Nuclear Warlord

Chapter 125

Chapter 125
Li Changfeng chuckled and said, "We're doing the welfare lottery."

Emperor Qianwu was taken aback: "What?"

Li Changfeng knew that Emperor Qianwu didn't understand, so he patiently explained in detail.

"Welfare lottery is a kind of ticket bought with silver. There is a string of numbers written on it, which is used to redeem the prize. After the lottery ticket is sold, the lottery will be drawn at a fixed time."

"The way to draw the lottery is to find 33 red balls marked with numbers, [-] balls marked with blue numbers, and generate seven numbers in a random way."

"If the number on the lottery ticket is the same as the generated number, it will be divided into first, second and third prizes according to the same number, and the first prize is up to 500 taels!"

Emperor Ganwu looked confused: "What are you talking about?"

Reluctantly, Li Changfeng explained in detail again, and it took a long time for Emperor Qianwu to fully understand.

Then, Emperor Qianwu's face suddenly darkened: "The good idea you said is to let me openly openly gamble with you? Where do you want me to put my face?"

Li Changfeng called Qu and said, "Why isn't this gambling? My ministers have said that this is a welfare lottery, which is fundamentally different from gambling!"

Emperor Ganwu said coldly: "Tell me, what is the essential difference?"

Li Changfeng had already prepared a set of rhetoric, and said righteously: "Why do we sell lottery tickets? It is to fill the national treasury, to take from the people and use it to the people. In the final analysis, it is to do big things! Most of the profits generated from it It's all in the treasury!"

"But what about those gambling houses? All the profits they generate go into the pockets of private individuals. They don't benefit the country at all. They just enrich a small number of people!"

Hearing this, Emperor Qianwu showed a pensive look.

Li Changfeng continued: "Besides, we don't sell lottery tickets every day. The amount of each lottery ticket is also very small. It belongs to entertainment and pastime, and it does not constitute gambling at all! Gambling can make people bankrupt, but can lottery tickets?"

Hearing this, Emperor Qianwu was a little moved.

Take it from the people, use it for the people.

This alone is very different from gambling.

In addition, according to the lottery denomination that Li Changfeng explained in detail before, it is indeed not easy to become addicted, and it will not ruin the family like gambling.

However, he also had a question: "If many people win the first prize, wouldn't it be possible for us to lose money?"

"Losing money? How is it possible!"

Li Changfeng laughed and explained: "After each lottery ticket is sold, half of the profit will be taken directly. After deducting the operating costs, the remaining money will be used as the prize pool fund. No matter how many people win the lottery, we will make a steady profit. pay!"

Hearing this, Emperor Qianwu's eyes suddenly burst out with astonishing expressions, as if they were real, which shocked Li Changfeng.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! It really is a sure-fire deal!"

Emperor Ganwu had a thorough understanding of the rules of the lottery, and he was sure that there would be a large number of people buying lottery tickets to try their luck for the first prize of 500 taels.

Based on the cost of living of ordinary people, 500 taels will allow the family to live a comfortable life for at least several decades!
They don't need to pay too much to try such luck, they only need to spend a little pocket money. Who would refuse to try their luck?

Then a 500 taels grand prize will be generated in each period, which will definitely stimulate more people to buy lottery tickets.

Such a reciprocating cycle, it is difficult not to make money!

Seeing that Emperor Qianwu agreed, Li Changfeng smiled and said: "At the beginning, we opened it for three consecutive days. After everyone believes in us, let's open it every four or five days."

Emperor Ganwu wondered: "Why isn't this kind of profitable business opened every day?"

Li Changfeng said helplessly: "How big is the population of the capital? At the beginning, people will not buy so frequently after they are new. Naturally, it will take a long time. Otherwise, how can there be so much money in the prize pool?"

Emperor Ganwu nodded, thought for a while, smiled, and said with some embarrassment: "The money from the welfare lottery you mentioned will all be returned to the treasury?"

Emperor Qianwu naturally hoped that Daqian's treasury would be full, but he also hoped that his own money would be full. After all, he did have a large group of people to support.

It's just that as an emperor, he is a little embarrassed to say such a thing, after all, the whole world belongs to him in name.

Li Changfeng couldn't understand his thoughts at all, and immediately said with a smile: "Half of the net profit from the lottery will go to the state treasury, and the other half will be divided between the sons and ministers and the father. Of course, we don't lose any benefits when we contribute money and effort. No one can make sense of the matter, and you will cut anyone who dares to oppose the father!"

As soon as this remark came out, Emperor Qianwu was overjoyed.

Immediately, he felt that it was inappropriate for an emperor to show such an expression, and his face sank again.

"The emperor can't chop people up, don't talk nonsense in the future!"

Then he changed the subject and asked again: "How do we divide the other half?"

Li Changfeng laughed and said, "Sanqi!"

Emperor Ganwu smiled and said, "I am seven and you are three?"

Li Changfeng suddenly became anxious: "Father, what are you kidding? It's my son, the seventh and you three. This is the idea that my son came up with. Without my son, I don't want to earn a copper coin, and the treasury will have to run away with nothing!"

Next, the two bargained for a while, and finally settled on a [-]-[-] split, but neither of them was satisfied, and both had sullen faces.

Li Changfeng knew that Emperor Ganwu would go berserk if he dragged on the proportion of accounts, suppressed his dissatisfaction and said with a smile: "Father, lottery tickets can't be produced in a day or two, but right now there is an opportunity to make a fortune immediately, why not?" Dry?"

Emperor Ganwu's eyes lit up immediately: "What chance?!"

Li Changfeng coughed dryly, and said solemnly: "In the important place of the capital city, under the foot of the emperor, there are actually many gambling houses open, and many people's families have been ruined. If they don't check it clean, won't it damage the honor of the emperor?"

This was Li Changfeng's first step in dealing with the second prince.

He has already investigated clearly that more than half of the gambling houses in the entire capital are run by the second prince Li Shou, who has earned him a huge fortune.

The reason why Li Shou took such a big risk was because he was not the direct prince, and he did not have the support of a big family like Empress Murong.

Whether it is to win over courtiers or courtiers, a lot of money is needed, so he has the most property in the capital.

First of all, Li Changfeng wanted to cut off his source of income, and then slowly kill him to avenge his assassination.

Getting rid of his casino is only the first step.

Li Changfeng believes that after realizing the huge benefits that the lottery can bring, he will never hesitate at all.

And checking the gambling house is a very profitable thing in itself.

Sure enough, Emperor Qianwu said decisively: "Gao Dali, immediately collect the information of all the gambling houses in the capital, make sure not to leak any information, and wait for all the gambling houses to sell at the best time tonight, don't let go of a copper coin!"

Gao Dali's eyes shone brightly, and he cupped his hands quickly and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, even if this old slave digs three feet, he will search these gambling houses clean!"

Li Changfeng asked: "Father, are the people behind the gambling house not going to clean up?"

Emperor Ganwu shook his head and said, "The forces behind the gambling house are intricate and complicated, and the methods are too ruthless and easy to cause trouble, as long as you get the money."

For this, Li Changfeng was prepared for a long time and was not surprised. He asked tentatively, "How will the money seized be divided?"

Emperor Ganwu gave him a hard look and said, "Are you paying attention to money? This kind of money can only be turned over to the treasury to make everyone shut up. I have a reason to shut their mouths when the lottery is involved!"

Li Changfeng said helplessly: "Okay, okay, you have the final say, if you don't distinguish, you can't distinguish."

The two discussed some details about the lottery, and after two full hours, Li Changfeng left.

When he left, the corners of Emperor Ganwu's mouth pulled slightly to reveal a smile, then gradually widened, and he burst out laughing.

"Ha ha……"

He believes that the lottery is enough to bring a lot of income to the treasury in a short period of time.

In this way, many of his national policies that cannot be implemented due to insufficient silver can be implemented.

It won't be long before Dagan becomes stronger and stronger.

the other side.

After Li Changfeng returned to the mansion, he immediately ordered people to prepare for the opening of the lottery shop. His plan was to open it within three days.

The equipment for making the lottery prizes is naturally the responsibility of the staff of the scientific research institute.

The paper used for lottery tickets, how to make writing, and anti-counterfeiting are all in charge of people drawn by Emperor Qianwu from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As for the site selection and publicity and marketing of the lottery shop, Li Changfeng is personally responsible for it. This is the key to whether the lottery can become a hit.

That night.

Emperor Qianwu didn't use people from Dali Temple, because he knew that many people in this yamen had colluded with gambling houses.

He directly mobilized the garrison of the capital, and sent people from Dongchang to watch the garrison to prevent them from tipping off and filling their pockets.

Then Gao Dali was personally in charge of commanding, and at the same time launched a raid on all the gambling houses in the capital.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of many people. After learning that the gambling house was raided, the people in the capital all applauded.

On the contrary, after hearing the news, all the bosses were so distressed that they were about to bleed.

After the second prince Li Shou heard the news, he was so distressed that he almost fainted.

Every gambling house will transfer a large amount of silver as a reserve fund after the market opens at night. After all, if the gambler is lucky and wins money, if the gambling house can't get it out, its reputation will be ruined.

But in the capital city, he owns half of the casinos, and the reserve funds needed are simply astronomical.

According to the figures reported by Zhao Chengbao, there are a full 10 taels of silver!
With so much money, how can you not feel bad?

Li Shou almost roared: "Which yamen did it? Why didn't the prince receive any news?!"

Zhao Cheng said helplessly: "It is reported that Eunuch Gao Dali is personally responsible for this matter and mobilized the Beijing garrison. Every team is watched by people from the East Factory. They just want to pass on the news, but they have no chance."


Li Shou was startled, slumped on the chair, and muttered to himself, "Father did it!"

(End of this chapter)

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