Nuclear Warlord

Chapter 525 Spring Ni Breakthrough

Chapter 525 Spring Ni Breakthrough
All ministers are working on the written three-year plan unless they want to end their political careers.

Li Jianye led people from the procuratorate to supervise and did not give face to anyone.

The most elite artillery battalion and musketry battalion in Daqian were loyal to the royal family. In addition, the Zhennan Army was under the control of Li Changfeng's old subordinate Zhang Haihui, the navy in Daqian was under the control of Zhou Jianbo, who was promoted by Li Changfeng, and Zhao Yong was in control of the Japanese pirates. Hundreds of thousands of troops.

Therefore, there can be no chaos.

Even if there is chaos, Li Changfeng's strength can smooth everything out.

This is what gives him the confidence to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Emperor Qianwu had no objection to this.

Because he knew that Li Changfeng also wanted to engage in nuclear weapons research and development, which was related to whether Li Changfeng could continue to live in the future.

Another point is that he is very satisfied with Li Jianye's arrangements.

Taking a step back, if Li Changfeng is really killed by the Barbarian God in the future, Li Jianye will be able to inherit the throne after training in the court for a period of time.

Of course, Li Changfeng did not completely let it go.

He would hold a court meeting every nine days to allow the ministers to report on the progress of the plan, keep abreast of the dynamics of the court and the country as a whole, and make timely adjustments.

Overall, his workload is very light.

Just like that, another three months passed in the blink of an eye.

The development of nuclear weapons has entered the final sprint stage and will be assembled soon.

In order to launch a strike immediately after the experiment is successful, two of them are being assembled at the same time.

The dispatched prospectors have found a suitable nuclear test site, and Li Changfeng is in a good mood.

After such a long period of cultivation, Emperor Qianwu's blood pressure gradually dropped a lot, and the time he spent dizzy every day was greatly reduced. He was able to have more time to consult on Li Changfeng's affairs, and he often asked Li Jianye about his supervision.

This caused Li Changfeng to devote his energy completely to the development of nuclear weapons.


this day.

Li Changfeng, who had lived at the Nuclear Weapons Research Institute for a long time, returned home.

It has been more than half a month since he has interfered with state affairs. He plans to show up at the court meeting tomorrow to let the ministers make a report.

After asking the servants, he learned that Chunni was still practicing in seclusion, so Li Changfeng had no choice but to stay alone in the empty room.

He was so tired during this period that he fell asleep not long after lying down.

Not long after, he was awakened from his sleep by an unusually powerful aura.

After feeling it carefully, Li Changfeng showed surprise.

" it..."

He quickly stood up, put on his pajamas, and ran quickly towards the secret room in the backyard where Chunni was practicing in seclusion.

As he got closer, the powerful aura became clearer and clearer.

In the backyard, on the stone bench not far from the entrance to the secret room, the old monster was sitting there in a relaxed manner, drinking wine.

"Old man."

Li Changfeng said hello, looked at the secret room, and said in surprise: "Chunni...has she broken through to the Half-Step Immortal Realm?"

The old monster took a big sip of wine and said with some taste: "You are really lucky. You married such a monster with incredible qualifications. No wonder Taoist Qiu Ming didn't want that old boy to die!"

Although he did not answer directly, Li Changfeng heard that Chunni had indeed broken through to the Half-Step Immortal Realm.

Li Changfeng was overjoyed and laughed loudly: "Didn't you just get lucky?"

The old monster sighed: "As far as I know, in the thousands of years of history of the entire world of immortality, there has never been such a young half-step immortal. It is a certainty that he will achieve immortality in the future."

Hearing this, Li Changfeng subconsciously rubbed his hands in excitement.

I have a wife in fairyland, where can I go in all the world?
Once the Barbarian God is dealt with and Daqian's state affairs are sorted out into a virtuous circle, he will travel around the world with Chunni.

That is the life he yearns for.

Just when Li Changfeng was looking forward to the future, the door to the secret room slowly opened, and Chunni came in with a smile on his face. "Changfeng..."

"Chunni, have you become a half-immortal?"


"My wife is great!"

Li Changfeng laughed loudly and hugged Chunni into his arms.

The old monster took a sip of wine and said with some taste: "Stop showing off your affection in front of me. I've been tired of this ghost place for so long. Chunni, hurry up and practice as soon as possible to become a human immortal. Let's work together to kill him." After becoming the Barbarian God, I will continue to travel around the world."

Chunni blushed with embarrassment, pushed Li Changfeng away and bowed slightly towards the old monster: "Don't worry, senior, I will work hard."

The old monster waved his hand, turned and left.

Li Changfeng was afraid that he would really slap his butt and run away, so he quickly shouted: "Old senior, nuclear weapons are about to be successfully developed and nuclear tests are about to begin. You can't miss the scene of destruction of the world and the earth!"

The old monster said without looking back: "I know."

As soon as the words fell, the person disappeared into the darkness.

Chunni knew the important news of this matter and said in surprise: "Are nuclear weapons really going to be developed soon?"

Li Changfeng took Chunni's hand and ran to the bedroom.

"That's right, come on, stop talking about this, I'm almost exhausted!"


Chunni suddenly had a pretty face.

Ever since Li Changfeng became the crown prince, he had changed the originally abnormal morning court time to start half an hour after dawn.

So throughout the night until dawn, the two of them unlocked several new tricks, which was simply wonderful.

Chunni was worried about Man Shen, so after getting up, she continued to practice in seclusion.

Li Changfeng put on a four-clawed python robe and went straight to the Xuanzheng Hall.

The ministers first worshiped Emperor Qianwu and then Li Changfeng.

Then each yamen made a work report, and Li Jianye reported the inspection results.

Those who have completed phased tasks will be recognized, and those who have not completed the tasks will be explained. If there is no sufficient reason, they will be punished and dismissed. The efficiency of the meeting is very high.

At the end of the morning court, Emperor Qianwu called Li Changfeng to the imperial study.

Seeing that Emperor Qianwu was in good spirits and even looked rosy, Li Changfeng smiled and said, "Father, it seems that you have cultivated yourself well."

Emperor Qianwu laughed and said: "Well, that's right. There is no problem in living like this for more than ten years. It's all your fault, brat. If you had become the prince earlier and suggested these methods, how could I become sick from fatigue?"

Li Changfeng chuckled: "Isn't it too late now? Father, you are a warrior. You have a good foundation for recovering quickly, and your health will only get better and better."

Emperor Qianwu glared at Li Changfeng, did not continue the topic, and asked solemnly: "How is the nuclear weapons manufacturing going?"

As long as the Barbarian God is not eliminated, Emperor Qianwu will feel like he is stuck in his throat.

"It's almost time. The Barbarian God won't live long."

Li Changfeng said firmly.

Li Jianye naturally knew that Li Changfeng had been working on nuclear weapons in the scientific research institute, but he did not know that this weapon was used to deal with the primitive gods.

At this time, he heard clues from the words of the two people, and he was suddenly surprised: "Brother Ninth, are you researching nuclear weapons to destroy human beings and immortals!?"

Li Changfeng nodded: "Yes, this matter is of great importance and has been carried out in secret."

Li Jianye was stunned.

It was hard for him to imagine what kind of weapon it was that could kill even human beings and immortals.

What's more, he never knew about this.

(End of this chapter)

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