I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 116 Wedding, bonfire party, come to a song?

Chapter 116 Wedding, bonfire party, a song?
Host: Zhou You

Remaining life points: 15 points

Accumulated life points: 265 points

Number of lucky draws: 1 times

Today I was gliding, riding horses, going around the lake, and staying at Tashi’s house. I felt very happy and earned more money than usual.

But still didn't earn enough for two consecutive draws.

After Zhou You ordered the lottery draw in his mind, four golden cloud pattern cards appeared in front of his eyes.

Travel around and select the first one directly.

The golden card is enlarged, turned over, and the golden light blooms.

【Congratulations for winning the song "Write the Story as Us"】

Finally got a piece by JJ...Zhou Wang Taolin, now only Wang's work has not been drawn.

Taking stock of the works drawn before, Zhou You hardly picked any sweet love songs.

And this song "Write the Story as Us" is very sweet.

This song is JJ's collaboration with Wen Shan again after "Drunken Red Cliff".

Wenshan wrote the lyrics.

Composed by JJ.

This song is also the theme song created for the comprehensive cultural and creative project of the Forbidden City's cultural communication "Gong Xi, Dragon and Phoenix Bringing Prosperity".

The song tells a romantic love story.

It is also a romantic confession.

Why did you pick up this song today?

Is it because the system smells the sour smell of love between Tashi Tudeng and Yang Jin?

This system really "keeps up with current events".

After completing the lottery tour, close your eyes and fall into a deep sleep.


Zhou You and Li Yan got up early the next day.

After all, today is a day of great joy for Tashi Tudeng.

The two of them will follow Tashi Tudeng to Yang Jin's house to welcome their relatives.

Putting on the "wide robe and big sleeves" that Tashi sent last night, Zhou You and Li Yan instantly felt an unprecedented joy.

Even though it was Tashi Tudeng's wedding, they felt very happy...it felt like they were getting married.

Last night, Zhou You and Li Yan had already discussed and sealed a big red envelope for Tashi Tudeng.

Red envelopes and cash are all asked for by princes.

Wang Hou sent a staff member to a nearby store to buy a stack of red envelopes and took out a thick wad of cash.

Wang Hou said that the money was paid by the program group.

Zhou You said that this is our own share of the money, and we must be sincere, so he sent the money to the prince through WeChat, and the prince readily accepted it.

Today Wang Hou went to the bride Yang Jin's house to shoot material early in the morning.

Xu Feifan, Wang Jia, and the assistant director stayed to shoot the scenes of Tashi's family.

It is very rare to encounter a U-Tsang wedding.

How could such meaningful material be missed?

The prince consulted Tashi Tudeng and the bride Yang Jin's family for consent, and then made a shooting plan.On the one hand, this is very special and meaningful material.

On the other hand, in order to thank the Tashi family for their hospitality, the prince planned to shoot a group of wedding documentaries for them.

In this way, the videographers and photographers invited by Tashi's family are very embarrassing... Come on, someone is robbing us of our jobs!
However, a cameraman and a photographer have been hired, and the Tashi family did not return them.

After all, if they hadn't been hired at the beginning, they would have taken another filming order that day... Well, today they can play as they please, and they will pay as they like.

Zhou You and Li Yan, who put on Wei Zang costumes, opened the door and came out, and immediately handed the red envelope to the groom Tashi Tudeng.

Tashi Tudeng said thank you repeatedly, and then returned a gift bag to each of them.

Inside was a beautiful little ornament.

It is said that every guest who comes that day will receive such a gift bag.

Tashi Tudeng has already changed into the groom's clothes.

It was a gorgeous and beautiful groom's attire, with golden colors and beautiful patterns, and the tall Tashi Tudeng looked like a king.

Wearing coral and dzi beads.

It's the same as yesterday's Tashi Tudeng completely changed.

Too manly!
So handsome!

All the people in Tashi's house, old and young, men and women, are already busy. His cousins, cousins, and best man have all arrived at his home.

And all dressed up to attend.

Wear traditional U-Tsang clothing.


So much so that traveling around creates an illusion of traveling through time and space... This custom has been passed down from generation to generation to the present, and will also be passed down to the future.

U-Tsang has done a good job in protecting its own culture.

The blue star is different from the earth,
Most weddings on Earth have been Westernized.

But in Blue Star, traditional oriental weddings are very popular... After all, the Star Federation was established and operated by orientals.

Although each region still maintains its own regional cultural characteristics, oriental culture has penetrated into all aspects of life of the people of the Federation.

Tashi Tudeng did not decorate the wedding car.

Because Yang Jin's house is in the village, not far away.

He chose the traditional horse team to welcome his relatives.

The day before the wedding ceremony, Tashi Tudeng had sent the bride's wedding dress to Yang Jin's home for Yang Jin to wear.

everything's ready.

When the auspicious time arrived when the astrologer was asked to predict, Tashi Tudeng's wedding cavalry set off in a mighty manner, heading for Yangjin's house.

The horse team is very ornately decorated.

The Tashi family invited a respected elder to lead the team, and he brought colorful arrows decorated with bright mirrors, jade, and beads.

Take a pregnant and well-dressed mare that matches the color of the woman's genus and go to the woman's house to meet the bride.

This pregnant mare will be ridden by Yang Jin to the groom's house later.

Zhou You and Li Yan followed the horse team to Yang Jin's house.

Wherever I went around on this day, everyone in the village was dressed in traditional U-Tibet costumes, even children.

All kinds of We Zang costumes are colorful and of different styles.

Full of We-Tibet amorous feelings.

Zhou You even had the illusion of participating in a fashion show.

These clothes are so beautiful.

The welcoming cavalry marched towards Yangjin's house, and Tashi Tudeng's face was filled with anticipation and a happy smile.

The laughter is so lively.

[Participate in Tashi Tudeng's welcoming team, life point +1]

Finally Tashi Tudeng entered Yangjin's house.

After the welcoming team enters the door, they first put colorful arrows on the bride's back, and then put jade on the bride's head, indicating that the bride has belonged to the Tashi family.

After receiving the bride, the horse team went around the village.

At a pagoda in the village, go around the pagoda three times.

Turning mountains and rivers, turning Buddhist pagodas... U-Tibet people really like "turning".

After three laps around the pagoda, the welcoming horse team finally headed towards Tashi's house.

Tashi's family members were already waiting.

There is an iron pot standing at the intersection.

Pines and cypresses and barley are burning in the iron pot, and the aroma of pine, cypresses and barley can be smelled from a distance.

This is praying!
The guests have also arrived one after another.

Waiting for the return of the welcoming team at Tashi's house.

When the horse team arrived at Tashi's house, the horse that Yang Jin was riding on stopped in front of the mat that had already been prepared.

The mat is a bag containing highland barley and wheat, covered with multicolored brocade, and on the surface is a specific pattern made of highland barley and tea leaves.

After Yang Jin dismounted,
Tashi Tudeng's sister helped Yang Jin take off his hat, and a respectable elder held a khata to welcome the couple into the arena.

After entering the arena, the two newlyweds walked around the cypress branch that had just been burned three times.

After that, cypress branches were sprinkled, and water and milk were dipped on the branches to worship the gods.

Then continue to circle around and pray for blessings.

The whole ritual procedure is complicated and complex.

But in the eyes of a foreigner like Zhou You, it is both rare and grand.

As Tashi Tudeng said, Yang Jin is a beautiful girl.

Her skin is not as white as the girls in Jinguan City.

But it's not black either.

It is a very healthy wheat color.

Her outfit today is grand and stunning.

Yang Jin's long hair is braided into thin braids. It is said that the braids are braided with ghee, which is similar to hair gel.

The braided braids are fixed and combed, and then put on beautiful headgear, which looks gentle and dignified.

She was wearing a golden bridal gown.

Wearing Bazhu, Gawu, bracelets, gold, Tibetan silver and many other accessories.

Wearing Tibetan beeswax on the head.

"Yang Jin is so amazing today." Li Yan couldn't help admiring, "If you can marry such a Wei Zang girl, this life is enough."

"You said the same thing when I saw the girl from Jinguancheng last time in Jinguancheng." Zhou You ruthlessly exposed Li Yan.

"I admit, I have a little love for beauty." Li Yan said.

"Are you a beauty lover? Obviously lustful." Zhou You said.

Li Yan didn't feel embarrassed when he was seen through, he just said: "Yes, I am lustful."

This guy is not fake at all.

The tedious ceremony is still going on.

Tashi's family invited a highly respected Living Buddha.

The bride and groom bow down to the Living Buddha.

The living Buddha poured "holy water" for the two, and Tashi Tudeng and Yang Jin wiped the "holy water" on their faces.

Then the living Buddha offered a khata to the two.

The Living Buddha will lightly tap the couple's head with a magic utensil, and at the end everyone will throw barley together and pray for blessings.

After the grand ceremony ended, the families of Tashi’s family and Yangjin’s family began to serve the prepared dishes on the table, including yak meat, buns, and of course barley wine and buttered tea.

A table is full.

All dishes are U-Tibetan style.

Yak meat and buns were prepared yesterday.

Zhou You and Li Yan also sat down under the arrangement of Lao Tashi.

They sat at a table with the villagers of Gongmi Village.

There are old people and children at the same table.

Among them was an eight or nine-year-old kid sitting next to Li Yan holding a white lamb. He didn't care about eating, and his thoughts were all on the lamb in his arms.

The camera brother also noticed him.

Give this kid a shot every now and then.

A little boy holding a lamb... This is a very strange picture.

"What's your name?" Li Yan took the initiative to talk to the little boy out of curiosity.

Hearing the sound, the little boy looked up at Zhou You and Li Yan, and then at the camera that had been shooting at the side.

"Yundan Gyatso," said the little boy.

He is a little shy.

Mandarin is not very standard either.

"My name is Li Yan." Li Yan said with the intention of making friends with Yundan Gyatso.

"Oh," the little boy touched the lamb in his arms, "I don't know you."

"It's okay. We know each other now." Li Yan said, "Is this your lamb?"

"Yes." Yundan Gyatso nodded, the plateau red on his face made him look very innocent and cute.

"How long have you been raising it?" Li Yan, a chatterbox, could chat with anyone.

"Three months." Yunten Gyatso said.

"Can I give you a hug?" Li Yan reached out and touched the little lamb.

The little lamb is very docile and cute... No wonder I saw many tourists taking photos with the little lamb on the viewing platform yesterday.

There is also a Tibetan mastiff on the viewing platform.

Li Yan took a photo with the Tibetan mastiff wearing sunglasses.

It costs 20 yuan.

Zhou You didn't take a photo with the Tibetan mastiff on the viewing platform, because Zhou You felt that the Tibetan mastiff was only ferocious... A Tibetan mastiff that is not ferocious enough has no soul.

Because the Tibetan mastiff itself is not a docile and lovely animal.

Hmm... Zhou You thinks that Li Yan took a photo with the Tibetan mastiff because his white German Shepherd in the spruce forest ignored him, and since then he has been nicknamed "Goubuli".

So he got close to the Tibetan mastiff at the observation deck, and spent money to ask for a photo... The key is that the Tibetan mastiff looked disgusted in the photo he took.Not only has the title of Goubuli not been removed, but it has made people even more impressive.

"Yes, but you can't hug it." Yunten Gyatso said, he cares about his little lamb very much.

Li Yan picked up the lamb, "Hey, it's quite heavy. It's soft, and its fur is so comfortable."

Li Yan hugged the lamb and showed it off to Zhou You.

He felt strange.

At the same time, I thought of the sweet teahouse in Jalan Sa, the old man who brought the sheep here to drink sweet tea and turn around every day.

Now this little lamb is very cute, and it will be cute when it grows up... But at the same time, Li Yan thought of a question, he asked Yundan Gyatso: "This little lamb has grown up, will you still eat it in the future?"

Yundan Gyatso: "Huh?"

Yundan Gyatso was obviously confused by the question.

The little lamb is so cute why eat it?

Li Yan has a sincere heart that perseveres in pursuing the truth, and asked: "Will you eat it after raising it?"

Yundan Gyatso was still in a daze, not knowing how to answer the strange brother's question for a moment.

Zhou You was numb listening to others.

Why does it feel like Li Yan is possessed by Jiang Chuxue?

When Jiang Chuxue picked up a small puffer fish when he was catching the sea, the first question he asked was can it be eaten?Now Li Yan saw the lamb and asked if he would eat it?

It's just the same.

After seeing Li Yan's repeated questioning, the atmosphere became awkward. Zhou You said, "I have grown up with feelings since I was a child, so I definitely don't know how to eat."

"And this is releasing sheep."

"Look at its ears, they have red ribbons on them."

Those who release lives believe that releasing animals can ward off disasters and avoid misfortunes, and can accumulate merits and virtues in exchange for happiness... Once a sheep becomes a free sheep, it will not have to worry about being slaughtered by humans in its entire life.

You can spend the rest of your life without worry.

Hearing Zhou You say that this is releasing sheep, Li Yan finally realized how stupid the question he asked just now, even praised the cute little lamb, and changed the subject.

As long as I am not embarrassed, it is someone else.

After chatting with Yundan Gyatso for a while, Li Yan wandered around earnestly eating vegetables and drinking buttered tea.

Slowly Tashi Tudeng and Yang Jin came over to toast.

Tashi Tudeng respected those who helped today.

Zhou You and Li Yan were also those who helped pick up the relatives, so soon the husband and wife came to Zhou You and Li Yan.

Tashi Tudeng said that he was honored to have Zhou You and Li Yan participate in his wedding, which made his wedding so special.

Zhou You Li Yan also said that it was their honor to witness their happiness.

"I wish you a happy wedding, a happy marriage for a hundred years, and an early baby." Li Yan said.

When it came to Zhou You's side, his blessings became more meaningful, "Li Yan has blessed you with three words, and I can't be less than him. I wish you all the best wishes, early births, early births, and early births!"

It was almost said to have a precious child early, a precious child early, or a fucking precious child... The poison in "Let the Bullets Fly" is a bit deep.

The three consecutive premature births amuse the villagers present, and the bride Yang Jin burst into laughter.

After Zhaxi Tudeng and Zhou You got acquainted, he was also quite amusing, even saying: "Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can only say: Work hard, work hard, work hard!"

"Are you still on the couplet?" Li Yan teased.

The atmosphere is very lively.

The process of toasting is very long.

Tashi Tudeng and Yang Jin toasted one by one.

The most admirable thing is that Tashi Tudeng is really drinking.

Drink one cup at a time.

In the end, he was not even drunk.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The guests began to offer their hada and blessings to the newlyweds Tashi Tudeng and Yang Jin after the toast.

All the guests lined up in a long line.

Hada in hand.

The hada offering team of hundreds of people is spectacular.

No matter men, women or children, all queued up to send khatas.

Such a scene moved onlookers like Zhou You and Li Yan.

Tashi Tudeng and Yang Jin stood on the stage, welcoming blessings.

Every time a khata is offered by the guests, the newcomer has to bow his head once. After receiving hundreds of blessings, the khata is already hung around his neck.

This is all a blessing.

People traveling around Li Yan and the program group also presented hada.

Wang Jia was moved and cried when she saw this scene.

Xu Feifei handed him a tissue from the side.

Wang Jia: "I'm so happy, I'm so touched."

Xu Feifei: "Such a ceremony is much more romantic than talking about a lifetime in a hotel."

Wang Jia: "That's right... I wish I could have a wedding like this."

Xu Feifan: "Let's find a boyfriend from Wei Zang."

Girls are emotional animals.

Always moved to tears for romance and happiness.


The wedding ceremony of Tashi Tudeng and Yang Jin ended after the guests presented Hada.

But Zhou You heard that this kind of khata offering will last for many days, and in the next few days, people will continue to come to offer khata...

But they've done it anyway.

With the blessings of the whole village and all relatives and friends, they entered the palace of marriage.

Zhou You and Li Yan thought it was over, and planned to bid farewell to Tashi's family in the afternoon.

As a result, both Tashi Tudeng and Yang Jin persuaded them to stay, "Let's leave after tonight."

Zhou You: "I won't bother you tonight with wedding candles in your bridal chamber."

Li Yan: "Give birth to a precious son early, give birth to a precious son early, give birth to a precious son early."

Zhou You: "Are you a ruthless repeater?"

Li Yan: "I learned from you."

Zhou You: "I didn't learn the essence."

While the two were bickering, Tashi Tudeng said, "There will be a bonfire party tonight, it's fun, everyone sings and dances together."

When Tashi Tudeng said this, Zhou You and Li Yan immediately became interested.

Li Yan: "I've heard that Wei Zang's bonfire party has singing and dancing. I've always wanted to join, but I haven't met it. This time I finally met."

Zhou You: "Then let's play again."

Li Yan: "Play one more night."

Call it a bonfire.

But in fact, from the afternoon, the guests have already started carnival.

Sing and dance.

Everyone held hands, shoulder to shoulder, sang songs, danced... until the sunset and moon rose, and jumped until the bonfire was lit.

[Singing and dancing with the locals in U-Tibet, life points +1]

[Participating in the bonfire party for the first time, life point +1]

Night falls.

The smiling faces of the people seem to be more brilliant under the light of the bonfire.


Have fun.

Dance to the fullest.

Show your voice.

The villagers sang U-Tsang songs to send blessings to the couple.

Some young people from Weizang also brought guitars and stereos.

In the singing and dancing, be intoxicated in this happy and joyful night.

Li Yan was having fun and went to the center of the circle to sing a song.

This guy can sing really well.

After offering his blessings and receiving warm applause, he handed the microphone to Zhou You: "Professional player, how about a song?"



The second update, 5000 word chapters.[-]D update sent.

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(End of this chapter)

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