My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 672: In the end, it’s still training

Chapter 672: In the end, it’s still training

Yu Dayou was training troops on the grassland. Previously, due to lack of firearms, the main cavalry used hand grenades, and the elite was a grenadier cavalry.

Xiong Kuang also led the cavalry before. After he joined forces with Yu Dayou, he saw the grenadier cavalry unit trained by Yu Dayou.

After observing several times, Xiong Kuang only had deep admiration for Yu Dayou.

They are indeed elite!

Yu Dayou was riding on his horse. Following his order, the group of grenadier cavalry rushed out in unison and advanced rapidly along with the leading cavalry's charge to the defense line.

This unit is very elite. Following Yu Dayou's drums and flags, under the leadership of the leading cavalry, it quickly completed various tactical charging actions such as charging, intercepting, and encircling. This made Xiong Kuang watching on the sidelines very amazed.

Xiong Kuang also led cavalry, but his cavalry was more similar to mounted infantry who charged through horses and then dismounted to fight.

In Xiong Kuang's troop-raising tactics, his troop-raising was an assault mobile unit used to disrupt the flanks and back of the musket phalanx and break through the enemy's formation. It did not fight with horsemanship, but made use of the mobility of the cavalry.

But things are different on the grasslands.

This once again made it more difficult for cavalry to use muskets.

After Yu Dayou got the muskets shipped from Lanzhou, he began to try to equip the grenadiers with muskets.

However, Yu Dayou soon discovered that the long-barreled muskets in the southeast were not suitable for fighting on horseback.

In this case, Yu Dayou saw off the barrel of the long musket according to local conditions and used a shorter musket for shooting.

On the grassland, the opponents are all cavalry, so if they use infantry completely according to the script, it will be difficult to fight against the cavalry on the grassland.

Seeing such elite cavalry, Xiong Kuang couldn't help but sigh: "The Governor once said that General Yu and General Qi were the first in military training. I originally thought that the Governor just respected the two seniors, but now it seems that is indeed the case."

But using a long-barreled musket on horseback is a burden.

Xiong Kuang immediately asked respectfully: "Please enlighten me."

Yu Dayou said: "The generation of people who are following the Governor to raise troops today are all a group of people who grew up under new weapons and new tactics. It can be said that they grew up in an era of drastic changes."

This sacrificed the accuracy of the musket, so Yu Dayou ordered the soldiers to use the musket at a closer range.

Therefore, Yu Dayou used grenades as his main combat tool and achieved good results.

"Change is a good thing. If it weren't for the popularization of muskets, how could we have won the Anti-Japanese War so easily? Now we can chase people on the grassland, which was unimaginable before."

Long-barreled muskets can stabilize the direction of the bullet and achieve better accuracy and accuracy, but shooting on horseback cannot guarantee accuracy.

When continuous shooting became possible, shooting from horseback also became possible.

When Yu Dayou first formed the cavalry, muskets were still very heavy weapons and could not be used on horseback.

Yu Dayou smiled and said: "Brother Qi and I wrote letters a few days ago and discussed the current problems in the Southeast Army."

However, after the use of breech-loading rifles with smokeless flames, Yu Dayou realized the changes in muskets.

Xiong Kuang nodded and agreed. Today's war advantage in the Southeast essentially relies on the endless military inventions and a series of advanced military theories created by the Governor Su Ze.

This also gave the entire southeast an air of arrogance. This sentiment reached its peak when dealing with the rebellions of Annan and the southwestern barbarians. It seemed that these enemies were all monkeys armed with cold weapons and were not worth worrying about at all.

But Yu Dayou said: "But I have read history books and it turns out that the proliferation of weapons and equipment is not as slow as everyone thinks, and the barriers to the advantage of weapons and equipment are not as strong as everyone thinks."

Yu Dayou said:
"The West can make muskets and artillery. There may be a technical threshold, but is it very difficult to imitate?" "Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty defeated the Huns with cavalry, but the Huns soon began to build their own cavalry, and they fought with the Han Dynasty. Both sides suffer.”

"Can the muskets we use now maintain our advantage?"

Xiong Kuang was silent and understood what Yu Dayou meant. War technology is the easiest thing to improve among all factors in war.

Just like the Ming Dynasty's muskets, although the speed of improvement cannot keep up with Southeast, they can still be used. This is why Su Ze only used smokeless gunpowder in this final decisive battle. He also wanted to completely defeat the Ming Dynasty due to the difference in technology.

But this time it’s a technology generation difference, what about next time?

Xiong Kuang is not as optimistic as his colleagues.

The world is too big.

The world is too big. Xiong Kuang has read some overseas books and talked with foreign businessmen.

The world is so big that people in different countries have completely different languages, beliefs, national systems, histories and cultures.

Annan and North Korea, the two frontiers of the Central Plains civilization, were of the same origin and could be integrated into the Central Plains system.

There were originally many Central Plains immigrants in Nanyang.

But what about further afield?

The history of Khmer is almost as long as that of the Central Plains, and Tianzhu is also a country that appeared in the historical materials of the Central Plains very early.

There are also those countries in Central Asia, and even the more distant European countries.

Others will develop too, and the world cannot remain stagnant forever.

Xiong Kuang knew that the Spaniards were already studying the southeastern artillery, and the Ottoman merchants had secretly started to smuggle the southeastern muskets.

Technical advantages will always exist, but battles with technological differences like the attack on Annan will become fewer and fewer in the future.

Yu Dayou said: "There are already firearms on the grasslands now, and this trend is inevitable."

"So when fighting a war, we have to go back to the oldest issue, training troops."

Yu Dayou said: "No matter what kind of weapon it is, it needs people to control it. I believe that no matter how the technology changes, it will not change."

"If you want to fight, you have to train your troops in the end!"

Yu Dayou's words gave Xiong Kuang a feeling of enlightenment.

During these times, while he was summarizing his experience in military training, he always felt some unexplainable doubts.

After communicating with Yu Dayou today, Xiong Kuang felt enlightened. The problems that troubled him were finally solved.

The matter of fighting a war must be implemented in military training. The advancement of technology and military theory must ultimately be implemented by people.

He said respectfully: "Excuse me, General Yu, why do you train troops?"

Yu Dayou smiled and said: "Actually, the military books of all dynasties clearly stated it - the word 'choose the front'."

(End of this chapter)

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