My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 649 Let the tiger return to the mountain

Chapter 649 Let the tiger return to the mountain

Seeing that Li Rusong was in a good mood, Li Rushen said cautiously:

"Major General, I want to go back to the tribe."

Li Rusong's eyes suddenly became sharp and he glanced at Li Rushe.

Li Ruzhen immediately knelt down and said:

"The servants are willing to serve by the Major General's side, but there are some unreasonable guys in the tribe. They insist that the Major General is imprisoning the servants. You also know, Major General. The Jurchens are reckless and do things regardless of the consequences. If something really happens, what will your servants do?"

Li Rusong's eyes became much better now.

Regarding the issue of Jianzhou Jurchen's strong power, Li Rusong also received many reminders and warnings from his subordinates. Although he did not believe that Li Rushe would really rebel, he followed the suggestions of his subordinates and recruited Li Rushe to his side.

These days, Li Rushe is very respectful to him and serves him very attentively.

As for the internal affairs of the Jianzhou Jurchen tribe, Li Rusong also heard about it. Indeed, as Li Rushe said, some Jianzhou Jurchens thought that Li Rusong imprisoned their leader and had a lot of complaints in their hearts.

When he thought that Li Rushe had agreed to his request to increase taxes, Li Rusong did not think that his Jurchen "brother" would rebel. He helped Li Rushe up and said:

The three banner owners and the three military camp leaders jointly formed a military meeting to lead the Jurchens' major and minor matters.

After walking out of Li Rusong's mansion and looking at the falling snowflakes in the sky, Li Rushu clenched his hands and finally let go. He looked at the flying snow in the sky and walked into the snow without looking back.

Li Ruzhen showed a surprised expression, and Li Rusong said again:

"To be honest, brother, there are always people in our army who say that you are going to rebel, brother. If I let you go back this time, the rumors between these two sides will be dispelled!"

After Li Ruzhen returned, he immediately convened a meeting with these six important military leaders, as well as senior elders and generals in the tribe.

Li Rusong laughed and said:

"Am I going to kill you again? The Chinese New Year is coming soon. I will give you a few days of vacation and return to the tribe to deal with some matters. After the handling is completed, I will return to Liaoyang City to enjoy the blessings!"

In addition to the flag owner, Li Ruzhen also established three military districts, which were all managed by his relatives. These three military districts also had to grow food and fight, providing the Jurchens with a large amount of food. food.

Li Ruzhen was immediately moved and cried.

"You and I are brothers, of course I believe you!"

Returning to the tribe, Li Ruzhen immediately received a warm welcome from the tribe. Everyone surrounded him, and Li Ruzhen immediately called a meeting of the entire tribe.

After Li Ruzhen carried out reforms, the Jurchens changed from the original tribal system to a military oligarchic democratic system similar to that used by the Jin Kingdom.

Li Ruzhen established three banners and integrated the Jurchens into the three banners. The banner owners were his relatives and adopted sons. These three banner owners were the ones who decided the daily affairs of the Jurchens.

Afraid of Li Rusong's return, Li Rushe exhausted four good horses along the way before returning to the tribe.

This is also the reason why the Jurchens can still maintain expansion without Li Rushe.

Li Ruzhen quickly corrected his mentality. There must be smart people among the Han people. He looked down on the people in the world too much.

Li Ruzhen made up his mind to raise an army immediately after returning to the tribe this time. After talking to Li Rusong for a while, he got permission to return to the tribe.

Li Rusong said domineeringly, and Li Rusong's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that his actions had not been hidden from everyone. There were still smart people under Li Rusong's command.

At the beginning of the meeting, Li Rushe revealed Li Rusong's request for a tax increase next year.

Everyone became angry immediately!

"Is it still going up? How many haenyeo tribesmen died last year in order to meet the Dongzhu target!" "The ginseng in Changbai Mountain is almost being dug up! Do you want it to be doubled!?"

"It's impossible to have so many furs! If we turn in so many furs, our people will freeze to death!"

Everyone was talking, and Li Rushe was very satisfied. This was the effect he needed.

At this time, Li Ruzhen’s adopted son Haida, who had a bloody feud with the Ming Dynasty, said:

"Father! Let's rebel!"

Everyone reacted one after another and immediately said to Li Rushe:

"Clan leader! The Ming court is tyrannical and unethical! Rebellion!"

Li Ruzhen waved his hand to calm everyone down and said:

"The Ming Dynasty was greedy and oppressed us Jurchens, but as the Han people say, rebellion also requires a famous example."

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. Among the entire Jurchen tribe, Li Rushen is the most educated, and the others have basically never read a book.

Obviously they don't understand what it means to be famous.

Li Rushe sighed and said:

"If you want to rebel, you must also tell the world the reasons and goals of the rebellion. Only in this way can you be called a teacher with a reputation."

Haida suddenly realized and said:

"That's it! Father, the reason for the rebellion is not simple! The Han people oppressed us Jurchens, made us Jurchens kill each other, and demanded generous taxes. Who among the tribe has not been oppressed by the Han people?"

Haida's statement received a response from everyone, and Li Rushe nodded. What he needed was such a consequence.

In recent years, as Jianzhou Jurchens began to develop, Jurchens also appeared in the city. Regardless of the upper class, Jurchens must have brought competition to the middle and lower classes.

The grain grown by the Jurchens impacted the price of grain grown by the Han people, and the Jurchen businessmen impacted the interests of Han merchants.

And a large number of Han people use Jurchen slaves. These Jurchen slaves may escape or resist, or get help from other Jurchens. The Han people will also think that this is Jurchens helping their own people.

In short, under Li Ruzhen's deliberate arrangement and the long-term propaganda of this hatred within the tribe, the contradiction between the Han and the Jurchens has become increasingly serious.

These contradictions were used by Li Ruzhen to create reasons for raising troops. It is obvious that his goal has been achieved.

Li Ruzhen said again:

"Just raising troops is not enough. The Han people don't have many troops in Liaodong, but I know that Li Chengliang in the capital has a large army."

Speaking of Li Chengliang, some elders in the tribe started to tremble.

Li Rushe sighed. Li Chengliang's shadow was too great in Liaodong. Many tribal elders had seen Li Chengliang's methods and had fought with Li Chengliang.

If the current governor of Jiliao is still Li Chengliang, I am afraid that no matter how much Li Rushe incites, the tribes will not dare to rebel.

This is the prestige and pressure of Li Chengliang. Ordinary Jurchens can really stop crying when they mention this name.

Li Ruzhen said:

"It's easy to get rid of this idiot Li Rusong, but it's difficult to deal with the elites from Gyeonggi!"

(End of this chapter)

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