Nuclear Warlord

Chapter 220 Going Down the Mountain

Chapter 220 Going Down the Mountain
Hearing this, Zhao Tianquan's face became a little ugly.

The Zhao family has enshrined Bai Yujing for hundreds of years, and today's request was just a matter of twitching fingers for Bai Yujing, but he was turned down.

How could Zhao Tianquan not be angry?
But he immediately hid this emotion, still respectful, and said in a begging tone: "Master Immortal, for the sake of the Zhao family's worship for hundreds of years, I still ask Master Immortal to help!"

This time he waited for a long time, kneeling until his legs almost lost consciousness, but still did not get a response.

Zhao Tianquan was furious in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it.

Knowing that Bai Yujing didn't want to make a move, he could only kowtow respectfully, leave behind all the treasures he brought, and signal to the accompanying guards to help him up, before he went down the mountain in desperation.

Inside Bai Yujing.

An old man in a gray robe, with white beard and hair and a ruddy complexion, who looked like a fairy, floated to the cliff of the back mountain with his hands on his back and his feet off the ground.

There is an antique gazebo on the cliff.

There is a futon in the gazebo, sitting a girl in white clothes like snow, who is meditating with her eyes closed, and there is a terrifying agitation all over her body.

The young girl has an exquisite face, eyebrows like willow leaves, curved eyelashes, a pretty bridge of nose, a little bit of vermilion lips, and delicate and three-dimensional features.

It's just that this girl's demeanor is aloof and cold, giving people a feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away.

As if sensing the approach of the old man, the girl opened her eyes and bowed slightly, her tone was indifferent and calm: "Master."

Although the girl's big eyes were as bright and beautiful as the starry sky, they were also icy cold, without the slightest trace of human fireworks.

The old man sighed secretly, and said lightly: "You should go down the mountain to practice."

The girl frowned slightly: "Master, didn't you reject that ordinary man? Why do you want me to go down the mountain?"

The old man shook his head: "It has nothing to do with him, it's just that you need to go through the baptism of the world."

The girl shook her head: "Worldly people are stupid and worldly affairs are disturbing, but the mountain is clean and comfortable, suitable for disciples to practice."

"Do you know the gatha on the archway of my Baiyu Jingshan gate?"

"Wuwu doesn't cultivate goodness, Teng Teng doesn't do evil, he silently cuts off what he sees and hears, and his mind is free. Why does the master ask the disciples this?"

"Do you know what it means?"

"Naturally knowing, that is, not practicing good dharmas, nor creating evil dharmas, that is, staying away from the attachment to all dharmas such as good and evil, and treating all dharmas with non-dual wisdom. There is no false distinction such as seeing, hearing, and sound, and there is no falseness in the heart. Distinguishing the mind, that is, breaking the bondage of consciousness internally, breaking the bondage of appearance externally, and giving birth to a mind without dwelling place."

"Since you know it, but you have never experienced good and evil dharmas, and you have never seen false distinctions such as form, hearing, and sound, how can you attain the Tao and become a fairy?"

After saying that, the old man turned and left.

The girl pondered for a moment, then Shi Shiran bowed in the direction where the old man left.

"The disciple will go down the mountain now."



Fishing at the bottom of the lake.

Li Changfeng sipped hot pot in the ultra-luxury private room specially built for him, listening to the reports of his subordinates.

"The Patriarch of the Zhao Family, Zhao Tianquan, has taken people away from the capital for seven days and has not returned. It is said that he went to the southwestern border."

"The southwestern frontier?" Li Changfeng was a little surprised, the weather there was bad, and he didn't understand what the Patriarch of the Zhao family was doing there.

"Yeah, the undercover investigators haven't sent back any news yet."

Li Changfeng nodded and didn't ask any further questions. The Zhao family was no longer a threat to him, so he waved his hand to signal his subordinates to leave.

Not long after the subordinate left, someone pushed the door open.

"Your Highness, Mr. Liang Dafu, the director of the scientific research institute, I want you to invite you to visit the scientific research institute."

"Oh? Liang Dafu?" Li Changfeng regained his energy immediately, put down his chopsticks and said, "What's the matter?"

"No, Mr. Liang said that you will know when you arrive at the scientific research institute."

"Hey, this old Liang Dafu is still playing tricks."

Li Changfeng cursed with a smile, got up and ordered the car to set off.

Liang Dafu is a scientific research madman, and he will not look for him when there is nothing to do.

Once you go to him, there must be something important.

Either a scientific research project encounters a problem and needs his advice, or the scientific research project has achieved leapfrog development and achieved surprising results.

Soon, Li Changfeng's carriage left the capital.

The fact is as he expected.

When Li Changfeng came to the scientific research institute, he heard the roar of "click, click" from a distance, as well as billowing black smoke and white mist, which almost enveloped the entire scientific research institute.

"No way?!"

"So fast?!"

Li Changfeng's eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't help showing disbelief and joy on his face, and he walked over at a faster pace.

When he came to the tall experimental workshop, he saw a steam engine with a strange shape, extremely rough workmanship, and air leaks everywhere.

It can be clearly seen that the transmission shaft in the middle is rotating at an extremely fast speed, and a group of men in light clothes are busy working around the steam engine.

Liang Dafu was sweating profusely, his white coat was covered with soot, and his face and hands were covered in the same way. He raised his finger and shouted at several staff members.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and add coal, let me burn up the fire!"

"Water! Keep an eye on the water. If there is no water and the fire burns my sweetheart, I will stuff you into the furnace!"

"Also, is there something wrong with your brain? Are you afraid that the steam will burn you? Come down!"

"Get out of the way and don't block the drive shaft, I want to observe its rotation speed change!"

Even though he was mentally prepared, when Li Changfeng saw the steam engine in operation, he was still stunned on the spot.

This guy Liang Dafu actually made a steam engine!
Its speed far exceeded his expectations.

At this moment, the entourage shouted.

"His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince has arrived!"

Only then did Liang Dafu come to his senses, and quickly turned around and rushed towards Li Changfeng, dancing with excitement.

"I made it! I did it!"

"This thing can really work on its own. This is an epoch-making invention that will definitely change the whole world!"

"Your Highness, you are the most amazing... I don't even know how to praise you, how did you think of this?!"

Li Changfeng was also a little excited, he laughed and patted Liang Dafu on the shoulder several times, and said, "It's not important, the important thing is that you really invented the steam engine, everyone in the research institute rewarded you with a thousand taels of silver as encouragement! "

All the people in the scientific research institute were overjoyed and kowtowed to thank Li Changfeng for his reward. Only Liang Dafu seemed not to have heard it, and pulled Li Changfeng towards the steam engine.

"Your Highness, you came up with this machine. Since you are here, you have to give me advice on many details. For example, how to solve the air leakage caused by the high steam pressure..."

(End of this chapter)

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