My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 609 Short Selling

Chapter 609 Short Selling

Hou Ping was interested in steel futures trading, and used the money he just earned from Donghai Trading Company stocks to "play" in the futures market.

After his capital came in, the popularity of futures trading, which had been suppressed by Pang Xinyue's two new policies, rose again and started to rise again.

Hou Ping and the housekeepers sent by the powerful people all went crazy when they saw the futures prices that were even crazier than the stock market's rise!

Otherwise, it’s easy to make money in the Southeast! This is simply magic! Looking at the crazy rise in futures prices, the money on the books has expanded rapidly. These figures are wealth that Hou Ping and these housekeepers will never see in their lifetime!

If all these orders are sold according to the price now, everyone can buy several plantations in Nanyang or Annan with the proceeds, or buy several profitable workshops in any city in the southeast, and become a stable and wealthy family. Damn it!

These housekeepers had long forgotten their duty to supervise Hou Ping. Those housekeepers who had not been loyal to their duties and did not allow Hou Ping to use the stock market to buy futures were filled with regret, and they all took out their silver dollars to follow suit.

Hou Ping accepted the order. We are all grasshoppers on the same rope. If we want to swallow this huge wealth, we must advance and retreat together.

When the market opened the next day, the price of special steel futures began to rise again. Looking at the rising prices, Hou Ping was no longer as excited as he was the day before.

Although I feel happy when it goes up, I have no principal anymore.

All the principal was used to purchase steel futures. Looking at the rising prices now, it was like seeing a golden mountain without a basin to contain it, which made Hou Ping scratch his head and feel uncomfortable.

But this is the southeast, and Hou Ping has no connections or industry in the southeast, so there is no way to get more money to invest.

Hou Ping quickly calculated the upward trend in his mind. If he could continue to invest the principal, he would continue to rise according to this upward trend for five days. Thinking of this calculation result, Hou Ping's breathing almost stopped. Such an opportunity to make a lot of money. , just missed it in front of me!

Hou Ping's purchase of steel futures at the Shanghai Securities Center naturally spread in the futures circle.

In fact, merchants in the southeast probably had some guesses about Hou Ping's identity, but the futures market did not prohibit Ming Dynasty money, not to mention that all Hou Ping brought were silver coins issued by Ming Dynasty.

Just when Hou Ping was worried about insufficient capital, two businessmen from the southeast approached him.

Ren Fu and Lin An came to visit. Hou Ping knew that these two people were the first people to engage in futures trading in Shanghai, so he was naturally very polite to them.

When Lin An explained his purpose, Hou Ping asked doubtfully:

"You want to 'borrow' one hundred steel futures contracts from us, worth ten thousand silver dollars?"

Order is the trading unit in today's futures market. The current market price of one steel futures order is one hundred silver dollars.

Lin An nodded and said:

"Master Hou, this money is not borrowed in vain. I am willing to deposit three thousand silver dollars with you first."

When he heard that he wanted to deposit money with him, Hou Ping's eyes immediately brightened up. Isn't this the cash he urgently needs?

He looked at the agreement again and again and said:

"You borrowed steel, and when you return it, you will settle the bill based on the prevailing steel price. Is that what you mean?"

Lin An nodded quickly and said, "Yes, we are borrowing one hundred orders of steel. If the price of steel rises in half a month, we will return the money to you based on the current futures price."

Although Hou Ping pretended to be calm, he felt in his heart that this deal was really a good deal.

Don’t they say that businessmen in the southeast are smart? Why are these two guys so stupid?

But think about it, it is also possible that they are in urgent need of spot steel. Nowadays, many futures of special steel are in their own hands, so they came up with the stupid method of borrowing steel.

By pledging one-third of the silver dollars, you can use these 3,000 taels of silver dollars to continue purchasing steel futures.

Half a month later, the price of steel futures rose, and these two idiots continued to replenish the steel and returned more than 10,000 silver dollars worth of steel.

Then, didn’t he win twice inside and outside now? Didn’t he win?

The only problem is that once the price of steel drops, the hundred pieces of steel returned by the other party will no longer be worth ten thousand silver dollars. But with steel prices like this, how can it be possible for them to fall?

Two fools!

Lin An added: "If Hou Daguan doesn't believe us, we can sign an agreement at the Securities Center."

“Can the Securities Center still do this?”

Lin An immediately said: "Okay, you only need to pay a contract stamp tax. Don't worry, officials, we will pay for it."

Now Hou Ping was completely relieved. He could get back the borrowed tickets in half a month, which meant that he could borrow three thousand silver dollars without selling off his current assets.

This money is used to buy more steel futures, and you can earn more in half a month.

Moreover, this money was consumed by himself personally, and there was no need to notify the shopkeepers who supervised him.

When he thought of this, Hou Ping immediately agreed and signed an agreement with the two of them at the Securities Center the next day.

When Lin An got one hundred steel futures tickets worth ten thousand silver dollars, he said to Ren Fu: "Old Ren, you said the steel price will definitely drop within half a month?"

Ren Fu nodded and said: "It will definitely come down. The current price is already very high and unreasonable. It is impossible to maintain the high level."

Lin An immediately said: "If that's the case, then sell all these hundred tickets immediately!"

The two had no intention of taking delivery of the goods, but directly sold the borrowed 10,000 steel futures tickets on the market.

After getting the deposit, Hou Ping saw a sell order on the market and immediately asked his broker to buy it. Some people who followed Hou Ping to buy futures also bought it. Lin An cashed out more than 11,000 silver dollars in one fell swoop.

Due to Hou Ping's hot money injection, the steel futures market began to rise crazily again. On the third day, the closing price reached 150 silver dollars per order.

Hou Ping even laughed at the two of them for being so stupid. Now they have to pay back fifteen thousand silver dollars to themselves, which is a huge profit!

But Lin An and Ren Fu completely ignored the futures market prices and started doing their own things.

On the fourth day, there was still a crazy rise. Hou Ping excitedly spent 100 silver dollars on Chongming Island and sent ten flower baskets in succession to the popular star Zhu Huating.

It rose on the fifth day, then on the sixth day, but on the seventh day, a news was published in the Jiangnan newspaper that the Nanjing Steel Plant's special steel blast furnace began trial production.

This news did not shake the upward trend, it just made futures prices not rise so fast.

Hou Ping was still full of confidence, but when the market opened on the eighth day, several large steel mills announced that new production lines had begun operations, finally interrupting the upward trend.

When Hou Ping started to get restless, steel futures started to fall.

Once this downward trend started, it was completely unstoppable.

(End of this chapter)

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