Nuclear Warlord

Chapter 157 Rubber Tree

Chapter 157 Rubber Tree

In the eyes of the barbarian cavalry, the rumored useless Ninth Prince actually went to the battlefield in person, which was simply giving away his head.

The leading barbarian cavalry leader laughed loudly and ordered: "The target is the prince, charge!"

As soon as the words fell, the barbarian cavalry immediately abandoned the members of the survey corps who were fighting with them, and frantically urged their horses to charge towards Li Changfeng and Lei Qi.

Although Thunder Riders are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, there are only 26 of them now, excluding the ten who stayed in the Artillery Battalion in the capital as instructors.

But none of them showed the slightest fear, but instead showed a bloodthirsty smile.

"Your Highness, don't risk yourself, let's wait and see!"

A thunder rider patted the head of Li Changfeng's war horse, and the horse neighed, and the speed of the horse dropped sharply, and Li Changfeng was overtaken by all the thunder riders.


Li Changfeng had no choice but to let Lei Qi rush over, while he was busy appeasing the horse.

Soon, the two teams of cavalry collided in a cone shape.

In an instant, the barbarian cavalry saw the horror of Thunder Cavalry.

With terrifying force, the three-meter spear penetrated their bodies instantly at an unimaginably tricky angle and extremely fast speed.

The barbarian soldiers were strung together like candied haws, and flew straight up from the horse, screaming endlessly.

There was even a thunder cavalry who shot through the two of them, it was like killing a god, and made all the barbarian cavalry feel an unprecedented fear.

In one charge, lightning killed 28 enemies, and only one person was slightly injured.

The power of Thunder Cavalry far exceeded the imagination of barbarian cavalry.

Before they came back to their senses, Lei Qi, who had rushed over, quickly reined in his horse and turned around, forming a new charge formation, and charged again without saying a word.

The more they remained silent, the greater the fear in the barbarian cavalry's heart, as if they were facing a killing god.

The leader of the barbarian cavalry was terrified in his heart, but he still shouted with force: "We have so many people, what are we afraid of? Charge! Charge for me!"

Speaking of suppressing the fear in his heart, he urged the horse to charge forward, and the other barbarian cavalry could only grit their teeth and keep up.

The next moment, the two teams of cavalry collided with each other.

Blood spurted, figures flew, and war horses screamed.

The leader of the barbarian cavalry was the first to bear the brunt and was shot over and killed.

In the second collision, Lei Qi killed 30 enemies, and two of his own were slightly injured, which did not affect the ensuing battle at all.

The other barbarian cavalry lost their backbone and suddenly went into chaos, screaming in horror and scattered in all directions. Li Changfeng shouted: "Catch a few alive!"


Lei Qi responded, and a group of three chased after him.

Li Changfeng got off his horse and came to the side of the oil field to visit the injured soldiers of the Survey Corps and oil production workers.

"Meet Your Highness!"

Although everyone was injured, they did not dare to be negligent, and knelt down to salute.

"Get up, get up!"

Li Changfeng hurriedly stepped forward to help everyone up, his face was gloomy and terrifying, these people were slightly or seriously injured, if their wounds were not treated properly, they could easily get infected and lose their lives.

A small-scale battle made Li Changfeng's desire for penicillin even more.

"The dead brother, the burial is generous, the pension is doubled, and the family members are arranged to work in Baishi City. We must ensure their family's life!"

"Brothers who are alive, I will give you a big reward. Immediately set off and return to the city to recuperate. If you are injured, you must not return to the barracks. If there is any problem with the treatment, you will be sent directly to the scientific research institute!"

Li Changfeng ordered immediately.

What do soldiers fear most?
Not on the battlefield, but after death, the family has no one to rely on, and life is miserable!
The same goes for labor!
Li Changfeng's arrangement immediately made the living grateful, and they all knelt down and kowtowed to thank them again.

You know, the pension set by Li Changfeng is ten times higher than that of ordinary soldiers who die in battle!
Now it has doubled again, which is equivalent to twenty times!
This amount of money is enough for a family of five to live comfortably for several years.

And this is not over yet, Li Changfeng still has to arrange jobs for his family members in Baishi City, which is another guarantee.

This is no treatment for other large-scale troops.

How could they not be grateful?

How can you not risk your life?

For Li Changfeng, all those who gave their lives on the battlefield are worthy of respect, and money is nothing to him.

Soon, the thunder cavalry turned back and captured five barbarian cavalrymen.

Li Changfeng led the crowd back, and the five barbarian cavalry were sent to prison and handed over to prison leader Song.

"No matter what method you use, my prince, let them explain the purpose of coming to Baishi City."

Song Laotou smiled sadly and said: "Don't worry, Your Highness, my subordinates won't believe that all barbarians are devout followers of barbarian gods, let them be honest!"

After finishing speaking, the prison chief Song arranged the torture tools.

Li Changfeng sent someone to bring a reclining chair, and lay on it drinking tea to watch prison chief Song execute the torture.

At the beginning, these barbarian cavalrymen were still very hard-spoken, cursing and ignoring Laotou Song's instruments of torture.

But with one torture device after another, someone finally couldn't stand it anymore and confessed everything honestly.

It turned out that they were barbarian spies who came to investigate the military situation of Baishi City under the order of the barbarian king. They wanted to seize Baishi City as a stronghold and form a siege to the Dagan Delta.

From them, Li Changfeng also got another news.

That is, the barbarians did not plan to launch an attack so soon, and it was all caused by Li Changfeng's words in the court before.

The emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the society!
No kiss!
No compensation!
Do not cut land!
No tribute!
These words made the barbarians feel the strong belief of Daqian. In order to avoid Dagan, they made preparations for a full-scale war, and launched the war in advance, hoping that Dagan would be caught off guard.

Li Changfeng didn't even know what to say.

He didn't expect that these plagiarized rhetoric of his own would not only stimulate Emperor Qianwu to give up the peace negotiation, but also stimulate the barbarian king to start the war in advance.

Li Changfeng did not order these people to be executed, but ordered prison chief Song to continue to interrogate them, to get more information about the barbarians, and then to hand these people over to Zhao Yong to practice brainwashing, which will be of great use in the future.

In the future, Wang Tiezhu wants to pretend to be a barbarian, how can he do it without a few dog legs?
After giving these instructions, Li Changfeng was about to leave. Song Laotou bowed and said, "These southern barbarians are wearing a strange inner armor, which is very similar to the white armor worn by His Highness. This subordinate feels a little strange. Isn't this unique to our Baishi City?"

Hearing this, Li Changfeng paused, and immediately said: "Take it off and show it to the prince, and then interrogate them where this inner armor came from!"

After a while, Song Laotou came over with the inner armor: "Your Highness, it has been pulled out, please take a look."

Li Changfeng took it over and looked at it, and couldn't help showing surprise.

As Laotou Song said, this inner armor is very rough in workmanship, and there are many impurities in it that have not been removed. It is far from the white armor he was wearing before, but he can tell that it is definitely the same as his own. The same material as the white armor.

The more you look at it, the more you will be surprised.

Finally found the existence of this tree!

Li Changfeng was still observing, and Song Laotou continued: "Your Highness, those barbarians have confessed that this is made of a white jelly thing cut from a blue sky tree in their barbarian territory."


As soon as this remark came out, Li Changfeng's eyes suddenly burst into an astonishing look, and he quickly asked: "There are blue sky trees in their territory, how many are there? Go and ask!"

The blue sky tree is probably what the barbarians of this world call the rubber tree.

That's right, Li Changfeng's previous milky white armor was made of rubber.

Rubber is a natural raw material. Although the armor made of it is not as amazing as iron armor, it is much stronger than ordinary rattan leather armor. It is also light, and it is not easy to be damaged, decayed, or rusted. It is a very good armor. .

If applied to the army, it will greatly improve the light combat capability of the army.

It must be known that the armor worn by the army today often weighs tens of catties. Although the defense is strong, it seriously hinders the ability to move.

Especially the cavalry wins at a speed.

If the entire army is equipped with rubber armor, it will greatly enhance the army's combat and action capabilities.

It's a pity that the rubber trees found in Baishi City are too rare at present, and only a few have been found over the years, so the rubber armor produced is only the one on his body.

Moreover, the production technology of rubber is also one of the core secrets of the scientific research institute, because it involves Li Changfeng's industrialization plan, especially the automobile plan.

Just imagine, even if gasoline, diesel and internal combustion engines are developed, how useful are they without tires?
Can't all make railroad trains?
So the question now is how many rubber trees there are in the barbarian territory.

You know, in order to find rubber trees, Li Changfeng sent out hundreds of people, and it took three years to find a few trees and collect a small amount of rubber.

In order to have enough rubber for future use, Li Changfeng even set up a rubber plantation outside Baishi City in a place with plenty of sunshine and rain, and asked people to cultivate rubber trees.

But after all, he has no experience, and everything is moving forward by groping. The survival rate of saplings is extremely low. In addition, the growth cycle of rubber trees is quite long. So far, no tree has started to produce rubber stock solution.

If there are a large number of rubber trees, Li Changfeng does not need to waste a lot of time, energy, and money on artificial cultivation.

Soon, Li Changfeng got the news he wanted.

This news made his heart beat faster.

In the barbarian territory, there are large expanses of blue sky tree forests!
Because this kind of tree produces a white viscous colloidal liquid, the local people hate it very much, and many of them are cut down every year for firewood.

Some people even burned rubber tree forests in patches in order to reclaim wasteland.

Hearing this, Li Changfeng was so distressed that he almost passed out.

Ruthless things!

It's just a waste of money!

How can this kind of treasure not be cherished so much?
Originally, Li Changfeng had no interest in the war between Dagan and the barbarians.

But at this moment, he changed his mind.

Li Changfeng not only wants to help Dagan defeat the barbarians and drive them out of Dagan, but also helps Dagan destroy the barbarians and bring the entire barbarians into Dagan's territory.

Then he can buy all the rubber trees, produce a steady stream of rubber, rewrite the entire history of Dagan, and earn unimaginable money.

After leaving the prison and returning to the meeting hall of the mansion, Li Changfeng called Zhao Yong over.

Zhang Haihui led ten Thunder Riders to train the soldiers of the Artillery Battalion in the capital, and was also responsible for guarding the branch of the Beijing Academy of Sciences, so he did not follow him back to Baishi City.

Zhao Yong is another confidant of his, and many things can only be entrusted to him.

Li Changfeng didn't talk nonsense and arranged directly.

"Two things. First, you immediately organize a few trustworthy merchants who know the barbarians better, and go to the barbarians with our trustworthy people to collect and buy the white lotion produced by the azure tree. You need as many books as you want."

"Second, find out where these azure trees grow, the surrounding terrain and mountain appearance, and the division of forces and distribution of troops. The more detailed the better!"

Having said that, Li Changfeng paused for a moment, and said with a solemn expression: "Before you leave, go to the prison first to meet Song Laotou, take a look at the confessions of the five savages, and ask if there is anything you need to pay attention to." Let's make sure nothing goes wrong!"

Zhao Yong is one of the core members under Li Changfeng's command, so he naturally knows how magical rubber is, and how much Li Changfeng attaches importance to it.

Therefore, he was not surprised by the first thing Li Changfeng arranged. He was only thinking about the second thing now, he already had a guess in his heart, and an astonishing look burst out in his eyes.

"Your Highness... Did you kill the barbarians?!"

Li Changfeng didn't hide anything, nodded and said: "That's right, this prince has exactly that intention."

"My subordinates understand!"

Zhao Yong blushed with excitement.

If it was an ordinary person who said such a thing, he would definitely scoff, and he might even directly reprimand Whimsical.

But when His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince said such words, he did not have the slightest doubt.

Like Zhang Haihui, he was the first group of people who followed His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince to build Baishi City. He was a core member of the core and knew many secrets of Li Changfeng.

The asphalt extracted from kerosene paved the best road in Dagan!

Cameras and video cameras that can leave behind real people, even audio and video!

A telescope that can see things dozens of miles away, ice making in hot summer, powerful gunpowder, killing enemies and artillery dozens of miles away, etc.!

His Highness the Ninth Prince did miraculous things time and time again that made everyone unimaginable, which made him have extremely fanatical trust and admiration for His Highness.

Zhao Yong believes that as long as His Highness the Ninth Prince wants to do, there is nothing impossible, even if it is to destroy a country!
His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince is a miracle worker!
He even thought that His Highness was a miracle in itself, just like the folk rumors, that he was a god who came down to earth.

Li Changfeng patted Zhao Yong's shoulder and smiled, "Don't worry, your chance to make contributions will come soon!"

Ever since Zhang Haihui secretly revealed the secrets of artillery and firearms to Emperor Qianwu, Li Changfeng has changed his mind, and will give those who have followed him for many years a chance to show their strengths, instead of always drawing cakes.

This opportunity is in the near future.

Zhao Yongman left excitedly.

At this point, it's time for dinner.

Xu Feng'er came to the conference hall to invite Li Changfeng.

"Your Highness, dinner has been prepared, and Your Highness is invited to have dinner."


Li Changfeng nodded and got up to go, thinking about the plan to invade the barbarians, his brows were slightly frowned, and his face was pensive.

Seeing this, Xu Feng'er thought and said with concern: "I don't know what your Highness is worrying about? I don't know if this servant can help you."

Hearing this, Li Changfeng looked at Xu Feng'er, took her slender hand and patted it gently, and said with a look of relief: "Feng'er, I am very happy that you care so much about my prince."

Xu Feng'er showed a shy look on her face, she quickly withdrew her hand, lowered her head and said in a low voice: "Your servant is His Highness's maid, shouldn't you care about His Highness?"

She said so on the surface, but in her heart she was itching Li Changfeng's teeth with hatred.

Taking advantage of this girl again!

Just wait for me, sooner or later there will be a day of reckoning.

Looking at Xu Feng'er with his head down, a sneer appeared on the corner of Li Changfeng's mouth.

Not letting Xu Feng'er inquire about any news is not good for her to continue lurking, and it is easy to arouse the vigilance of Fengtian Society.

Keeping this spy by his side will be of great use to Li Changfeng in the future.

Li Changfeng sighed, pretending to be helpless and said: "The reason why my prince hastily led Leiqi out of the city today is because a barbarian centurion cavalry attacked my subordinates. How can you, a girl, help me with this kind of thing?"


Xu Feng'er was taken aback, and exclaimed: "Why did the barbarian cavalry come to our Baishi City? Could it be that they came to spy on the military situation, thinking..."

Having said that, Xu Feng'er covered her mouth.

Li Changfeng nodded, and said solemnly: "That's right, the barbarians did intend to attack Baishi City. This prince trusts you to tell you. You must not spread the word to avoid panic, you know?"

Xu Feng'er nodded heavily and said: "Don't worry Your Highness, the servants will not reveal a single word, but why did they attack Baishi City?"

Naturally, Li Changfeng would not tell Xu Fenger about the strategic intentions of the barbarians, so he sighed and said, "How does my prince know? It may be because of what my prince said in the court hall, which made my father decide to fight the barbarians and disrupt the situation." Take revenge against their plan with a grudge."

Hearing this, Xu Feng'er rolled her eyes and was about to continue to inquire, but the two had already arrived at the restaurant, so Li Changfeng changed the subject.

"Tossing for a day will starve the prince to death, cook!"

After speaking, Li Changfeng sat down and began to eat.

Xu Feng'er could only keep silent and wait carefully.

After dinner, Li Changfeng went back to the bedroom, told the outside world that he was too tired to rest, and ordered no one to disturb him.

In fact, he sat cross-legged after going to bed, took out a handful of evil beast inner alchemy from the hidden compartment under the head of the bed, threw it into his mouth and absorbed it.

Just as the old monster said, because of the killer's repeated assassinations, the internal energy in his body dropped a lot, and his strength was greatly reduced.

In the world, only the old monster knows his real secret. He is not a super expert in martial arts at all, and his inner strength is not cultivated step by step step by step, but obtained by a great opportunity that was accidentally obtained back then.

It's just that this abundant internal force is not cultivated by oneself after all, and it is used less once.

Therefore, over the years, Li Changfeng has been reluctant to make a move easily.

Fortunately, it is also possible to refine some evil beast inner alchemy that ordinary warriors can't refine, and restore some internal strength, but unfortunately it is not a long-term solution after all.

Nowadays, not only are killers coveting secretly, but also barbarian armies may come at any time, so it is natural to be prepared to deal with various risks that may arise at any time.

Relying on others is worse than relying on oneself, and one's own strength is the key.

In the blink of an eye, two hours passed.

Most of the people in Baishi City fell into a deep sleep, but Li Changfeng was still absorbing it.

At this moment, a deafening siren sounded.


Li Changfeng sat up abruptly, with an extremely dignified expression.

The siren was drafted by him personally, and it was the highest level of red alert, which meant that Baishi City had encountered an extremely serious threat.

Could it be that the barbarian army is coming here?

its not right!
According to what the five cavalrymen said, the barbarian army is gathering and has not yet moved to this side.

Or is it an evil beast attacking the city?
But this year, Baishi City has encountered beast hordes three times, and it stands to reason that there shouldn't be another horde of beasts!

Even if it is a beast tide, how many evil beasts must there be before the city defenders can issue a red alert?
Without thinking too much, Li Changfeng immediately opened the door and prepared to go to the city wall to take a look.

Ding Neiwei, a family member in the mansion, also knew what the alarm meant, and had already started to gather, following behind Li Changfeng, all of them looked extremely dignified.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! I'm with you!"

A husky voice came, it was Wang Tiezhu who lived in the backyard and practiced with the old monster.

The old monster in the backyard also surfaced at this time and looked out of the city, his eyes flickering.

As soon as he left the inner courtyard, there were big internal experts swarming up to guard Li Changfeng in the middle, and one of the leaders stopped in front and said solemnly: "Your Highness, you must not put yourself in danger, no matter what the enemy is, there are city defenders to defend against it. If the Imperial Forest Army is defeated, there will still be the Imperial Forest Army, if the Imperial Forest Army is dead, there will still be our masters!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of Imperial Forest Army rushed in, and the leader knelt on one knee and cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness, the last general has sent someone to investigate the situation. The Imperial Forest Army has assembled and is ready to protect Your Highness at any time to break through and abandon the city." And prepare to escape, please sit in the city lord's mansion and don't put yourself in danger!"

They have already learned from the population of Baishi City what the red alert means, so they can't help being nervous.

Li Changfeng was anxious, and said coldly: "Get out of the way for my prince!"

However, the leader of the big inner masters and the leader of the Imperial Forest Army remained unmoved: "According to His Majesty's will, we must do our best to protect His Highness's safety, and we must not let His Highness put himself in danger. Please forgive me!"


Li Changfeng was furious and kicked the leader of the Imperial Forest Army over.

The leader of the Imperial Forest Army quickly got up, continued to kneel in front of Li Changfeng to block the way, and said firmly, "Your Highness, even if you kill the last general today, the last general will not let you pass!"

Li Changfeng knew that forcibly breaking in would not work, and with a thought, he pointed at the leader of the Imperial Forest Army and shouted: "You, the Imperial Forest Army, as the most elite army of my party, did not want to kill the enemy, but thought of abandoning the city and fleeing. It is my fault." shame!"

The general of the imperial forest army showed a hint of pain.

He also didn't want to be a fleeing general, but he could only carry out Emperor Qianwu's will.

Upon seeing this, Li Changfeng yelled: "Don't you hear that the emperor guarding the gate of the country and the king died in the country, and the emperor recognized this statement, not to mention that it was my prince who said this. Father ordered you to protect this prince, but did you ever say to let you Flee without fighting?"

Hearing this, both the leader of the Imperial Forest Army and the leader of Ouchi's guards were a little shaken.

Seeing this scene, Li Changfeng shouted loudly: "I swear to live and die with Baishi City, and now everyone obeys the order. The imperial forest army is divided into four teams to defend the city gate, and the masters of the inner circle will go with them!"

Hearing this, the Ouchi master became anxious.

"Your Highness, we have to follow you!"

Li Changfeng said seriously: "You have seen the city wall of Baishi City, how can it be captured easily? The city gate is the most dangerous and important place. You must guard the city gate. My prince is watching from the city wall. !"

The leader of the Yulin Army wanted to say something, but was stopped by Li Changfeng.

"Don't talk too much, general, my prince, my prince, vows to live and die with Baishi City!"

After speaking, Li Changfeng strode forward with a firm expression.

Frightened by his aura, the commander of the Imperial Forest Army hurriedly got up and stepped aside. Looking at Li Changfeng's resolute figure, his heart was aroused with great pride.

He raised his arms and shouted: "Separate into four teams and rush to the gate of the city. The Imperial Forest Army swears to live and die with Baishi City!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked excited and roared.

"Swear to live and die with Baishi City!"

"Swear to live and die with Baishi City!"

"Swear to live and die with Baishi City!"


(End of this chapter)

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