My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 667 Political Battle

Chapter 667 Political Battle

Li Chengliang here had no desire to fight, and Yi Sunchen, who actually occupied Shenyang, was equally panicked.

Although equipped with new equipment, Yi Sun-shin still knew the quality of North Korean soldiers.

During the battle to drive out the Korean ruler, the Southeast Army initially asked Yi Sun-shin and his North Korean troops to fight together. However, it soon became apparent that the role these North Korean troops could play as comrades was very limited, and sometimes they would Misjudged the combat effectiveness of the North Korean army, resulting in the defeat of the flank.

After discovering this, the military in the southeast no longer trusted the North Korean army, and only asked them to do some work of occupying rear cities, maintaining law and order, and suppressing bandits.

Yi Sun-shin also knew what kind of quality he was.

During the battle to intercept the Jurchens, the North Korean army was equipped with new muskets, catching Li Rushu by surprise.

The Korean army was waiting for work. When they were in Liaoyang, Li Ruzhen's army had been defeated and was driven and hunted by the Haixi Jurchens. Only then did they achieve fruitful results.

But against Li Chengliang's elite Ming army, Yi Sunchen knew clearly that no matter in terms of combat ability or combat will, his own North Korean troops could not compare.

This kind of thinking also spreads throughout the Korean army.

Qi Jiguang, who was urgently taking a boat to North Korea, was the main force entering Liaodong this time.

The North Korean army here is extremely cowardly, and Li Chengliang is also cautious over there.

The North Korean army defeated Li Rushe with a new musket. Li Chengliang knew Li Rushe's ability well. Now that North Korea has a new musket, will there be more powerful artillery in the southeast? Like the kind of artillery used in Henan?

The only thing to blame is that the Jurchen incident was so sudden that Southeast was not prepared at all.

Knowing this, Yi Sun-shin did not think about taking the initiative to fight. Instead, he built defense lines and beacon towers in Shenyang and other cities along the route, and ordered soldiers to hide behind fortresses and trenches to defend.

This inequality is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and nothing will be changed by annihilating the Jurchen rebels.

The southeastern army was larger than the Ming court army and was larger than the surrounding vassal-state servant armies.

Qi Jiguang was very aware of North Korea's combat effectiveness. He sent messages to Yi Sunchen in Shenyang many times, asking him not to fight Li Chengliang in the wild and to defend the city until reinforcements from the southeast arrived.

After asking for news along the way, Li Chengliang's heart dropped again when he heard that Li Ruzhen led the Jurchen cavalry to flee north, but was blocked by the North Korean army with new weapons and almost wiped out the entire army.

However, although Qi Jiguang hurriedly hurried, it would take a month or two to mobilize troops and logistics supplies from the southeast to North Korea, and then cross the Yajiang River to enter the front line. The army needed to be reorganized and distributed, and these things would take a month or two.

Could there be more advanced weapons in the southeast, specifically designed to ambush our elite troops in Liaodong?
Li Chengliang himself wanted to settle political accounts, which made him even more uneasy and felt that Liaodong might be a trap.

After understanding this, Li Chengliang could only continue to send out scouts to investigate the surrounding situation to avoid being ambushed by the southeastern army in the rear, and then cautiously advanced towards Shenyang City.

Li Chengliang was cautious here. When Li Shunchen received the news from the scouts and heard that Li Chengliang was leading an army of 30,000 and was about to arrive at Shenyang City, he was extremely panicked. When he was in Shandong, he was driven from Liangshan to Penglai by Li Chengliang, and returned to North Korea by crossing the Bohai Sea by sampan.

Yi Sun-shin had a full understanding of the combat effectiveness of the army in his hands.

Yi Sun-shin also knew very well that fighting a war is not just about good weapons and equipment. The combat effectiveness of North Korean soldiers is only this, and even new weapons cannot completely crush the opponent.

This is the main force of Mingting! How could a miscellaneous army of servants like myself be worthy of a decisive battle with the main force of the Ming court!
Therefore, Yi Sunchen's order is also very simple. All regions must defend resolutely. If they cannot hold it, withdraw to Shenyang City. Yi Sunchen's strategic goal is to defend Shenyang City until Qi Jiguang leads the southeastern reinforcements into Liao. His mission is finished.

In this way, the two sides cautiously opened the battle line and began several rounds of sporadic conflicts.

Since the generals on both sides had no intention of expanding the war, these sporadic conflicts were very restrained. In several encounters, no shots were fired. They just faced off in the air and then retreated from each other.

After another five days of this, Li Chengliang once again summoned the soldiers and started a new military meeting.

"As you have seen, the southeastern bandits are cautious and will not leave Shenyang. Spring is about to start and the port will thaw. The transportation capacity of the southeastern bandits can quickly support Liaodong. Moreover, this general has to take into account the defense lines in Shandong and Shanxi, so I decided What do the officers and men think when our master returns to the court?"

This time, Li Chengliang stated the withdrawal plan very directly, and almost no one among the generals objected, and they all agreed.

Li Chengliang nodded and said:

"In order to quell the Jurchen rebellion, the artillery and baggage were left behind. The city of Shenyang is so tall that it is difficult to attack it without firearms."

"Although our army failed to completely eliminate the Southeast bandits this time, it suppressed the Jurchen rebellion in Jianzhou and took back Liaoyang City. The results are still remarkable. After returning to the capital, this general will report to His Majesty and the Empress Dowager. , please give me credit to all the soldiers!"

Upon hearing the request for merit, all the soldiers cheered.

Now that the atmosphere has reached this point, Li Chengliang immediately announced to pack his bags and retreat!

Li Shunchen hid in Shenyang City and did not see the Ming court troops attacking the city for several days. He sent out scouts to investigate outside the city in confusion. When the scouts risked their lives to investigate, they found that the Ming court camp was already empty. Report to Yi Sun-shin.

Yi Sunchen was overjoyed, but then calmed down. Could this be Li Chengliang's deliberate retreat to lure him out of the city to fight?
The more Yi Sun-shin thought about it, the more likely it became. He strictly ordered his generals not to leave the city to pursue him, and even asked all ministries to hold on to the city and not leave even half a step outside the city.

So by the time Qi Jiguang crossed the Yajiang River, Li Chengliang had successfully returned to Liaoyang, evacuated the last people and materials, simply burned the city of Liaoyang, and retreated to Shanhaiguan.

After detailed operations and scouts in the southeast confirmed that Li Chengliang had returned to the pass, Li Sunchen and other North Korean generals realized that they had missed a good opportunity. Qi Jiguang was speechless to these allies, and secretly made up his mind that he must not give the Koreans any trouble in future battles. Schedule important tasks.

Qi Jiguang could only command the southeastern army to occupy major cities and strongholds in Liaodong.

In March, when the Nanjing Constitutional Conference was held, Li Chengliang, who returned to the capital, immediately held a court meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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