My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 98 Great Ming Dynasty Literary World

Chapter 98 Great Ming Dynasty Literary World (Ask for a monthly ticket!)
"Good!" A scholar from Nanping County cheered loudly, and then the crowd also started to cheer.

This circle is the symbol for every paragraph of the Analects, usually before "Zi Yue".

"Before the sage speaks, he follows the phenomena of the sky."

The key to solving the problem is the position of the circle, which is before "Zi Yue", that is, "before the sage speaks".

The circle represents the round sky and the earth, that is, all phenomena in the world. It is indeed very ingenious to break the title from the sage's "Fa Tianxiang" as the entry point.

Huang Shixing was also stunned. Su Ze's solution to the problem was more ingenious than the answer he thought, and his intention was more lofty.

The students of Yanping Prefecture School and the students of Yanping Academy all looked ugly. These days, they often bully the students of the county, but they didn't expect that Su Ze, a scholar who is not a scholar, took the limelight this time.

Especially the few attendants around Huang Shixing, they wanted to point out the problems in Su Ze's problem solving, but they couldn't find any problems because the problem solving was flawless.

Huang Shixing held back for a long time, and lost another 40 taels of silver, which was the worst in the audience.

But when the acting came to this place, he could only bite the bullet and continue acting. He still pretended to be happy and pulled Su Ze and said:

"Thank you Brother Su for explaining my confusion!"

But when he opened his mouth again, he really couldn't hold back any more compliments, so he could only say awkwardly: "Mr. Academy is about to start a lecture, so let's go now."

After saying this, Huang Shixing left with his followers, and the students of Nanping County School cheered, and they finally felt proud!
[Solving questions in public, imperial examination experience +20, Lv4, 50/400]

Looking at the 40 taels of official silver in his hand, Su Ze couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this classmate Huang is a good guy!

It's the first-class tool man who can earn experience and explode treasure chests alongside Yu Ergongzi!
The news of Su Ze's breakthrough quickly reached the ears of the three teachers.

Hai Rui nodded in satisfaction. It is not difficult to pass the county examination with Su Ze's talent and knowledge, and there is hope that he will be selected as a candidate. Hai Rui is full of pride in being able to cultivate such a student.

Professor Zhong from the prefectural school is an old pedant who always pays attention to face. Hearing that Su Ze, a non-staff member who is not a student, got out of the limelight, he was in a bad mood. He added a lot of courses, and announced that there would be one exam every three days There was a big exam on the tenth day, which caused the students in the government to complain incessantly.

After Chen Moqun, the head of the Yanping Academy, found out, he even furiously reprimanded Huang Shixing for indulging in such strange and difficult questions, and ordered Huang Shixing to think behind closed doors.

However, Su Ze solved the problem twice, and it spread among scholars in Nanping County.

Fang Zhifu, who had just left the magistrate's office, held a family banquet in the back house. This time, he hosted the banquet for the returning officials who were temporarily staying at the post station in Nanping County.

This is Fang Zhifu's fellow Jinshi, that is, Fang Zhifu's same year.

The people of the Ming Dynasty paid special attention to the friendship of the same year. After each admission, the "Tongnianlu" was published to record the identity, place of origin and contact information of the same year.

Fang Zhifu is over 40 years old and has a son and a daughter, but he is only 30 years old at the same year.

But since they are admitted on the same list, it means that the 60-year-old old Jinshi and the 20-year-old young Jinshi are both in the same year.

However, there is someone in the Kong Jinshi court. He and Fang Zhifu were both Jinshi in the 29th year of Jiajing. In [-], he was transferred to a Beijing official, and was promoted to Youqian Capital Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Although the censor of Qiandu is of the same rank as the magistrate, the censor is a Qingliu official and a Beijing official. For example, the magistrate of Yanping Prefecture is much more noble.

And Fang Zhifu doesn't know how long he will be wasted in this prefect.

The future Kong Yushi was promoted from the Guangzhou government, and he happened to pass by Nanping County on his way back to Beijing, so he naturally had to reminisce about the past with the same year.

According to the regulations of the imperial court, officials had to live in a post station when they returned to Beijing to take up their posts, so this was a private banquet, and only Fang Zhifu and Kong Yushi were present at the banquet.

Since it was the Jinshi banquet of the same year, it is natural to talk about the same year first.

Fang Zhifu first asked: "Mr. Liang is recuperating in Shunde, right? How is his health?"

Kong Yushi shook his head and said: "It's not very good. I went to visit before I left. Every year, it's cold and I have to stay in bed for several months. This year, I can only get out of bed after March."

Both of them sighed at the same time.

Liang Gongshi was also a Jinshi in the same year as the two, named Liang Youyu, and his Kejia rank was higher than both of them. He was first appointed as the head of the Ministry of Criminal Justice of the capital, and his starting point was much higher than that of Fang and Kong.

At that time, there was Li Panlong in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and Wang Shizhen was an official in the Ministry. They were all well-known poets at that time. Liang Youyu formed a society with them to discuss poems.

However, both Li Panlong and Wang Shizhen were dissatisfied with Yan Song's power, and often wrote poems criticizing the current situation, so they were retaliated against.

However, Mr. Liang felt that the capital was used to seeing the party struggles among the upper echelons of the imperial court, and his health was not good, so he resigned and returned to his hometown in Shunde to recuperate.

Since it was the same year, the prefect of Kong, who was serving as the magistrate at that time, often visited him. Hearing that he was in poor health in the same year, the prefect also took a sip of mulled wine.

"The rivalry between the DPRK and China is intensifying. Brother Jingmei, you must be cautious in your words and deeds when you return to the capital."

Kong Yushi's Biaozi Jingmei, they were friends in the same year, so naturally they called each other Biaozi.

"I know this. In fact, it is better to stay in the magistrate when I come to Beijing at this time, but my family can't wait."

Kong Yushi sighed, he and Fang Zhifu are still newcomers in the officialdom, and they still have some ambitions in their hearts.

In fact, most officials always want to live up to the words of the saints when they first become officials.

It is relatively rare in history for people like Yan Maoqing to become officials purely for making money, or for pure murderers like the cruel officials of the Han Dynasty.

Generally speaking, after being educated by superiors, colleagues, tyrants, and subordinates, they start to make money.

Officials with a good family background like Kong Yushi usually want political achievements without money when they first become officials. With the support of their families, they can be promoted quickly, but they will not be greedy for small money when they become corrupt. .

The two talked about the government again. Kong Yushi just passed by Fuzhou Mansion and told Fang Zhifu about the situation in Fuzhou Mansion.

"There is a long queue at the city gate of Fuzhou Prefecture, and those who want to make offerings to Yan Maoqing have to queue up to get their numbers! Now that the Japanese invasion is rampant in Fujian, the imperial court actually allows such villains to act recklessly!"

Kong Yushi hammered the table: "Now the army's morale is slack, and the sea and border are restless! It's all Yan Maoqing's fault!"

"In the entire Fuzhou government, no one dared to impeach Yan Maoqing! The disaster of the strict party is very poisonous!"

Fang Zhifu sneered in his heart, he himself liked to sing some tunes in the same year, he was transferred to be the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, why didn't he say that he would go back to Beijing to impeach Yan Maoqing?
Anti-Yan Song is now politically correct in the Ming Dynasty. For Fang Kong who is unwilling to join Yan Song for various reasons, it is very normal to scold Yan Song in private.

Anyway, for the Ming Dynasty's problems, if you don't scold Yan Song, the chief assistant, should you scold the emperor?
In short, it's because Yan Song's first assistant is not good. As the first assistant, you can't persuade the emperor well. Isn't that your problem, Yan Song?
But it was true to scold Yan Maoqing and scold Yan Song. Fang Zhifu held his wine glass and said, "Brother Jingmei, when you get to the capital, you can't compare places. You can stop talking like that."

For officials like Kong and Fang, they are really insignificant pawns in the overall situation of the court. Scolding Yan Song for such things is just an attitude of unwillingness to join forces. You also need Yan Song to be willing to join forces with you.

Kong Yushi just talked about it, and he really didn't dare to be the censor to impeach Yan Song.

If Yan Song wanted to recruit him, maybe this Kong Yushi would join the Yan Party.

In the final analysis, the so-called strict party is actually just a profit-sharing group. As long as you join this group, you can enjoy the benefits. The strict party has no target program, and the anti-strict party also has no target program.

Even the so-called anti-strict party forces were cultivated by Emperor Jiajing himself. Using the cabinet's second assistant to check and balance the cabinet's first assistant is the consistent method of Emperor Jiajing. When Yan Song was the cabinet's second assistant, the cabinet's first assistant was Xia Yan , It was also Xia Yan who Yan Song falsely accused and killed.

And Xia Yan was Zhang Cong before he became the first assistant. In every Jiajing emperor's cabinet, there was a second assistant who opposed the first assistant.

Emperor Jiajing's set of dissenting opinions is mixed, and he is playing with great proficiency!

As for the overall situation of the imperial court, Kong and Fang could only take a look at it. With their qualifications and ranks, it was too early to participate.

Instead of discussing the current situation, as a scholar, I can only discuss literature.

Fang Zhifu stood up, took a book from the bookshelf beside the banquet, handed it to Kong Yushi and said: "Brother Jingmei, this is a new book I collected."

"Yang Sheng'an's anthology!"

Fang Zhifu said triumphantly: "This is sent by my brother-in-law, and it contains all new works by Yang Sheng'an!"

Kong Yushi directly picked up the candlestick on the table and read by the light.

"Yang Sheng'an, who lived in Yunnan and Guizhou, can still write such gorgeous and magnificent essays, so is the real Wenzong!"

Yang Sheng'an is Yang Shen, the son of Yang Tinghe, the number one political enemy of Emperor Jiajing after he succeeded to the throne.

After the ceremony, Yang Shen was exiled to Yongchangwei, Yunnan. It has been 30 years since then.

Emperor Jiajing was never a magnanimous monarch. Now that he has firmly controlled the government, he is still unwilling to pardon Yang Shen. He deliberately did not pardon Yang Shen several times during his reign.

However, after Yang Shen arrived in Yongchangwei, the frequency of writing increased instead. His articles are famous all over the world. Someone always compiles his articles into an anthology and publishes them, and every time they are published, they will be sold out quickly.

Yang Shen is currently the top figure in the Ming Dynasty's literary world, and the next top figure in the literary world, Wang Shizhen, is still an official in the Ministry of Punishment, and his influence is far less than that of Yang Shen.

"I transcribed this anthology, so I will give it to Brother Jingmei!"

Kong Yushi felt as if he had found a treasure, and he was afraid that Fang Zhifu would go back on his word, so he stuffed the anthology directly into his collar.

Immediately afterwards Kong Yushi said again: "No, when did Brother Boxian's handwriting become so beautiful?"

Fang Zhifu was dismissed of his shortcomings in the same year, pretending to be annoyed and said: "This is copied by my daughter!"

The two had a banquet again, but Kong Yushi was afraid that staying at Fang Zhifu's house would cause trouble, so he insisted on going back to the inn to rest.

After sending Kong Yushi away, Fang Zhifu returned to the study and saw that the light in his daughter's room was still on.

Fang Zhifu walked to his daughter's room, coughed and said, "Why isn't Lan'er still asleep?"

Fang Ruolan's voice came out: "Daddy, my daughter will go to sleep immediately after finishing this chapter."

Fang Zhifu rubbed his temples and said: "Lan'er, you can show Yang Sheng'an to my father for another two days."

Fang Ruolan immediately said: "This is not acceptable! Dad, you agreed to read it for me first, and then, didn't I copy it all for you?"

Fang Zhifu said with some embarrassment: "This, isn't this just given to you Uncle Kong Shi?"

Fang Ruolan immediately said: "My daughter copied it with great difficulty. Daddy, you asked me for the original after you gave it away? Besides, my uncle sent me this book, not you."

Fang Zhifu was quickly defeated, and he had nothing to do with this eccentric daughter.

Just as she was about to take out her father's airs, Mrs. Li came out of the room again and said:

"Don't go to bed quickly after drinking, the master has no business tomorrow? Aren't you going to inspect the county school?"

"Lan'er, you should go to bed early too, staying up late and reading will hurt your eyes!"

Mrs. Li went out and subdued the two of them at once.

Fang Zhifu sent out a collection of essays, and Hai Rui received a collection of essays.

These days, Su Ze has copied all the ancient prose that he can recite from his memory with his only Lv3 literature knowledge.

Lv3 is probably the level of famous ancient prose in junior high school. Su Ze also wants to improve his literary skills and memorize more famous ancient prose, but this literary skill does not increase experience at all.

Hai Rui opened the book. Although Su Ze's handwriting was not good-looking, it was handwritten by the students. Hai Rui was still a little moved.

If it was something else, Hai Rui would definitely not accept it, but what Su Ze gave was a book, and Hai Rui also loves to read, so he couldn't put it down and flipped through it.

"Cao GUI's Controversy" was uploaded by Zuo Zhuan, so Hai Rui had naturally read it.

"Zou Ji satirizes the king of Qi accepting remonstrance", the article on the Warring States Policy, Hai Rui has also read it, but it is a book borrowed from others, good article!

"Teacher List"!good article!
When I read "A virtuous minister far away from a villain, that's why the Han Dynasty prospered; a petty man, a virtuous minister far away, is why the Han Dynasty has declined since then." Hai Rui couldn't help admiring!

Hai Rui has never read this article, so it is no wonder that Zhuge Wuhou can be famous in history. This article is enough to show his loyalty to the Han Dynasty!
Hai Rui couldn't help but read it again, and continued to scroll down.

In "Peach Blossom Spring", Hai Rui also had a heart to hide from the world, and he felt that it was a good novel through the ages.

Hai Rui closed the book. It was so beautiful that he couldn't bear to read it.

Su Ze watched Hai Rui's book reading like a charm, when the system suddenly popped up a reminder that a certain skill was added by 10 points.

Su Ze can't laugh or cry, does that count?

But it’s right to think about it, isn’t it the essence of a certain skill to do what you like?
If this was really a game, Su Ze would have earned hundreds of Hai Rui's favorability points.

Hai Rui said to Su Ze: "Your father has so many books, he must be a learned man, I wish I could see him!"

"By the way, the magistrate is going to inspect the county school tomorrow. Although I prefer you to concentrate on your studies, it is still beneficial for you to be famous as a scholar. If you have the opportunity, you should perform well."

Su Ze was also moved when Hai Rui, who was always upright, said such words.

Through these days of contact, Su Ze discovered that Hai Rui's greatest strength is strict self-discipline and lenient treatment of others.

It can even be said that it is the second half of the sentence, he is not ignorant of the world, on the contrary, he is insightful, but he is unwilling to compromise with this troubled world.

However, Hai Rui was very lenient towards those who compromised with the society for various reasons and did not do anything harmful.

Su Ze said immediately: "Thank you for teaching me, teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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