I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 152 "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" Helps the Orange Band, Asks Li Yan by Na

Chapter 152 "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" Helps the Orange Band, Asks Li Yan by Name

Jin Shengtang is also very concerned about whether he enters the palace for the second time.

I have been paying attention to the ranking of "Horse City".

He listened to this song, and felt that the lyrics were good, but the music wasn't too bright... The main thing was Zhou You's singing.But it is true that the lyrics resonate with urban young people.

In just two hours, "Horse City" has reached the 24th place on the new song list.

And still going up.

But not as fierce as last month's "Life Like a Summer Flower"!
Jin Shengtang's new work "We" is now ranked No. 5.
This time, I shouldn't be forced into the palace twice by "Horse City"... After all, I'm also considered an S-level creator, and I really want to be "pressed and beaten"!Anyway, save face!We must sing lament again.

Another hour later, "Horse City" rushed to the third place on the new song list.

"We" ranked fourth!
"Damn it! The Golden Temple has been killed again?"

"Personally, I think "We" is better this time..."Horse City" may have relied on Zhou You's fame to make it to the top."

"Anyway! Xiaoyao has also beaten the creator of an S-level master."

"Hang and beat half of the S-level creators."

Fans, creators, and singers talked a lot.

Jin Shengtang was planning to write an elegy, and half an hour later, "We" rushed to the second place, and "Horse City" was still in the third place.

Over again!
And then became the number one on the list, and never came down again.

A-level peak, half-step master creator, the work is still very good.

Jin Shengtang finally breathed a sigh of relief.


After the release of "Wrangler City", the search volume of the Wrangler brand and the number of visits to the official website increased significantly, and the search engine index showed an obvious upward trend.

The effect of brand promotion is very good.

But more importantly, many people noticed that this advertisement of Muma was actually shot and produced by Big Fish Studio.

"Damn it! Big Fish Studio is still accepting advertising business?"

"Music, film and television, novels, commercials... Big Fish Studio's business is a bit complicated, it does everything."

"The key people are still doing well."

"Big Fish Studio is doing advertising business, isn't it for selling commercial songs?"

"You say that! It seems to be true."

Zhou Lingyu paid close attention to these comments. The first advertisement of Big Fish Studio's advertising department had a good effect.

The first shot was fired.

The advertising business of Big Fish Studio is to sell commercial songs?This matter has to be confirmed with the boss... If the boss's original intention is this way, when planning advertisements in the future, he must consider the commercial song.

in addition!Advertisement staff will continue to be recruited.

At the same time, I am also looking for a second order.

Zhou Lingyu compiled a list of companies, and starting today, she will call and visit each one... She needs to develop the advertising business of Dayu Studio, and she really feels like starting her own business!Come on Zhou Lingyu!She cheers herself up.

But to her surprise, before she had time to make a call, a business came to her door by herself.



At two o'clock in the afternoon, the four of you finally arrived at the North Peak of Mount Hua.

Climbing started at 09:30 in the morning, and it took a full four and a half hours to climb the North Peak.

The North Peak is 1614.9 meters above sea level.

The moment he climbed the North Peak, Zheng Hudong was already sweating profusely. He was so fat that he didn't even bother to walk to the wooden bench next to him, but just slumped on the ground. "Exhausted! Now my legs are weak."

Although he stopped and walked, Zheng Hudong was still terribly tired.

After all, with so much meat on your body, it is no different from climbing a mountain with a heavy load.

Sha Rui and Li Yan also sat down to rest and drink water.

Zhou You, who has the physique of a special soldier, doesn't feel great.

Holding up the camera to take pictures of the mountains.

Take a picture of Zheng Hudong's embarrassed appearance.

[Climb to the North Peak, life point +1]

Huashan has five main peaks in the southeast, northwest, and middle.

The five main peaks are tall and sharp, as if they were cut with knives and axes, which are different from all the mountain scenery Zhou You has seen.

"Shui Jing Zhu" describes Mount Hua in this way: "It is five thousand feet high, cut into squares, and looking at it from a distance, it looks like a flower."

Huatong flower.

In ancient times, flowers and flowers were common.

Looking from a distance, the peaks of Huashan Mountain look like a lotus flower in full bloom.

In addition to the five peaks, there are seventy other peaks surrounded by arches.

It's true: Xiyue Yu is respected, and the peaks are listed like children and grandchildren.

[Guanhuashan unique mountain scenery, life point +1]

After Zheng Hudong, Sha Rui, and Li Yan rested, they were finally in the mood to appreciate the scenery of Mount Hua at the top.

"It's so strange!" Li Yan exclaimed, "Mount Hua is simply a mountain of stones."

Look around!

What I saw was a group of stones.

Vegetation grows tenaciously from the cracks in the stones.

"Mount Hua was originally a huge rock." Sha Rui said, "The whole mountain is a piece of granite, and a single stone forms a mountain."

"A single stone makes a mountain?" Zheng Hudong was surprised when he heard this, "The whole mountain is just one piece of granite?"

"Yes!" Sha Rui said affirmatively.

"Damn it!" Zheng Hudong said almost subconsciously, "Director, cut this part and do it again."

Then he returned to his surprised expression, "Oh my God!"

Zhou You: ...

Ho Dong!

How can you know Xiao Yueyue's lines?

Zheng Hudong's move amused everyone.

Sure enough, he has a great sense of joy in variety shows.

Under Sha Rui's "science popularization", Zhou You and others learned that about 1.2 million years ago, the magma in the crust of the Huashan area rose and cooled at 3000-6000 meters underground, forming this huge granite.

About 7000 million years ago, this piece of granite began to bulge toward the ground. After being exposed to wind and sun, it finally formed today's Ruili Huashan.

Zhou You and his party stayed at the North Peak for a while, and then headed towards the East Peak.

Pass the famous Canglong Ridge.

There are cliffs on both sides of Canglong Ridge.

Walking on this road, Zhou You kept thinking: How did the ancients build the road here.

Looking to the sides, Li Yan, who was a little afraid of heights, said: "My God! Although there are guardrails, my feet are still trembling."

Zheng Hudong: "It's too dangerous."

Sha Rui: "I admire the first person to climb Mount Hua."

Sha Rui said that he admired the people who carved stone ladders when he climbed the thousand-foot building.

On the steep slopes of [-] or [-] degrees, they still need to be careful when climbing the mountain, but what about those who dig stone steps?It's hard to imagine how hard that process was.

Canglong Ridge is like a hanging dragon.

Walking on it is like walking on thin blades.

Tourists line up in a long line on Canglong Ridge.

Quite spectacular.

Here we go!

Zhou You once again felt the danger of Huashan!
If you make a mistake here, you will really be hated forever.

From North Peak to East Peak, the scenery along the way is very good.

Zhou You and his party stop and go, sometimes taking pictures, and sometimes using drones to take pictures of the mountain scenery.Flying a drone here, every time Zhou You has to pray that the plane will not be bombed.

It is absolutely impossible to find the drone dropped here.

And it must be smashed to pieces.

In the end...it was a blast!

If you don’t blow up a drone a few times, it seems that your resume is not complete.The most hateful thing is that after the bombing, the system rewarded a little life point... The reason is that it was the first bombing!Zhou You seriously suspects that this system is not serious.

When we arrived at the East Peak, it was already dark.

The four of them will live in Dongfeng tonight.

They booked accommodation in advance - Huashan Hotel.

The room prices here are not cheap.

A deluxe standard room costs 1240 yuan a night, and an ordinary room costs 960 yuan.
In the end they chose a quadruple room, 1480.

Even at this price, if you don't book in advance, there is no room.

Traveling around, they saw many people holding thick clothes and preparing to sit outside for a night in the open air.

It is windy at night, and it will be very cold if you spend a night in the open air on the top of Huashan Mountain in summer.

After checking in, Zheng Hudong immediately put on his sandals and then slumped on the bed, climbing a mountain for a day, which was difficult for him.

Zhou You and the others also rested for a while, and the four of them went to eat slowly.

After dinner, I watched the starry sky of Huashan outside for a while.

The starry sky of Mount Huashan is incomparable with the starry sky of Mount Everest in Weizang.

But still bright and bright.

At about ten o'clock, the four returned to the room and began to wash and sleep.

Just after taking a shower and traveling around, I received "Songs of Chang'an People" from Zhang Yao.

Zhang Yao's work efficiency is high.

The song was only sent to him yesterday, and the full version recorded by Orange Band has also been sent today.

Apparently Zhang Yao probably guessed that this song would be used in the program "Traveler" when he saw "Song of Chang'an People", and then asked Orange Band to record it immediately, and then asked Chen Luo to deal with it urgently.

So the finished product was released tonight.

Tangerine recorded two versions.

One is the original.

One is the band version recorded by Orange Band with slight adjustments.

Zhou You listened to two versions.

It's all pretty good.

Considering that this song was intended to promote Orange Band, Zhou You sent the band version to Wang Hou. "I wrote a new song, and Dao Wang may use it in the sixth episode of the show."

After sending it to Wang Hou, Zhou You found the band variety show "Summer Band" and started to watch the variety show.

Well, in fact, he mainly wanted to see the performance of Orange Band.

And at the end of the month, the other two teams that compete with Orange Band and have the best chance of winning.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you survive a hundred battles.


The director Wang Hou and others next door were crowded into a ten-person room.

Wang Jia and other female employees have another room.

At this moment, Wang Hou and Li Yan are editing the leading film of the sixth episode of "Traveler".

On the other hand, the responsible director of China National Tourism Station is also in charge of editing the feature film of the sixth episode.

The sixth program was co-produced by Kunlun and National Taiwan Tourism Station, and the prince felt a lot more relaxed in an instant, after all, there were more people.

At the same time, he needs to communicate with the director in charge of National TV on how to edit.

"Add the material of Huashan Mountain that was shot today." Wang Hou said.

It was originally planned that this program would only be in Chang'an City.

But after discussing with the director of National TV, it would be even more inappropriate to put Huashan in the next program.

After all, the group of four in the next program is going to Ganzhou.

Ganzhou mainly shoots the Hexi Corridor.

Both directors believe that the Ganzhou part should be released separately, and the content of the Huashan part should not be mixed as much as possible.

Although the Huashan part has not been filmed, and the sixth lead film will be released tomorrow, it doesn't matter, as long as there are shots of Huashan.

"Okay boss." Xu Feifei imported some of the material from Huashan, and then began editing under the guidance of the prince.

"Join the music." Wang Hou said.

Xu Feifei opened the music material folder.Wang Hou pointed to a folder on the screen called "Xiaoyao Custom Music Library".

"This one." After Xu Feifan opened the folder, the prince pointed to the song "Heshan Dahao".

The Five Sacred Mountains appear in the lyrics.

Chang'an also appeared.

And this song is related to travel!

It's just right for this song.

When Xu Feifan was adding music, suddenly the icon of Wanghou's mailbox, which was logged in, flickered in the lower right corner of the computer.

[Xiaoyao sent you an email, do you want to check it now? 】

Seeing that it was from Xiaoyao, Xu Feifei immediately cast a questioning look at the prince.

"Open it." Wanghou said.

Xu Feifei called the document immediately.

There is only a short text in it, "Wrote a new song, the sixth episode of the show may be useful for Director Wang."

Wanghou and Xu Feifan were both excited when they saw this line of text.

Xu Feifan immediately downloaded the attachment.

After the download was complete, the prince couldn't wait to say: "Listen!"

Then Xu Feifei's voice was released, and "Song of Chang'an People" sounded in the room.

"Under the city walls of Chang'an people are Chang'an people's trains. No matter where Chang'an people go, they must eat paomo..."

"You can touch the city walls of thousands of years now, and the snacks in Chang'an are enough to make you a foodie. There used to be royal grandsons buried under your feet..."

"Is this a song specially made for Chang'an?" Xu Feifei said.

Wanghou instantly thought of "Chengdu".

At the beginning, "Chengdu" sang Jinguancheng, but now, he said excitedly: "Chang'an is going to be popular!"

The staff in the room gathered around when they heard the singing.

"This song was written by Xiaoyao?"

"Absolutely!! This is Chang'an dialect singing!! It sounds a bit good."

"It sounds like I want to eat steamed buns again." Wang Jia said, "But it doesn't sound like Zhou You."

"This is written." Xu Feifei said, "It's the orange band from Big Fish Studio."

Originally, he had planned to use "Heshan Dahao" as the music for the lead film, but now after listening to the song "Song of Chang'an People", he hesitated.

After thinking about it carefully, he still didn't change it in the end.

Well, "The Song of Chang'an People" is more suitable for the feature film.

Xu Feifei: "I feel more and more that we are doing a music show."

Wang Jia: "I also think...our program is a large-scale MV of Xiaoyao's works."

Wang Hou: "Isn't it good for you to get bonuses for these large MVs?"

Wang Jia: "Okay! Let Teacher Xiaoyao come more!"


Zhou You chatted with Zhang Yao while watching "Summer Band".

Zhou also discovered that most of the songs selected by the Orange Band were works sung by Xu Fang.

"Blue Lotus", "Ordinary Road", "Once Upon a Time You" and so on.

Of course, they also sang their masterpiece "Summer Soseki".

Tangerine's selections are rarely compared to other singers.

Zhou You: "What's the matter with the orange band's selection? Are they all my songs?"

Zhang Yao: "I don't want to squeeze the wool."

Zhou You: "Squeeze wool?"

Zhang Yao: "The orange band will be on the program, and the program team will pay a certain amount of announcement fees. At the same time, it can also build up the reputation of the orange band. Well, choosing the works of the boss is highly accepted by the audience. "Summer Band" will also give us a copyright The usage fee kills three birds with one stone."

The corners of Zhou You's mouth twitched when he heard this.

And this operation?
Unexpectedly, the second boss has a lot of tricks...

Zhou You: "It is a good thing to make more money, but you can't let the orange band be too limited. I watched the show, and the [-] bands that entered the semi-finals are all good."

"Especially the two bands from Shining Star Media and Spotlight Entertainment. Both giants want their bands to get out of the circle, and they have spent a lot of resources on them, so we can't be shabby."

Zhang Yao: "What instructions does the boss have?"

Zhou You: "Next week is the quarter-finals, right?"

Zhang Yao: "Yes."

Zhou You: "Give them a new song and let them sing it on stage."

After finishing speaking, Zhou You sent "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" to Zhang Yao.

At present, the only songs that Zhou You has not used or released are "Childhood", "Just Be Ordinary", "Encounter" and "囍".

"Heshan Dahao" has been sent to the prince, he will probably use these two songs in the show, and it is not suitable for Orange Band to sing.

The only suitable one in my hand is the song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky".

It shouldn't be a problem to break into the quarterfinals with this song.

Zhang Yao: "With the support of the boss! The orange band has reached the top eight. I was quite worried before."

After talking about the orange band's competition, Zhang Yao reported the situation and progress of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" to Zhou You.

Director Long Wu is in the process of rigorous actor selection.

Most of the roles have already been settled.

Cheng Yong chose actor Xu Shan.

Xu Shanying was bald early in his life, but compared with Xu Zheng on Earth, he is quite a person.

On the contrary, the role of Lu Yiyi has been pending.Zhang Yao said: "Long Wu is very optimistic about Li Yan playing this role! But Li Yan is recording "Traveler", and the follow-up schedule is also arranged, so I have to give up. And the actors who have come to audition are all bad. That makes a lot of sense."

Benefit from Li Yan playing Lu?

The images of Li Yan and Wang Chuanjun are quite different.

But this is Blue Star's version of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" after all, so it's not necessary to find an actor completely according to Wang Chuanjun's image... Li Yan is a play lunatic, but it's okay.

He has long hair, which looks good.After getting along for so long, Zhou You is still very optimistic about Li Yan.

"There's no rush." ​​Zhou You said, "You can contact Li Yan to have a look. As long as you can find a good actor and produce the desired effect, it's okay to start the film a month later. We're not in a hurry."

"I understand what the boss means, so I'll contact Long Wu now."

After finishing the conversation, Zhang Yao immediately called Long Wu to tell him about it.

Zhang Yao: "Old..." He almost said it was the boss, and immediately changed his words, "Mr. Ye Youshen said, you can use Li Yan. As long as you can find a suitable actor, it doesn't matter if you start the film later or finish the filming later."

Long Wu: "I understand Mr. Zhang!"

After Long Wu hung up the phone, he immediately contacted Li Yan's manager.

Li Yan's agent called Li Yan in a hurry: "I missed the role of Li Xiaoyao last time, didn't you always worry about it? I want to act in a play written by Ye Youshen! Now is my chance! Ye Youshen wrote a new movie script , called "I'm Not the God of Medicine"! Well-known names let you play the male lead!"

Li Yan: "Mr. Ye Youshen thinks highly of me, so of course I can't refuse! But my schedule."

Manager: "Teacher Ye Youshen said, you can't make it to the schedule, even if you start the machine later."

Li Yan: "How can I do that? I can't delay the shooting progress because of me!"

Agent: "Then...won't you accept?"

Li Yan: "Rearrange the itinerary for me! If you can push it, push it, if you can move it back, move it back. Let's take care of Teacher Ye Youshen's play first."

Agent: "Okay! I think so too. "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is so popular recently! Being able to cooperate with Teacher Ye Youshen has a promising future."

Zhou You was lying on the bed and heard Li Yan calling.

Hearing the words Yeyoushen, he immediately became curious. Seeing that Li Yan was so excited, after he hung up the phone, he immediately asked, "What's so good about it?"

Li Yan said excitedly: "That's great, that's great!! It's Teacher Ye Youshen! He wrote a new script, and he's casting a role now! He asked me to play the lead actor by name! Some boots!"

"Teacher Yeyoushen values ​​me so much! I'm so terrified."

Zhou You was a little confused when he heard the words.

When did I ask you to act by name?

How did this Zhang Yao spread the word?


The first update, 5300 words.

It's exactly twelve o'clock, I'm too hungry, ask for two monthly tickets, buy food~~ skin!
(End of this chapter)

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