My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 665 Vladivostok

Chapter 665 Vladivostok

The Constituent Assembly was in full swing, but the lights in the entire Metropolitan Governor's Mansion were brightly lit, and the staff of the General Staff Department were working overtime day and night. Everyone knew that the time had come to deal the final blow to the Ming Dynasty.

Being able to participate in this war of annihilation that buried the previous dynasty, all staff members knew that this would be their greatest achievement in the new dynasty.

The entire southeastern force is also marching rapidly in various places. They need to arrive at the designated place within the designated time to participate in this final decisive battle.

Not only the Ministry of War and the Ministry of the Navy, but also the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and other departments began to operate at full capacity. Various supplies were dropped to various places for the use of the army, and more artillery and muskets were transported to the front line.

Su Ze's order to the general staff was to formulate a final decisive battle lasting three to six months to completely defeat the remaining forces of the Ming court and complete the unification!
At the same time, outside the customs.

Li Ruzhen led the remaining troops and finally broke through the defense line set up by Li Sunchen between Shenyang and Jianzhou, and led thousands of remaining troops to escape further north.

When Yi Sunchen was blocking the north, he launched the Haixi Jurchen to hunt them Jianzhou Jurchen. Li Rushu's tens of thousands of Jurchen elite flag soldiers were almost completely wiped out in the breakout war, and most of them were killed or captured.

Jianzhou's old lair was taken away, and almost all of his elite troops were wiped out. Li Ruzhen's hair was now disheveled, and he had completely lost the high-spiritedness he had when he first launched his army.

"Chief, there is a wild Jurchen village ahead. Let's go and take a break?"

There was nothing that could be done about it. Li Rushe was really scared of being beaten.

At the beginning, Li Rusong was overconfident in the combat effectiveness of his men. He believed that the Ming army equipped with artillery and muskets could easily suppress the Jurchen cavalry who were still using bows, arrows and swords, so he often had the army fight decisively with the Jurchens outside the city.

Li Rushe sighed, Nuergandusi was the name of the Ming court, which was once the northernmost area ruled by the Ming Dynasty.

Li Ruzhe nodded, and he led the remaining troops into the wild Jurchen village. After slaughtering all the people in the village, Li Ruzhe sat in the largest room in the village, eating dried meat and thinking about the future.

I heard that there are some descendants of the Ming military guards living in Nuergandusi. After crossing the Songhua River, they have reached the white frozen wasteland. However, Li Rushe still feels that it is not safe enough and has to go further north to the Wusuli River area.

The tactics devised to deal with the Ming army were completely ineffective when facing the North Korean army equipped with new weapons.

However, later on, the Ming Dynasty shrunk its guardhouse, and the cold and cold slave Gandusi had long been abandoned. Even Jurchens like Li Ruzhen had not been there.

The firing efficiency of Mingting's firearms was not high, and they often stalled in the cold and freezing north. Li Ruzhen tried his best to fight Mingting's musketry infantry in the wild, which greatly increased the chance of Mingting's firearms failing to fire.

"Chief, do we really want to go to Nuergandusi?"

Li Ruzhen had a profound understanding of firearms. His summary of the disadvantages of Ming Ting firearms indeed played a huge role in the early battles.

As a result, those unfired muskets became living targets on the snowy fields. As long as the Jurchens used wooden carts to block the first round of shooting and charged to the Ming army's position, the Ming court's musket phalanx would fall into chaos, followed by a great rout.

At the beginning, Li Ruzhen also used this trick to deal with the North Korean army.

But he soon discovered that the muskets in the southeast had changed again. Without a lit match, the musketeers were almost difficult to find when hiding in trees and snow. They only needed to stand up and pull the trigger to accurately shoot the Jurchen soldiers.

Moreover, the muskets used by the Korean soldiers did not emit gunpowder smoke after being fired. Li Ruzhen had no way to judge the size of the enemy's army based on the amount of gunpowder smoke on the battlefield. He mistakenly thought that the enemy's number was small, and rashly launched several charges and suffered a big loss. , and lost a lot of chips.

The most terrifying thing is that the loading speed of Southeast's new muskets far exceeds Li Rushe's knowledge. Their muskets can fire continuously without the need to clean the barrel after firing like the old muskets.

Therefore, the entire North Korean army has basically given up on lining up to shoot, but dispersed the soldiers and attacked through crossfire.

The result is that the scattered soldiers make the cavalry lose the deterrent effect of charging. The enemy can easily disperse and quickly gather to cause huge damage to the cavalry's flanks.

Li Ruzhen was accidentally ambushed several times. When he broke through the Songhua River, he found that there were less than a thousand men under his command.

Li Rushu fled north in a hurry, but he didn't know that the place where he was going to flee had been occupied by a southeastern gunboat.

Nurgandusi is a large area north of the Songhua River. Most of it is mountains and frozen soil. The most suitable place for living is a coastal city called Yongming City.

Li Ruzhen pointed out that this is the city where some descendants of the guardsmen of the early Ming Dynasty lived.

Yongming City is the name used in the Yuan Dynasty. This city was called Shuibin City in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Before Su Ze crossed over, the city was called Vladivostok.

Because it is close to the sea, the temperature in Vladivostok is higher than other areas, and it is also more suitable for human habitation than other areas.

During the Tang and Song Dynasties, when the temperature in the north was not so high, especially in the Tang Dynasty, the temperature was the highest in history. It was this high temperature that caused the harvest of food, and in another way, created the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

During the Tang Dynasty, even the now bitterly cold Tibetan areas were able to grow and produce a large number of crops, supporting the Tubo Empire, the most powerful plateau empire in Chinese history.

At that time, the Bohai Kingdom in the north was also very powerful. Vladivostok was an ice-free port at that time, and there was a constant flow of merchant ships on the sea, making Bohai Kingdom, a northern kingdom, a trade center.

But by the Ming Dynasty, the temperature had been getting colder and colder. The port of Vladivostok would freeze for three to four months a year. The northern route had become expensive due to ice obstruction, and most fleets would choose to take the southern route.

The gunboat that captured Vladivostok was not, strictly speaking, a warship of the Navy, but an armed scientific research vessel.

Xu Jin came out of the cabin. He roughly determined the location of Yongming City based on historical books and calculations, and proposed this scientific expedition plan.

After the last barrage of Xu Xing's battle, Xu Jin's arithmetic ability was recognized by the southeastern military circles. His plan was quickly funded by the Ministry of Navy. Lin Mojun personally gave instructions to allocate a newly manufactured icebreaking warship to Xu Jin's inspection team also dispatched an elite naval landing force to protect him as he went north for inspection.

After two months of sailing, Xu Jin finally found the outer harbor of Yongming City after the temperature rose.

(End of this chapter)

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