Nuclear Warlord

Chapter 116 Gold Killer

Chapter 116 Gold Killer

In fact, Li Changfeng doesn't want to have any contact with Skynet anymore, because his purpose has always been very simple, and he just wants to live in peace and happiness.

For this reason, he even gave up Skynet, and hid his true identity from the very beginning of creating Skynet.

However, someone has already directly sent a killer to assassinate him, so he escaped this time, what about next time?
Only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent a thief?

It would be a pity to accidentally lose your life if the boat capsizes in the gutter.

Li Changfeng is still so young, he doesn't want to die young.

Therefore, Li Changfeng did not hesitate to expose himself to find out who attacked him, so as to nip a greater danger in the bud.

"Get up." Li Changfeng said lightly.

Li Debiao got up, but still bowed his body, and asked respectfully: "I don't know why the founder is looking for his subordinates?"

Li Changfeng took out the portrait of the killer from his pocket and handed it to Li Debiao, and said in a deep voice, "Check it out immediately, which killer organized this person, and who appointed him to assassinate His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince."

His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince?
Li Debiao was secretly surprised, what is the relationship between the founder and the Ninth Prince, and he would not hesitate to show up in person if he alarmed this lord who had retired for a long time.

However, since it was related to the founder, he naturally didn't dare to intervene. He took the portrait respectfully, glanced at it and said, "Okay, this subordinate will activate Skynet's highest-level investigation order and start the investigation immediately."

However, Li Changfeng waved his hand: "You don't need to activate the highest-level investigation order, just use ordinary means to investigate. Remember not to reveal the news that I have been here, understand?"

"I obey." Li Debiao nodded without any hesitation, and then changed the topic: "However, if this is the case, the investigation results you want, my lord, will come out tomorrow afternoon at the earliest."

Hearing this, Li Changfeng couldn't help frowning.

He didn't want to expose what happened in the "Tianzi Order", but only the "Tianzi Order" could initiate the highest-level investigation order.

He thought for a while and asked: "If the highest level of investigation order is activated, how long will it take to get the result?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Debiao replied very confidently: "If it is fast, it will take two quarters of an hour, if it is slow, it will be an hour, and there will be results!"

Skynet members are spread across all walks of life, from high-ranking officials and dignitaries to traffickers and pawns, and there is almost no place where they have not infiltrated.

That's why Li Debiao has the confidence to say such things.

Hearing his answer, Li Changfeng naturally didn't want to reveal his eagerness to know, and said helplessly: "Forget it, since this seat is here, let's use the Tianzi Order and activate the highest-level investigation order. Sagittarius would also like to know if Skynet investigations are really faster today than before."

Now he is in a hurry to return to the capital for business, and there is no reason to stay here for one more day, so he can only use the Tianzi Order.

Li Debiao bowed and said, "Your Excellency, rest here, and your subordinates will do it right away!"

After speaking, Li Debiao acted resolutely, turned and left immediately, while Li Changfeng sat leisurely on a chair in the back hall to rest.

Only half an hour later, Li Debiao returned in a hurry and handed over a letter.

"All the investigation results are in the envelope, please read, my lord!"

Li Changfeng took the letter without checking it on the spot, said "Thanks for your hard work", and then got up and left.

Li Debiao bowed and said, "Congratulations, my lord!"

Leaving the gambling house, Li Changfeng disappeared into the night, walked around the city, and after confirming that no one was following him, he took off the human skin mask on his face silently, but put on another mask. Makeup and the second human skin mask, and after moving around several times, he returned to the inn room without a sound.

It took a full hour for him to leave before and after, but Zhang Haihui, Wang Tiezhu and others didn't notice at all.

After taking off the human skin mask, Li Changfeng opened the envelope and looked at it, with a surprised expression gradually appearing on his face.

He originally thought that the person who sent someone to kill him would be the sixth prince Li Ji, because only Li Ji had the most sufficient reason to assassinate him.

But what he never expected was that the one who offered 10 taels of his life was actually the second prince Li Shou.

This made Li Changfeng puzzled.

He even racked his brains to carefully recall the memories of his predecessor, and found that he was not loved by Emperor Qianwu ten years ago, and with the blood of the previous dynasty, no prince would regard him as a competitor at all.

And the predecessor also knew this very well, and never coveted the position of prince. Among the many princes, he only offended the sixth prince, Li Ji, and had no enmity with the second prince, Li Shou.

Li Changfeng frowned.

What exactly is going on?

Why did Li Shou kill him?
Could it be that something happened in the capital during this time?
After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't come up with a reason, so Li Changfeng simply stopped thinking about it.

Naturally, Li Shou dared to offer a reward of 10 taels for his assassination, so Li Changfeng couldn't easily spare him.

He didn't plan to tell Zhang Haihui and others about this matter, on the one hand, they couldn't help much, and on the other hand, he was afraid that they would worry.

Li Changfeng fell asleep peacefully, but the entire Skynet was shaken, and what happened in Tianziling was transmitted to the top of Skynet at an alarming speed.


In an ordinary courtyard, an old man with white beard and hair couldn't help laughing out loud after receiving the news.

"Hahaha... good! good! good!"

The old man is one of the core executives of Skynet. He has a high prestige in the Skynet organization. He was a capable general under the command of the three Skynet founders back then.

At the same time, he is also a generation of top masters who are well-known in the world, and his ghost sword is so superb that he has rarely been rivaled in the world for more than ten years.

A few years ago, he once had a decisive battle with the current martial arts leader on the bank of the Wei River. He fought for three days and three nights without losing the upper hand, and finally gave up when he exhausted himself.

From then on, the leader of the martial arts alliance had to respect him when he saw him, and he had to give him some face in everything. Even today's high-ranking officials would not dare to provoke him lightly, for fear of causing death.

From this we can see how amazing the old man's strength and prestige are.

Seeing him laughing so heartily, the middle-aged man passing the information couldn't help showing disbelief.

Wei Lao usually has a deep majesty, even if it is a big thing, it is difficult for him to have such a big mood swing.

The middle-aged man has been serving Elder Wei for more than ten years, and he has never seen him lose his composure like this.

In the end what happened?
After the old man laughed for a while, the middle-aged man asked cautiously: "Old Wei, when did you get so excited?"

Old Wei laughed and said, "The founder can't hide after all, he has shown himself!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief: "Is it the most mysterious and powerful person who has been hiding for several years, the founder of Skynet?" The adults have appeared?!"

Elder Wei nodded, his expression was a little excited: "That's right, that lord has appeared!"


The next morning.

Li Changfeng ordered the assassin to be handed over to the government, which immediately alarmed the entire Anji City.

The story of Li Changfeng's treatment of the floods in Shangzhou and the relief of millions of people has long been known to everyone, and everyone respects him like a god.

So the people in the city were indignant when they learned that someone had assassinated Li Changfeng, and the magistrate turned pale from fright, secretly thinking that he was lucky.

If something happened to Li Changfeng under his rule, even if he didn't die, he would have to peel off his skin.

Li Changfeng didn't make any stops, boarded the carriage early, and left Anji City with the people in the city lining up to see him off.

Because the rest time last night was too short, Li Changfeng spread a thick blanket on the carriage and fell asleep.

He slept comfortably, but Li Shou was restlessly waiting for news from the world in the mansion.

When he learned that Li Changfeng was safe and sound, but that the killer in the world committed suicide because of a failed assassination attempt, he couldn't help being furious, and crazily smashed everything in the mansion where he could see.


"It's all a bunch of trash!"

"The three major killer organizations, claiming that there is no one in the world who does not kill, is simply a joke!"

Li Shou roared crazily, Zhao Cheng stood aside and bowed, the crumbs splashed on his face and he did not dare to brush them off, his eyes were full of bitterness.

He originally thought that assassinating Li Changfeng was a trivial matter in the world, but he never thought that the failure would be so complete that even the assassin would commit suicide by taking poison.

The world is very trustworthy, and returned the previous deposit of 5 taels to him, but it made Li Shou fall into a rage.

After a while, Li Shou gradually regained his composure.

Now that something has been done, it has to be done thoroughly, and we must not give up halfway.

Li Shou asked: "Has it been said in the world, why did the killer fail?"

Zhao Cheng bowed and said, "I don't know the exact reason, but it must be that Li Changfeng is guarded by experts."

Li Shou's tone suddenly turned cold: "That is to say, they can't kill Li Changfeng?"

Zhao Cheng quickly shook his head: "No, as long as the price can be paid, the world will send a gold-medal killer of a third-rank junior grandmaster to assassinate him, and assassinating Li Changfeng is no problem!"

Li Shou's eyes flickered when he heard that the world could send a third-rank junior master assassin to assassinate Li Changfeng.

A third-rank junior grandmaster, although not as good as a second-rank grandmaster and a first-rank grand master, is still an extremely rare master. Looking at Jiang Hu, he is also a first-class master, otherwise he would not be named a grandmaster.

This kind of master will be regarded as a guest of honor no matter where he goes, and will be respected by everyone.

With such a master in action, Li Changfeng will die but not live.

Li Shou quickly asked, "How much?"

Zhao Cheng said helplessly: "20 taels!"

Hearing this number, even a wealthy prince like Li Shou couldn't help being shocked: "20 taels!? Why didn't they grab it!? Do you really think that the prince's silver came from a strong wind?!"

Zhao Cheng said helplessly: "At that time, my subordinates also told people in the world that this is the price. The other party said that the gold medal killer is the price, so don't kill if you don't have money."


After another burst of swearing, Li Shou gradually regained his composure, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, 20 is 20, my prince agrees!"

When he said this, his heart was bleeding.

20 is enough to completely empty him out.

But in order to get rid of Li Changfeng, a potential threat, he gritted his teeth and agreed.

Soon, Zhao Cheng took a deposit of 10 taels and went to the secret contact point in the world to finalize the matter of continuing to assassinate Li Changfeng.

But Li Changfeng didn't know anything about it.

At this moment, he was getting closer and closer to the capital, lying alone in the carriage, looking bored.

"Hey...if only Bingbing and Xiaotong were here!"

Li Changfeng let out a long sigh, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

Daganguan Road is considered an excellent road, but compared to the asphalt road in Baishi City, it is still too far away, and the carriage cannot pick up the speed at all.

It's just a waste of time, mainly because he is alone in the carriage, very boring.

If Bingbing and Xiaotong are around, they can still fight against landlords, if they are tired, someone will beat their legs and shoulders, and they can turn dragons and phoenixes upside down when they are interested.

But now?

There is nothing else to do but sleep.

He has no interest in playing cards with big bosses like Zhang Haihui and Wang Tiezhu.

Outside the carriage, Zhang Haihui and Wang Tiezhu were always watching their surroundings vigilantly in case someone would assassinate Li Changfeng again.

What they didn't know was that there was a masked man in black hanging tightly behind them, looking for an opportunity to assassinate.

Soon, everyone walked to a small road, with extremely tall trees and dense low bushes on both sides of the road.

The Gold Medal Killer finally found an opportunity. Using the cover of trees, he gradually approached the carriage and launched a surprise attack.

The speed of the third-rank little grandmaster was astonishing, he rushed directly towards the carriage like an arrow, and when he was about to approach, Zhang Haihui and others realized it.

(End of this chapter)

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