Chapter 23 Shocked, the current emperor has never tried it since he was a child...

Salt is difficult to make. In addition to official salt, although there are some private salts, they are also relatively rough salts, with more impurities and certain toxicity.

But even so, there are still countless people scrambling for it. Because of the lack of salt, any dish is bland and difficult to eat. If you can't buy it, you can only dig it from the salt mine and eat poisonous salt directly.

That's the kind that can cause diarrhea and death if you eat a little bit.

However, what surprised Emperor Qianwu and Gao Dali even more was that this refined salt had great significance.

With this kind of refined salt, the common people in the world don't need to eat poisonous salt to damage their bodies, and the dishes prepared with refined salt are more delicious, which is also very effective for the common people in the world to strengthen their bodies.

Looking at the shocked eyes of the two, Li Changfeng said lightly: "This is just the refined salt processed by our Baishi City Research Institute. Many of the refreshments you have eaten at Diandude before are seasoned with this refined salt."

No wonder the tea at Diandou De is so delicious, not as boring as the dinner.

It's just that what annoyed Emperor Qianwu was that Xiao Jiu, a bastard who obviously had such fine salt, didn't even submit it to me. I was really mad at me.

He couldn't help asking: "Your Highness, since Baishi City processed such high-quality refined salt, why did you report it to His Majesty? This is a great political achievement, and it is also very good for the world."

Li Changfeng twitched his lips. The prince deliberately didn't give it to the cheap emperor's father. He knew the great role of such refined salt in this era, and even mastered refined salt, which was enough to become a great salt merchant in a country that was invincible.

However, although becoming a big salt merchant can make a lot of money, it is destined to attract the attention of the world.

Li Changfeng just wants to spend a good time in Baishi City to develop wretchedly. If the cheap emperor finds out and directly transfers him back to Beijing, how can he stay in a good place?

Of course, I think so, but I can’t say it so clearly to Lao Li and Lao Gao, but habitually raised the emperor’s banner and said: "Lao Li, Lao Gao, it’s not that this prince doesn’t want to tell his father. , but the time has not yet come. You do not know, although refined salt has been successfully processed through our Baishicheng Research Institute. But you must know that official salt is so difficult to manufacture, let alone such high-purity refined salt, which often needs to be processed through There are a total of 36 processes including crushing, dissolving, filtering, and analyzing, and the whole process takes seven to seven 49 days before it can be successfully processed."

"And even the scientific research institute has just mastered the technology of making refined salt, and it needs a long time to improve. Therefore, there is not much refined salt in the whole Baishi City. So this time, the prince just brought some That's all."

"In addition, the refined salt has been successfully processed, but the quantity is still not large, and the technology has not yet fully matured. Telling the father too early will only make the father happy. I have to wait for a while. It is better to wait until the technology is fully mature. Afterwards, more refined salt will be processed, and then we will tell Father Huang together, this is the best way."


Fudge hard!
Anyway, it means that the refined salt processing technology is far from mature enough, and the refining time is very long, and it has not reached the point of telling Emperor Qianwu, and we can only tell when there is enough time.

All in all, it's just one word - drag!

"So that's the case. The two officials wrongly blamed His Highness." Emperor Qianwu and Gao Dali nodded. Thinking about it, it is true that processing such high-purity and fine-grained refined salt must require multiple and complicated processes. time.

It's just that they didn't know that it took Li Changfeng less than a day to process this refined salt.

For Li Changfeng, a modern man, processing refined salt couldn't be easier.

It is also impossible to say that there are more than a thousand buckets of refined salt stored in the salt storehouse of Baishi City, let alone that the people of Baishi City use this refined salt for cooking.

After a pause, Li Changfeng worriedly added a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Lao Li, Lao Gao, please don't tell your father in advance, or don't blame me for releasing the video of you visiting the brothel." .”

Emperor Ganwu: "..."

Gao Dali: "..."


The threat of Hong Guoguo!

The two nodded quickly to reassure Li Changfeng.

After a pause, Li Changfeng said: "But you two can rest assured that the prince will not treat you badly. Although the refined salt processing technology is not yet fully mature, Baishi City has also produced and processed some. If you want, you can Let’s cooperate with this prince to start a refined salt business.”

Emperor Ganwu's eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "How does Your Highness want to cooperate?"

"It's almost like Little Royal Tea." Li Changfeng said, "It's also a box of refined salt weighing one or two, and the price is 160 a box. The prince also thought of the name, so it's called Xiaogong Salt."

It's not that Li Changfeng doesn't want to hide this refined salt, but he knows that the refined salt will be exposed sooner or later.

That being the case, it's better to make a lot of money before the refined salt is known by Emperor Ganwu.

Moreover, he intends to let refined salt circulate in the market first, especially since Lao Li and Gao are both from Xiazhou. If refined salt circulates in Xiazhou at the beginning, even if other people investigate, the first investigation will be from Xiazhou, and Not the barren state.

This is easy to confuse the line of sight, so that no one will know that the source is from Baishi City.

Of course, when signing the contract, the non-disclosure of relevant information to the purchaser will also be signed in the contract confidentiality agreement, and Li Changfeng still has the handle of the two, and the two dare not speak out easily.

At that time, even if Emperor Qianwu knew about the existence of refined salt, Li Changfeng would pass on the technology of purifying refined salt to Lao Li and Lao Gao, and then asked them to hand it over to Emperor Qianwu for this great contribution, and he could continue to hide in the If you stay in Baishi City, you can also get the invitation of the two of you.

It's just one stroke!
Li Changfeng gave himself a thumbs up for his cleverness after thinking about it, you are indeed the smartest!
Emperor Qianwu and Gao Dali gasped. Although they knew that Li Changfeng would definitely set a high price, they didn't expect that it would cost 160 eight taels a box.

Just outrageous!
Emperor Ganwu couldn't help but said: "Your Highness, will this be too expensive?"

160 eight taels a box of refined salt, how many people can afford it?
"Expensive? No, no, it's not expensive at all." Li Changfeng said seriously, "Old Li, your business acumen is really bad. You have to understand that this is refined salt that is much higher in purity than official salt. The price is very expensive, this kind of refined salt must be high but not low, and there is not much in the first place, as the saying goes, what is rare is the most expensive."

"In addition, you have to understand one thing. Princes and nobles may not spend 20 taels to buy a box of refined salt, but they will definitely spend 160 taels to buy a piece of refined salt that even the emperor has never tasted. Because what you taste is not refined salt, but It’s a kind of ostentation that even the emperor has never tried before, and it can arouse the envy and hatred of countless people, understand?”

Emperor Qianwu thought it made sense. Originally, this kind of refined salt was more pure and refined than the official salt on the market. Once it was born, it would inevitably attract countless wealthy businessmen and nobles to rush to buy it. Even if the price was more expensive, they would definitely not miss it. .

What's more, knowing that even the current emperor has never tasted this kind of refined salt is even crazier.

Who doesn't want to eat high-end goods that even the emperor couldn't eat.

All people have this mentality.

Having said that, Emperor Qianwu secretly gritted his teeth and glared at Li Changfeng. In order to sell this kind of refined salt, he did not hesitate to sell himself, his father.

But now there is nothing to do about this bastard nine sons, Emperor Ganwu can only think about settling accounts together in the future, and said: "Then what slogan does this little Gongyan have?"

Thinking of the promotional slogan about Xiaoyucha, Emperor Qianwu was always surprised as a heavenly man, which is really wonderful.

"Yes." Li Changfeng said mysteriously, "Looking back, you published an advertisement in the local mansion newspaper, and the headline read: "Shocked! The current emperor has never tried it since he was a child..."!"

Emperor Qianwu and Gao Dali looked at each other with shock.

But after thinking about it, the title alone is enough to make people think, and I can't help but want to read the content.

That is, the banner of Emperor Qianwu was raised again.

The corner of Emperor Qianwu's mouth twitched, and finally he could only say: "Your Highness, I am willing to cooperate, but I don't know how many boxes of small tribute salts His Highness Ninth Prince has?"

Li Changfeng smiled and raised a finger.

"Ten boxes?" Emperor Ganwu hesitated.

Li Changfeng shook his head: "No."

"One hundred boxes." Emperor Ganwu suddenly realized, but he was a little disappointed. One hundred boxes is not much, as long as there is a name that even the emperor has not tasted, it is very easy to sell.

"It's a thousand boxes!"

He really wanted to say that there were a thousand buckets, but if there were so many, the small tribute salt would not be able to make the rarity more expensive, so he could only say that there were a thousand boxes.

One thousand boxes is a lot less, and more is not much.

"A thousand... boxes!?"

Emperor Ganwu and Gao Dali almost bit their tongues when they heard that there were so many boxes of refined salt.

What the hell did you just say that the process is very troublesome, it takes seven to seven days to extract it, and there is only one point in the entire White Rock City?

This thousand boxes weighed a hundred catties, and you said there was only a little bit?
Emperor Ganwu was both angry and helpless, but he could only agree: "Deal, but your Highness, you have to give some discounts to the lower officials, otherwise the lower officials will have no profit."

"Don't worry, this prince counts you as 100 taels a box, and you will still have a profit of 68 taels a box when you sell it." After negotiating a big deal, Li Changfeng was in a much happier mood, but right now he is having a barbecue, not too It was convenient, so they agreed to wait a few days for the two to go to Baishi City to sign a contract and extract a thousand boxes of small tribute salt.

(End of this chapter)

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