Chapter 638 Chips

Qiu Yuanshan represents the quick-drop faction in the Shaanxi army. Their opinion is not to fight a battle but to surrender immediately. They have no confidence in the war, and are not willing to die for the Ming Dynasty. They have the same concerns as Qiu Yuanshan, after surrendering. The issue of treatment.

Peng An smiled. In fact, Southeast would not be harsh on some of the first people to surrender.

For example, Chen Yiqin and his son gave up resistance very quickly. After the conquest of Henan, although he was taken to Nanjing for trial as a former Ming official, he was quickly acquitted.

Chen Yiqin announced that he would no longer be in politics, but his son Chen Yiqin was able to enter the Nanjing Imperial College to study. Many generals who followed Chen Yiqin were eventually pardoned by the governor as long as they did not commit life-threatening lawsuits and oppressed the people.

This is considered a quite mild approach during the change of dynasties.

But this is also aimed at people like Chen Yiqin who have a good reputation and surrender relatively easily.

Yang Lie, the envoy of Xuanfu in Bozhou, Guizhou in the former Ming Dynasty, was not so lucky.

As the leader of the Bozhou rebellion, Yang Lie refused to surrender unconditionally during the Xiong Kuang 7th Brigade's expedition. Even in the end, he resisted stubbornly, hoping to wait for Zhao'an in the southeast and use the Yang family's local influence as before to retain The wealth of the Yang family.

As a result, Yang Lie was defeated by Xiong Kuang in one fell swoop. Yang Lie and his son, as well as the Yang family's influence in Bozhou, were uprooted and all were escorted to Nanjing to participate in the trial.

After that, Yang Lie was sentenced to death. Not only Yang Lie himself but also his relatives who served in the military were all sentenced to death for various crimes.

There are also some chieftains who believe in Tibetan Buddhism. In order to worship ghosts and gods, they make human skin Buddha statues, or use the bones of slaves to make magical instruments. In short, the various cruel behaviors are simply too numerous to describe. Newspapers in the southeast reported for a month that these people were executed. At that time, people said that the abolition of Lingchi in Southeast was an advantage for these guys.

There are also some chieftains who regard the entire tribe as slaves and even torture them like skinning.

The power of the Yang family in Bozhou that had been inherited from the late Tang Dynasty to this day was completely uprooted, and the barbarians controlled by the Yang family were dispersed and distributed to live in towns.

Those ambitious people who still had some thoughts in their hearts were now completely frightened. In the words of Grand Governor Su Ze, there would be no large-scale rebellion in the southwest in the past five years.

Those local rebellions were judged by the local government, and then Dali Temple was asked to review and execute them.

These southwestern chieftains are inherently barbaric, just like Yang Lie himself who has a violent personality. He often beats his servants when he was drunk, and as many as five maids were beaten to death by him.

Ning Yuan's theory is also very popular in the Shaanxi army. The main reason why Southeast's attitude towards surrendering officials and generals is becoming more and more severe is that these surrenderers surrendered too quickly!

Although the soldiers in the southeast are elite, there are not many elite troops, and the cost of supporting elite soldiers is also very high. The loss of every soldier and officer is unacceptable.

In addition to the Yang family, the chieftains who followed Yang Lie in rebellion were also severely punished by the southeastern government.

Ning Yuan is a slow-surrender faction. His idea is to surrender after fighting and obtain better surrender conditions through war.

Peng An attended several banquets in succession, including one organized by Guo Pu's eldest son-in-law Ning Yuan.

The review of executions this time was very fast. After the autumn, the people saw these once-all-powerful chieftains and tribal leaders being escorted and beheaded outside the county seat, and they clapped their hands and applauded.

Therefore, the fighting style of the generals in the southeast is to prefer to use weapons and ammunition for bombing and to minimize the losses of frontline soldiers.

I just can’t fight a tough battle.

The most typical example is the battle at Dagu Fort. Su Ze personally directed the battle. The then general Li Chengliang used all the Ningyuan cavalry in his hands to replace many elite soldiers in the southeast. After this battle, Southeast did not continue to mobilize troops for a year, but instead recuperated its strength in various places.

Nowadays, the power of the Southeast is very strong, but a tragic defeat will still arouse the war-weariness within the Southeast. At this time, surrendering can obtain more favorable conditions.

Ning Yuan also has an idea that he has not publicly stated, that is, as long as he can win one or two battles, he can negotiate with Ming Ting based on this victory and get more favorable treatment from Ming Ting.

Whether it is more supplies or financial assistance, these can serve as bargaining chips for future negotiations with the Southeast.

Based on this idea, Ning Yuan proposed to concentrate on fighting one or two good battles.

Therefore, compared to Qiu Yuanshan, Ning Yuan's attitude is more arrogant, but these slow-down factions are also constantly sending servants and businessmen to deposit money at the Postal Savings Bank, which also illustrates their attitude.

Different from the ideas of these two groups, Guo Pu's son Guo Dingfang has been whispering in his ears recently, talking about another plan of the Ming court.

Then Guo Pu brought Shaanxi's new army to Longyou.

After Li Chengliang became the general, he still achieved some victories in the war against the northern grasslands and the foreign tribes in the northwest.

With the decline of the Mongolian Tumut tribe, the power of the nine sides of the Ming court was also expanding.

Nowadays, the power of the Han people in Gansu is strengthening, and Lanzhou, where King Su is located, is currently the strongest stronghold in Longyou.

Guo Dingfang was Li Chengliang's son-in-law. Li Chengliang gave Guo Pu a plan through his son-in-law, which was to lead the soldiers from Guanzhong westward and enter Lanzhou to control the Gansu region.

This plan ensured Guo Pu's status as an independent warlord. He could still hold the power without having to surrender to either Li Chengliang or Su Ze.

After Longyou was withdrawn and Southeast occupied Guanzhong in the future, Guo Pu's troops were all brought out from Guanzhong. Then Guo Pu could take the banner of returning to Guanzhong and lead his soldiers to continuously attack the Guanzhong area.

Li Chengliang's plan can be said to be good. If Guo Pu continues to contain the southeast in the northwest, it will have the same strategic value as Guo Pu staying in Guanzhong, and there is no need to worry about Guo Pu not attacking Guanzhong.

Guo Pu was naturally moved. By withdrawing from Lanzhou, he would still have the bargaining chip to surrender in the future. It was all surrender anyway. Surrendering in the future would definitely be better than surrendering now.

Moreover, Guo Pu has other thoughts. He might as well retreat to the Western Regions like when Yuanmeng was defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang, or he might occupy the Western Regions like the logistics of the Sixteen Kingdoms period and continue to be a separatist warlord.

Guo Pu thought this plan was good, and ordered his son to be responsible for the logistics of retreating westward, and actively tested the opinions of his generals.

Peng An quickly got the information from the intelligence station. After seeing Guo Pu's plan, Peng An also had a headache. If Guo Pu was really allowed to withdraw from Longyou, the unification of the country would be delayed for many days, and The Western Region is also a strategic passage planned by the governor, and it cannot be left to the warlord Guo Pu.

After reading the information, Peng An took it into consideration.

(End of this chapter)

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