Nuclear Warlord

Chapter 295 The Hot Air Balloon Air Force Strikes

Chapter 295 The Hot Air Balloon Air Force Strikes

Under Li Changfeng's urging, huge hot air balloons flew into the sky one after another, attracting the attention of the city defenders.

"My God! What is this?!"

"Look! General Wei Kuanwei is up there!"

"My God, they're flying again!"

"Is this what His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince has secretly done these days?"


The whole JYG is boiling.

Everyone was shocked.

Some people in the city even knelt on the ground and worshiped, thinking they saw a miracle.

Sun Xueyi, who had been tense all the time, finally relaxed at this moment, looking at the hot air balloon flying up, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Your Highness..."

He didn't know how to express his excitement at this moment.

Back then, Li Changfeng had summoned him in private and told him to know something called a hot air balloon that could stay in the sky for a long time, and told him not to make any noise.

From that moment on, he was waiting, hoping.

Finally, at this most critical moment, it succeeded!
Sun Xueyi took a deep breath and said loudly: "All soldiers, get ready to attack!"

He knew Li Changfeng's plan. The army led by Qing'ertai in a round of bombing was in a mess. When their morale was low, it was time for them to leave the city to harvest.

When the surrounding generals heard this, their eyes sparkled with excitement.

They have all seen delta-wing aircraft and know its shortcomings.

In contrast, a hot air balloon can stay in the air for a longer period of time, and the huge basket can hold more explosive grenades.

They had already predicted the outcome of this battle.

Go big and win!

Chunni standing on the battlements saw this scene with anticipation on his face, and came to Li Changfeng's side in a few dodges.

"I'm going too!" Chunni said in a tone that could not refuse.

Li Changfeng laughed loudly and said, "How can I forget about such an interesting thing?"

With that said, Li Changfeng pulled Chunni towards a hot air balloon that had already been prepared.

Chunni only had eyes for the hot air balloon, and let Li Changfeng pull it, his expression gradually became a little excited.

Cut off a few ropes tied with sandbags, and the hot air balloon slowly lifted into the sky.

"How do you feel?" Li Changfeng smiled.

"It's amazing!" Chunni's face turned red, and her eyes sparkled.

Li Changfeng laughed loudly, and ordered: "Go to the position of the Hu army!"

The soldiers on one hundred hot air balloons were excited and responded loudly: "Yes, Commander!"


After a long march, the army is exhausted.

Qing Getai ordered the army to camp and rest.

According to the plan, an attack on Dagan would be launched early the next morning.

After the best and largest tents were set up and the cattle and sheep were slaughtered to make delicious food, Qing Geertai came to Balang and knelt down to pay homage.

"My lord, the tent has been set up, and the food has been prepared, please deign to enjoy it!"

Qing Getai lowered his head, waiting for Balang's response.

But after a while, there was no movement at all.

After hesitating for a moment, Qing Geertai looked up at Balang.

I saw Balang frowning tightly, looking into the distance.

His expression was very complicated, including shock, anger, and deep helplessness.

Qing Getai was full of doubts, looked in the direction of Balang's gaze, and immediately frowned.

In the distant sky, there is a group of black spots floating towards them.

So... what is that? !

Just when Qing Getai was puzzled, Barang let out a long sigh.

"Let the soldiers spread out as much as possible."

Qing Getai was stunned for a moment, and asked cautiously: "Why?"

Balang turned around slowly, and a terrible breath suddenly erupted, like a hurricane blowing in all directions, his eyes were frighteningly cold.

"Are you questioning me?"

Qing Getai was blown to the ground and rolled a few times before he stopped. He quickly got up and kowtowed like garlic.

"No, my lord, I will follow your instructions immediately!"

After speaking, he quickly got up and ran towards the large tent of the Chinese army, shouting as he ran: "Notify the generals of all ministries, spread out, hurry up!"

He was very puzzled, why Qing Getai would issue such an order.

At this time, most of the 25 troops were cooking. Except for the soldiers on guard outside, most of them had already disarmed and rested.

After receiving the order, I felt a little unhappy in my heart, and began to scatter around with curses in my mouth.

But with such a large army, how can it be dispersed in a short while?

At this moment, a soldier suddenly looked at the sky and let out an exclamation.

"My God! What is this thing!"

"Why does there seem to be someone up there!"

With the sound of exclamation one after another, the entire Hu camp was boiling, and they all stopped and looked at the sky with expressions of horror.

"There are people! They actually flew into the sky!"

"How can people fly in the sky?! God! This must be God!"

"Miracle! This is a miracle!"


Some soldiers even knelt on the ground and worshiped devoutly.

Qing Getai also saw the hot air balloon in the sky.

At this moment, he finally understood why Balang asked him to order the army to disperse. The people on it were clearly the soldiers of Dagan!

Thinking of the terrible grenades and explosives, Qing Getai's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and he shouted at the top of his voice.

"Get up, get up for me!"

"You damn pigs, that's not a god, that's a big soldier, wake me up!"

"If you don't want to die, get up and disperse!"


Qing Getai shouted and punched the kneeling people, finally made the surrounding soldiers wake up, and started to run away in panic.

But the soldiers in the distance were still shocked by the shock of their world view, and did not follow Qing Getai's instructions for a while.

They collided with the frantically fleeing soldiers, and the whole camp fell into chaos in an instant, no matter how loud Qing Getai shouted, it was useless.

Just then, the hot air balloon had floated over their heads.

Looking at the height far beyond the range of the strong bow and crossbow, Qing Geertai looked desperate.

"It's over..."

next moment.

Pieces of black objects fell from space like raindrops.

boom!boom!boom! ...

Explosions sounded one after another, flames blazed, rocks pierced the air, screams came and went, and the 25 Hu army fell into panic.

above the sky.

Li Jianye looked excited and shouted at the other hot air balloons in the sky.

"Where are the people in the first team?! I have shown them carefully to the prince. Our target is the strange beast. We will lose it when we see it!"

Wei Kuan also shouted at the surrounding soldiers at the top of his lungs.

"Throw it towards a place with a lot of people! Control the height and don't appear within the range of their crossbows!"

Li Changfeng looked down at the camp of the Hu army with a smile on his face: "This is called crushing."

Chunni looked excited, looking at the blazing earth with excitement: "This world is far more exciting than I imagined..."

JYG twenty miles away.

Sun Xueyi rode on a fine horse, and suddenly pointed the long sword in the direction of the Hu camp.


(End of this chapter)

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