Chapter 67 Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Emperor Ganwu was a little curious at first, but then he heard from everyone's words that someone was going to tell a story, and he lost interest immediately.

He was in the capital, and occasionally patrolled privately in a private suit. He had never seen any theater troupe storyteller, and he was tired of hearing those ordinary stories.

In the mere border of Baishi City, there are few literati, what interesting stories can they make up?

Not only him, but also Li Jianye and Gao Dali lacked interest.

At this moment, a storyteller in a long gown came to the stage and first bowed to the three of Emperor Qianwu.

"The three honored guests in the emperor's suite, you are very polite, I wish the three good fortune and good health!"

After finishing speaking, he slightly arched his hands towards everyone in the hall.

"Hello, gentlemen!"

The big difference in attitude before and after made Emperor Qianwu very happy, secretly thinking that the 880 eight taels was really worth the money.

Mr. Storyteller slapped the gavel hard, and everyone's eyes turned to him.

"Last time I preached that Zhuge Kongming had no generals by his side, only a group of powerless civil servants. Half of the [-] soldiers under his command went to escort food and grass. Sima Yi's army is coming..."

Hearing this, Emperor Qianwu immediately lost interest.

Mere storyteller, how do you know how to arrange troops?
The army has no generals, and the soldiers are no more than [-] people. How can they defend the city?
Abandoning the city is the best policy.

Gao Dali used to fight with Emperor Qianwu in the north and south, so he naturally knew some military strategies, so he thought so.

Emperor Qianwu became interested in taking the exam, and asked, "Jianye, if you were Zhuge Kongming, what should you do?"

After pondering for a moment, Li Jianye said: "Anyway, the city can't be defended, so it should be set on fire to burn it clean, and it must not be left to the enemy!"

Emperor Ganwu nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, I have the qualifications of a great general!"

Gao Dali at the side added the icing on the cake and said, "Your Majesty... the master has a son like this, it's really a blessing for me to work hard!"

Emperor Ganwu smiled lightly and did not speak, but it could be seen from the slightly raised eyebrows that he was also very happy.

But the storyteller continued: "Everyone was in a panic, but seeing Zhuge Kongming's expression was indifferent, he ordered the banners to be hidden and the soldiers to stand still, and the gates of the city were opened wide, and twenty soldiers were sent to look like ordinary people to sprinkle water and sweep the streets! "

Hearing this, Emperor Qianwu couldn't help frowning.

The army is approaching, so it's fine if you don't abandon the city and flee, but you still open the city gate, isn't this courting death?
Is it impossible to rebel?
Having said that, Mr. Storyteller slapped the gavel again, his voice raised a lot.

"However, Zhuge Kongming led two little bookboys, brought a qin, sat down on the railing in front of the enemy building on the top of the city, lit incense, and played the qin leisurely and contentedly!"

Hearing this, Emperor Qianwu was immediately aroused.

Playing the piano at this time, is it because you know that you have no way to return to heaven, and you can't die with dignity?
The guests in the lobby on the first floor also stared at Mr. Storyteller curiously.

"Not long after, the vanguard troops approached the city, and they were intimidated by Zhuge Kongming's aura, so they didn't dare to sneak in rashly, so they had to report it to the old thief Sima!"

Hearing this, Emperor Qianwu showed anger.

What a brave and foolish leading general, if he has such a waste under his command, he will be beheaded to show the public!
Mr. Storyteller continues:

"Old thief Sima was quite puzzled after receiving the report, and ordered the three armies to stop. Seeing Zhuge Kongming sitting on the top of the tower with a smile on his face, he immediately became suspicious, so he ordered the three armies to retreat."

"His son Sima Zhao was puzzled. Sima Yi said: Zhuge Liang was cautious all his life and never took any risks. Now that the city gate is wide open, there must be an ambush inside. If our army enters, we will fall into his plan. We should retreat!"

In the end, Mr. Storyteller commented: "Zhuge Kongming knew that Sima Yi was suspicious by nature and cautious in using troops, so he set up this empty city plan, which is really a talent for the stability of the country!"

Hearing this, Emperor Ganwu stood up abruptly and couldn't help clapping his hands.

"it is good!"

"The momentum is like Mount Tai, and he is not chaotic in the face of danger. He is really a great talent!"

"Know yourself and the enemy before you can strategize, what a plan!"

Emperor Qianwu, who had spent half his life as a soldier, knew that if this plan was to be successful, it would require great courage and determination, as well as a very good understanding of the enemy generals.

Throughout the past and present, there has never been such a great talent!

If there are people with such talents in reality, they will definitely be able to stabilize the country!

People who can write such exquisite and unsurpassed stories are definitely not ordinary people, and they must be extremely skilled in military strategy.

He asked curiously: "This storyteller, do you know who wrote this book?"

The storyteller hurriedly bowed and bowed, with a respectful expression: "This book is written by His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince. It is called "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Hearing this, Emperor Qianwu was stunned on the spot, with an incredulous look on his face: "It's actually written by him?!"

Mr. Storyteller was obviously accustomed to such situations, and said quite proudly: "Your Excellency must be a wealthy person to live in the emperor's suite, but your highness is so talented, it is beyond what we can imagine."

Speaking of this, Mr. Storyteller couldn’t help showing a look of amazement, and said in admiration: "What is the calculation of an empty city? The battle of Chibi, six out of Qishan, seven captures of Menghuo, and riding alone for thousands of miles, which one is not perfect? ​​In my opinion, Even in actual combat, there is a lot to learn from!"

Such a high evaluation made Emperor Qianwu very interested.

You know, he also rose from the troubled times, killed the princes from all walks of life, and conquered the world with countless talents.

Before the universe was settled, the chaos in the world had the same effect as this story.

Emperor Ganwu immediately beckoned: "Sir, come and sit with me, and tell me how these stories you said can be used for reference in actual combat!"

Emperor Ganwu, who had been a soldier for half his life, was very good at military strategy. He hoped to learn a thing or two from it, and he wanted to know whether his nine sons understood military strategy.

Mr. Storyteller looked at Boss Xu with some embarrassment, obviously it was not up to him to decide.

"Three distinguished guests, you are honorable, so it is not uncommon for you to let the gentleman speak to you alone!"

Speaking of this, Boss Xu chuckled and rubbed his hands: "It's just that you have seen how popular our storyteller is, and the fee..."

Emperor Qianwu couldn't help but rolled his eyes, the upper beams of Baishi City are indeed not straight and the lower beams are crooked, Xiao Jiu is like this, and so are his subordinates.But he really wanted to continue listening, so he looked at Gao Dali.

Gao Dali understood, quickly took out a hundred taels of silver bill from his pocket, and handed it over with heartache: "Good storytelling, I can't do without you!"

He knew that a few taels of silver would not be enough to move, so he simply asked for 100 taels.

Boss Xu's eyes lit up immediately, he quickly put away the bank notes, and respectfully said to Emperor Qianwu: "Three honorable guests in the Emperor's Suite, this place is noisy, why don't you let the storyteller go to the Emperor's Suite and tell you three alone?"

Emperor Ganwu nodded.

"it is good!"

After speaking, he got up and went straight to the elevator.

Li Jianye was fascinated by the story just now, but it was much more pleasant and interesting than the teacher in the palace told him before. At this time, he also became very interested in other stories told by the storyteller.

At the same time, he was a little surprised that Brother Nine Emperors had such talent and could write such interesting stories!

Some guests were a little annoyed when they saw this scene, and they criticized one after another. Boss Xu glared: "If any of you can live in the emperor's suite, you can pay a hundred taels of silver, so can you!"

A group of diners spat and cursed a few times, but it was hard to talk about it. Who told them that they really had no money.


After a night's rest, Feng Shi and Zi Yang recovered a lot, and the injuries they suffered were not serious, so they changed out of their night clothes and put on ordinary people's clothes, and walked onto the street.

Last night, they were busy fleeing and hiding, so they didn't pay much attention to it. Now the sun is shining brightly. When they walked to the street, the two just discovered the prosperity and cleanliness of Baishi City.

As far as the eye can see, there are three-to-five-story high-rise buildings everywhere, and the streets are very tidy, there is no sewage like other towns, and yellow and white things can be seen everywhere.

Except that the roadway is paved with flat stone slabs, the main street is covered with a layer of black sand particles. When you step on it, it feels smooth and soft, and you won't feel your feet hurt after walking for a long time.

The two were walking on the street, the more they watched, the more shocked they became.

Because the various things in Baishi City are far beyond their imagination.

There is still such a clean and extraordinary strong city in the world.

Feng Shi is also well-informed. He thought that Baishi City was just a solid city wall ten feet high, but he didn't expect the city to be so bustling and bustling. Except that it was not as big as the capital city, it was not better than the capital city in any way.

Before that, they didn't know anything about it, even the power of Fengtian Society spread all over the world, but they didn't have the slightest news.

(End of this chapter)

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