My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 685: Su Ze’s Question

Chapter 685: Su Ze’s Question (Part ) (Complete Book)

Su Ze looked at everyone, cleared his throat and said, "The last question, rich or poor."

"You may want to ask, the problem of wealth and poverty has existed since ancient times, so how can we say it is a problem that has not been encountered by previous generations?"

"But I want to say that the issue of wealth and poverty in our era will be a complex issue that has never been encountered in previous dynasties. It requires everyone to find a way to balance it."

Su Ze said: "During the ancient Yin and Shang Dynasties, wealth and poverty depended on population, because the cultivated land was unlimited for the population at that time, and the slaves who cultivated it were given priority. The Yin Shang regarded the slaves raised as rich and poor. This is because This is still the case in Tibet.”

"After the Qin and Han dynasties, land was the basis for the rich and the poor. The rich were connected with each other and the poor had no place to stand. Until the Ming Dynasty, this was still the basis for demarcating the rich and the poor."

Those who were able to participate in the Constitutional Convention were naturally representatives of all parties and all walks of life. There were also maps of occupied land, and there were even manor owners who opened manors on Da Yuan Island or Annan. They quickly understood what Su Ze meant. .

Su Ze continued: "But today's rich and poor are judged by land?"

"In this era, the things that generate wealth have changed. Not only land can generate wealth, but machines can also generate wealth. Merchant ships and railways can also generate wealth. Even the numbers in the securities center can generate wealth."

“The methods of generating wealth have changed, but the wealth itself has not changed, or in other words, the people who own wealth will not change.”

"The rich want to get richer, while the poor will become poorer because of their poverty. Everyone should be very clear about how landlords in the Ming Dynasty annexed land, but now there are more ways to generate wealth. Merger of wealth The speed can only be faster.”

"But no empire can allow such annexations to continue indefinitely. The sages have made it very clear that land annexations have been reincarnated in the past dynasties."

"But our era will face more problems than the sages, will face the problem of huge wealth that is more difficult to deal with than the sages, and will also face the problem of wealth differentiation that is more complicated than in previous dynasties."

Su Ze's speech was like a bell hitting everyone's heart, and almost all the representatives fell into thinking.

Any representative who can sit in the Crystal Palace of the Constituent Assembly has participated in the construction of this new country. In a broad sense, they are the founders and beneficiaries of this new empire.

Regardless of whether their power and wealth can be passed down, they are the most loyal people to the Empire.

Su Ze only asked five questions, but did not give any answers.

Unlike Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the previous Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang almost single-handedly created the system of the new era, and believed that his system was impeccable, requiring future generations to treat this system as "hard-won", that is, "the method of the ancestors."

Su Ze, the founder of the new empire, asked questions in a humble manner and sought answers to these questions from all citizens.

However, after thinking desperately, many people present found that there were no answers to these questions at all.

Regardless of the first two problems, they are problems that have been encountered in history, and the sages of the past dynasties have not found a solution.

Most people cannot ask the last three questions at all. They are unable to realize the extraordinary features of this era. This era will be completely different from the old era.

These problems are pressing on everyone's mind, and if any problem is not handled well, these bombs will explode within the empire.

This makes those representatives who can participate in the founding celebration and formulate the entire country's regulations a little frightened.

Why is your new empire different from before?

Su Ze continued: "Another thing, after this constitutional meeting, I will resign as governor and take my family to visit the great rivers and mountains."

When Su Ze said these words, everyone was in an uproar. Originally, Su Ze did not proclaim himself emperor but only called himself Grand Governor. Everyone thought this was a sign of humility since the empire had not yet been unified.

But now that Su Ze didn't even want the position of Governor, everyone was confused about the situation for a while. They didn't know whether Su Ze was making concessions or he really wanted to resign.

Su Ze also did not explain. He had already explained the resignation to the cabinet. Although Xu Wei and others still firmly opposed it, they could not defeat Su Ze.

In the end, Su Ze was retained by Xu Wei and only symbolically retained the position of general representative of the Constitutional Assembly. He had handed over all relevant government affairs to the cabinet. The staff under the governor's office would also be handed over to the army after the war. Ministry and Admiralty, becoming an agency under the Ministry.

After talking about this, Su Ze was too lazy to attend other meetings. He simply left the Crystal Palace. After meeting his family who had been waiting for him, he took a carriage and left Nanjing.

The fact that the Grand Governor resigned on the first day of the opening of the Constituent Assembly and then left the post was immediately spread through newspapers across the country. This news shocked the entire Central Plains. There were even many conspiracy theories saying that Su Ze was raped. The cabinet forced him to resign, and the Constituent Assembly had to come out to refute the rumors.

The five questions raised by Su Ze at the opening of the Constitutional Convention, also known as the "questions of founding the country," were published in major newspapers in the north, south, east and west, triggering profound discussions among the people.

However, people's attention quickly focused on the Constitutional Convention. Now everyone understands that after Su Ze left, this Constitutional Convention was a meeting of the founders, and the policies they discussed were the policies of the new country. The things they identified were the cornerstones of the new nation.

Every day, the contents discussed in the Constitutional Convention were published in newspapers, which aroused close attention from public opinion. And these representatives of the Constitutional Convention finally felt that the title of "Founders" placed a heavy weight on their shoulders. .

Many people have obviously found it difficult. They really can't imagine how Su Ze, the governor-general, built this country under heavy pressure?

At this time, within the Constituent Assembly, there was even a trend to invite Su Ze back to be emperor. If the cabinet had not urgently explained Su Ze's remaining aspirations to the representatives, this motion would have been almost passed.

This time the Constituent Assembly lasted for a full month, and on August 20, the Constituent Assembly finally came up with the basic results.

The government basically retains the current structure, but on the basis of the seven ministries, new ministries such as railways, diplomacy, medical care, and resettlement of retired officers and soldiers are added, and ministers are appointed to the cabinet.

Only one of the ministers of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of the Navy was retained to take turns to enter the cabinet. This was the order of the Grand Governor Su Ze. The military should try to speak as little as possible on daily affairs of national governance.

Build a railway from the capital to Nanjing, and temporarily set up a dual political center system of northern and southern capitals until the next constitutional meeting to discuss whether to move the capital.

As for the thing that everyone is most concerned about, it is still difficult to give a new country name. However, according to the calendar left by Su Ze, the Constitutional Assembly unanimously approved the change of the name for this year.

This was the front page headline in all the newspapers in the first year of the Republic.

End of the book

 I finally finished the book and it wasn’t blocked!
  When I wrote the last word, I suddenly felt like I had nothing more to say. I would like to thank all the readers who have read it. Thank you very much.

  What I want to say, Fat Bird has already finished writing. I don’t want to write about this kind of modern subject for the time being, because it is too sensitive, and in today’s era, the differences are too great, and it cannot satisfy all readers. It is really I'm so sorry.

  The last five questions are also Fat Bird’s five questions. I don’t know what the answers are, so I can only let everyone think about the answers.

  I plan to write a work about the historical period of classicism, which will reduce the discussion of ideology and focus more on the people and things of that era.

  The era of the new book is the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and the tentative title of the book is "Single Player Southern and Northern Dynasties". The background is the period of the Six Towns Rebellion. Interested readers can pay attention to Fat Bird's new book.

  The new book will be released tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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