I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 147 The Immortal Sword Severes the Immortal Path

Chapter 147 The Immortal Sword Severes the Immortal Path

The first episode of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" has a lot of famous scenes.

Li Xiaoyao bumped into Furong just out of the water.

Now the two of them hid in the narrow cabinet again.

There was a faint green-blue light in the cabinet, illuminating the faces of Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger.

The boys and girls face each other, their eyes facing each other.

The innocent Zhao Ling'er found that Li Xiaoyao's neck was different from her own, there was a protruding part, so she reached out and touched Li Xiaoyao's Adam's apple.

Can Li Xiaoyao, a virgin, bear this touch?
Who can stand it?
He swallowed and said that Zhao Linger was teasing.Zhao Ling'er thought that Li Xiaoyao's Adam's apple was called teasing, so she pointed to his Adam's apple and said, "This is teasing."

Li Xiaoyao couldn't hold back anymore, so he leaned forward and kissed Zhao Ling'er lightly.

According to the routine, such a hooligan behavior should be slapped in the face and called a hooligan.

But the screenwriter just doesn't follow the routine!
Zhao Ling'er smiled purely and said, "I will too."

Then she also moved closer to Li Xiaoyao and kissed him on the face... Tie Tie!
At this moment, the barrage exploded instantly.

"This... is this a kiss?"

"Li Xiaoyao is shameless! Don't kiss my wife! Let me do it."

"Oops! It's a feeling of heartbeat."

"Zhao Ling'er is too immortal and pure! Mom, I'm in love."

"It's going to kill me."

"How can my little fairy Ling'er be so smart and cute? She's so cute."

At this time,
At Jiang Chuxue's house.

My mother didn't find it sweet at all when she saw this scene, she was always unhappy! "Ninny, why are you still kissing?"

Jiang Chuxue: "I... all borrow seats." The first kiss must be reserved for brother Zhou You.

Mom: "But he kissed you."

Jiang Chuxue: "It's also a borrowed seat..."

Jiang Chuxue's cheeks were extremely hot.

Ahhhh~~ Why do I drag my parents, grandparents and grandparents to watch my drama?I regret it!Don't look at it.

I always feel that this is the scene of a large-scale social death.

That means... I'm still clean!Whoooo!
Over time, the audience of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" has become more and more, and the growth rate is quite fast.

At the beginning, only 10 people watched online at the same time.

A slow increase of one or two thousand viewers.

After the opening song, the audience directly increased to 15.

Zhao Linger, Furong Chushui and Li Xiaoyao met for the first time, and the audience increased to 30!

After this "cabinet show", the audience directly soared to 80!
Even the director Ye Chen was dumbfounded by the growth rate.

Ye Chen: "This is too fast!"

Tang Mi: "The rhythm is quite fast. It's only the first episode, and there are showers and kisses. Teacher Ye Youshen understands what the audience wants to watch."

Ye Chen: "I mean the growth rate of the audience."

Tang Mi: "Oh my god! This... 80? I have been paying attention to Jiang Chuxue and the plot. Is this the rhythm of explosion?"

Tang Mi was shocked when he saw the data suddenly.

How many minutes is this?

The first episode was only halfway through, and the number of viewers had doubled eightfold.

In addition, Jiang Chuxue's performance in the play also surprised her.

Zhao Linger's Shen Yun was performed.

With every gesture, she felt that she was Zhao Ling'er, not Jiang Chuxue.

Tang Mi: "How many viewers watched "Xiantu"?"

Ye Chen: "120 million."

Tang Mi: "The growth is a bit slow."

Ye Chen: "Many people just got off work at [-] o'clock, and they haven't even got off work yet... The broadcast will explode around ten o'clock."

But in any case, it is a good thing that the viewing of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" has risen rapidly.

You must know that this is still the case where there is no recommended position to be exposed, and it will be broadcast for about 10 minutes, with 80 people watching at the same time, Ye Chen is already very satisfied.After all, "The Immortal Way" next door can only be watched online by 120 million people at the same time when the resources are exposed and the cast is stronger than them.

Ye Chen thinks "Sword of Heaven" is awesome!

Jiahua Entertainment, large conference room.

At this moment, the faces of director Hu Chunsheng and screenwriter Sun Ye are not very good.

Sun Ye: "Why is the data growth so slow?"

Hu Chunsheng: "This is unscientific! There is no problem in any link. It was very strong at the beginning of the broadcast, and the momentum has always been good. But now the growth has slowed down obviously... This is very abnormal."

Seeing Sun Ye and Hu Chunsheng wondering there, actor Li Rui said, "Mr. Sun, Director Hu, you two will know just by looking at the barrage."

It turns out that in the barrage, there are people who are constantly brushing "Legend of Sword and Fairy", recommending by cracking the wall, Zhao Ling'er was addicted to death and so on.

Fu Qing said: "It seems that many viewers have gone to "Legend of Sword and Fairy"."

Hu Chunsheng glanced at the data, and sure enough, many viewers jumped out!
Then he went to see the data of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", and the number of simultaneous viewers has reached 80!
For a moment, Hu Chunsheng was a little skeptical about the drama "Xiantu". "Immortal Sword...has the data been swiped?"

It stands to reason that it is impossible to get so many viewers in a short time without homepage promotion.

The real explosion of data is after nine o'clock, and the peak will be reached at ten o'clock.

But "Legend of Sword and Fairy" seems to have exploded ahead of schedule!
Li Rui said: "They are on Weibo. Look."

Li Rui handed over the phone.

Hu Chunsheng groaned after reading it.Sun Ye stretched out his hand and said, "Show me."

There are "Xiaoyao Tan" on Weibo, there is Zhao Linger Qingshui out of hibiscus, there is Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao's "cabinet drama".

Sun Ye frowned: "The emotional drama develops so fast? The script is written like this! It will collapse in the later stage. Don't worry about it."

Now Blue Star's various scripts, emotional dramas will be drawn up gradually, and the emotional line and story line will develop at the same time. When the plot reaches a climax, the emotional line will also end.Push down, get married, have babies.It also means that the finale is coming.

Writing in this way can avoid the collapse of emotional drama, and can also use it to hang readers' appetite and interest.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" kissed at the beginning!
The rhythm isn't right.

There is also an eight-episode rule for Kashima love dramas.

Only in the eighth episode can we kiss!
This night wandering god made the hero and heroine kiss each other in the first episode, isn't it just messing around?After all, he is a rookie with inexperience...

Sun Ye paid a lot of attention to this drama at first. He wrote and filmed the first episode like this. Judging from his experience, this drama will not go far.


Sandalwood Villa Area.

Zhang Yao and Xiao Xiao watched their first drama together, "Legend of Sword and Fairy" together in the living room of Xiao Xiao's house.

Xiao Xiao is quite satisfied with the production of the whole play.

After she paid the money, she hardly asked about the production and filming of the show.

Now that I see the finished film, I like it very much.

Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling'er, Jiu Jianxian!She likes all three roles.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" premiered and only uploaded two episodes.

After that, only two episodes will be broadcast every day.

But today these two episodes are very informative.

Li Xiaoyao ran into Zhao Ling'er taking a bath, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er "cabinet play" kissed and posted, and then got married directly on Xianling Island.

Li Xiaoyao grew up that night!
In just two episodes!

Hold hands, kiss, play poker, get married!
All the things that the hero and heroine should do have been done.

Xiao Xiao: "Is this plot too fast?"

Zhang Yao: "Is it fast? It's okay. No procrastination at all."

Xiao Xiao: "It's very cool to watch. Will it collapse later?"

Zhang Yao: "You have to trust us."


As more and more viewers watched the two episodes of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", "Legend of Sword and Fairy" became completely popular on the Internet.

On the Weibo hot list, there are more hot topics than "Xiantu".

NO.2 The opening song of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" "Xiaoyaotan" is so good to hear.

NO.3 Zhao Linger is so beautiful!Jiang Chuxue YYDS
NO.5 "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is full of dry goods!The hero's overnight growth was completed in two episodes!
NO.9 The ending song of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" "Slaying the Wolf" is also very good

The top ten occupies four!
"Fairy Way" only has the fourth and sixth two.

The number one hit list is the marriage of a superstar singer who loves to drink milk tea.

Comments abound under these hot topics.

""Legend of Sword and Fairy" is definitely the best fairy tale drama I have ever seen, bar none!"

"I just want to know how to shoot after getting married and growing up overnight."

"It's better than "The Immortal Journey"."

"I like this kind of drama that doesn't follow the routine."

"The opening and ending songs are in the loop."

"Ling'er, he's real! I'm crying to death! Ye Youshen is very good at writing scripts. He directly put me in."

"This drama is going to explode! The lineup is so much worse than "Xiantu", and the popularity seems to be higher than "Xiantu" after it airs. It's outrageous."

"Isn't this a routine operation of Ye Youshen?"



Zhou You, Li Yan, Zheng Hudong, and Sha Rui walked around all day today and were a little tired. After dinner, they returned to the hotel suite.

"Let's watch TV together," Li Yan suggested, "Isn't the first TV series "Legend of Sword and Fairy" premiered today? Just watch it."

So the four of you stayed in the hotel to watch "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

To be honest, watching this drama brought back a lot of memories for Zhou You.

Especially when Jiu Jianxian made his first appearance and was about to accept Li Xiaoyao as his apprentice, Zhou You immediately thought of the stalk of "Shilipo Sword God".

That's all youth.

In the second episode, Jiu Jianxian just appeared.

But his famous scene has not come out yet.

Zheng Hudong: "Why does Jiu Jianxian insist on accepting Li Xiaoyao as his apprentice?"

Sha Rui: "This is obviously a foreshadowing and suspense. Li Xiaoyao's identity is probably not simple. When Zhao Linger saw Li Xiaoyao, he called Brother Xiaoyao. He also said that he had met Li Xiaoyao when he was a child. This is already hinting."

Zheng Hudong: "Li Xiaoyao, Xiaoyao, Xiaoyao sigh..."

Zheng Hudong murmured and looked at Zhou You, "These three are interesting. When Ye Youshen wrote the book, did he use the creator Xiaoyao as the prototype? Xiaoyao wrote "Xiaoyaotan" as if he had a feeling for himself."

Li Yan: "Second Senior Brother, I immediately found it interesting to hear what you said. Zhou You Zhou You, please tell us quickly."

The corner of Zhou You's mouth twitched slightly, he couldn't expose his vest, could he? "I don't know, I'm not familiar with Ye Youshen."

Zheng Hudong: "Yeyoushen and Xiaoyao are very familiar, why don't you ask?"

Zhou You: "Watching a drama, why do you ask the bottom line? Teacher Ren Xiaoyao may not talk to me."

Zhou You fooled the past.

At this time, Sha Rui said: "The first broadcast of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" surpassed "Xiantu"!"

Li Yan: "Is it so good? I am Kangkang."

Zheng Hudong: "My dear mother! "The Immortal Journey" has such a luxurious lineup, why did "Legend of Sword and Fairy" take over?"

Li Yan: "Does this mean that the immortal has cut off the immortal path?"

Zhou You was also quite surprised.

He never thought that the premiere of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" will be more popular than "Xiantu", after all, the latter's lineup and resources are much better than "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

But who would have thought!
As soon as Xianjian was broadcast, those famous scenes were posted on the Internet, and then became popular.

In addition, Zhao Linger played by Jiang Chuxue is too aura. To a large extent, Zhao Linger has captured many audiences by her own strength.

Of course, the opening song "Xiaoyaotan" and the ending song "Slaying the Wolf" also contributed a lot.

"Birth is to prove that the trace of love exists, a greater life after the fire burns, killing is to sing, the magnificence before destruction, night is the wolf's deep eyes..."

Li Yan started playing "Slaying the Wolf".

The music of "Slaying the Wolf" sounded in the living room of the hotel suite.

Following the broadcast of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", two songs "Xiaoyaotan" and "Slaying the Wolf" were also uploaded to the Yueting music platform.

Its ranking on the new song list whizzes up.


In the group of "per capita masters" of A-level creators.

Links to the two songs "Xiaoyaotan" and "Slaying the Wolf" were sent to the group: "Number one! Xiaoyao posted two more songs."

"Fuck!! Doesn't this grandson need time to write songs?"

"Damn! Too productive."

"Don't tell me he's going to be a B-level creator this month."

"If he rushes up in a month, I will kneel down and call him Dad."

"He became a B-level creator in three months, and I always call him daddy."

At this time, Qian Qiuyuan secretly sent a screenshot to Xiaoyao: "Brother Xiaoyao, give them a chance to be sons."

Xiaoyao: "The cost of raising a son is too high now."

Qian Qiuyuan didn't expect Xiaoyao to reply like this, and was slightly taken aback.Then he asked a huge question: "What is the relationship between Xiaoyao and Li Xiaoyao?"

Xiaoyao: "The relationship between Li and not Li."

Qian Qiuyuan: "????"

This guy!Are you playing word games?


Watching the premiere of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", Zhou You gained a little living point.

It was already eleven o'clock when I got out of the shower and lay on the bed.

Taking a look at the new song list on Yueting platform, "Xiaoyaotan" is already number one on the list.

"Slaying the Wolf" is not that strong, but it has already ranked No.10 on the new song list.

Nearly [-] points have been obtained again.

Walked around Weitt for a while.

His Weibo fans have reached 2500 million.

"Xiao Qi, check the personal information panel." Zhou You whispered.

"Good host."

Host: Zhou You

Remaining life points: 16 points

Accumulated life points: 386 points

Number of lucky draws: 1 times

Draw now.

Yesterday I got the underworld-like "Happiness".

Today he went to the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang and saw the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in the "burial pit" of Qin Shihuang, but they were actually buried in the tomb. He hopes to open the "Ghost Blowing Lantern" series!
Four golden cloud pattern cards floated in front of his eyes.

Travel around and choose the first one quickly!
One emperor through the ages.

The first card quickly zoomed in, flipped over, and burst into golden light.

[Congratulations for winning the novel "The Exquisite Ancient City of Ghost Blowing Lamp"]

Finally got the first part of the "Ghost Blowing Lantern" series.

I thought I had to go to Jingjue Ancient City to get it!

Now the "Ghost Blowing Lantern" series can be started.



The second is delivered.

Ding!Congratulations to the author for getting the monthly ticket from the reader*N~
(End of this chapter)

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