Chapter 32 Artificial Respiration
Time flies, it is three days.

During these three days, Li Changfeng stayed obediently in Xiuli Garden and didn't go anywhere.

He is cautious by nature, and feels that he has to stay in Xiuliyuan for a few more days, because he is worried that once he leaves, he will be summoned by Emperor Qianwu suddenly, and then he finds out that he has left the palace. Emperor Qianwu checked and found that he was selling ice Such business, that can be a big trouble.

Of course, another reason is that the personnel in the scientific research institute are extremely capable of execution, and they can complete the tasks assigned by him without his personal supervision.

Moreover, Zhang Haihui would report to him every day, knowing that no matter whether it was recruiting refugees, carrying out renovations, or decorating the three shops, he had not encountered any trouble, so he was relieved.

Three days passed, and Li Changfeng still hadn't waited for Emperor Qianwu's summons.

I have already agreed with Lao Li's guess in my heart, I am afraid that the emperor's father has completely forgotten himself.

That's fine, it's best not to face Shanggan Wudi.

Li Changfeng was very happy.

On the morning of this day, Fang Yishou entered the Evergreen Palace and came to the Xiuli Garden to meet Li Changfeng. He first saluted and then said, "Your Highness, the ice shop has been successfully renovated according to your design plan, and the construction of the other two shops is halfway through. The decoration can be completed smoothly in less than five days.”

"In addition, in the past three days, according to Your Highness's request, this subordinate has secretly purchased a thousand petres."

"Among them, [-] cubic meters of ice cubes have been produced, which are in the ice storage room of the ice store and can be taken out at any time."

Hearing this, Li Changfeng showed joy. Fang Yishou was indeed a man of action. While renovating, he also built an ice storage room and made ice out of saltpeter.

As expected of the talents of the scientific research institute, they are all practical and efficient.

Li Changfeng immediately said: "Very good, old Fang, you go back and prepare for the opening of the business, recruit a few hard-working, honest and reliable guys, the monthly salary can be improved, and you will be ready to open the business tomorrow."

"It will open tomorrow?" Fang Yishou was taken aback, "His Royal Highness, will this be too soon? After all, the pre-publicity work has not started yet."

"It's already very slow. It's best to finish this matter as soon as possible. As for the publicity work, it's better to leave it to the prince." Li Changfeng shook his head. Selling ice is only suitable for selling in summer, otherwise after autumn , the weather will be cooler, and the number of people buying ice will be greatly reduced.

If you delay the opening by one day, you will lose one more day's profit.

"Your subordinate understands. Your Highness, there is one more thing. The ice shop has not yet been named. What should it be called?"

"Let's call it Michelle Ice City, design a signboard according to this design, and recruit three singers who can sing well."

Li Changfeng smiled mysteriously.

"My subordinate understands."

After Fang Yishou left, Li Changfeng immediately ordered his servants: "You immediately find fifty people, go to the ice shop to get five pieces of ice each, and then wander around all the streets in Huangfu. Yes, that's right, just wandering, but you must Expose the ice cubes so that everyone can see them. Whenever someone asks where the ice cubes come from, they say they bought them from the main street 'Mixue Ice City'. It is a trial operation today and will officially open tomorrow. .”

"The slave obeys!"

After finishing all this, Li Changfeng changed into casual clothes and prepared to go to the State Shepherd's Mansion.

Naturally, it is necessary to invite heavyweights as opening guests for opening, so as to attract attention and attract customers.

Chen Jiande, a state herdsman, is useless.

Of course, Lao Li and Lao Gao, the two seventh-rank inspectors' tools, should also be used well.

Thinking of this, Li Changfeng suddenly gasped in surprise, because he had been in Evergreen Palace for many days, and he still didn't know where Lao Li and Lao Gao lived, so it was really a mistake.

That's all, let's ask about it in the evening.

These days, Lao Li and Lao Gao have come to eat and drink every day, and they will appear automatically without looking for them.

Taking Bingbing out of the Changqing Palace, Li Changfeng was about to get in the carriage and go to the State Shepherd's Mansion, when he saw a petite beggar in his arms, and passed out on the spot.

Li Changfeng was concerned, and quickly stretched out his hands to help him up: "Little brother, are you okay, why did you faint? Hey, it's strange, why are you wearing two soft steamed buns?"

The little beggar was lying in Li Changfeng's arms. If her face wasn't dirty, she would have seen her face blushing, her fists clenched quietly, wishing to wake up and kill this apprentice who took advantage of her .

Speaking of this, Feng'er felt aggrieved.

A few days ago, after agreeing to the master at Dafu Restaurant, she disguised herself as a refugee beggar and waited outside Changqing Palace.

Because Changqing Palace is the summer palace of Emperor Qianwu, the guards drove it away, and the refugees were not allowed to gather here, so Feng'er could only hide in the corner of the opposite street, waiting day and night for Li Changfeng to appear, preparing for a chance encounter.

Before coming here, she had heard from the Huangfu branch of the Fengtian Society that Li Changfeng would go out every day, but the time was not fixed.

Therefore, Fenger was worried that she would miss Li Changfeng accidentally, so she would wait all day without blinking an eye. Even for meals, she only dared to eat steamed buns secretly sent by members of the Fengtian Society branch, and tried her best to pretend to be a real beggar while waiting. with.

As a result, it didn't show up for three days in a row.

You know, in order to wait for Li Changfeng, she did not hesitate to wait in the scorching heat, and she almost fainted several times.

If it wasn't for the fact that someone from the Fengtian Society branch told her, and she didn't dare to lie to her master, Feng'er would have suspected that she had been fooled.

Just when he thought he had to wait any longer, he saw Li Changfeng coming out of the Evergreen Palace with his own eyes. He couldn't help but burst into tears, and finally waited for the appearance of this romantic prince.

Feng'er, who had waited for three days long ago and used up most of her patience, was getting really impatient, so she rushed up, pretending to be too hungry and fainting.

Fortunately, Li Changfeng did not abandon her, and he was relieved.

It's just that what made her teeth itch was that the paws of this apprentice were too dishonest.

But for the great cause of restoring the country, she endured it!

He thought to himself, once Li Changfeng brought her into the Evergreen Palace, as long as he found out that she was a woman, with the flirtatious habits of this useless prince, he would definitely accept her as a personal maid, and there would be many opportunities to assassinate her at that time. Dry Emperor Wu, the dog emperor.

Li Changfeng looked at the little beggar who had fainted in his arms. His clothes were ragged and his face was dirty. He couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman. He was so hot that he had passed heatstroke.

Stretching out a finger in front of his nose, he found that his breath was very weak, and frowned, "Oh no, this little beggar has suffered from heatstroke, and his breath is weak, he probably can't breathe, he needs to do artificial respiration immediately."

Bingbing hurriedly said: "Your Highness, dirty, let Bingbing come."

"No need, this prince is a big man, what is there to be afraid of, Bing Bing is a girl, you can't easily have skin relationship with others." Li Changfeng shook his head, Bing Bing was very moved by these words.

Artificial respiration?

Feng'er, who pretended to be in a coma, was full of doubts about what it was.

Before she was allowed to continue thinking, the next moment, she felt her small mouth being ripped open with two fingers, and immediately a hot breath passed from the other mouth into her own.

(End of this chapter)

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