Lord Harland.

Chapter 472 New Territory Division

Chapter 472 New Territory Division

Equipped with a large number of magic crystal cannons, magic airships, and energy projection weapons, Harland's army is extremely powerful in combat. But this brings another problem. The army led by Haaland relies heavily on logistical supplements for operations.

Every time the magic crystal cannon is fired and the magic airship flies every day, a large amount of magic crystal is consumed. Although the Harland leader has mastered the magic crystal charging technology, a large-scale war will seriously consume the inventory.

In fact, after nearly three months of fighting, Harland's army had consumed more than 80,000 magic crystals.

Eighty thousand magic crystals, equivalent to approximately 60% of the inventory.

The decline in magic crystal reserves will actually seriously affect combat operations. Because of this problem, Richard weighed it carefully in his heart and decided to give it up as soon as possible to avoid getting involved in a larger war.

Richard had a desire to avoid war, and the grassroots officers and soldiers had lost their fighting spirit after being plundered because they had seized a large amount of loot. Although this army still has the strength to fight for the last time, some of its edges have been blunted.

The war situation has developed to this point, and the United Kingdom on the East Coast has lost most of its territory and can only rely on its capital, Kanas Castle, to support itself.

As for the coalition forces of the Four Marquises and Three Earls of the Grant Kingdom, although they were large in number, they were not capable of attacking fortresses. They besieged the city for a month and a half and were unable to capture Kanas Castle at all.

Seeing that the Grant Kingdom had once again won a great victory, the governor of the United Kingdom on the East Coast wrote a letter to Rosen, the special envoy of the Holy Radiance Empire, hoping that the Holy Radiance Empire would intervene.

Although Richard is leading troops outside and cannot communicate with key intelligence officers through the Dream Tree, there are still three people who can leave a mark on the Dream Tree. When Richard and Sophia entered the red moon plane, Undine had already left her imprint and controlled the intelligence system on Richard's behalf.

In order to keep their hereditary titles, glory and wealth, the heads of the four Rand families desperately grasped every straw. In fact, they had secretly surrendered to the leader of Harland and fell into the control of Stevens.

With the help of this strange magic radio, the Haaland Territory intelligence department does not need to establish a complex intelligence transmission system or cross the tightly inspected border.

The four Rands all have noble ancestry, although they are members of distant branches and their status cannot be equated with the direct lineage of the Lord.

Behind the rise and fall of the eastern countries for a thousand years, there is the shadow of the Holy Glorious Empire hidden in the dark. Once the news is passed to Special Envoy Rosen, the Holy Radiance Empire will inevitably rush over to mediate.

With the help of the Dream Tree, a legendary magical plant, Harland's intelligence department is even more powerful. The transmission of information is not only secretive but also very convenient.

Harland's intelligence chief on the east coast is named Stevens Hogan. This man is a very capable and ambitious man. This man has noble blood and is also a native of the East Coast Kingdom. The relationships Hogan has run over the years are so ingrained within the East Coast United Kingdom that they almost penetrate to the heart of the East Coast.

In particular, four mercenary leaders from the East Coast, Rand, Gutmann, Hagentin, and Hoffman, were successfully ennobled in the Harland Territory. With the help of their family connections, the Harland Territory penetrated the East Coast intelligence system. Deeper.

Although the news of sending envoys to the east coast was very secretive, the information coincidentally fell into the ears of the intelligence department of Harland Territory.

Richard knew in his heart that the Holy Glory Empire was a troublemaker if it wanted to maintain a balanced policy among the eastern countries.

This situation was something Richard was unwilling to accept.

The governor of the United Kingdom on the east coast sent an envoy to escort, and there happened to be people from the Earl of Berene family. Through this line, Hogan immediately informed Undine of the news. Undine quickly sent the information to Richard through the Griffin Cavalry.

The Harland Territory intelligence system has deep penetration on the east coast. The United Kingdom intelligence station on the east coast alone has more than a thousand intelligence agents.

Although Kanas Castle is not a seaport city, it is very close to the coastline. Fifty kilometers upstream along the Maya River, Harland's navy can attack Kanas City with the help of magic crystal cannons.

Using the power of the dream tree, key intelligence agents can transmit intelligence back to the headquarters in their dreams.

In recent years, although the counterintelligence department of the United Kingdom on the East Coast has captured some Haaland Territory intelligence officers, they are all peripheral members. It did not cause too much damage, and the intelligence department did not leave many loopholes for the enemy.

Once Rosen speaks on behalf of the Holy Glorious Empire, the Roger Kingdom will inevitably be unable to withstand the pressure, give up some of its interests, and accept the mediation of the Holy Glorious Empire.

But now that the Harland Territory is in full swing, the United Kingdom on the East Coast is in a life-and-death crisis.

The Harland Territory possesses the magical plant Dream Tree. After obtaining the dream tree, Richard immediately took off the leaves of the dream tree and let the station chiefs of the Foreign Intelligence Service take them. Richard has left an imprint on the dream tree. He can rely on the dream tree to enter the dreams of the heads of various intelligence stations and communicate with him subconsciously.

After receiving the information from Undine, Richard immediately wrote to Sutton, asking Sutton to lead Harland to lead the navy and help the noble coalition attack Kanas Castle.

The foreign intelligence system is not only responsible for intelligence work, but also manages and controls the smuggling department. It not only has administrative allocations from superiors, but also smuggled goods and profits from operating industries.

After receiving Richard's order, Sutton led a magic fleet and relied on the power of the magic crystal cannon to storm Kanas Castle for six days, finally blowing down the city wall and destroying the city's defenses.

Seeing that the city wall collapsed, Marquis Allen led a coalition of Grant Kingdom nobles to break through Venus Castle in one fell swoop, annihilating the East Coast United Kingdom before the Holy Glory Empire intervened.

After the destruction of the country on the east coast, the battle front of the Delong Kingdom stabilized.

This war lasted three months. The Grant Kingdom achieved a decisive victory, destroyed the East Coast United Kingdom, and annexed more than 1.1 million square kilometers of land. In addition, they also captured nearly 30,000 square kilometers of land in Delong and Lane. It can be said to be a glorious victory recorded in the epic.

After winning such a crucial battle, the top priority is to reward the troops and divide the spoils.

The Harland family is already the core family of the Grant Kingdom, and its power can almost compete with the royal family. Especially in this war, the Harland family played the most critical role.

In the western battle, Harland relied on leading an army of 80,000 to block the heavy army group of the Kingdom of Lane. On the Eastern Front battlefield, it was thanks to Haaland's leadership of the navy that the balance was broken and the East Coast Marine Front was completely annihilated.

In the final battle, it was only with the navy commanded by Sutton that the city defenses of Kanas Castle were destroyed and the east coast capital was successfully captured.

Because they played the most critical role, the Haaland family must of course give priority to sharing the spoils.

Richard took the map and directly marked out the most elite territory of the United Kingdom on the east coast, naming it the Dukedom of Ricks. This territory covers an area of ​​approximately 280,000 square kilometers. It is the truly fertile land of the United Kingdom on the east coast. The capital, Kanas Castle, is also in this territory. This territory has a total population of approximately 12 million people, accounting for 40% of the total population on the east coast.

The only disadvantage of the Dukedom of Rex is that it is located in the southern part of the east coast, bordering the Sith Kingdom. It is in a border area and needs to station heavy troops.

The Grant Kingdom has been fighting wars for more than ten years. Although it has expanded a large amount of land and the power of the noble class has been greatly expanded, the national power has been severely depleted, the people are tired of war, and the army is somewhat exhausted.

The major nobles were not very willing to seal their territories at the border, which was also an important reason why Richard's proposal was not opposed. In today's Grant Kingdom, the Harland family does need to take responsibility.

The assignment to the Dukedom of Rex was not enough to reward the Harland family for their great contributions. After this battle, William's title was also promoted, and the territory was expanded into a duchy.

The 40,000 square kilometers of land west of the Gut River were included in the Dukedom of William, and the original territory of Earl Zachary was also incorporated into the Dukedom of William. After being promoted to Duke, William's territory already covered 90,000 square kilometers. However, because it was located on the front line of the battle between the two armies, the population fled very seriously, with a total of only 800,000 to 900,000 people.

Earl Zachary also gained a lot from this battle. He handed over his original territory to William and was allocated 36,000 square kilometers of land on the south bank of the Mara River. Although he failed to be promoted to Duke, he succeeded after the war. Married to the Roger Kingdom and received the title of Marquis.

The original four Eastern Marquises were all promoted after this war.

After conquering Kanas Castle, the Roger Kingdom promoted the four eastern marquises to four dukes. Their territories were also sealed on the western and southern borders of the former East Coast United Kingdom, bordering the three countries of Delong, Maya, and Sis.

Among the four new duchies, the Duke of Allen is the largest in area. It is located in the southwest of the former East Coast United Kingdom and borders the three kingdoms, with a total area of ​​150,000 square kilometers.
The three new duchies of Crean, Visia, and Guevara have roughly the same area, more than 100,000 square kilometers, slightly larger than the Duke of William, and have a population of between two and three million.

The original fiefs of the four newly-appointed dukes were taken back by the Grant royal family, and a new Central Bank Province was established.

Earl Marcel made more meritorious service in this battle, and his territory expanded to more than 10,000 square kilometers. Like Earl Zachary, he married into the royal family after the war, took on the ribbon of marquis, and received a slight promotion in title. The other four earls had less merit, and they only received a barony, which was enough for their merit.

The three Dukes of York, Lorraine, and Duran played a big role in the war, helping the Harland and Jonathan families to block the army of the Kingdom of Lane. The three Dukes of Fox, Edward, and Guise contained the 200,000-strong army of the Kingdom of Delon, but after all, they did not win the battle on the Western Front and were only granted a viscounty.

The new fiefdoms of the six great dukes on the western front were all sealed in the new duchies on the east coast.

Richard directly allocated 3,000 square kilometers of land from the Duke of Rex, and sealed the third son of Duke Fox at the border with the Sith Kingdom. The new fiefdom of the Edward family was in the Dukedom of William.

As for the Jonathan family, they have now become independent and can be considered an ally of the Grant Kingdom.

The Western Front did not gain much advantage in this battle, and the Jonathan family did not have much territory to divide. However, several direct members of the Jonathan family married close relatives of the Grant royal family, and were assigned one viscount and four baronies from the royal territory.

In addition to the above nobles, the Silver Moon family also regained their territory and restored their status as a great noble with the support of King Roger.

Silver Moon Island is too close to the core territory of the Grant Kingdom. If it falls under Richard's control, it will be equivalent to directly blocking the Grant Kingdom's door to the sea.

King Roger was unwilling to hand over such a fatal place to Richard. After the two parties reached an exchange of interests, the territory was left to the original owner.

Heaton, the new legendary knight of the Grant family, also completed his identity transformation and was promoted to the great aristocracy.

The Earldom of Heaton is located in the eastern part of the Dukedom of William, covering an area of ​​nearly 30,000 square kilometers. Like the Dukedom of William, it suffered from wars and not many people.

On the Western Front battlefield, Wilde seized the opportunity of the Kingdom of Lane to withdraw its troops, led his troops across the Campa River, and controlled approximately 12,000 square kilometers west of the Campa River and north of the Mara River. This territory was naturally incorporated into the Earldom of Philip.

The remaining hundreds of thousands square kilometers of land belong to the Grant royal family. The Roger Kingdom plans to separate this territory and grant it to the second son Nelson. King Roger's eldest son is also assigned to the Dukedom of Ferdinand.

Although the territory granted to the Grant royal family in this war was not large, it recovered the four eastern marquis fiefs and established four central provinces. In fact, the royal family also obtained 300,000 square kilometers of land, and the benefits obtained were second only to The number one hero of the Haaland family.

In addition to the big nobles at the table, there were also thirty-eight new nobles who ate the leftovers from this carving up feast. Their fiefdoms were scattered among the territories of their superiors.

For example, Harland leads Sutton, Roman, Soros, Wilde and others.

Sutton, Sylph, mother and son are both legends. After years of accumulation, Sutton's meritorious service is enough to award a duchy.

It's just that the Sutton family is thin, and his thoughts are different from ordinary people. Although he is half-elf by blood, he grew up with his mother Sylph, and his thoughts are more similar to those of elves. A few years ago, Sutton, Sylph, and their son used all their merits to exchange for the land where the Elf Mystic Lock is located. Now all the Elf tribes live near the Tree of Life.

Although Sutton is not keen on land, after Richard wears the crown, he still wants to give his uncle a duke title. As long as Sutton's children want to become hereditary lords, Richard will allocate part of the land to canonize them as a reward for the great contributions of Sutton, Sylph and his son.

The Sutton family has played a very important role in the development of Harland's leadership to this day.

The second among the heroes is Lao Luomen. The Roman family has a rich heritage. They made great contributions to the Grant Kingdom a hundred years ago and received the title of viscount. After being merged into the Harland Territory, the Luomen family has repeatedly made military exploits and has reached the standards for promotion to the great nobility.

It's just that Richard hasn't put on the crown yet, so he can't legitimately be canonized as a nobleman above earl. He needs to wait a few more years before the Luomen family can be promoted to the great aristocracy.

Ranked third is his uncle Thoros. Thoros already has eight baronies under his name and is relatively close to being promoted to earl.

Next is brother-in-law Jennings, who has also accumulated five baronies to his name, ranking fourth among the heroes.

The fifth place is Oscar Wilde, although he was relatively slow to achieve meritorious service and was not lucky enough to do meritorious service in wars in the past few times. But in recent years, things have turned around and he has become the commander of the front army. Commanding more than 200,000 troops to fight, it is not too difficult to accumulate merit. In just a few years, Wilde was promoted to Viscount.

In addition to the above five people, the remaining vassals of Harland are still barons, with relatively low influence and have not risen to the decision-making level.

(End of this chapter)

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