Chapter 625 Three Books

At this time, Su Ze did not know about the changes in the Japanese country. As the government-run printing workshop increased its power, three sets of books were delivered to bookstores in major cities, and more were sent on ships to Dagu, ready to be controlled by the Ming court. Regional sales.

There will be three sets of books, the first of which is the "Records of the Ming Dynasty" that is rumored to be published.

This set of Ming records was specially read by Su Ze, who also wrote the preface himself. It records all the major events that happened in the Ming court and the imperial court according to the chronology from before Taizu of the Ming Dynasty went to Jiajing to hunt in the west.

Naturally, Su Ze did not have the consciousness to be a secret for His Majesty. At the end of each year, he specially used the method of "Tai Shi Gong Yue" to make critical comments on the events of that year and sort out the hidden clues of various major events in the records.

Of course, due to the large volume of Ming Dynasty records, and Su Ze's commitment to the principle of "not deleting a word" in the preface, this record consists of twenty mostly thick books.

Even today, when printing technology has developed greatly and the price of books has dropped significantly, ordinary people are not able to buy this kind of Ming Dynasty records.

But it’s okay for ordinary people not to buy it. Many newspapers are eyeing the publication of this record.

Southeast's newspaper control system was formulated by He Xinyin.

Under the framework of publishing regulations, as long as newspapers do not violate several major principles, the southeastern government rarely reviews the content of newspapers.

In fact, even if the Ministry of Rites wants to try it, it can't do it. Nowadays, there are too many newspapers of all sizes in the southeast. As long as you buy a printing press, you can print your own newspapers. It is impossible for the government to review all the contents of the newspapers.

Major newspapers have also begun to compete fiercely for readers.

Although ordinary people cannot understand the contents of the Ming court records, they are very interested in the palace secrets and historical mysteries of the Ming court.

Many tabloid writers are gearing up, waiting for the Ming Dynasty Records to be published, and then excerpt the palace secrets and submit them to newspapers.

The Ming court's attitude towards the publication of Ming records was naturally very fierce.

On the one hand, the Ming court announced that this was a fake book, announcing that the Ming Dynasty records were still hidden in the history museum of the Forbidden City. Emperor Jiajing took them all out when he went hunting in the west. Later, the emperor also brought them back to Xi'an when he returned to Luan. Southeast Publishing The actual record released is completely fabricated!

But neither the scholars in the southeast nor the scholars in the Ming court believed this statement.

The reason is also very simple. For such a large set of books as Ming Shi Lu, it would take a long time to forge it, and many things cannot be forged. You can tell the authenticity as soon as you get it.

Moreover, many people in the imperial court had experienced the Jiajing Western Hunt, and everyone knew how hasty it was at that time.

Even the many seals in the palace and the big seals of the government offices were not taken away in time. How could it be possible to take away so many books in the history museum.

Moreover, when Su Ze was transporting these books out of the capital, the people were watching. The Ming court's statement confirmed the authenticity of this record.

Everyone in the Ming Dynasty was looking at this book, and many ministers sent their families to squat in Dagu, waiting for the arrival of this batch of books.

The second book is that the Purple Mountain Observatory finally completed the survey and mapping of the four seas and compiled a new calendar.

This calendar was also named "Time-telling Calendar" by Su Ze, but in order to distinguish it from the calendar compiled by Guo Shoujing of the Yuan Dynasty, Su Ze changed its name to "Time-telling New Calendar".

If it were just a calendar, there would be no need to publish a book.

This "New Time Calendar" not only contains the calendar, but also contains a series of contents such as geography, navigation, astronomy, etc. It can be regarded as a comprehensive summary of the current cosmology and world view.

"The New Calendar of Time" first makes it clear, proposing the heliocentric theory, and what we live in is also a sphere, called the earth. The earth rotates around the sun, so there is an alternation of day and night and the changes of the four seasons.

The heliocentric theory is not difficult to accept in Chinese culture. The more important part of the "New Time Calendar" is to determine the standards of the calendar and time.

Taking the central axis of Nanjing City as the prime meridian and taking the sunrise and sunset times of Nanjing as Yuan Time, the concept of time difference was proposed. This solves the problem of date and time alignment during navigation. It also solves the practical needs of the increasingly vast southeast region. If a standard time cannot be determined, it will be difficult to accurately implement government orders.

The "New Timing Calendar" re-determined the specific times and dates of the spring equinox, autumn wind, summer solstice and winter solstice, and also predicted solar and lunar eclipses.

At the same time, it eliminates the influence of some astrology and natural and man-made disasters, briefly introduces the planets of the solar system, and puts forward a basic concept of the solar system and the universe.

The "New Calendar of Time" proves that the movements of stars can be calculated, and these astronomical phenomena are just coincidences in the movement of planets.

This "New Time Calendar" is a comprehensive summary of the time calendar, and it is also the limit of the current understanding of the exploration of the universe by the East and the West.

The third book is "Physics" written by Su Ze himself.

However, no one understands what this third book is about.

Someone found the craftsmen responsible for printing, but these craftsmen also said that they could not understand the book at all, and they had no idea what the book was about.

It’s just that the book is full of various mathematical formulas and looks like a bible.

This has also aroused the interest of many people. What is physics?

Everyone knows Neo-Confucianism. Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism ruled the ideological world for hundreds of years. Before the rise of Southeast China, it was the guiding theory for the imperial examinations of the Ming Dynasty.

What is physics?

The reason for everything?

In the midst of much publicity, three books were published!

Wang Shizhen, who had moved to Dagu, brought a carriage of books to Zhang Juzheng's house.

After moving from the capital to Dagu, Wang Shizhen bought a house next to Zhang Juzheng's house, and the two became neighbors.

Zhang Juzheng's family all went to the southeast, and Wang Shizhen's family also went to the southeast.

They had also been officials in the same court, so their relationship naturally became close.

"Uncle, I bought the book!"

Zhang Juzheng was on crutches. He was actually not too old. According to the diagnosis by a doctor from the southeast, Zhang Juzheng suffered from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases caused by overwork.

After leaving office, Zhang Juzheng's health has improved a lot through recuperation, and he can now walk on crutches.

This is also the reason why Zhang Jingxiu was able to leave his father and go to the southeast.

However, Zhang Juzheng is still said to be lingering on his sick bed.

Zhang Juzheng walked quickly and could walk without crutches. He hurriedly opened the "New Time Calendar".

Compared with others, Zhang Juzheng had been exposed to a lot of historical materials when he was a Hanlin scholar and had little interest in actual records.

During his tenure, he once wanted to rebuild the calendar, but gave up due to the lack of ability of the Ming court.

Zhang Juzheng naturally knew the importance of the calendar. After reading "New Time Calendar", Zhang Juzheng sighed with emotion:

"Ming is dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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