Nuclear Warlord

Chapter 202 Expensive Vegetable Prices

Chapter 202 Expensive Vegetable Prices

"A plate of green vegetables costs ten taels of silver?!"

"12 taels of leeks?!"

"A plate of cold cucumbers costs 20 taels!?"

"Why don't you go grab it?!"

The entire hall on the first floor was boiling, and everyone could hardly accept such a price, and all reprimanded the asking price for being too dark.

This scene was expected by Li Changfeng, and he had already arranged a countermeasure. After everyone discussed for a while, the shopkeeper came out in good time.

"Everyone! Everyone! Listen to me!"

The shopkeeper yelled again and again, and when the scene quieted down and everyone looked at him, he cupped his hands and continued to speak.

"Everyone! I know the price is expensive, but there is a reason why it is expensive. It's not too late to judge after listening to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone spoke at the scene.

"Okay, tell me, why is this plate of green vegetables so expensive!"

"Yeah, don't think we are fools, we can be slaughtered by you!"

"The price is outrageous!"

The shopkeeper patiently listened to the complaints from the crowd, and when the scene became quiet again, he spoke slowly with a smile on his face.

"Let me start with the first point. At the end of summer and early autumn, your Highness the Ninth Prince recruited a large number of people, have you heard of it?"

Everyone nodded.

This incident was widely circulated in the capital at that time. It was said that Li Changfeng recruited people to grow vegetables in winter, which aroused ridicule from everyone. It was the biggest joke of the year.

It is said that hundreds of people were recruited, and the treatment was not bad.

Seeing everyone nodding, the shopkeeper smiled and said, "In order to grow vegetables in winter, His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince recruited a total of 870 three people!"

Everyone's expression moved slightly, this number is indeed astonishing.

The shopkeeper continued: "Someone must have seen the vegetable planting base from a distance, and saw rows of uniform houses. Do you think it is for people to live in? Wrong! They grow these vegetables!"

Speaking of this, the shopkeeper raised his voice a lot, and said loudly: "That house is better than the homes of ordinary people. Doesn't it cost money to build so many sheds?"

"If you want to grow vegetables in winter, you have to keep the temperature inside the house as it is in summer. At twelve hours, there are special people who burn charcoal for heating to maintain the temperature. You are also burning charcoal for heating in your own home. Think about it. Not big?"

"These vegetables are nothing in summer, and they can grow anyway, but in winter, they have to be taken care of like a newborn baby. Doesn't it cost money to take care of more than 800 people?"

"In order to grow vegetables in winter, do you know how many times you have failed and how much time wasted on seeds, manpower, and material resources? Are these not considered money?"

Speaking of this, the shopkeeper paused, his voice raised a lot, and he said proudly: "Besides, looking at the world, who can grow so many green vegetables in winter? These were originally grown for the royal family, not who They are all eligible to eat, and now they are sold in limited quantities because the output is not bad, do you still think it is not worth the price?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was speechless.

The matter of Li Changfeng recruiting people is known all over the world.

Most people have seen the houses built to grow vegetables from afar.

As for keeping warm, don't even think about it, it must be true, otherwise the vegetables would have frozen to death.

This thing wants to be planted in winter, and no one doubts that it needs to be taken care of like a baby.

In addition to the waste, everyone calculated it, it seems that it is really worth the price!
Moreover, this is exclusively for the royal family!
It is a great honor to be able to eat the tribute!

After thinking for a moment, someone expressed his opinion immediately.

"So, the price is not too expensive."

"That's the reason. Rare things are more expensive. This thing is worthless in summer, but it is understandable that it is valuable in winter."

"Okay, why don't you try the vegetables that are roasted in the stove house today, what kind of taste is it!"

"Give me a serving of all the vegetables!"

"Here's one too!"

Seeing that everyone accepted the price, the shopkeeper smiled with satisfaction, and all the beautiful waitresses began to introduce to the guests.

Soon, red soup pots, mandarin duck pots, and clear soup pots were brought up one by one, and everyone was taken aback by their unique fragrance and peculiar way of eating them.


The elegant room on the third floor.

Li Changfeng, Emperor Ganwu, and Li Jianye sat around a round table, and plates of fresh vegetables had already been served.

Emperor Ganwu pointed to the stove in the middle of the table in amazement.

"Freshly cooked?"

"Yeah, to be precise, it's called shabu, or hot."

Li Changfeng explained a sentence, and waved his hand towards Gao Dali: "Old Gao, what are you doing standing up? Come sit down and prepare to eat!"

Gao Dali cast a grateful look, shook his head and said: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness, the old servant is just serving you."

"Hey!" Li Changfeng sighed and looked at Emperor Ganwu: "Father, what are you doing with so many rules for a meal? We are old acquaintances, how awkward we are while we eat and watch him?"

Emperor Qianwu couldn't help giving Li Changfeng a blank look.

What's so awkward about this?
He usually eats in the palace, and there are hundreds of people standing around to serve him.

Still, he nodded.

"Okay, Lao Gao, let's sit down and eat together. Anyway, it's not the first time."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Gao Dali bowed and sat down. Li Jianye urged impatiently: "Where's the pot? Put it on the pot! I'm tired of eating Chinese cabbage and dried vegetables every day!"

Li Changfeng joked: "Ninth brother opened, you didn't even have a red envelope empty-handed, how dare you eat it?"

"Who said there is no?" Li Jianye smiled, took out a bank note and handed it over, "I can't take out one hundred and eighty thousand taels, 1000 taels, don't forget it!"

"Hey, did you really bring a red envelope?"

Li Changfeng was a little surprised, took the banknote and looked at it, then looked at Emperor Qianwu and blinked: "Father?"

Emperor Qianwu was a little embarrassed, and stared at him: "You still want Zhen's red envelope?"

Li Changfeng was not afraid at all, and said suspiciously: "Father, you don't come here for nothing, do you?"


Emperor Ganwu pointed at Li Changfeng and was speechless, Li Jianye snickered, and Gao Dali quickly took out a stack of bank notes from his sleeve.

"Yes, yes, your majesty's body of gold, how can you catch the smell of copper? It's left here with this old slave!"

As he said, he handed it to Li Changfeng.

Li Changfeng waved his hand and said with a chuckle, "Okay, okay, just kidding, what kind of red envelopes do my family want?"

As he said that, he returned Li Jianye's share, and waved his hand: "Jianye, Lao Gao, in the future, you will come to my lake to fish for food, free of charge!"

"You brat, you're just messing around!"

Although Emperor Qianwu was scolding, he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

This kind of relaxed and happy way of getting along is like a family, which made him feel the feeling of being a real father.

Li Changfeng is like a naughty child, the more he looks at it, the more he likes it.

(End of this chapter)

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