheng really regard himself as a fellow of the reform?He actually sent such an article to himself?
Wang Daokun came over, but he was too embarrassed to peek at Su Ze and Zhang Juzheng's letter.

Su Ze handed the letter to Wang Daokun and said:
"Mr. Zhang really thinks highly of Su. He actually sent such an article to me."

Wang Daokun quickly read it, and exclaimed: "Xiongwen! This article points out current affairs and proposes a solution. Shuda really has great ambitions!"

Wang Daokun looked at Su Ze and said, "Ru Lin, the uncle sent you this article because he should hope that you will participate in next year's Spring Festival. Although the current situation is difficult, maybe someday there will be a turning point? I heard that King Yu is wise , get close to Qingliu, if everyone is in full bloom in the future, you will also have the opportunity to display your strengths!"

Su Ze shook his head and said, "Thank you, teacher, for your advice, but I have made up my mind to stay in Fujian and help the elders in my hometown fight the Japanese."

Seeing Su Ze's insistence, Wang Daokun could only say: "I understand what you mean, this is a shipbuilder under the jurisdiction of Fujian Haidao Yamen, and these [-] households are all experienced shipbuilders. gone."

Wang Daokun still asked: "I can understand shipbuilding, why spend so much money on building Western-style ships?"

Su Ze said with a smile: "Master, haven't you boarded this Western ship before? Only a strong ship can be powerful. Battle at sea is different from combat on land. A strong ship and strong guns are far better than tens of thousands of elite soldiers. Is it the best lesson?"

Wang Daokun was a local official. After Su Ze mentioned that he wanted to build a large western ship, he consulted the detailed records of the Tuen Mun battle in the Guangdong Haidao Yamen.

Although the battle of Tuen Mun was won by the Ming army, in fact, neither side could do anything to the other.

Because it was an offshore operation, Frangji's ship could not take advantage of the ocean-going operations of Western ships, and instead became clumsy and difficult to turn around.

The ships of the Ming army were small, and the soldiers fought bravely.

The final result was that Frang's robot ran out of ammunition and food, and finally chose to surrender.

For this battle, Daming used 5000 sailors and more than 50 warships. Even the warships of the Fujian Coastal Guard at that time were also transferred to Guangdong to fight.

And what about the French robot?It's just five warships and a thousand sailors.

Su Ze added: "Fuchuan is naturally the best for fighting near the sea, but if you want to destroy Japanese pirates, you can't just fight near the sea."

"It's impossible to defend against Japanese pirates attacking the sea like this."

"If I say that if I want to destroy the Japanese, I must take the initiative to attack and eliminate the main force of the Japanese pirates at sea, so that Fujian can be stabilized."

"That's why I want to supervise the construction of Western sailing ships and use Western artillery to deal with Japanese pirates."

"The western barbarians are the barbarians, and the Japanese pirates are the eastern barbarians. It is the so-called learning from the barbarians' skills to control the barbarians!"

Wang Daokun said in admiration: "What a teacher and barbarian with great skills to control the barbarians! That's right, these Japanese pirates always invade the sea area, and the coastal guards are too timid to attack. I support you in building Western ships, but at present I can give you craftsmen and That's all the materials, if there are some results next year, if I'm still an official in Fujian, then I'll get you more personnel materials."

Su Ze immediately understood what Wang Daokun meant, and he asked, "Master, is he going to be transferred?"

Wang Daokun nodded and said: "The uncle sent me a letter saying that Mr. Xu Ge recommended me as the governor of Guangxi. What can Ru Lin teach me?"


Su Ze didn't expect Wang Daokun to go to Guangxi to be the governor.

The governor naturally has a higher status than his current governor, but Guangxi is now a remote area, and it is still a place where natives and Han people live together. There are constant conflicts between Han and natives, and troubles often arise.

The wolf soldiers in Guangxi are fierce, and there are many turmoil in Guangxi. The governor of Guangxi may not be a fat job.

Su Ze thought for a while, and said, "Students are dull."

Wang Daokun sighed and said, "I'm overthinking. Ru Lin has been in Fujian for a long time, so he doesn't know how to deal with Guangxi's affairs."

Su Ze thought for a while and said, "By the way, teacher, my disciple exchanged medical skills with Dr. Li, and got a prescription for treating miasma."

Now in Eunuch Hu's laboratory, artemisinin can already be prepared.

However, artemisinin will lose its activity as long as it exceeds a certain temperature. In the ancient times when there was no refrigerator cold chain, it must be used immediately after preparation.

This is why artemisinin has not been widely used until modern times, but cinchona cream has been able to bloom in the fight against malaria for centuries.

Su Ze and Lin Mojun have already contacted many businessmen, especially those in Spain, and offered them rewards for the Cinchona tree.

Artemisinin can only be used as a medicine to prevent and treat malaria in settlements, while cinchona cream is a more portable emergency medicine.

Su Ze wrote down the process of preparing artemisinin to Wang Daokun in detail. Wang Daokun looked at the complicated preparation method and asked:
"Ru Lin, Li Miracle Doctor is worthy of being Li Miracle Physician, to be able to make such a medicine! Even miasma can be cured!"

Wang Daokun didn't doubt the efficacy of this medicine at all. Now Li Shizhen's name has spread all over the country, and the world has already listed him as a miracle doctor who can heal bones, just like Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing.

Now that Li Shizhen is in the medical hall in Suzhou City, not only patients go to Suzhou to seek medical treatment, but also many people go to study.

As long as they were able to read and write, Li Shizhen accepted them all according to their orders, and trained many outstanding doctors, which made Li Shizhen's reputation even better.

According to Su Ze's request, Li Shizhen compiled the first volume of "Compendium of Materia Medica" (Magic Revised Edition), which included the symptoms of dozens of common diseases in the family, as well as the simplest treatment methods and the cheapest prescriptions.

Originally, Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" was to compile a pharmacopoeia, but under the influence of Su Ze, Li Shizhen recognized Su Ze's thought. In the final analysis of medical skills, only curing diseases and saving talents is the most important thing.

This "Compendium of Materia Medica", which is like a handbook for barefoot doctors, has become a must-have book in every village. Those poor people who can't afford medical treatment can also find some barefoot doctors who see a doctor with "Compendium of Materia Medica", and see a doctor casually.

Although it may not be cured, it is much better than being sick and waiting to die at home.

For a while, Li Shizhen became a figure to be worshiped by the people in Nanzhili. Even in Fujian, stories of Li Shizhen's healing were often circulated.

But Wang Daokun is still a liberal arts student after all, he looked at the complicated preparation process and said:
"But this medicine is too difficult to make, what temperature, what alcohol concentration, where is there anyone in Guangxi who can prepare such a medicine."

Su Ze thought for a while and said, "Then I will write to Divine Doctor Li, asking him to send a disciple who can make this medicine to Guangxi to assist his teacher."

Wang Daokun was overjoyed. At this time, Wang Daokun thought to himself, pointing Su Ze to solve Fujian's Yuan Dynasty was really the most correct thing he did in his life.

Construction started on the dock on Chuanshi Island. According to the design drawings of the Clark ship that Lin Mojun bought from Frang Robot, the huge keel began to be built.

[Discovering a new location, the dock, the skill "Carpenter" can be differentiated into the skill "Shipbuilding", should the skill be differentiated? 】

(End of this chapter)

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