Nuclear Warlord

Chapter 453 The Japanese pirates are destroyed

Chapter 453 The Japanese pirates are destroyed
This explosion woke up all the Japanese pirates in Edo.

The Emperor, who had been waiting for the news, felt anxious and had a bad feeling.

The cultivators at Amaterasu Shrine did not need explosives to kill people, so they were probably ambushed by Li Changfeng.

He immediately sent people to observe on the city wall, and the news he received was that everything was normal in the Daqian military camp, and some soldiers were cleaning up the mess without any disturbance. This made the emperor's bad premonition even stronger.

He didn't feel sleepy at all, and he didn't see anyone at Amaterasu Shrine until dawn. He fell to the ground with a look of despair.

"It's over! It's all over! My great Japanese pirate empire is over!"

At this moment, the attendant ran into the hall with a panicked expression. Seeing the Emperor falling to the ground in despair, his expression became desperate, and he said with a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, the Daqian army has pulled out the artillery, and someone is carrying it. Several mutilated corpses shouted outside the city, saying that the people at Amaterasu Shrine were dead, and if they still didn't surrender at noon, they would be fired!"

Even though he had been mentally prepared, the emperor was still shocked by the news. He stood up shakily and asked, "Is the body really from Amaterasu Shrine?!"

"Because the distance is a bit far, we can't see clearly. Your Majesty, what should we do?"

"How do I know what to do? Bring the body to the palace!"

Soon, a team of people came out of the city and carried the body to the Emperor's Palace.

The emperor was worried and went forward to check. When he saw the corpse, his face instantly became as pale as paper.

The emperor felt that all his strength had been drained from his body. He stumbled back to the throne and kept repeating: "Dead, they are all dead! They are dead, they are all dead!"

Seeing that the Emperor was completely helpless, the others were even more panicked and at a loss.

They know that the outcome has been determined and no one can change it.

Not long after, the emperor came to his senses and chose to surrender.

None of the civil and military officials had the courage to fight Li Changfeng. The city gates were opened wide and the emperor followed the emperor out of the city and knelt in front of the Daqian military camp. The war ended like this.

Li Changfeng was somewhat disappointed.

He hoped that the Japanese pirates would have the guts to die rather than surrender, and then he would have enough reason to carpet bomb Edo and release the evil spirit that he had held back in his previous life.

However, now that the Japanese pirates have surrendered, he cannot massacre the city and can only accept the Japanese pirates' surrender.

However, unlike when he accepted the surrender of the barbarians, after Li Changfeng took control of all the troops in Edo, he arrested and beheaded the new emperor, all civil and military officials, and their family members.

In the future, the Japanese pirates will return to Daqian. If these people are not killed, they will become unstable factors. Li Changfeng does not want to cause trouble for the officials who will manage this land in the future.

As for the ordinary people who have been oppressed by the royal family, with Daqian's generous policy towards the common people, they will soon forget the emperor. After all, living their own small lives is the most important thing, and any hatred between country and family will become a thing of the past.

Even if there are some people who are still thinking about liberating the Japanese pirates, they can't make any waves.

As usual, Li Changfeng plundered the property of the royal family and all Edo dignitaries, and obtained a total of more than 1000 million taels of silver. He sent people to Daqian capital, and he stayed in Edo. Zhou Jianbo and Zhao Yong led their troops to sweep away the remaining forces in other places.


The first person to arrive in Daganjing was the captured old emperor.

Japanese pirates kidnapped Liang Dafu, and the people of Daqian hated Japanese pirates. The emperor entered the city in a prison car, and was greeted by a meal of rotten vegetables, leaves, and rotten eggs.

Emperor Qianwu was too lazy to see the emperor and ordered him to be paraded through the streets for three days and then beheaded at Caishikou.

Soon, the news that Li Changfeng took the two of them to the Tianhuang Palace to rescue Liang Dafu spread in the capital. Everyone was praising Li Changfeng's bravery, and his reputation suddenly increased.

After some time, a large amount of gold and silver were sent to the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the people in the capital learned another exciting news. Li Changfeng had destroyed the Japanese pirate country, and from then on the Japanese pirate country became the territory of Daqian.A large number of people rushed around to tell each other and clapped their hands and cheered.

Everyone is saying that it was Li Changfeng who changed the destiny of the country in Qian Dynasty. Li Changfeng's reputation reached its peak, and even Emperor Wu of Qian Dynasty could not match it.

Such remarks were somewhat treasonous, but Emperor Qianwu didn't care at all, and instead felt very proud.

If you have a son like this, this life is enough!
Along with the money came a letter written by Li Changfeng. After reading it, Emperor Qianwu held a court meeting.

When he came to the Xuanzheng Hall, anyone could see the uncontrollable joy on his face, and the officials were also very happy.

Li Changfeng opened up new territories and expanded his territory, and gave his clan's descendants the opportunity to engage in politics. After all, although Li Changfeng reformed the imperial examination system and education system, the results have not yet appeared in a short period of time.

Most of the local officials are descendants of their families.

After all the ministers paid their respects, Emperor Qianwu smiled and said: "The Japanese pirates have been wiped out by our army of Dagan. The Japanese army has either died or surrendered. The country of Japanese pirates has been under the control of our Dagan. Changfeng suggested the establishment of a state and recommended Zhao Yong to garrison it. Everyone. What do you think, Aiqing?"

This situation is exactly the same as when Li Changfeng occupied the barbarian land.

Although Zhao Yong is not as famous as Zhang Haihui, everyone knows that he is Li Changfeng's man. Seeing that Emperor Qianwu did not show any objection on his face, and Zhao Yong has indeed made many great achievements, the ministers will naturally not say much. What.

Feng Quji was the first to stand up and express his opinion.

"I think it's okay!"

Other ministers echoed.

"My minister agrees!"

"The minister also agrees!"


Without any obstacles, Zhao Yong successfully took up this position.

At this point, two of Li Changfeng's confidants have become frontier officials. Coupled with their influence in the artillery camp and the musket camp, no one can shake their status in Daqian.

After settling this matter, Emperor Qianwu mentioned another matter.

"When Changfeng captured the barbarian king and took one-third of the barbarian land to open up the territory for me, it was an unparalleled achievement. We should have gone out of the city to welcome him back in triumph. However, Liang Dafu was taken prisoner and he gave up the matter. This time Li Changfeng has destroyed the Japanese pirate kingdom, and I will personally go out of the city to greet him when he returns in triumph."

The ministers had no objections to this.

Li Changfeng's contribution was so great that everyone was convinced.

Next, everyone began to discuss the specific matters of the triumphal ceremony. Li Chengye remained silent throughout the whole process, with his head lowered, and there was worry in his eyes that was difficult for ordinary people to detect.

He was not worried about the impact Li Changfeng would have on him. He had long given up his unrealistic illusions about the throne.

What worries him is that he has recently discovered that many people are asking about the dead soldiers who disappeared from his house.

He suspected that someone had found out what happened when he sent people to burn Li Changfeng's azure tree outside Baishi City, but he didn't know if there was any conclusive evidence.

This person may be Emperor Qianwu, or he may be Li Changfeng.

Once this matter is exposed, the consequences will be disastrous. Even if he is the legitimate prince and his mother is the current queen, he is afraid that he will not end well.

(End of this chapter)

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