I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 128 Honey Picker, Climb a Mountain

Chapter 128 Honey Picker, Climb a Mountain
The leading film of "Traveler" was full of "curse".

Director Wang Hougou is completely convinced.

Wang Hou, who was far away in Utsang, received a message from his colleagues on the Jinghai Kunlun platform, saying that the Kunlun headquarters received blades from Jinghai audience and fans on the same day, and took photos and sent them to Wang Hou.

Wang Jia: "This year's audience is really punished."

Xu Feifei: "Shivering."

Wang Jia: "Uncle, now the whole internet is scolding you as a dog director, is it really okay?"

Prince: "Beating means kissing and scolding means love, understand?"

Wang Jia: "Understood, the audience shouldn't scold you, they should chase you with a kitchen knife."

Xu Feifei: "How deep is the love?"

Wang Hou: "Do you still want to become a regular, kid?"

Xu Feifan immediately shut up.

After all, he is not like Wang Jia and the prince who are related to each other, calling him an uncle... It is enough to stop teasing the boss.

After Xu Feifei shut up, the prince was silent for a while and said: "I have already reported to you for early regularization, and it passed. Pay attention to the news from the personnel department in the next two days, they will ask you to sign an electronic contract."

Xu Feifei: "Thank you, boss!"

Wang Hou said that "beating is kissing and scolding is love", but in fact he is still very cowardly... He has a calm look on his face, but secretly sent Zhou You a Weibo message:
"Mr. Xiaoyao, is there an official version of "Write the Story as Us"? Now the audience is very popular. I think it is best to synchronize this song to the Yueting platform when the show is broadcast. A colleague from Kunlun told me, Spectators have already sent blades to the headquarters."

Zhou You could hear his cowardice from the prince's tone.

But the audience in this world is really punished, and they really send blades.I have heard of sending blades to writers, but this is the first time I have heard of sending blades to directors.

"There is no recorded version." Zhou You said.

"That's really difficult," Wang Hou said, "There are no shops in the front of the village or back, and there is no place to record."

For the first time, the prince felt inconvenient in U-Tsang...

"Let's record it later." Zhou You replied lightly.


The red wild horse drove for nearly seven hours, and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon when it arrived in Chentang Town.

Chentang Town, rather than a town, Zhou You would rather call it a village.

It's halfway up the mountain.

Surrounded by mountains and lush greenery.

Looking around, there are terraced fields with a sense of hierarchy and art.

The chicken claws planted in the terraced fields have begun to turn yellow. They are greenish-yellow at the moment, and they will turn yellow-orange in a while.

Chicken feet valley is a unique grain in Chentang. It used to be the staple food of the local people, but now the aboriginal Sherpas here no longer use it as a staple food, but use it to make wine - chicken feet valley wine.

Chentang is a primeval forest zone located on the southeast side of Mount Everest, with a forest coverage rate of 98%.

When you come here, you can see all the green vegetation.

Being in it will even make you suspect that this is not U-Tsang.

Due to plateau climate factors, the vertical distribution of vegetation in Chentang Town is very obvious.It is known as the saying and scene that "one mountain is divided into four seasons, and ten miles are different in sky".

After Zhou You arrived in Chentang, they stayed at a family hotel down the mountain.

The boss is called Purba.

Purba is a local Sherpa.

He used to be a guide to climb Mount Everest, and he is also a person who has climbed to the top of the world.Later, he made money and married a wife. Out of family responsibilities, he no longer took the risk of being a guide to climb Mount Everest. Instead, he used the savings he had saved to build the current "luxury house" and opened a family hotel.

Just as Pu Erba arranged accommodation for Zhou You, Li Yan and others, his family guests received another big business order.

A Mount Everest climbing team called "Warriors" came to stay.

The Warriors Mountaineering Team consists of nine people.

They are not Xia people.

It's a businessman from the Western Continent.

The people of Shang country are fair-skinned and tall.The official language of Star Federation is Chinese.So in addition to the dialect "Spanish (English)" of the Western Continent, their Chinese level is also very good.

The captain of the mountaineering team is called Rosen.

In the Western Continent, most of the naming methods of people were influenced by countries such as Xia Guo and Tang Guo in the Eastern Continent.

On the basis of maintaining the original name style, they will try to use the surnames of Xia Guo and Tang Guo.But they have a persistent preference for some of the surnames in the hundred family names, such as: Niu, Ma, Zhu, etc.

Common ones are Mara, Newton, Julie.

People in the Western Continent are so interesting, probably they like cows, horses and pigs...

The Warriors expedition, or the Warriors mountaineering team, they came this time to conquer Mount Everest.We all know that people in the Western Continent have two hobbies: adventure and death.

The Warriors expedition settled in Chentang to find a Sherpa as their mountaineering guide.

Sherpas are called "Everest Porters".

Or called "Everest Scavenger".

They have a strong physique and innate talent for mountaineering, and they are also the best guides waiting for Mount Everest, none of them.

Almost every mountaineering team and expedition to Mount Everest has a Sherpa as a guide.

They are responsible for opening the way for the mountaineering team, risking their lives to erect a safety rope with a total length of more than 7000 meters without any equipment, and open up a "road to heaven" for the mountaineering team.

Zhou You and Li Yan put away their things in the room and came out, just in time to bump into the Mt. Everest expedition team headed by Luo Sen.

At this time, Rosen was asking the boss, Purba, "Dude, is there any reliable mountain guide to recommend?"

Purba often receives such consultations and inquiries. He said with a smile: "Yes, there happened to be a good player who didn't take the job recently."

Rosen: "Introduce us?"

Purba: "No problem."

The altitude of Chen Tang is only 2040 meters. Here, Li Yan feels that breathing is blissful, and he no longer has to worry about rebellion.

The vegetation here is luxuriant, and Li Yan used "natural oxygen bar" to describe this place.

This place is only a few tens of miles away from Mount Everest, and Li Yan was excited to see the world's highest peak soon, but now he is even more excited to see an expedition team of foreign friends.

The chatterbox attribute and the social awesomeness attribute are instantly activated at this moment, "Hello~"

Li Yan greeted each other in "Spanish (English)".

"Hello." Rosen responded friendly, speaking pure Chinese.

"Are you planning to climb Mount Everest?" Li Yan asked.

"Yes." Rosen said, "Are you also here to climb Mount Everest?"

"We're just here for fun." Li Yan said, "I have to go up and down horizontally when I go to that place... It should be said that I might not be able to get down."

"Then you are... making a show?" Rosen said.

"Yes." Li Yan said, "Does Traveler know?"

"do not know."

I can't talk anymore today.

But because Li Yan took the initiative to strike up a conversation with the other party, he and Zhou You could be considered to have penetrated into the "enemy's interior", and they had a good chat.

Zhou You praised their cool plan to climb Mount Everest.

Rosen and others also praised him for being cool as a singer.

"Sean used to be a rapper," Rosen said.

Shane is a 28-year-old member of the brave expedition team, dark skinned, tall and thin.He looks like a marathon runner.But dark skin is the darling of music, and it is normal to be good at rap.

Zhou You Li Yan sat down and chatted with the members of the brave expedition team for a long time.

Zhou You talked about his experiences in U-Tsang.

The brave expedition team said that they went to explore dangerous places or secret places around the world, and their lives were very exciting.

[Have a good chat with the Western Continent Merchant Country Expedition Team, life point +1]

While we were talking, the family hotel Purba had found what he called an "expert", a Sherpa named "Zaji".

Purba: "This is Zaghi, who has led six mountaineering teams to the summit of Mount Everest."

Rosen, Shane and others immediately got up and shook hands with Zaghi, "Hi, I'm Rosen. Please take care of this mountaineering trip."

Zhaji shook hands with them one by one, and also greeted Zhou You Li Yan, saying: "It's okay to be a guide, but you have to wait for two days to start. I have already made an appointment with Sang Dan to pick beehives together tomorrow."

Rosen: "Picking a beehive?"

Zaghi: "Yes. This is our tradition here. Harvesting beehives to get back honeycombs and honey, and extracting golden beeswax can be sold for a lot of money."

Zaji also said that in their Chentang, there is a kind of bee called Himalayan hanging rock bee.

The bees are the largest bees in the world, and they can fly to altitudes above 4000 meters in search of the tallest and most tenacious flowers that grow on the plateau.

The diameter of the hive of the Himalayan rock bee is generally more than two meters.

Usually hanging on steep cliffs, between rocks.

It is not easy to pick such hives.

When Li Yan heard that the hive of the Hanging Rock Bee was two meters long, he immediately opened his arms and gestured, "It's so big... no, two are so big! I'm only 1.8 meters tall, and the hive is taller than me!"

It was a vague concept when everyone heard about two meters.

After Li Yan made such a gesture.

Everyone's three-dimensional sense of the size of the hive of the Himalayan hanging rock bee came out instantly.

"Is there really such a big hive?" Zhou You said, "How big is this kind of bee?"

"It's so big." Zaghi compared a size range with his thumb and index finger.

Zhou You visually estimated that it was about two centimeters long...

It is indeed much larger than ordinary bees, almost the size of half a thumb of an adult.

Before Zhou You could speak, Li Yan said again: "Brother Zaji, can I go and have a look with you tomorrow?"

Zagi: "Of course, but you have to take precautions to avoid bee stings. These bees are poisonous."

Li Yan: "No problem."

The members of the brave expedition team also became interested. Rosen said: "I also want to follow you to see and see."

In this way, Zhou You and the others finalized the itinerary for tomorrow.

That night, Purba's family cooked and entertained Zhou You and the brave expedition team, and Zaji also stayed for dinner.

Of course it's not Purba's enthusiasm... You have to pay for meals at his family's family hotel.

It is equivalent to doing all the accommodation and catering business.

But the wine at Purba's house was provided free of charge.

He said, "You can drink whatever you want, as long as you have enough."

As mentioned earlier, the chicken feet valley grown by the Sherpas in Chentang is no longer used as a staple food, but is used to brew chicken feet wine.

Pu Er served wine to Zhou You and the others.

Unlike other places, Chentang's chicken feet wine is drunk in "barrels".

A bowl of wine and a jug of wine are weak compared to the "barrel of wine" here.

Of course, this barrel is not the big wooden barrel as imagined... but a short and thick wooden barrel.It contains fermented chicken feet and grain wine. Before drinking, pour boiling water into it, then insert a bamboo pole thicker than chopsticks and inlaid with silver ornaments, and suck it hard.

There is a feeling of drinking a drink.

It looks very confusing.

But the aftertaste of this drink is considerable.

Li Yan took two tactical puffs, and became dizzy after eating... No wonder Pu Erba said that he can drink wine casually.

Because you really can't drink much.

Thanks to the physique of a special soldier, Zhou You felt fine, but as time passed, he still felt slightly dizzy.

[Taste chicken feet wine for the first time, life point +1]


Early the next morning, Zhou You Li Yan and members of the Brave Mountaineering Team gathered with Zaji and his friend Sang Dan to go to the cliffs to pick beehives.

They walked across a crumbling "suspension bridge" and hiked among the wet and steep mountain roads.

The mountains here will feel steep even for yaks to walk.

Zaji and Sangdan, who have the talent of Sherpas for mountaineering, "walked like flying" on this road with ease.

Zhou You, who has the physique of a special soldier, did not find it difficult to follow Zaji's pace, but Li Yan was in a panic.

Even Rosen, who has a lot of adventure hiking experience, finds this road difficult.

Zaghi gave Zhou You a thumbs up: "Do you often hike? I have led many mountaineering team members, and you are the one who walked the most easily."

Zhou You: "Walk occasionally. Do you often pick beehives?"

Zaghi: "I will pick them when I find them, several times a year."

Zhou You: "The rock bee hives are on the cliffs. If you are not careful when picking, you will be smashed to pieces. Why take this risk?"

Zaghi: "Because it's worth the money."

Zhou You: "Can it be sold at a very high price?"

Zaghi: "The popularity of Hanging Rock Bee is more than 2 kilograms."

Zhou Youwen was surprised.

This is the gold in honey...

He couldn't help but think of the Wangmu family on the Pali Grassland. Their family only collects caterpillar fungus every year, and they can earn 30 million yuan in just over two months.

The plateau area is indeed full of treasures and gold.

About an hour later, Zhou You and his party followed Zaji and Sang Dan to the bottom of a cliff.

It rained last night.

Looking up, the still wet, nearly vertical steep rock wall is at least 200 meters high.

A huge beehive is dormant on the stone wall.

Rosen wore binoculars.

Looking through the binoculars, there are densely packed giant Himalayan rock bees on the hive.

Li Yan borrowed a telescope to look at it, "It's densely packed! I've even committed trypophobia."

Even at the bottom of the cliff, the huge hive of more than two meters can be seen quite clearly with the naked eye.

Occasionally, one or two huge hanging rock bees flew by, and the buzzing sound made people feel a natural sense of fear.

Arriving at the bottom of the cliff, Zaji, Sang Dan and others began to prepare for picking the hive.

Zhaji used local materials, cutting bamboo and branches to make torches.

This torch will come later to fumigate the bees.

"It's so high, how to go up?" Li Yan felt dangerous when he saw the steep rock wall.

"Usually there are two options," Zaghi said. "Using a rope to descend from above, and the second is to climb up with bare hands."

"Climbing rock with bare hands?" Li Yan was surprised, "Is it possible to climb it so high?"

When Zhou You heard the words of freehand rock climbing, a certain factor in his body was activated and awakened.

Professional-level rock-climbing skills filled him with a desire to climb cliffs.

Commonly known as itchy hands!

But Zhou You suppressed this desire.

For things like rock climbing with bare hands, those who fall to death are masters... because the rookie doesn't have the courage to climb at all.

"This is the secret technique of bee hunters." Zagi said, "However, climbing up rocks with bare hands is a very traditional way. Nowadays, most honey hunters use ropes or rope ladders."

"But judging by today's situation, I'm afraid I have to climb up with bare hands."

Zaghi looked up at the huge hive.

I saw that the location of the hive was quite tricky.

On the cliff, at a position of about 100 meters, the mountain protrudes a lot.

The protruding length is estimated to be three or four meters.

It was as if someone had cut across the cliff with a knife, and then removed the stones below.

And the hive was just under the huge "canopy" after the stones were cut off.

Descending from high places with ropes,

The honey pickers descended to the height of the hive, and the position where the rope fell was still three or four meters away from the hive.It is impossible to get the hive at all.

So I just climbed up with bare hands.

In the end, for the sake of safety, Zaghi and others discussed a plan.

The rope is lowered from the top of the mountain.

Zaghi is equipped with a safety rope, and then climbs up with bare hands.

After all, there are old and young, and safety must be the first consideration.

Only Zaji has mastered the technique of freehand rock climbing, which is why Sang Dan and other villagers called Zaji, because he is the only one who can go up to pick the hive.

With everything in place, Zaghi began his upward climb with safety measures in place.

He observed for a long time.

Zhou You thought that he must have planned the best route to climb up in his mind.

Then he found the best climbing point, reached out and grabbed a protruding rock above, his arm was strong, and then his foot stepped on a bump.

The whole person is like a spider "sticking" to a nearly vertical cliff.

Then he was careful.

Look for the protrusions and crevices of the rock, and use it as a point of strength to slowly climb up.

This process is very slow.

Zaghi was careful throughout the process.

Li Yan looked at this scene and said: "It's too dangerous!! I'm more nervous than him now. Don't make mistakes."

Rosen of the Brave Expedition Team said: "Amazing!"

Freehand rock climbing is one of the extreme sports.

Those who dare to challenge are brave people.

The core slogan of the brave expedition team is bravery and courage, so they especially admire Zaghi, and they also have a heart for him.

Zaghi's ascent initially went smoothly.

He has even climbed to a distance of about two meters from the hive.

Sang Dan above used a rope to descend to the same position, and handed him the lit torch for smoke, and the bamboo basket that also fell from the rope.

This bamboo basket is used to hold the picked honeycomb.

Zaghi carefully took the burning torch with green smoke and placed it under the hive.

Suddenly thick smoke floated up.

The Himalayan hanging rock bees in the hive suddenly came out of the hive.

run wild.

After all the hanging rock bees flew away, he began to hold the bamboo pole with one hand, and firmly grasped the protrusion of the rock with the other hand, poked the honeycomb with the bamboo pole, and stretched out his hand to pull it when it loosened.

However, at this moment, Zaghi made a sudden mistake!

His right foot slipped on the rock, and the center of gravity of his body suddenly shifted, and he fell down!

"Zaji!" Sang Dan exclaimed.

The hearts of Zhou You, Li Yan, Luo Sen and others under the cliff instantly rose to their throats.

Fortunately there is a safety rope.

When Zaghi fell, the rope on his body tensed quickly, and after falling two meters, his speed suddenly dropped to zero.

However, the rope swayed violently in the air.

Due to inertia, Zaghi inevitably hit the rock wall.



The villagers had no choice but to slowly lower Zaghi down with ropes.

"Where is the injury?" Everyone asked with concern.

"It's okay." Zaghi said, "Skin trauma, I'll climb again."

"No, it's too dangerous," the villager said, "Your hand is bleeding, I'll deal with it for you."

"But it's only close," Zaghi said.

He had torn off most of the hive, and now it was hanging on the stone wall, almost... Everyone could see Zaji's reluctance.

The villagers were not reconciled either.

But what can be done?

Only Zaji can climb this cliff.

"Forget it, safety is the most important thing." Sang Dan and others decided to give up.

Because there is no other way but to give up.

Instead, it can be poked off by rope descent.

But a fall from that height would shatter the hive, so it wasn't necessary.

However, at this moment, seeing everyone's unwilling faces, Zhou You suddenly said, "Let me try."



The first update, 5000 word chapters.

Believe it or not, this chapter took 6 hours to write.I really knelt... Weakly begging for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, and rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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