Chapter 628 Amnesty

The reason why Shanhao Xian said this was because he knew that the best time to take action against Uncle Qingyuan and his son had passed.

Jiajing, as the Supreme Emperor, naturally could not die by death, but because he had also been an emperor, according to the royal family, he should be buried with emperor's etiquette.

On this point, the generals including Li Chengliang had no objection.

But there is another important question: who will pay for the funeral?

The Ming court's finances are tight. It costs a lot of money to hold a royal funeral. The Ming court really can't afford this money at the moment.

At this time, Qingyuan Bo Li Wei and his son stepped forward thoughtfully and expressed their willingness to donate a sum of money for the emperor's funeral.

Immediately afterwards, businessmen in the capital followed Li Wei and his son and expressed their willingness to donate money to the funeral of Emperor Jiajing.

Immediately afterwards, Qingyuan Bo Li Wei and his son entered the palace and cried to Queen Mother Li about Li Rubai's rectification of the currency market and the arrest of merchants.

Empress Dowager Li was originally a little alienated from Li Wei and his son because of the Hongqing Emperor Longqing case, but they were blood relatives after all, and Empress Dowager Li also found that only her father and brother were her natural allies, and Li Wei and his son sent good things to the palace from time to time. , and finally reconciled.

When she heard that Li Rubai was arresting businessmen, Queen Mother Li did not get angry. She said sadly:

"Father, will this offend the general?"

Queen Mother Li's character is relatively cowardly, otherwise she would not have been bullied by these powerful officials for so long.

However, she also positioned herself and the royal family very accurately. Nowadays, it is the powerful ministers who need an emperor and the queen mother, not the emperor and the queen mother who need Li Chengliang.

If Empress Dowager Li doesn't want to do it, there are so many clan members in the Zhu Ming royal family, and there are still people who are willing to be the clay emperor.

Therefore, Empress Dowager Li stayed deep in the palace to worship Buddha, never expressed her thoughts on external matters, and could maintain a good relationship with these powerful officials who took turns to come on stage, so that she could lead the little emperor to live to this day.

For a group of businessmen to oppose Li Chengliang, Queen Mother Li became timid at the thought of this.

Li Changfeng knelt down and said: "Queen Mother! What Li Rubai has to deal with is not those businessmen, but his father and brother!"

"how come!"

Li Changfeng said directly: "The Queen Mother does not know that the largest ticket number in the capital that exchanges Southeast Silver Dollars belongs to our Li family."


Li Changfeng immediately said: "Queen Mother, we do this for our own reasons!"

"Nowadays, many things in the Ming Dynasty have to be imported from the southeast. The southeast silver coins we have are used for doing business from the southeast. We also buy things that are necessary for the court. Many things in the palace are purchased with these southeast silver coins. of!"

Queen Mother Li was not really stupid, she still asked:

"But isn't this an act of capitalizing on the enemy?"

Li Wei immediately said: "Queen Mother, this business matter is different from war. Business is about a win-win situation. The current situation is that our country is weak and Southeast is strong. If both parties can benefit from a business, Obviously our Ming Dynasty needs this kind of trade even more!"

Queen Mother Li felt that something was wrong, but there seemed to be nothing wrong with her father and brother's thinking.

Many of the things she uses daily seem to be purchased from Southeast, so many things are indeed inseparable from her.

Li Changfeng continued: "As for the Queen Mother saying she is afraid of General Li, I don't think so." "The General also knows the role of our businessmen, and he once told Li Rubai not to expand at will. He wanted to arrest businessmen just to gain credit. Yes, I heard that even members of Shaanxi Governor Guo Pu’s clan were imprisoned, and the assets of the Shaanxi Guild Hall were also searched.”

"Li Rubai has gone crazy to fight for favor. Now the court is also fighting for Shaanxi's loyalty. If Guo Pu is forced to rebel because of this, can Li Rubai bear this responsibility!?"

Queen Mother Li had been persuaded by her father and brother, but she still asked cowardly: "But Gu is just a woman, and all political affairs are entrusted to the general. How can she interfere in political affairs?"

Li Wei had already thought of a countermeasure, and he immediately said:

"The Emperor has made a grand gesture. According to past practice, when the Emperor makes a grand gesture, he will grant a general amnesty to the whole world."

"Please take the opportunity of the death of the Supreme Emperor to grant a general amnesty to the merchants in the capital and pardon their crimes. This can also reward them for donating money to hold the funeral for the Supreme Emperor."

Queen Mother Li's eyes lit up, it seemed that this was really okay.

Although Li Chengliang is domineering, he should still be able to meet this requirement.

Sure enough, after Li Changfeng and his son left, Queen Mother Li summoned Li Chengliang and explained to him the amnesty for the merchants in the capital.

Li Chengliang originally had a headache because he needed money for the death of the Supreme Emperor. When he heard that these businessmen wanted to donate money and the Queen Mother wanted to grant amnesty to them, Li Chengliang immediately agreed.

The amnesty order was promulgated to the world. After Guo Ding came out of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion unscathed, he immediately convened a meeting of Shaanxi businessmen in the Shaanxi Guild Hall.

Guo Ding almost without hesitation asked all businessmen to sell their assets, exchange their money for Southeast Silver Dollars, and then completely withdraw from the capital.

All businessmen in Shaanxi strongly agreed with Guo Ding's suggestion. If Guo Ding hadn't been imprisoned by the Queen Mother, he didn't know how long he would have been imprisoned.

Nowadays, the situation in the capital has become very bad. This is not only bad for ordinary businessmen, but also those businessmen who are clinging to the powerful are also feeling the chill.

Guo Ding is a member of Guo Pu's tribe. He asked everyone to evacuate. Naturally, he had other deep meanings.

Not only Shaanxi merchants, but also merchants from Jiubian and powerful business groups stationed in the capital from other places also cashed out and left after getting this opportunity for amnesty.

In the fifth year of the New Calendar and the third year of the Wanli Calendar, on October 1567, AD , the Supreme Emperor Zhu Houxun passed away in the palace.

This Emperor Jiajing was described by Hai Rui in "Public Security Shu" as "Jiajing, Jiajing, and every household was clean." In the first few decades of his rule, he dominated the world and manipulated the court ministers like puppets. In the following years, he fled in panic. Emperor Jiajing, who hunted westward like a lost dog, finally ended his life.

However, the death of this ruthless king who treated his ministers and people as nothing during his lifetime caused shock in the capital, and a large number of people spontaneously mourned Jiajing.

Tong An, who was bidding farewell to Yan Jun, was puzzled by the sad atmosphere in the capital.

Yan Jun said calmly: "The people are not mourning for Jiajing, but for the old times."

"In any case, during the days when Jiajing was in power, the capital was generally stable and prosperous. These years have been turbulent, and the people of the capital naturally miss that prosperous era of Henan University."

Tong An didn't know how to answer. He came from Shandong. Even during the Jiajing rule, Shandong was not much better off. Naturally, he couldn't feel the same way as the people in the capital.

Yan Jun said calmly: "The old era is over."

(End of this chapter)

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