Chapter 20

As the largest city in the barren state, Huangfu, especially as one of the few cities that can resist the invasion of evil beasts, naturally gathered the largest population in the entire barren state.

In terms of the city's territory and population size, it is more than ten times that of Baishi City.

The four of them put on face scarves to block out most of the stench and walked on the street.

It's just that on the streets mixed with feces and feces, pedestrians don't care to step on the sewage mixed with feces, letting the yellow and white things stain their boots.

From time to time, I saw that indescribable yellow and white thing on the corner of the street.

Occasionally, some residents can be seen directly spilling sewage on the ground when they open the door.

On the streets, many refugees who fled from various places sat on the ground in ragged clothes, not caring about the yellow and white things or sewage next to them, and fell asleep on the ground.

How messy it can be described.

Especially now that it is July, the summer is hot, Huangfu is located in the south, surrounded by mountains and forests, and the air is even more sultry.

This also caused a thick stench to be mixed in the air, and it was difficult to block it even with a mask on. The indescribable stench entered the nasal cavity, making it difficult to breathe.

"If I knew Huangfu was like this, I would have put on the mask of the scientific research institute." Li Changfeng regretted it. He knew that the environment of Huangfu must not be as good as Baishi City, but he didn't expect it to be so bad. After all, it is also the main city of a state.

Followed by Bingbing, Xiaotong frowned and kept blowing away the stench with his sleeves. Even Zhang Haihui, a rough guy, couldn't bear it, and felt like vomiting.

Li Changfeng looked at this scene, and inexplicably had a sense of déjà vu in a country where a cesspit could blow up an aircraft carrier.

Although the environment is so bad, as the largest city in the barren state, the commerce is naturally quite prosperous. During the day, even if the sewage is flowing across the street, there are still people coming and going. After a simple cleaning, the stalls are set up, which is quite lively.

Bingbing was very puzzled: "Why can they set up stalls in this kind of place so naturally, and can eat and drink without changing their faces. Why don't they think that there are so many yellow and white things on the ground that are dirty? ?"

Xiaotong was also very puzzled: "Is there really any appetite to eat in this environment?"

For them, no matter how delicious the food is, they don't have the slightest appetite to eat it.

Zhang Haihui shook his head, and said: "Actually, it's not just Huangfu, but the whole Daqian. Apart from our Baishi City, only the capital's situation is better, and other places are almost like this. It's just that you have been staying here all these years. In Baishi City, I have long been familiar with the cleanliness and tidiness of Baishi City, so I forgot that the original Baishi City was actually like this, or even worse."

Hearing this, Bingbing and Xiaotong were stunned, and then they remembered that when they first came to Baishi City, the environment was indeed very bad, even worse than the barren mansion in front of them, and even a little escaped Refugees lay in the yellow and white sewage to sleep.

It's just that with the vigorous development of Baishi City and the vigorous improvement of the environment, after a long time, they all forgot that Baishi City used to be like this.

People are forgetful.

It was precisely because of the comparison with the barren mansion in front of them that they felt extremely admiration for His Highness for keeping Baishi City so clean and tidy.

Li Changfeng calmly looked at all kinds of things on the streets of Huangfu, not to mention Bingbing and Xiaotong, even he almost forgot this kind of environment.

Perhaps in their eyes, eating and drinking on such a dirty street is unimaginable, but it is a common thing for these ordinary people, because from the beginning, they lived in this environment of.

It is precisely because of this that Li Changfeng is more determined to live in Baishi City for the rest of his life.

There is no paradise in the world that can compare with Baishi City.

Going out this time was not just for a casual stroll, Li Changfeng also had the purpose of developing new business opportunities, so resisting the messy environment, a group of people wandered around the Huangfu.

Perhaps it was because Emperor Qianwu came to Huangfu. Apart from the dirty and messy environment, the Huangfu had no problems with law and order.

After walking around for a while, Li Changfeng had a general understanding of Huangfu, and keenly found suitable business opportunities, so he didn't go back to Changqing Palace immediately, but went directly to the State Shepherd's Mansion to find Chen Jiande.

At this time, Chen Jiande, who had just returned from his travels in Baishi City, was sweating profusely. He took a refreshing well bath, and then sat on the patio at the mouth of the well to enjoy the coolness.

It's July now, especially in the southern part of the barren state, and it's very hot, let alone moving, just sitting there for a while is stuffy and sweaty.

But sitting at the mouth of the well, soaking your feet in the cold well water, is very relaxing and freehand.

Later, it would be better to cook some soup to cool off the heat.

At this time, a servant hurried over: "Master, His Royal Highness Ninth Prince came to visit."

"His Royal Highness Ninth Prince is visiting?" Chen Jiande was taken aback. His Royal Highness had just arrived at Evergreen Palace and was exhausted all the way. He should take a good rest. Why did he suddenly come to visit him.

While changing into the official uniform, he came to the living room of the mansion with doubts, and saw Li Changfeng sitting in the living room at the moment, just like returning to his own home, taking off his outer robe and wearing a thin shirt, behind Bingbing, Xiao Tong was shaking a fan to fan him, and someone brought him a basin filled with cold well water, put his feet down, not to mention how cool it was.

That's how it should be in this hot weather.

It's so hard to walk outside.

Zhang Haihui next to him was soaking in well water in a similar manner.

Bingbing and Xiaotong are naturally not like this.

Chen Jiande wasn't dissatisfied either. After many years of dealing with him, he got very close to His Highness. First, he ordered someone to serve tea, and after some pleasantries, he asked in confusion, "Your Highness, what can you do with your Highness?"

Li Changfeng didn't get straight to the point to explain his purpose, but he sighed first: "Old Chen, my prince hasn't been to Huangfu for many years, just now I was bored and wandered around Huangfu, and found out why the environment of the whole Huangfu city is so bad. Sewage is flowing, pedestrians defecate everywhere, and yellow and white things can be seen everywhere. The ground is full of potholes, and there are almost no intact places. Those who know know that it is a barren mansion, and those who don’t know think they have come to a barbarian land. .”

Inside and outside the words are talking about the dirty and messy urban environment of Huangfu.

These words made Chen Jiande quite embarrassed, and he said helplessly: "Your Highness, I don't want to, but I told you before that the Huangfu doesn't have much money to repair the environment."

Li Changfeng said: "The prince is familiar with you, so he naturally knows the reason behind it, but the common people don't know, they only know that the environment of Huangfu is dirty and messy. After a long time, if they know that the environment of other state capitals is good, I'm afraid they won't continue to live in Huangfu. If you stay here and move to other places, the tax revenue of Huangfu will only get worse."

"Furthermore, Emperor Father has been in Huangfu for five or six days now. I think he is already familiar with the urban environment of Huangfu, so I am afraid that he is quite disappointed."

Hearing these words, Chen Jiande was a little disturbed. As the governor of the state, why didn't he want to build the barren mansion better, so that he could have better political achievements, better promotion and fortune, but the government didn't have much money, so he said with a wry smile: " What can the lower officials do?"

At this time, Li Changfeng changed the topic: "Old Chen, if this prince will help you to make the streets clean and tidy, improve the living environment of the people, and make the barren mansion look brand new during your father's stay in the barren mansion, you will feel that the father saw it with his own eyes. , what do you think of you?"

Chen Jiande's eyes brightened: "Your Majesty is very kind, and you care about the people most. If you see the improvement of the people's lives, you will definitely be delighted. Your Highness, what can you do?"

Regarding the cleanliness of Huangfu, Chen Jiande has been trying to find a way, even referring to Baishi City, but unfortunately the effect is not great.

In the final analysis, the city of Huangfu is too big, ten times larger than a small border town like Baishi City, and it is not easy to rectify it. Moreover, the government does not have much money, and half of the tax revenue has to be turned over to the national treasury.

The point is that the Huangfu is not his one-word house, and it is not that simple to repair it.

Li Changfeng smiled slightly: "There is indeed a solution, but before I say it, I want to know that the government spends on the construction of the barren mansion every year... oh, how much is the expenditure on the repair of the barren mansion?"

Chen Jiande didn't hide anything: "Fucheng spends 5 taels a year on repairs."

"You spend 5 taels a year, and the deserted mansion is still so dilapidated. Tell me, old Chen, how did you do it?" Li Changfeng was shocked. Instead of underestimating 5 taels, he felt that 5 taels was a lot.

You know, one tael is equal to consistent money, that is, one thousand wen.

Ordinary people may not necessarily earn a tael of silver throughout the year.

Don't look at Li Changfeng who can sell 66 taels for just a box of small imperial tea, Emperor Wu of Kenggan costs 10 taels at a time, and the emperor's suite at the Peace Hotel costs 880 taels a night. It seems to make a lot of money, but this kind of orientation is specific In fact, the number of people sold throughout the year will not be very large, and it is already very impressive to have two to three million taels.

Chen Jiande could hear the teasing meaning of the Ninth Prince, and said helplessly: "Your Highness, I don't know something. As the main city of a state, Huangfu is a large city. It is not only the repair of the ground, but also the repair of the city wall. The city wall is related to Resist the invasion of evil beasts. There are also repairs to drainage, common people's houses, etc., 5 taels a year is really not much."

Li Changfeng thought about it, and he thought it was true. Huangfu is not as small as Baishi City. Throwing 5 taels in a small town like Baishi City can make a big difference, but throwing it in the main city of a state like Huangfu, it can be just as small as Baishi City. It can only make a small splash.

But the reason is this, but 5 taels a year and 50 taels in ten years, no matter how ordinary repairs are, it is impossible to do so.

I'm afraid someone is greedy for the repair fee inside.

And not a lot.

Of course, Huangfu is not a small town like Baishi City. There are more officials and factions in it. The twists and turns are naturally troublesome.

It would be fine if Li Changfeng didn't come to Huangfu, but now that he's here, it's a big piece of fat, how can he not miss it.

If it were an ordinary person, he would be afraid to take over this kind of municipal project, but he is not afraid, he is the current prince, with Emperor Qianwu at his back, who would dare to deceive himself, especially Emperor Qianwu is in the barren mansion, so don't pull the flag and grab it at this time Food, when will we make another move?

Li Changfeng immediately said: "Old Chen, you also know how the urban construction of Baishi City is. If you talk about other things, I can't guarantee it, but I am an expert in urban construction repairs. In the future, I will hand over the repair fee of 5 taels to Give it to the prince, it will definitely make the barren mansion look brand new."

(End of this chapter)

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