I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 139 Moving, My Sister Joins Big Fish, Lives Like Summer Flowers

Chapter 139 Moving, My Sister Joins Big Fish, Lives Like Summer Flowers
"Are you releasing an album?"

Ten songs is exactly the amount for an album.

Sometimes I add an "Intro" and an "Outro" to the album.The former is the prelude.The latter is the finale.

Generally speaking, these two capitals are a few bars of pure music.

Putting it all together is the twelve songs that everyone sees in one album.

Zhou You recorded ten songs at once, which made Chen Luo think that he was going to release a new album.

"No." Zhou You said.

He recorded all these songs because after starting the recording of "Traveler", it is very likely that he will not be able to find the time and place to record songs like when he was in U-Tsang.

It's always good to record first.

in case the emergency.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon after recording.

Zhou You drove Zhang Yao's car to pick up his sister Zhou Lingyu.

Zhang Yao originally wanted to drive for Zhou You, but Zhou You didn't plan to take Zhang Yao with him when he was having dinner with his sister.

It was inconvenient at first.

Secondly, even though he knows that Zhang Yao likes his little girl Xiao Xiao, there is still the danger of calling him "brother-in-law" one day.

This kind of thing must be guarded against.

Zhou You drove directly to the downstairs of Zhou Lingyu's company.

When it was time to get off work, Zhou Lingyu and her colleagues came down from the office building talking and laughing.

Zhou Lingyu's clothes today are very professional.

Looks more professional than usual.

It's hard to imagine that this woman has ever tried to cheat him of pocket money...

People are unbelievable.

Zhou You told Zhou Lingyu the color and license plate number of the car in advance, but Zhou Lingyu walked over without getting out of the car.

Zhou Lingyu: "I won't be with you today."

Female colleague: "Is your boyfriend here to pick you up?"

Zhou Lingyu: "Where is it? My brother."

Female colleague: "Is your brother single?"

Zhou Lingyu: "You guys, don't even try to trick my younger brother."

Female colleague: "The fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields."

Zhou Lingyu: "To tell you the truth, my brother... likes men."

Female colleagues asked whether it was true or not, and Zhou Lingyu said it was absolutely true.Then he came to Zhou You's car, opened the co-pilot's door, and got in.

Zhou You: "I had a good chat with my colleagues."

Zhou Lingyu: "Of course."

Zhou You: "What are you talking about?"

Zhou Lingyu: "I heard that I have a younger brother, and they all want to be my younger brother and sister."

Zhou You: "That's good, those few colleagues of yours are very beautiful."

Zhou Lingyu: "So, I refused for you."

Um?What brain circuit is this?I only heard Zhou Lingyu continue to say: "No one wants to rob my younger brother from me."

Zhou You could tell that her sister was joking.

With Zhou Lingyu's personality, she would definitely not tell her colleagues that her younger brother is Zhou You, the one who is very popular recently... On the one hand, she doesn't like Zhou You being disturbed, on the other hand, she doesn't want to cause trouble for herself.

So there is a high probability that she just told her colleagues that my brother has a girlfriend.

I still understand my sister very well... Zhou You said in his heart.

Two and 10 minutes later they came to a hot pot restaurant.

Zhou You originally chose several high-end restaurants.

But Zhou Lingyu wanted to eat hot pot.

I haven't eaten hot pot for a long time.

As a Yuzhou native who loves spicy food, he can't help the temptation of spicy food.

In addition, Zhou Lingyu also said that a high-end restaurant looks exquisite, but the portion is too small, it is expensive if you are not full, and you feel distressed after eating... She doesn't like it.

Zhou You: "Then did you go to Michelin last time?"

Zhou Lingyu: "I haven't eaten before. It's hard to treat my brother to a meal. Of course, I have to eat in a higher-end restaurant."


This stingy and extravagant woman.

Stingy to himself, extravagant to his younger brother.

After ordering the dishes, the waiter quickly brought the bottom of the pot and the dishes.

Zhou Lingyu likes to eat spicy beef, fat beef, and pissing beef balls.

And Zhou You has always only liked to eat vegetarian dishes when eating hot pot, especially lotus root.

Zhou Lingyu often said: "Eating lotus root is ugly."

At first, Zhou You didn't understand what her sister meant, but after she said it a few times, Zhou You realized: "You are ugly! Eating lotus root is ugly! But why am I getting more and more handsome?"

Zhou Lingyu: "Our parents have strong genes."

Another interesting thing about eating hot pot is that when Zhou Lingyu first came out to work, the company had a dinner with hot pot.

She is sitting next to a boy.

She still likes this boy.

Zhou Lingyu likes to eat pissing beef balls, because she enjoys the feeling of juice bursting out from the pissing beef balls at the moment when she bites them.

Unexpectedly, when she ate it that time, she bit it lightly, and then the peeing beef ball broke open, but the position of the break was not right, and the "piss" of the peeing beef ball was on the face of the boy next to him, and the whole table laughed instantly.

This nourishment wiped out all her luck.

Until now, every time the company has a dinner with hot pot, someone still mentions it.

It's really a large-scale social death scene.

From now on, when she eats peeing beef balls, she will pierce them with chopsticks first, and only after she is sure that they will not get wet, she will pick them up and eat them.

Stop eating?
Not so!
She couldn't quit the mouthful.

"It's so comfortable!!" Zhou Lingyu said, "But it's far from Yuzhou's spiciness. It's almost meaningless."

"I haven't been back to Yuzhou for a long time." Zhou Youdao, "How are your parents?"

"It's still the same." Zhou Lingyu said, "Dad is thinking about fishing all day long, and mother is busy building the Great Wall."

"You're not allowed to go on a blind date?" Zhou You asked.

"I just gave me a wechat message from a boy a while ago. I'm too lazy to add it." Zhou Lingyu changed the subject, "Have you lived a chic life in Weizang?"

"Tourism at public expense, of course chic."

"Show me the picture."

"Go home and take a look."

"By the way, the house I rented has expired. Do you want to rent it together and help me share the rent?" Zhou Lingyu said.

Zhou Lingyu had proposed to live together before.

But Zhou You did not agree because he was a trainee in Jiahua Entertainment and the distance was too far.

Living with my sister... is not impossible.My sister is good at tidying up and cooking.You can be lazy later.Of course, he will also share the necessary household chores.

"Okay." Zhou You said.

"I saw a nice house recently..."

"No more renting." Zhou You said, "I have a ready-made set, so I don't need to pay rent."

"Your company still covers it?" Zhou Lingyu immediately thought of the house rented by Dayu Studio to Zhou You.

"Yeah." Zhou You originally wanted to say that it was my own house...but thinking about it carefully, a villa in the Junting Villa District is worth [-] to [-] million yuan, saying it would scare my sister to death.

This is drawn by the system lottery.

According to his current status and income, it is impossible to afford such a house.

It is more reasonable to say that the company provides.

Offer so expensive?

This pot can be thrown to Zhang Yao, the rich second generation.

"The house is quite big," Zhou You said, "it's strange to live alone."

"Which district are you in?" Zhou Lingyu was quite moved.

She likes to do prostitution for nothing... especially her younger brother!

"It's in the East District." Zhou You said, "I'll take you there after dinner."

After eating the hot pot at nine o'clock in the evening, Zhou You drove Zhou Lingyu to the Junting villa area.

When Zhou Lingyu entered the 1380-square-meter villa No. 11, she was dumbfounded.

"Dear brother, is your company so rich? Rent a villa like this to an artist? How much does it cost a month?" Zhou Lingyu was dumbfounded.

This level of luxury simply exceeded her imagination.

No!It should be beyond the limit of her imagination.

"This is the boss's own house." Zhou You said, "Empty is also empty, why not use it."

"Your boss's own?" Zhou Lingyu was really crying.

She remembered that she met her younger brother's boss, Zhang Yao, at Xiao Xiao's birthday party!The son of the richest man Zhang Zhaoyi!

He himself lives in the Sandalwood Villa area in the West District.

It makes sense to have a vacant super mansion in the East End.

"Is your company still recruiting people?" Zhou Lingyu envied her real name, what kind of fairy company, what kind of fairy boss?
"Recruitment." Zhou You said, "The company seems to be still expanding its advertising business. It is hiring a commercial director or an advertising director. Let me ask for you."

"Your sister and I are just a little transparent in the workplace. How can I get such a high position as a director?" Zhou Lingyu didn't think anything wrong.

"Maybe? Our boss has met you before. You are my sister and Xiao Xiao's best friend. With these two relationships, it shouldn't be difficult to join our company."

"I'll tell our boss now."

While talking, Zhou You took out his mobile phone and sent Zhang Yao a message: "The studio has newly set up an advertising department to undertake the advertising business, and hired my sister Zhou Lingyu as the director. Her phone number is XXXX. By the way, I will provide her with a car. The salary is based on the market Let’s ask the director’s price.”

Zhang Yao replied in seconds: "No problem."

The car Zhou You drove today was bought in the name of the company.

The purchase of assets such as cars is included in the cost of the company.

To a certain extent, a lot of tax will be exempted.

Zhou Lingyu said goodbye, and Zhou You said, "I already told the boss."

Zhang Yao probably knew that Zhou You had dinner with Zhou Lingyu, so he didn't contact Zhou Lingyu immediately.

Zhou Lingyu took pictures of Zhou You's accommodation assigned by the company, took videos and sent them to the "Happy Family" group.

Zhou Lingyu: "Mom! Mom! Take a look! This is the house arranged for him by my younger brother's company! It's so proud!"

Su Jin: "@周游 Does your boss run a bank?"

Zhou Qingyun: "Employees live like this, so the boss can't live in space?"

Su Jin: "@周游@周玲玉 Is it a serious company? Mom is panicking."

Zhou Qingyun and Su Jin couldn't believe it, and it took them a long time to explain before they accepted it.

Zhou You said: "Mom and Dad, when you come to Jinghai to play in the future, you will have a place to stay. You don't need to stay in a hotel."

Su Jin and Zhou Qingyun chatted with Zhou You in the group for a long time, asking him how he was doing in U-Tsang and where he was going next.

It warms Zhou You's heart to receive the care from his parents.

Zhou Lingyu felt that it was inappropriate for her to move into such a mansion, so Zhou You said what was inappropriate?You live here with peace of mind.Then he recorded Zhou Lingyu's face and fingerprints to unlock it, and gave her the access card and key.

Although entering the villa area and the villa can brush your face.

But what if it fails?

Therefore, it is safest to give access control and keys.

"Then I will move here tomorrow?" Zhou Lingyu said.

"Well, let's move my things here tomorrow too." Zhou You planned to take advantage of these few days to take care of everything.

After sending Zhou Lingyu back to the rental house, Zhou Lingyu quickly received a call from Zhang Yao from Dayu Studio, "Ms. Zhou Lingyu?"

Zhou Lingyu: "It's me."

Zhang Yao: "You have told me about your situation, do you have time for the interview tomorrow?"

Ah... Zhou Lingyu was surprised, but Zhang Yao really took it seriously.But thinking about it, it seems good to be in the same company as my brother.After a little hesitation, she said, "Is it okay tomorrow afternoon? Morning... I'm going to move in the morning."

Tomorrow is Saturday.

Don't the rich second generation rest on Saturdays?Sure enough, people who are richer than you work harder than you.

"Yes." Zhang Yao said, "Are the two points appropriate?"

"Okay." Zhou Lingyu said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Lingyu felt like she was dreaming.

Tomorrow, for no apparent reason, I will be moving into a super-luxury house, and I have to go to Big Fish Studio for an interview... I feel like my life has undergone earth-shaking changes in one day.

After calming down, he sent a message to Zhou You: "Your boss called me and asked me to go to the interview tomorrow. I'm so nervous, what should I do? Are you really going?"

Zhou You: "Of course I'm going. Why don't you go and have a look? What if you get an interview? What about the new department's business. It's very fulfilling to make the performance by yourself, isn't it?"

Zhou Lingyu likes a job with a sense of accomplishment.

Zhou You handled her to death.

Zhou Lingyu: "Well, then I'll try."

Zhou You: "Come on!"

Zhou Lingyu: "Comparison~"


The next day Zhou You called the moving company and moved all his and Zhou Lingyu's "properties" to Building 11 of the Junting Villa.

From the system lottery draw to the villa, everything in the villa is available, even the sanitation is cleaned.

Zhou You and Zhou Lingyu can check in with their own bags.

After packing up his things, Zhou You chose a room on the second floor. This room needs to be remodeled, and then installed the "Million Luxurious Recording Equipment" that was drawn by the lottery.

In the future, you can enjoy listening to music in it.

As for the other decorations of the house, you can buy and add them slowly later.

In the afternoon after the move, Zhou You took Zhou Lingyu for an interview.

Although this interview was just a cutscene, Zhou Lingyu was well prepared last night.Come up with a really good resume.

Zhang Yao didn't treat it casually, but followed the regular interview process and asked the questions he wanted to know.

Indeed, Zhou Lingyu's ability is very good.

"Let's report next Monday." Zhang Yao said after the interview.

"Ah?" Zhou Lingyu was surprised... Don't you even have to go back and wait for the notification?

"Dayu Studio needs talents like you." Zhang Yao said.

The salary is about 60 annual salary, and there are additional year-end rewards.

One must know that Zhou Lingyu's monthly salary is only [-] yuan, which has more than tripled... directly to the pinnacle of life?

And was hired on the spot.

"Oh... I, okay." Zhou Lingyu didn't know what to say for a while.

After she came out, she told Zhou You about the interview process and feelings, "Would it be too easy?"

Zhou You: "Probably because he is familiar with Xiao Xiao, maybe he even asked Xiao Xiao for news about you."

Zhou Lingyu could only accept this explanation.

Next, she will have to think about how to resign.


In the evening, Zhou You and Zhou Lingyu cooked a table of dishes, opened a bottle of red wine, and the two of them celebrated moving into their new home.

"The fourth episode of "Traveler" will air tonight, right?" Zhou Lingyu thought suddenly.

"Yes." Zhou You said.

Zhou Lingyu turned on the projector, and the siblings watched the fourth episode of "Traveler" together on the sofa.

Due to the accumulation of the previous three episodes, plus the previous short and weak director dog's preview, as soon as this episode was broadcast, it received more than 3000 million broadcasts.

It will soon approach 5000 million.

The third episode of the program Zhou You met Tao Yiran came to an abrupt end.

The fourth episode just happened to be picked up.

Then they soak in the hot spring together.

Li Yan's daily tea was quickly ridiculed by fans.

The Tibetan doctor took the pulse, and Li Yan was running loose, suffering from kidney deficiency, and had a bad stomach... Zhou Lingyu next to him couldn't stop laughing, "Hahaha I laughed so hard, tears came out of my eyes. Is Li Yan responsible for the joke?"

The barrage and comments of the program are also dense.

Of course, the most explosive part of this program is to travel around Wangmu's house for several weeks, singing with Wangmo, Su Qianxia and others around the dog campfire.

Most of the audience came for this part of the trailer!
When "Life Like a Summer Flower" rang in the audience's ears through the program.

All the data of the program exploded in an instant!
Thousands of fans are boiling.



The second is delivered.

Monthly tickets, monthly tickets, and monthly tickets are still required.I have something to do tonight, otherwise I will update it.go out.Tomorrow, I will make up for the lack of changes before.

(End of this chapter)

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