I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 121 Glacier, ancient tomb?

Chapter 121 Glacier, ancient tomb?
"Life Like a Summer Flower" and "I'm Not the God of Medicine" reminded Zhou You of the "motorcycle traveler" couple he met not long ago.

Tao Yiran, who is suffering from cancer, and her boyfriend Lin Hao.

They should have arrived in Jasa, right?
I don't know what's going on now.

After encountering them last time, they got "Life Like Summer Flowers" and now "I'm Not the God of Medicine". Zhou You felt that although the rewards of each lottery were random, they were not random.

It and what's going on around it,

and what you see.

Now Dayu Studio is filming and producing "Legend of Sword and Fairy", and "I'm Not the God of Medicine" can also find a director to shoot.

The movie grossed over 30 billion worldwide.

That was still in 2018.

However, there is a big difference between the era background of Blue Star and Earth, the script needs to be adjusted and revised... Zhou You thought in his heart.

After thinking about it, I fell into a sweet dream.


The next day, the sky was bright and Zhou You got up early.

Bring a camera and a tripod to Pumoyongcuo Lake to wait for the sunrise and take photos of Jinshan in the sunshine.

Unfortunately, the clouds were too thick that day. Although the sun came out, the sunlight was covered by the clouds.

The cloud is inlaid with gold.

But the wonderful scene of sunshine shining on Jinshan did not appear.

It made Zhou You want to use the "Children of the Weather" card.

But after thinking about it for a while, Mount Everest and Kailash Jinshan will be more exciting and spectacular, and it is most suitable to stay with the weather card until then.

What if the weather is not beautiful?
I didn't feel depressed when I didn't take pictures of the morning sunshine and Jinshan tour.

Because Pumo Yongcuo in the morning is also extremely beautiful.

After traveling around the shore, I discovered that there are many fish swimming in the clear and translucent lake.

The fish were swimming freely, they were not afraid of Zhou You, and Zhou You stared at them for a long, long time.

"Want to eat fish?" The simple Wangdui came to Zhou You's side at some point.

"Doesn't U-Tibet people not eat fish?" Zhou You looked at Wangdui.

There are many fish in the large and small lakes in U-Tsang, but fishing is not allowed.Furthermore, U-Tibetans don't eat fish... for the specific reason, Zhou You doesn't know.

Could it be related to water burial?
This is just Zhou You's personal guess.

"We make food for people in the village," Wangdui said.

I learned from traveling around Wangduikou that Pumoyongcuo's fish is allowed to be caught.

This is also the only holy lake where fishing is allowed in U-Tsang.

You can even go fishing here.

Zhou You really wanted to fish here for a day... But seeing such a beautiful lake view and seeing these free fish, he always felt that fishing here was a blasphemy against the holy lake.

So I dismissed that thought.

"No." Zhou You said, "Eating them always makes my conscience uneasy."

After chatting for a long time, Li Yan came out slowly. He carried a huge oxygen tank on his shoulder...it looked like he was carrying a bazooka.

Pretty hilarious.

"The oxygen supply of your love is too exaggerated." Zhou You said.

"After sleeping, the high fever worsened." Li Yan said, "I can only come out with the oxygen tank on my shoulders, and I'm dead."

"I think you should lie down peacefully." Zhou You said.

Carrying an oxygen tank to inhale oxygen... It's a bit of a dish and a playful taste.

In the morning, Wangdui sat with Zhou You and Li Yan in front of Pumo Yongcuo for a long time.

They didn't speak to each other.

Just looking at Pumo Yuncuo.

Looking at the snow-capped mountains.

blowing wind.

Wangdui handed him a cigarette.

This pack of cigarettes was given to him by Wang Hou last night.

Zhou You does not smoke, so he refused.

Wangdui lit one by himself and smoked slowly.His life seems to always be so slow.It is said that children in U-Tibet pastoral areas learn to smoke very early.

When grazing, smoke one slowly to pass the time.

Watching the blue-white smoke slowly rise and disperse, and the flock of sheep grazing with their heads down, there is no trouble at all, as if this cigarette can be smoked for a lifetime.

Pumo Yuncuo just traveled around and stopped by them to have a look.

Pumoyongcuo in summer is beautiful, but it is far less than the frozen blue ice lake in winter.

So they continued to stay for half a day, then set off for the next stop.

From last night until now, Li Yan tried to strike up a conversation with the lazy shepherd dog, but the dog ignored him...

Goubuli has penetrated deeply into his bone marrow.

After bidding farewell to Wangdui, Zhou You and his party drove south along the dirt road along the lake in Pumoyongcuo, and their destination was "Tsogyal Glacier".

Tsogyal Glacier is also known as 40 Glacier.

It got its name from Boundary Pillar 40.

But Blue Star does not have this boundary marker, so Blue Star still calls Tsogyal Glacier.

Starting from Pumoyongcuo to Tsojia Glacier, you have to drive about 50 kilometers along the dirt road of Pumoyongcuo, pass through a vast grassland, and then continue to drive southward for 30 kilometers.

The car was driving and the mobile phone signal disappeared again.

Car navigation doesn't work either.

Entered a dangerous no man's land.

Haodo Dorji is an experienced travel guide.

He has driven the road from Pumoyongcuo to Tsogyal Glacier many times, so he will not get lost when traveling around.

Entering the no-man's land, although it is deserted and inhabited, you can occasionally see wild animals.

Such as Tibetan antelope, blue sheep.

Because of the bad road conditions, driving was very slow.

Traveling along the way, I paid attention to the scene of no man's land outside the car window.

He even saw pikas emerging from their burrows not far away to graze.

But this pika didn't notice the Tibetan fox waiting for an opportunity.

The pika was grazing intently, unaware of the impending danger.Tibetan foxes hunted swiftly.

Before the pika could react, it became a delicious meal for the Tibetan fox.

Although Tibetan fox hunting is not as grand as wolves attacking sheep, it is equally shocking to witness.

The 80-kilometer road took nearly two hours.

Finally arrived at Tsogyal Glacier.

It is worth mentioning that the Tsogyal Glacier is not accessible at will.

To enter the Tsogyal Glacier, you need to register and press your ID card and other documents on the management staff. (Earth also needs a border defense certificate).

Unfortunately, drones cannot be brought in either.

Only the drone was left behind, and the group plunged into the entrance of the Tsogyal Glacier and headed towards the glacier.

Before departure, the staff also told: "You have to come down before 17:00."

The lowest point of Tsogyal Glacier is 5300 meters above sea level, and the highest point is 5500 meters above sea level.
Zhou You's special soldier physique made him feel nothing strange.

Li Yan completely needs to carry the oxygen tank... Although he doesn't need to inhale all the time, it is in case of emergency.

Li Yan: "Is your body made of iron? It's already at an altitude of 5300, and there is no high anti-reflex at all."

Zhou You: "Maybe I have plateau blood."

Li Yan: "I'm so envious."

The red mustang stopped.

The Tsogyal Glacier has appeared in front of us.

It is not as white as the snow mountain.

But the shock felt in front of the glacier completely exceeds the snow mountain.


This is permafrost.

These ices have been formed over thousands of years.

Looking at the glacier from a distance, Zhou You felt like traveling through time and space... as if he had traveled thousands of years ago.

A primitive sense of antiquity is oppressive.

It was as if thousands of years had passed over her body!


The mighty power and mystery of nature demonstrate its uncanny workmanship.

In the next time, Zhou You Li Yan got off the car and walked forward. They wanted to climb up the mountain in front, go to the foot of the glacier, and get close to the glacier.

Climbing at 5300 meters is fine for Zhou You, but Li Yan needs oxygen in his hand, walking for a while and resting for a while.

Climb slowly.

Zhou You soon came to the bottom of the glacier.

Looking up at the glacier from the bottom of the glacier!

The glacier must be 20 meters high.

The glaciers that have spanned thousands of years stand there like ice forests.

Reflects bright sunlight.

[Close contact with glaciers, life point +1]

Zhou You waited for Li Yan for a long time before Li Yan appeared in sight out of breath.

The moment he saw the glacier, his expression immediately became exciting, "I feel... I feel... Antarctica!"

He speaks out of breath!
The glacier in front of me is very shocking.

The glacier glowed with a faint blue light.

It's like stepping into a fairy tale world.

Li Yan also didn't care about the high rebellion, and quickly came to the glacier with Zhou You.

It's getting closer

The details of the glacier can be seen more clearly.

The surface of the glacier is smoother than expected.

Shiny smooth.

Zhou You couldn't help reaching out and touching it. Even with gloves on, he could still feel the coldness and smoothness of the glacier.

"Like suet jade." Zhou You said.

Li Yan also stretched out his hand to touch it, and was instantly infatuated with that strange touch.

Going forward, there is actually a natural ice room, which looks like "one room and one living room". At the end of the ice room is a large ice block, extending to the sky outside.

The ice walls of the "Natural Icehouse" are even more spectacular than the outside.

Smooth ice walls are transparent.

You can even see the frozen details inside the glacier.

A streak and spots like cells frozen inside.

Zhou You immediately wondered whether there might be prehistoric creatures frozen in here...or, as written in "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", glacial crystal corpses buried on the snow-capped mountains.

Eh... why do I keep thinking of this novel recently?

It may be that the Demonic Kingdom of U-Tsang was written in the novel.

In addition, "Tomb Raiders Notes" also has descriptions about icebergs and ancient tombs.

In the chapter of Yunding Tiangong, it is written in considerable detail, referring to the ice burial of ancient ancestors.

"I saw that in the ice layer at the bottom of the ice valley, there are indeed many black shadows curled up into a ball, densely packed, some of which can clearly see the shape of a person, and some are only small black spots... The glaciers here are increasing year by year. The thick ones, so if you look at the innermost corpses, those little dots that are barely visible may be thousands of years old, while the outermost ones are decades old."

This is the original text of "Tomb Raiders Notes".

When Zhou You first saw this place, he was curious on the one hand and horrified on the other hand.

"This ice is crystal clear." Li Yan said, "If there are corpses of prehistoric creatures frozen inside, you can see through them at a glance."

Why did this guy think of freezing prehistoric creatures and corpses?

Probably seeing such an ancient glacier, everyone can't help but daydream.

Suddenly Zhou You didn't dare to stare at these ice walls, he was worried that when he looked at them, a face appeared inside...

There are ice curtains hanging from above the glacier, like barbs, and the words "ice curtain cave" popped up in Zhou You's mind.

Slowly climb to the top of the glacier.

Ice was all in sight.

The hard kind.

Because it is summer,
You can also see the blue liquid formed by the melting of glaciers.

Although I have never been to Antarctica, Zhouyou really feels like I am on the Antarctic continent at this moment...

"It's amazing!" Li Yan sighed all the way, "Nature's uncanny workmanship! The uncanny workmanship!"

That kind of excitement can only be experienced by those who have really arrived and seen it.

Just one look and you will be moved to tears.

Just one look and you'll feel your life is worth it.

To nature!

To this world!

Infinite awe arose.

Zhou You and Li Yan took photos in front of the glacier, and then reluctantly left Tsogyal Glacier.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon when we went down the mountain.

Li Yan has been thinking about wanting to soak in hot springs, especially when he arrived at Tsogyal Glacier today, Li Yan said that he wanted to feel the two heavens of ice and fire.

In addition, it is not convenient to take a shower on the road recently.

Zhou You and the others haven't had a comfortable bath for several days.

Going to the hot springs to soak in the bubbles is simply not too refreshing.

And there was a trip to hot springs in their planned itinerary for the original week tour.

Cambu Hot Springs.

It's just that it takes nearly 6 hours to drive from here to Kangbu Hot Spring.

It's more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

It's almost eleven o'clock at night.

too late!
Driving at night is also unsafe.

So Zhou You said to go to "KM County" first. After driving for more than two hours, it was almost dark when we arrived in KM County.

Settled down in KM County, had a good night's rest, and drove to Kangbu Hot Spring the next day.

In U-Tsang Plateau, crustal activities are frequent.

Hot springs are everywhere.

But in Uizang hot springs, wild hot springs are the best.

The one without the roof cover.

Soaking in the hot springs and looking at the stars in the sky is simply not too pleasant.

The best hot springs are in the streams beside Lake Manasarovar, because here you can see the Kailash Mountain on the opposite side.

In addition, Yiri Hot Spring, Rikaze, Rongmaye Hot Spring protruding from Nagqu Qiangtang, and Dezhong Hot Spring in Jasa... are all good hot springs.

But to truly understand U-Tsang’s hot springs,

You have to go to Kangbu Hot Springs.

As for the reason, I will talk about it later.


After Zhou You and his party arrived in KM County, they settled in a hotel.

After dinner, Zhou You and Li Yan collapsed on the bed.

Most of the time today, the mobile phone is in a state of no signal. At this moment, both of them are lying on the bed and playing with their mobile phones.

Li Yan saw the still photos released by the crew of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" on Weibo, and said: "The still photos of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" look so comfortable...it looks like it should be a well-made fairy tale drama, It's a pity that I didn't play the role of Li Xiaoyao. I think I'm a little more handsome than Hu Ge."

Li Yan's narcissistic attribute is online.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" releases stills every day.

Post a character every day.

Every still photo is full of fairy spirit.

Seeing these stills will have the urge to watch the drama...

Due to the promotion every day, the popularity of this drama has gradually increased, and now it has attracted a lot of attention.

"I watch the stills every day, the actors are chosen too carefully."

"Zhao Ling'er is dead!"

"I like Wine Sword Immortal the most!! This name sounds very fairy-like and comfortable."

"When will it air? I've been thinking about it. I want to watch it."

After the release of the stills every day, it will trigger discussions among many fans and audiences.

It seems that "Legend of Sword and Fairy" has stabilized...it may not be a big hit, but the current feedback from audiences and fans is very positive.

Not to rush to the street.

"You have no shortage of roles, what's your regret?" Zhou You said.

"I'm short." Li Yan said, "Although there are quite a few screenwriters and directors looking for me, I don't have many characters that I'm interested in... Hey, I found Li Xiaoyao, the leading actor in "Legend of Sword and Fairy"... Xiaoyao It’s actually the same name as Teacher Xiaoyao.”

"Yeyoushen belongs to your Big Fish Studio, right? Is Li Xiaoyao based on Teacher Xiaoyao?"

Li Yan seemed to have discovered a new continent.

After hearing what Li Yan said, Zhou You realized that Xiaoyao and Li Xiaoyao had collided!

"Probably not." Zhou You said.

Xiaoyao is taken from Xiaoyaoyou... I don't know where Li Xiaoyao is taken from.

"I think it's very possible!" Li Yan said, "According to the setting of Legend of Sword and Fairy, Teacher Xiaoyao must be very young and handsome."

Li Yan looked at Zhou You as if he was waiting for Zhou You's affirmation.

Seeing that Zhou You didn't speak, he asked again: "Mr. Xiaoyao is very young, right?"

Zhou You was too lazy to talk to him.

Prepare to muddle through.

As a result, the guy kept asking.

Zhou You could only say, "Yes."

Li Yan: "You're still handsome, right?"

Zhou You: "That's for sure."

Li Yan: "So... who is Teacher Xiaoyao? Reveal it?"

Zhou You: "Don't ask around."

After that, Zhou You ignored Li Yan.

He took out the computer and said that he had to deal with some work matters, then leaned on the bed, put the notebook on his lap, and continued to write "Jieyou Grocery Store" using his hand speed skills.



The second update, the [-]D is delivered.

Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets with the cheek~~ As long as you have a thick skin, you will have tickets, right?

(End of this chapter)

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