Nuclear Warlord

Chapter 132 Targeting the Old 2

Chapter 132 Targeting the second child
The next morning.

Li Changfeng sent someone to Bada Hutong, and invited the one hundred brothel girls who promoted the lottery shop last time.

After gaining the experience from last time, Li Changfeng only trained these women for half a day, and followed the previous method, a group of ten people went to the street and shouted the advertising slogan.

The news that Li Changfeng's three restaurants are about to open Dude's three beer and barbecue city soon spread throughout the capital.

Thanks to the huge sensation caused by the lottery that Li Changfeng created last time, people in the entire capital paid close attention to this matter.

In the blink of an eye, it came to the opening day, and Diandude, which is opposite to the Second Prince Lishou Hotel, was already crowded with people.

This time Li Changfeng made the scene even bigger.

After letting a hundred brothel girls dance a hot dance he adapted, which attracted everyone's attention, Li Changfeng came in front of them in person.

He first raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

After the scene quieted down, Li Changfeng came to the stage and started his passionate speech.

"Everyone! Everyone!"

"This prince guarantees the honor of the royal family. Whether it's Diandou De, or the food in Beer and BBQ City, it is definitely something that none of you have ever tasted before!"

"My prince can guarantee that all the ingredients are selected for His Majesty's high-quality royal ingredients, and even His Majesty is full of praise after eating it!"

"In addition to the ingredients, the prince would like to introduce the beer used by the queen in particular. This is made through 81 processes, and the taste is extremely unique. After being chilled, it is even more..."

Li Changfeng was giving a passionate speech. At the window of the box on the second floor of the second prince's restaurant opposite, Li Shou was sitting on the grand master's chair, staring at Li Changfeng with a gloomy expression, his eyes full of resentment.

By now, he already had some doubts that Li Changfeng was deliberately targeting him.

Otherwise, why do these six stores open near the restaurant under his name?

What confuses him is that he just said a few things about Li Changfeng in the court before, so how to target him like this?

Could it be that Li Changfeng knew that the killer was hired by him last time?


If found out, let alone Li Changfeng, Emperor Qianwu would be the first to let him go, after all, this touched Emperor Qianwu's bottom line.

What's more, Li Changfeng even used the slogan of the royal family this time. Could it be that his father is behind the scenes to support him?

Just when Li Shou was thinking about this, Li Changfeng suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "The opening ceremony has begun, and now I invite His Majesty the Emperor to cut the ribbon for our store. Everyone is warmly welcome!"

Hearing this, Li Shou's expression changed drastically, he stood up abruptly, stretched his neck and looked at Dian Dude.

The gate of Diandude opened, and a man in a dragon robe with an extraordinary bearing came out with a pair of golden scissors in his hand, walking boldly and steadily.

No one expected that Emperor Qianwu would come to the opening ceremony in person, and he fell to the ground in shock after being shocked.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Emperor Ganwu said in a loud voice and calm tone: "Pingshen."

After everyone got up, Emperor Ganwu said with a smile on his face: "I have tasted the delicacies of Diandude and Beer Barbecue City. They are definitely rare delicacies in the world. I can't bear to eat them alone and want to share them with the people of the world. Err You can rest assured to taste."

As soon as this statement came out, the eyes of all the onlookers suddenly burst into astonishing expressions.

Even His Majesty gave such a high evaluation, how delicious are the dishes here?

Eating the delicacies that His Majesty has eaten, isn't it the same as having eaten imperial meals?

For this point, you must go in and try it!
With the status of Emperor Qianwu, it is extremely rare to be able to appear at the opening scene of this kind of restaurant. After a few compliments, he drove back to the palace and did not stay any longer.

When the opening ceremony was over, the crowd flocked in. After a few breaths, all the seats were taken, and those who didn't get a seat could only stare blankly.

For this, Li Changfeng was already prepared. The service staff in the store moved out a large number of long lights and lined them up for the waiting people to sit.

There are people behind with number plates to issue numbers, and tell those who get the number plates that they can go in for dinner when their numbers are called.

After some operations, not only the free space in the hall was full of people, but even the outside of the door was full, forming a long queue.

Under the influence of herd effect and herd mentality, more people participated in the queue, and the surroundings of Diandude became very lively.

Soon, the first batch of diners tasted the delicacies of Dude, and after eating, everyone was shocked, saying that this is the most delicious food they have ever eaten, and then went crazy like a starved ghost reincarnated Eat it up.

Seeing this scene, those who didn't eat it couldn't help feeling a strong sense of anticipation.

Not only is Diandude like this, but the beer and barbecue city is also very popular, especially the cold beer that no one in the capital has ever drunk, which makes all the diners crazy about it.

In just half a day, the news that the food in Diandude and Beer Barbecue City was extremely delicious spread throughout the entire capital.

By the afternoon, the six stores were already crowded with people, from high-ranking officials and dignitaries to peddlers and pawns, all of them flocked to try something new.

The doors were closed at night, and after settlement, the total turnover of the six stores reached an astonishing 6000 taels!

Due to Li Changfeng's high pricing, Diandude's profit margin reached an astonishing eight times, and the gross profit per day reached 5000 taels!

Even if Emperor Qianwu took half of it, there would still be more than 500 taels of income, which is definitely a lot of money.

If this continues, he can earn 5000 taels a month alone!

Even if the business in the future is not as hot as the first day of opening, Li Changfeng also believes that there is no problem in earning 5 taels a month!

"If this continues, this prince will become the richest man in the world!" Li Changfeng thought happily.

These delicacies are a blow to the traditional cuisine of Dagan, which has a single cooking method and a bland taste, and the business of all restaurants in the capital has become much worse.

Especially for the restaurants and restaurants under the command of the second prince Li Shou, the business plummeted even more because of Li Changfeng's deliberate location selection.

Regarding this, Li Shouqi gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

There is a huge gap in taste, no matter what he thinks, it will not help.

Emperor Ganwu, who received the dividend, was so happy from ear to ear, he was in an extremely good mood, and even favored a few concubines in the harem.

After the business of Diandude and Beer and BBQ City became normal, Li Changfeng went to the secret training base again.

For this battalion commander who only showed up every now and then, the people in the Artillery Battalion and the Musket Battalion had long been used to it.

It's just that during this time, they had some complaints about Li Changfeng.

When they first selected people from the Royal Forest Army, the people above told them that this is a mysterious and powerful army with an unlimited future.

However, when they came to the secret training base, they discovered that the daily training consisted of running, push-ups, sit-ups, and overcoming obstacles.

As for the killing skills and battle formation, they have not been trained at all, which makes them feel very difficult to understand.

Well now, there is a new training content, which is to hold a long wooden stick in the hand, and hang a stone on the other end of the wooden stick to train stability and endurance.

It is difficult for everyone to understand the significance of such training, even Li Jianye is also very puzzled.

He asked the Leiqi people headed by Zhang Haihui, but because there was no order from Li Changfeng, no one told him even though he was the prince.

During the break, a group of people discussed the matter again in small groups.

"What the hell is His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince doing?"

"Who knows? Anyway, I can't see the point of training like this!"

"In my opinion, His Highness the Ninth Prince doesn't know anything at all, so he's messing around here!"

"That's right. His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince has been in the wilderness of Baishi City for ten years, and has no experience in leading troops. How can he lead troops?"

"Who says it's not? His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince clearly doesn't know anything about military affairs, and he doesn't know why His Majesty let him mess around!"

"Hey! Who made him the most favored prince today? He's messing around with people every day!"


During this period of time, Li Jianye and these ordinary soldiers trained together every day, and they had already become one.

A courageous soldier came to Li Jianye and asked with a puzzled look: "Your Highness, can you tell me what the Ninth Prince is training for?"

"There is no prince here, only the battalion commander, remember it for me!"

First he reprimanded, and then Li Jianye also showed a puzzled look: "I don't know either."

Although he has never seen the cannon with his own eyes, he can probably know what it looks like and how to use it through the descriptions of Emperor Ganwu and Gao Dali.

As for muskets, even Emperor Ganwu and Gao Dali had only heard about them from Zhang Haihui, and had never seen them, let alone him.

Therefore, he didn't know the purpose of Li Changfeng's training like this.

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from the crowd, and someone shouted "The battalion commander is here!".

Li Jianye looked over and saw Li Changfeng walking over with a wicked smile, shaking his fan.

"Line up! Line up!"

Li Jianye got up quickly and organized officers and soldiers to line up to meet Li Changfeng.

Soon, the formation was completed, and under the leadership of Li Jianye, the two thousand Imperial Forest Army uttered a loud and uniform shout.

"Hello, battalion commander!"

Li Changfeng nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand and said, "Brothers have worked hard, take it easy!"

First, he glanced at Li Jianye, who was sunburned like black charcoal, and then looked at the soldiers who were full of energy. Li Changfeng waved his hand and said, "All the training subjects will be shown, and the battalion commander wants to see what you are doing these days The result of training."

"Yes, battalion commander!"

Li Jianye responded loudly, and then organized the soldiers to start training, while Li Changfeng sat on a chair leisurely and cracked melon seeds.

After a while, Liang Dafu came to his side in a hurry, his face full of uncontrollable excitement.

"Good news, Your Highness, good news! The first batch of improved artillery has been built, a total of ten!"

Li Changfeng sat up from the chair in a snap, with an excited look on his face.

"Okay, my prince hasn't had sex for a long time, it's really itchy!"

(End of this chapter)

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