Nuclear Warlord

Chapter 523: Be a relaxed emperor

Chapter 523: Be a relaxed emperor

Li Changfeng continued to talk.

"Delegation of power, as the name suggests, means decentralizing more power so that each government office has greater decision-making power. The emperor is responsible for formulating strategic policies and directions, and the prime minister is responsible for implementing the emperor's strategic policies and directions. Each performs his or her duties, and allows professional people to do their jobs. to improve work efficiency.”

As soon as this statement came out, the officials were overjoyed.

Li Changfeng's move undoubtedly gave them greater power.

As the Prime Minister, Feng Quji felt nervous.

Li Changfeng's move undoubtedly gave the prime minister greater power.

Since ancient times, the balance of power between the prime minister and the emperor has been a big problem. The prime minister's full strength is too small to be effective. Many prime ministers who have done nothing in history are actually not without talent, and it is precisely for this reason.

Too much power will pose a threat to the imperial power. In history, many powerful officials who dominated the world and even threatened the imperial power were caused by too much power.

If subsequent emperors fail to check and balance, history will inevitably repeat itself.

Feng Quji didn't want this to happen to Daqian, and he was a little dissatisfied with Li Changfeng's strategy.

Emperor Qianwu, who he understood, naturally understood, and his brows furrowed at this time.

In his mind, this has been denied.

But he didn't speak.

He was waiting for Li Changfeng's third point, hoping that things would turn around.

Li Changfeng saw the expressions of the ministers and smiled coldly in his heart.

He held up a third finger.

"Third, supervision! This is the core of this prince's policy strategy and the most important point! This prince will abolish the Yushitai and establish a new supervisory agency to monitor the governance of ministers. This supervisory agency will report directly to the emperor. The report is not subject to any restrictions from any department in the DPRK or China.”

Hearing this, Emperor Qianwu sighed secretly, feeling slightly disappointed with Li Changfeng.

Still too tender.

This kind of supervisory organization does not make much sense at all. The existence of such a useless thing as the Yushitai is proof. The official inspection mechanism of the Ministry of Personnel is not necessarily of much use. Even now, it is difficult to put an end to the situation of buying and selling officials.

Moreover, once this supervisory agency colludes with the officials, it will be too easy to deceive the emperor.

This is why he has done so many things himself over the years.

He wanted to interrupt Li Changfeng immediately, but after thinking about it, he endured it and waited for him to finish speaking before pointing out his inappropriateness, so that he could be more humble and no longer so headstrong.

Not only Emperor Qianwu, Feng Quji and many veterans who cared about the country and the country were also very disappointed.

Li Changfeng's talents may only lie in scientific research and business.

Governance is still not good.

Li Changfeng had already seen the clues from the subtle changes in everyone's expressions.

All of this was within his expectations.

He continued: "Since a new supervision agency has been established, new supervision standards must be established. The original official evaluation mechanism will also be completely abolished. All officials in charge of the yamen will implement a target system, or a task system. If they complete the evaluation, they will pass the evaluation. There is a chance to continue to serve, and if the job is completed well, there will be a chance to be promoted. If it is not completed, you will have to step down and make way for someone better!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Qianwu suddenly became interested.

Feng Quji also cheered up.

Li Changfeng continued: "This goal and task must be specific, expressed in numerical values, and visible to the people's eyes. Anything that is ambiguous and has a large room for manipulation will not be approved! The specific implementation method is as follows, Take the Minister of Railways as an example. He must make a three-year or five-year plan to determine how many miles of railways will be built within this period, the time points for completing each stage in several stages, and the number of kilometers to be completed. All must be made clear.

Of course, this plan must be submitted to the emperor for review. After passing the review, the supervisory department will be responsible for monitoring the implementation progress.

Because there are plans and standards, whether it is completed on time and how well it is completed, these cannot be faked. Rewards for good work, accountability or even dismissal for bad work, there is no room for flexible operation, and corruption is avoided. breed.

Of course, the Minister of Railways cannot do the specific construction work himself. He needs to ask his subordinates to formulate plans in the same way, and the completion progress of his subordinates must also be supervised. This goes back to what I said earlier that it is well-documented. There is evidence to rely on. "

Upon hearing this, Emperor Qianwu's eyes lit up.

Good way!

What a great idea!
The flexibility of the original official evaluation mechanism was too great. Often, whether a job was good or bad depended on the boss's words and the staff's pen.

Now we set the task goals first, and after they are digitized, they will not be so easy to fool.

As long as he is responsible for supervising the completion of the officials' mission goals, it will be fine, and he does not need to be responsible for many specific matters, which will greatly reduce the emperor's workload.

Why haven't I thought of this method before?

Feng Quji, who had been in officialdom for many years, was also shocked.

This is a transformative strategy that is enough to rewrite the history of the political system, remove the soil that breeds corruption, greatly improve efficiency, and give those parasites who are dawdling inaction nowhere to hide.

Li Changfeng continued.

"The Ministry of Railways is like this, and other government agencies can naturally do the same. For example, the county government closest to the people has formulated a plan to produce 1000 million kilograms of grain this year. Under high-pressure supervision, they must do a good job in reclaiming wasteland and digging canals to benefit people's livelihood. The progress of these tasks is something that can be truly seen, touched and counted, and no one can fool anyone."

This is called supervision!

This supervisory department can supervise anyone except the emperor!

But because everything has a set plan, this supervisory power will not be abused. Whether it is completed or not is not something they can fabricate out of thin air.

The entire official system is under supervision. Those who are capable of doing practical things will not be buried, and those who live in idleness will become history. Those who benefit are Daqian and the common people. "

Finally, Li Changfeng looked at Emperor Qianwu.

"My son, I've finished speaking."

He designed this set very carefully.

In his previous life, he was severely beaten by KPIs in major companies. He discussed domestic and foreign political systems with various experts in major forums. Having studied political economics, he came up with such a system that could greatly reduce the emperor's workload without affecting the imperial power. The method is too simple for him.

He knew it wasn't perfect, or even rough.

But it's enough in this world.

Civilization has not developed to a certain stage, and some more advanced methods are not available.

As long as this policy is strictly implemented, Daqian will surely take off at a faster rate.

Of course, the most important thing is that he can be a relaxed emperor in the future.

As soon as he finished speaking, Emperor Qianwu suddenly stood up.

"Okay! Great! What a way!"

Feng Quji was also shouting: "What a three-pronged strategy! They are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. In the future, officials will no longer be able to do anything practical even if they want to. If things go on like this, I will definitely be clean and upright in my work in officialdom!"

(End of this chapter)

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