My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 601 Never fought such a rich battle

Chapter 601 Never fought such a rich battle

After playing a show with Yang Lie, Yang Lie's generals were awarded positions such as "General" and "Prime Minister" one after another. However, except for a few people who were happy, most of the generals had expressions on their faces. not good.

Yang Lie conferred the title of Queen and Crown Prince, and then announced that the emperor would have seventy-two concubines in three palaces and six courtyards, and that he, the King of Zhennan, would also have thirty-six concubines. He asked his subordinates to help him collect thirty-six people's daughters to fill the gap. Harem.

At this point, even Yang Lie's most loyal subordinates already understood that the situation was over.

Once Yang Lie is suppressed, those who have been named "General" and "Prime Minister" will naturally become the first targets on the liquidation list.

When Yang Lie ascended the throne and was drunk in the "palace", Yang Lie's subordinates quietly gathered together.

Just as Xiong Kuang was fighting in full swing in the Bozhou Mountains, he eliminated five more rebels who brought their own dry food to join Yang Lie.

Xiong Kuang received news from Bozhou City that on the night Yang Lie became king in the mountains, his head was beheaded by his subordinates.

Not only Yang Lie was beheaded, but Yang Lie's family was also beheaded. These round heads were sent to Bozhou City in unison. The generals who followed Yang Lie's rebellion carried thorns on their backs and marched towards Bozhou City. The governor of Bozhou asked for surrender.

This moment made Xiong Kuang very angry. Why did you surrender first before I even tried my best?

We obviously agreed to surround the point and call for reinforcements, so why are they surrendering at this point now?

You, Yang Lie, have surrendered at this point, who else is coming to support you?

Xiong Kuang was furious, but he did not dare to delay the military affairs. Zhang Shouchen, the governor of Bozhou, did not have an army, and he was worried that Yang Lie had faked the surrender, so Xiong Kuang could only do the job of accepting the surrender.

Xiong Kuang led his troops directly to Yang Lie's lair. After confirming that the opponent was really killed by his subordinates, he had no choice but to lead his troops to accept the surrender outside Bozhou City.

After the war, it was concluded that this time Xiong Kuang rushed from Nanzhong to Bozhou, and finally wiped out less than 2,000 enemies in Bozhou. This number was not as many as the results he achieved in suppressing bandits in Nanzhong!

The military system in the southeast was strict, and Xiong had no choice in fighting. He had no choice but to accept the surrender of General Yang Lie in accordance with the combat manual, set up a surrender camp to house the prisoners, and waited for the military judge from the brigade to arrive before dealing with the surrendered people.

The rebellion in Guizhou was put down so quickly that even Wang Daokun, who had just been appointed as the Southwest Pension Ambassador, could not stop it.

If you say that the Southwest Rebellion is not a rebellion, then it must be a rebellion.

Within half a month after Yang Lie raised his army, a total of 537 chieftain rebellions similar to Yang Lie's nature broke out throughout Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, and even parts of Guangxi. It can almost be said that there were rebellions in every state. There are rebels in the counties.

But you said the rebellion was huge?

Among them, the Yang Lie rebels in Bozhou, the largest group, did not even attack the city. Some rebels were even put down by the county magistrate and his men.


Wang Daokun had never fought such a rich battle. He took Qi Jiguang's sixth brigade, Lin Deyang's third brigade into Shu, Huguang's second brigade on standby, and all the troops except the Huaibei front to the southwest.

But the result turned out to be like this?

Wang Daokun skillfully followed Guangxi's experience and began to implement the reform of native land and return to exile in Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. He appointed exiled officials to set up a bureaucracy, canceled the title of chieftain, and dismantled and relocated the rebellious tribes.

Lin Deyang's mood was even more depressed than the first two people.

Because Lin Deyang led the entire brigade, his speed was naturally not as fast as Xiong Kuang's. When he entered Guizhou, he heard the news that the rebellion had been put down.

The last time I went to Sichuan to fight, I didn't get anything hot to eat, but at least I ate some cold dishes.

This time when they came to Guizhou to fight, Xiong Kuang, an independent regiment, didn't even leave any soup for the brigade headquarters?

This made Lin Deyang so angry that he immediately asked Xiong Kuang to go to the brigade headquarters to report on his work!

When Xiong Kuang stepped into the brigade headquarters, he immediately felt the unfriendly eyes around him.

He quickly lowered his head and quickly walked into Lin Deyang's tent.

"Brigadier, hee hee hee."

Xiong Kuang knew that Lin Deyang's arrival was not good, so he had to start smiling playfully to try to ease the tense atmosphere.

Lin Deyang didn't accept this trick at all. He snorted coldly and said: "Don't do this trick, be serious! The military order of the Governor's Office." Xiong Kuang immediately stood at attention. Lin Deyang took out the military order and said:

"The military order from the Governor's Office orders the Third Brigade Independent Regiment to stay in Yunnan and Guizhou to suppress bandits."

After Lin Deyang finished speaking, Xiong Kuang raised his head and asked, "No more?"


"Brigadier, the Commander-in-Chief will let me stay in Yunnan and Guizhou to suppress bandits, and then I'll be gone?"

"Didn't they all make it very clear? Can't you understand the word "bandit suppressor?"

Xiong Kuang quickly asked: "Why is it that our independent regiment is the only one left in Yunnan and Guizhou to suppress bandits? Where are you, brigade commander?"

Lin Deyang smiled and said: "Our brigade headquarters naturally wants to return to Hanzhong."

Xiong Kuang immediately asked: "The governor is going to use troops against Shaanxi?!"

Lin Deyang immediately showed a brighter smile: "Guess who can't go to Shaanxi?"

Xiong Kuang almost cried, Lin Deyang patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Stop howling. Nanjing is already preparing to prepare the seventh brigade. The framework is your independent regiment. The people from the Military Command will come to announce your appointment as brigade commander soon."

"You're all going to be brigade commanders. Be more careful in the future and don't behave like a dog seeing a steamed bun whenever there's a war."


Xiong Kuang was a bit unbelievable. As the second echelon of the southeastern military, Xiong Kuang could become the brigade commander when the first echelon was still young and strong, which meant that he became the first person in the second echelon.

The military is very particular about seniority, and this kind of seniority is not always a bad thing.

Ranking based on seniority does not mean that one will be promoted based on age and seniority, but that the military basically promotes one echelon after another.

For example, the Lin family siblings and Lin Deyang and Yu Zigao were considered Su Ze's old team members, the first echelon.

Nowadays, the top echelons of the southeastern military are occupied by the generals of the first echelon.

When he reaches the second echelon like Xiong Kuang, until the first echelon generals retire, he will never be able to reach a higher position than the brigade commander, that is, he will never be promoted to Lin Deyang's superior.

This time Xiong Kuang was promoted to brigade commander, his team was his own independent regiment, and the remaining soldiers and officers must be new recruits.

Although this method may seem rigid, after all, seniority is the most important thing in the military, and it will not discourage those with seniority.

Xiong Kuang's ability to become the first person in the second echelon means that when the people in the first echelon retire in the future, he will have the opportunity to become the Minister of War.

Lin Deyang patted Xiong Kuang on the shoulder and said:

"We don't have a saying in the southeast that a cunning rabbit will die and a lackey will be cooked. The governor is not trying to suppress your promotion. He wants you to stay in the southwest. He wants you to play a greater role. Suppressing bandits is only the first step."

"Yes! Brigadier!"

(End of this chapter)

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